Local Government TV

Thursday, March 01, 2018

A-Town City Council Calls News Conference for 5 pm Today at City Hall

I'll be on my way to Pleasant Valley, but A-town City Council has scheduled a 5 pm news conference at City Hall today. I believe the presser will address the possible assault of City Council member Cynthia Mota by an angry Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed " Pawlowski last week. Fed Ed can deny it happened and then later say, "I wasn't correctly telling the truth."


  1. Those few Allentown City Council members who showed up at the Pawlowski corruption trial didn’t stay in the courtroom very long.
    Is it any wonder?
    All this filth and corruption, and the 54 felony counts,are just the tip of the iceberg and happened on their watch.
    It’s a appalling, unparalleled example of failed goverment at every level.
    The City of Allentown is in meltdown.

  2. Hopefully Ms. Mota will follow through!

  3. It’s time for the Lehigh County Court to step in to the breach and deal with restoring this collapsed municipal goverment.
    This is a black eye to the region and the state.

  4. I also heard that city council will be exposing the mayor today for going after Mota. Too bad he was not exposed a long time ago, along with his bully bureau managers. All current and former city employees must stand up to the bullies!

  5. I wonder why The Mayor did not get into it with Council Members McLean and Zucal.

  6. Bernie,7:25am's STATEment calling for relief from Lehighcounty is a joke just like the bicounty circus carnival diversionist actz. Can that person say palatable drinking water in the same breath as Lehigh county?
    This is just one rotten apple in a barrel that is rotten and should be were waste water is treated! There is enough stealing of public assets that the monies put to print in some factually faked spreadsheet that there are many tainted at home and abroad?

  7. Are there not cameras all through out the City Hall municipal complex? maybe there is video of this confrontation somewhere.

  8. 6:00 pm Pawlowski guilty on 47 charges!!!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. On Pawlowski's mayoral FB page it states that due to the storm trash collection will start early in Allentown.

    They got an even earlier start than the major expected on getting rid of the garbage.

  11. Did this ever happen? I can't find any news about the news conference. I would imagine news of the mayor's convictions overshadowed anything Council had to say....

  12. Those sure are some spicy meatballs!

  13. Guilty but he has millions hidden

  14. These verdicts speak very well of the card carrying assholes who just re-elected the slimy reptile. City Without Limits To Its Idiocy

  15. Canary_In_CoalmineMarch 1, 2018 at 7:06 PM

    The verdict is in and you called it, Bernie.

    Sad story for the city and for the Pawlowski family too.

  16. You're owed an atta-boy, Bernie.

    I can't remember anyone talking about Pawlowski's corruption before you did. And you got it right story after story. And you took a lot of nonsense for it from a lot of simpletons.

    Ben Franklin would be proud of your citizen-journalism.

  17. But he hasn't even been charged...er...convicted...er...denied appeal yet.

    Everyone hear just jumping to conclusions.

  18. Sad thing is, if he ran for re-election tomorrow he’d probably win easily. Anyone on city council during the years prior to indictment should immediately resign. They enabled every single one of those crimes.

  19. Bernie you called this one from the start, despite your usual small set of detractors using their tired allegations that you had a bee in your bonnet that didn't belong there. Congratulations on your successful endeavor.

  20. @6:26 pm....Lehigh Valley Live (Express Times) covered it. Go there and read about Ed the bully.

  21. About right now, does ones asshole moisten or dry up knowing you will be going to jail for a long time?

  22. Hey, maybe he'll get luck and get into the ARD program. Then get voted onto council like Mayor Strye did in Nazareth!!! Then write a letter to the local papers telling everyone how he committed perjury, but ONLY did for the good of the "team". LMFAO!!!!!

  23. Although I'll take accolades whenever I can get them, I need to correctly tell the truth.

    I first began exposing Fed Ed in 2007, but was the second blogger to do so. The first is Allentown blogger Michael Molovinsky. He deserves the credit for first exposing him, and opening my eyes. After that, I'd say both of us exposed him pretty well. I believe my reports were more factual, while his succinct style was better suited to his verbal slam dunks.

    For a few years, we were both pretty much excoriated. At this time, although they won't like me saying it, The Morning Call was just one of Fed Ed's tools. The city editors were his cheerleaders. I'll never forget the time Molovinsky hosted an "Allentown Speak Out!"forum, where I learned just how Fed Ed's less fortunate Minority business owners. A woman targeted by building inspectors. An elderly woman who was bullied for conducting occasional yard sales.

    Public perception finally began to change when Jarrett Renshaw was hired to cover the City. He did exceptional investigative work concerning Fed Ed's campaign finances, as I did as well. But Renshaw left to work for another newspaper, covering a Governor.

    In the meantime, Fed Ed was alienating some of his original supporters with his plans to build a trash to energy business.He alienated others when he leased the city's water and sewer.

    They began asking tough questions, and members of City Council began speaking forcefully against him. These include the late Michael Donovan, who passed away before his time. They also include Allentown's very own Iron Lady, Jeanette Eichenwald.

    Then The Morning Call brought Emily Opilo to cover the City. I was initially suspicious of her. I have seen too many reporters who have learned to keep their heads down. They have been conditioned to write about shallow things like the "Five Things I like Best about Friday" or where to get the best ham sandwich. But her coverage was nothing short of excellent, even before news of the investigation broke. The paper also hired Peter Hall, a seasoned court reporter.

    By the time news of the investigation broke, Fed Ed had lost most of his original supporters, City Council had wised up and Pawlowski was forced to go to the very minorities he had disparaged in 2007.

    Federal authorities, especially FBI Special Agent Scott Curtis, obviously deserve the gratitude of the citizens of Allentown. AUSA Michelle Morgan should be commended for reminding the people of Allentown that there is no King.

  24. Classy and well written acknowledgements of individual efforts, Bernie. Nice.

  25. God bless them one and all.

  26. 20 without parole.


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