Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Suffer the Little Children

Whether you support more gun control or think we all should walk around with bazookas, decent people of all persuasions were deeply saddened by the latest mass shooting at a school in Parkland, FL. If high school students who saw their classmates die before their eyes wanted to speak out, good people who may disagree with them would let them go. They are victims. Unfortunately, as he's demonstrated too many times, Authoritarian Donald Trump is far from decent. His myrmidons are even worse.

First, Trump tweeted that the shooter's classmates knew he was a headcase and should have reported him. The implication, of course, is that what happened was their fault. After this incredibly insensitive statement, he doubled down and slammed rank-and-file FBI agents who by their own admission failed to follow upon on either one or two complaints.

Gateway Pundit
suggested that one of these students had ben coached and that his dad is - gasp! - one of those dirty FBI agents. By the end of the day, these kids were being vilified as "actors" and "plants."

These ugly attacks demonstrate, as much as any mass shooting or assault rifle, that we have become quite a hateful society.


  1. The guy went to the Florida hospital. He did a photo-op with some staff for about ten minutes and then rushed to his nightclub for disco night party.
    The guy is a clown. Only hos most fanatical supporters see him as anything else.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Uh Bernie, who are you responding to? 4:10 is referring to the Cheeto n chief I believe.

  4. This is a cheap ploy to go after the second amendment using the emotion of the moment. People should be ashamed of themselves.

    1. The 2nd amendment is fastly misunderstood and outdated. You don't need your guns especially to protect yourself from Indian attacks. If the government wants to suppress you your gun is useless against tanks and missiles

  5. I don't think we're more hateful. I think the coverage of the hateful is more immersive and much faster. Our politicians, left and right, are taking advantage of this for political gain. It's important to remember that all news, left and right, is a commercial product that sells advertising. There's frustration on all sides because nothing can be done. In the FL case, all of our civic structures failed to prevent it. Gun deaths are consistently dropping. 51% of them in 2016 were suicides (mostly white guys in their 50s). The rest are mostly confined to a number of cities where bad guys prey on their own communities, and handguns are the weapon of choice. The worst school massacre in US history took place in the 1920s in rural Michigan, where explosives were used. In our frustration, we blame each other and the first thing or institution that comes into view. The fact is, we live in a far safer society than 30 or 50 or 100 years ago.

  6. 457 needs a male anaotmy extension.

  7. Sounds like a Bernie Sanders blog ! lol

  8. Lots of bull shit about nothing that matters. the biggest question should be , How did a non student with a rifle walk into a school.? What kind of security did this school have? What kind of security does any school have? Security needs to be improved, everywhere now.

  9. It seems, to me, that most of the comments here, and elsewhere on the internet, are directly related to only this latest shooting.
    We'd need to take into consideration the numerous other shootings, in the past 5 years or so, to evaluate security measures and any potential accessibility restrictions to weapons.

  10. "The 2nd amendment is fastly misunderstood and outdated. You don't need your guns especially to protect yourself from Indian attacks. If the government wants to suppress you your gun is useless against tanks and missiles"

    Fair enough. Repeal it. There's a clearly defined process. Get to work. It's a long and difficult slog.

  11. 9.09
    no need to repeal the 2nd.
    the Courts have ruled that the government can restrict types of guns.
    if you want to but Sudafed in Florida you have to have photo id and your name gets entered into a database and you are restricted in the amount you can buy.
    if you want a assault rifle hey -- over here is the express lane checkout.
    Assault rifles are big money makers for gun dealers and manufacturers.
    they are who the NRA works for.

  12. Here is the problem with what the "media" is doing. These kids just suffered a horrific tragic event at a HIGHLY impressionable time in their lives. Instead of giving these children time to grieve, process, understand, and reflect on what happened they are shoved in front of cameras and asked their opinion on a very volatile topic that I'm sure most have very little knowledge or care in the world about prior too this event. Can you imagine being 14 years old and being asked in front of the nation what your opinion is on something? No, you can't. These kids are being very articulate for being so young. They are not doing the natural thing here which is blame the killer for taking 17 of their friends from them. Instead the media is giving them a pat on the back telling them how important what they are doing all while not understanding the gravity of the situation that just happened. These kids are not "actors" or "plants" like some nuts think but they are being steered towards a topic of discussion. Unfortunately a lot of mental damage is being done to these kids with this media attention. I'm all for smarter gun control but both sides of the aisle have been completely reactive and never proactive on this issue and they never will. Oh and this is a big deal the FBI dropped a huge ball with regards to the killer. If they missed this what else are they missing. The FBI is a government agency like the military. The military leadership has been on Capitol Hill more then enough times answering the mail for mistakes and it's time for the FBI to do the same.

  13. 7.52

    "Lots of bull shit about nothing that matters"-- the parents of the dead may have a different opinion.
    so where does it end.
    hardened security at wal mart?
    every church?
    every town with a fireworks display?
    the easier solution is make sure that lunatics do not have access to assault rifles.

  14. I am a 2A advocate, but not the extremist. I hunt and own weapons. Hand guns and semi-auto rifles.
    How about some legislation that sane people can live with.

    A past incident of anti-social behavior (false bomb threat, social media posts that threaten others, road rage, etc.)? Ownership denied
    On prescription medications? (for depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, etc.) Ownership denied
    Here's a really simple one... You can't drink or buy cigarettes until 21. Make it the same for gun ownership.
    European countries have strict requirements for gun ownership. This rant prevents the (now an adult) German kid in this video from owning a gun.

  15. Trump's response is typical...shift blame, muddy the waters, cause discourse, distract, repeat. He'll say whatever he thinks will keep the NRA happy, and apparently a majority of our elected officials agree.

    We need responsible gun laws. I agree with Colbert, it's up to the kids now. I love what they're doing and I hope they keep it up all the way into the upcoming elections. Incumbents, pay attention to your constituents and vote accordingly. Everyone's watching.

  16. 10.00
    " asked their opinion on a very volatile topic that I'm sure most have very little knowledge or care in the world about prior too this event."

    you might be surprised how quickly kids see thru bullshit.
    can they make policy level decisions?
    probably not.
    however they know what they have seen.
    they can ask to have assault weapons banned.
    seems that it is a fair request.
    i would like to see the defense of unfettered access to assault weapons?

  17. 10.11
    i am glad to see you feel that certain situations would keep people from owning guns.
    a quick question--should assault rifles be available to everyone or banned?

  18. Trump is a symptom of recent decline in the national conversation. MSNBC/Fox too. All three are accelerating the decline.

    And there's this...


  19. 10:12.......teenagers seeing thru bullsh*t.....come on next you're going to tell me they should vote too. There is a reason that Joe Camel was a problem it targeted and appeased a very young and impressionable group (teens). Kids are smart don't get me wrong they have a massive amount of access to the world I never had at their age but now there is so much information getting thrown at them they are having a hard time weeding thru what you would call "bullsh*t".

    Secondly, as I said I'm all for smart gun laws but this constant knee jerk reaction by both sides of the aisle is a waste of time and energy. One, there are actually a lot of gun laws on the books. First, there should be a review to ensure they are being upheld to the standard. Two, tougher background checks, and three proper training. If you want to buy a gun great but you need to learn to respect and understand the gravity of owning a weapon whether it be for hunting, shooting, or protection. It goes without saying but even with cities with the toughest gun laws have major gun issues.

  20. 10.00
    "Oh and this is a big deal the FBI dropped a huge ball with regards to the killer."
    just to get this straight if the FBI sees a video of a guy say shooting at a politicians picture they can intervene?
    even IF the FBI talked to this kid they could not seize his weapons.

  21. Well if we look at what the President actually does, maybe he will consider a ban on AR's in about 4 months...word is he might actually be looking at a ban on bump stocks, 4 months after the last mass shooting. He golfs while funerals are held. He is an absolute embarrassment as a President. Truly.

  22. 10.12
    "they are having a hard time weeding thru what you would call "bullsh*t"
    well a lunatic with an assault rifle killed people they knew.
    they would like to see them banned.
    pretty simple.
    no weeding thru needed
    i respect your ideas of training and responsibility.
    the NRA would beg to differ.
    a quick question--should an assault rifle be available to the general public without any conditions?

  23. 10.40
    "actually be looking at a ban on bump stocks"
    with just enough time for the fanatics to stockpile as many as they want.

  24. 10:36...Yes the FBI should intervene that's their job. If they received a report of a person posting videos such as that they should open up an investigation and deem if he is a credible threat or not. Yet in your mind the FBI is purely a reactive agency? Secondly, if the FBI would of opened and investigation on the shooter in Florida they probably could of easily deemed him a credible threat not just to the school but to others considering all of the news that has come out about his past. But you seem to be of the idea and thought that "Oh, I saw something but why say anything". The FBI needs to answer on their criteria on receiving tips and following thru. I understand the FBI receives thousands of tips a day but someone needs to look into their system and improve on this.

  25. You needed this to demonstrate we are a hateful society? There are literally 193,329,234,234 other examples. Trump's tweet wasn't inaccurate, the kid was a head case and everyone knew it, even the FBI apparently. No-one followed through with an investigation. I am really struggling to understand what the point of this particular blog entry is.

    - Colin

  26. 10:44...I have never said a weapon such as an AR-15 should be available to the public without conditions but the conditions shouldn't be an all out ban. Tougher background checks, (possible to include mental health) need to be looked in to. If you look at history unfortunately most of the mass shootings/gun violence that occur are with pistols not assault weapons. an AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon, its no more lethal then a 9mm pistol, .308, glock 45, etc.

  27. 3-d Printers will allow for printable guns in 50 years or less, guns that don't fail after a few rounds. It's a brave new world my arsenal is expanding everyday and the gun grabbing pant suit wearing globalists will need seal team 6 to breach the compound.


  28. 10.36
    "Yes the FBI should intervene that's their job"

    the FBI still could not seize his weapons.
    all the kid has to say is that he is "trash talking".
    knowing that the FBI is taking an interest in him MIGHT have caused him to stop.
    but then again it might not.
    as to shooting at politicians pictures a police chief in PA did that.
    the FBI could not take his weapons either.
    if i remember correctly a large number of gun advocates were supporting the chief as they felt he had a right to do what he did.

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. Russia is using social media to exacerbate existing divides, and promoting conspiracy theories, some i've seen espoused by a person i use to respect, Gary Olsen, and his "deep state" theory which is Russia interference 101. My brother's vote was influenced by the Russian pro-Trump propaganda, and I"m sure the Russians gave the election to Trump, there is really no doubt he's an illegitimate "president" and his campaign was clearly aware of Russian help in getting him elected.

    The Gun Lobby is so strong, and there are so many reasons people love/own guns, but the bottom line is money. if the NRA wasn't funding all these idiots, we would have reasonable gun laws that most people would tolerate. Instead, we are being ruled by a minority, turning into an Oligarchy, Russia lite if you will.

    I hope the kids in Florida can make some change, and that people who support sane gun laws and regulations can counter the nonsensical arguments made by people with motives which are contrary to the values of the majority of Americans.

  31. Security can start today at the nations schools. Why the waste on philosophical arguments that in the end will not make school children safer. If all guns were confiscated, which is an impossibility, children would still not be safe without security. There are numerous ways to cause death and destruction without guns.

  32. 10.44
    thanks for answering the question.
    "an AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon, its no more lethal then a 9mm pistol, .308, glock 45, etc"
    i guess then the Army should just carry pistols.
    the assault rifle is designed to kill people quickly and creates massively more damage to victims then pistols and etc.
    so the argument that a glock kills as well does not make them the same.
    there is merit in treating an assault rifle differently than other weapons

  33. 11:03......again I'm not sure of the point you are trying to prove with this. I think the FBI should do more and yet you are pandering the FBI shouldn't do anything? The FBI was notified TWICE about this kid it was their duty to look into him. We will never know what the investigation would of found or the outcome would be at this point but that doesn't mean the FBI shouldn't do their job of investigating a possible threat. Clearly there is a problem within the FBI. It could be they are undermanned, ill-equipped, or a breakdown in communication between offices. It needs looked in to and fixed but if you're not understanding that and think everything is "perfect" then good for you.

  34. 11.11
    "Security can start today at the nations schools"
    fair enough.
    so any person aside from police carrying a gun within 1500 ft of a school should be arrested?
    there is one solution.
    should gun owners walking around town with assault rifles slung be told to go home?
    the NRA would fight that forever

  35. 11:12.....without getting into ballistics and stopping power of the different rounds used by each weapon my argument still stands. An AR-15 is a semi-automatic weapon, so is a 9mm pistol, so is a glock, so is 99% of guns out there to purchase today. History has shown that people can do just as much damage with a pistol than an AR-15. Banning one type of weapon isn't the answer here nor is banning all weapons.

  36. 11.14
    the FBI could not seize his weapons as he bought them legally.
    good old poopy pants Nugent got investigated for wild claims against a politician.
    his guns were not seized.
    he simply claimed "trash talking".
    so this kid could have claimed the same thing and tell the FBI to pound sand.

  37. 11.12
    "History has shown that people can do just as much damage with a pistol than an AR-15"
    so the Vegas shooter would have killed the same number of people?
    sorry that dog don't hunt.
    he does fish however.
    the problem with different weapon types?
    ok i do not like the idea of drones flying over my property so i want a weapon a stinger missile.
    clearly unreasonable i hope.
    far as i know there is no restriction for me to build an equivalent.
    should i be able to sell them?
    after all a weapon is a weapon right.
    so different weapons should be treated differently.

  38. 11.11 you are part of the problem, rather than talk about security in schools, you want to get into 1500 ft from school and hack around in the weeds. You are more interested in political bullshit than in protecting children. It should be impossible for anyone to enter a school with a weapon undetected.

  39. 11:23....Ok, so here is where your argument continues to stagnate. The Secret Service looked in to Ted and found him not be a credible threat....why? Because they actually investigated him. The FBI did't open an investigation on this kid(which they had every right and need too). So you can't just sit there and say this kid would of said he was trash talking and the FBI would of moved on. We won't know unfortunately and this doesn't clear the FBI from doing their due diligence and opening up an investigation on a tip received to deem a threat credible or not. The FBI wouldn't just look into this kid and say "Hey, did you say this?" They would of talked to family and friends, looked into prior police reports and enough red flags would of popped that the FBI could of taken measures to deem him a credible threat and charge him with doing so. So continue to pander a moot point on the FBI not following thru on something they absolutely should have.

  40. 11.11
    i agree with say metal detectors and security for schools as you want.
    it is a good idea.
    my question is wal mart a target or a church or a fireworks display?
    how do you secure those areas?

  41. 11:32.....First, yes it would absolutely be against the law for you to build a stinger missile equivalent plenty of laws on the books would tell you that. The use of modifications and his choice of venue made Vegas so deadly. Look, you want to ban bump stocks, high capacity magazines, certain types of ammo I can understand that but the idea that if you ban AR-15s you've effectively stopped mass shootings is foolish.

  42. 11.23
    sure the FBI should have investigated him.
    at best the kid would know eyes are on him.
    where would they have the right to seize his weapons?
    and what would happen when him or his lawyer told the FBI to pound sand?
    the FBI would do what exactly?
    drag him in front of a judge so his lawyer can claim "trash talking" and this is an example of schoolmates with over active imaginations?
    what law did he break before the shooting?

  43. these comments crack me up, one wants Trump to go to all the funerals, others talk about securing schools: how many schools in our area have any type of security?
    Answer: not many, and no metal detectors I would guess. And it is not Trump's fault.

  44. 11.47
    i am glad to see rational thought from your posts.
    there has to be a solution that respects gun rights yet keeps the public safe from lunatics.
    i do not believe banning one type of weapon will end all mass shootings.
    the idea is to make it harder for a person to commit mass murder.
    however"The use of modifications and his choice of venue made Vegas so deadly"
    are you saying that a handgun would have caused the same number of deaths?
    not a chance-- the assault rifle caused those deaths.
    without that assault rifle he would not have caused so much carnage.
    granted he was shooting fish in a barrel.
    pistol rounds would not have the killing power at that range as his assault rifle did.

  45. The guns didn't shoot themselves. The cars didn't drive themselves over innocent pedestrians. Pipe and pressure cooker bombs do not build and detonate themselves. Gun deaths have declined for over 30 years. If you want to avoid death by gun, don't be a depressed, middle aged white guy and/or don't live in a Democratic-controlled congressional district. With the exception of Birmingham AL, most gun murders happen in politically blue areas. Florida was shocking.
    But nobody seems shocked that there have already been 68 gun deaths in Chicago this year.
    It's only February. It's easier to blame Trump, Obama, Congress, and the FBI, though. It accomplishes nothing. But it's easier than dealing with the criminally insane, who would ignore a million new laws, were they passed.

  46. 11:49......The FBI could of charged him with making a terroristic threat you know how it's illegal to yell Fire in a movie theater, etc. Your fingers can easily do a google search and see how many people have been charged with making threats......I rest my case. So again your faint point of the FBI essentially being able to do nothing so whats the point of doing an investigation is moot.

  47. 12.01
    "most gun murders happen in politically blue areas."

    seems that those blue states like Tennessee,Louisiana,Arkansas.
    looking at the map mostly red states have a higher firearm death rate.

  48. 11:47.....No when I say the use of modifications meaning his use of a bump stock, high capacity magazines and his obvious choice of shooting from an elevated platform at night made him even more lethal. He could of used really any type of rifle and accomplished his disgusting mission it wasn't just the AR-15 that was the main reason he was able to murder as many as he did there is a ton of factors at play here. So again taking away an assault rifle wouldn't of stopped him he could of used any rifle. So again before we just start throwing out wild claims of getting rid of one type of weapon will solve this problem there are many prongs of this that need to be looked at.

  49. 11.47
    "He could of used really any type of rifle and accomplished his disgusting mission"
    not a bolt action rifle or a weapon that has to be loaded one bullet at a time.
    plenty of the other rifles that mimic an assault type rifle i.e detachable magazines for example have the capability.
    so the fact that many rifles are similar to a assault rifle does not change the problem with assault rifles.
    now why a hunter needs to have detachable magazines make me question his or hers accuracy.
    last i checked hunting was not spray and pray.
    the assault rifle is designed to kill people quickly and as efficiently as possible.
    but by all means change the rifles that are available for sale to remove detachable magazines.while we are at it reduce the cyclic rate to one round every two seconds for example.
    there are plenty of ways that rifles sold to the public can be designed so that they would be harder to use when mowing down school children.
    for example talk of banning bump stocks sounded good after Vegas but about a month later the NRA started the wait a minute we view the bump stocks as the camel's nose in the tent and they killed the idea.
    for some strange reason the members of the NRA feel that any restrictions on firearms are a bad idea.
    for example if i am on a terrorist no fly list i can still buy a gun.
    take Texas--please

    sorry that is just a stupid law.yet the NRA championed it.
    so if anything the NRA has to get realistic about gun rights

  50. 1:20.....Look at the end of the day I'm just not going to sit here and pretend that outlawing one specific type of gun is the answer. There is a million better ways to handle this and the politicians and lawmakers need to dig a little deeper and come up with realistic solutions to how to make gun ownership safer for everyone involved. These knee jerk reactions don't solve anything and ultimately divide us even more. Safety, responsibility, and accountability for all parties involved.

  51. "But nobody seems shocked that there have already been 68 gun deaths in Chicago this year."

    Literally EVERYONE I've heard address this has been shocked. And outraged. Maybe check a couple of different sources and you'd get a clearer picture.

  52. Banning things works. Just look what it's done for the nation's drug problem.

  53. I don't see Chicago kids and parents marching in any Soros-Russian-bot-organized rallies. Liberals get far more upset when white kids are shot. And why did Democrats oppose bump stock bans that were supported by Trump and the NRA? They couldn't take yes for an answer because they didn't want to surrender any political ground.

    1. 2:18, you're argument is that people shouldn't prioritize commonsense gun laws and vote for politicians that put the lives of their constituents above the NRA's money? Because in your estimation, not enough people have spoken out against violence in Chicago? Am I missing something?!

  54. If this kid would have killed 17 Afghan, or Iraqi, or Yemeni, people he'd be a hero, even if helicopter footage would show it was a school or mosque. In-fact, the person exposing the collateral murder would be tried as a traitor.

    Iran/contra turned, if it was not already, the CIA into a criminal organization. The FBI lost all credibility with their CoIntelPro on civil rights workers and other 60's shenanigans. And the NSA unconstitutionally collects everyone's electronic "papers and effects".

    So it's laughable to suggest that Donald "identify yourself so the Sheriff knows where to serve the libel complaint" Trump is a threat to liberty.

    Who would have thought that a completely worthless person like Trump, would become the most entertaining president in American history?

  55. Schools are a soft target. I don't want to get into the heated mix of gun law debate. However, as we are a society saturated with guns, could any new laws really keep schools any safer? What about alternatives weapons like the pressure cookers of the Boston marathon attackers? A motivated person will find a way. There are some common sense gun law ideas I agree with, but in the end I suspect they would only make us feel like we did something... until the next tragedy. We are dealing with societal issues more than just gun issues.

    Perhaps it would be more effective to look at the schools' protection. On the evening news last night they had a story about a school in Indiana deemed "the safest". It had a cost of $400,000. That is one heck of a lot of money, until you consider that BASD approved $4.5 million for turf and track projects last year.

    We all grew up where the school was a central hub of the community with people in and out for various activities, so it is sad to have to keep restricting their accessibility. The Indiana school is to top end of protection cost-wise, but there are cheaper.

    Again, I believe this is a societal value issue. I agree you have to talk about the guns, but the guns themselves are not the danger, it is a value degeneration in a subset of our culture. Perhaps the "violence-viewing effect" of 2 generations who have been desensitized from ever increasingly violent movies and video games? However, I recall my first teaching job interview in a small district in Ohio. When I walked into the principal's office, the wall was lined with shot guns. It was hunting season, and the student's were allowed to bring their guns so they could go hunting after school without going home first. They just had to keep them in the office. I know that sounds shocking in today's world 30-plus years later, and I'm sure they no longer do that. My point being, yes, we should actually have a thorough review of current laws, and whether they are enforced and/or effective, and consider if changes are necessary. However, I have never opened a newspaper to read any story of a school shooting in that Ohio town. Its not the guns themselves. It's a larger societal problem.

  56. http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/13890-the-second-amendment-was-ratified-to-preserve-slavery

  57. Ovem Lupo Commitere You are right on, these a societal issues more than a gun issue. It is a long list, family structure, exposure to endless graphic violence, many youth are isolated with their electronic devices, the attacks on religion, which encourages self discipline. Also the fact that many schools encourage parents to put their children on drugs to make them more manageable. It is not very encouraging that these things will be changed.

  58. Fox News and the Russian websites posing as uber-American patriot sites keep pushing the "Chicago" narrative. It accomplishes a few things. It attempts to prove gun control doesn't work and conveniently focuses on black crime in urban areas as a reason to keep more guns..
    Folks are easily lead to what they already want and will see that as the truth. We have a stupid nation.

    Fox and these other shows are like right wing Kardashian TV.

  59. With the kids present the Florida legislature refused to discuss guns but it did pass an anti-porn law.

    Let us be clear on this, Porn does not kill people, people kill people. Stop regulating my porn!

  60. Interesting that many pro-gun people on here have mentioned numerous "societal" issues as the "problem". OK, we live in a free consumer based society. Business can do what it wants if their product sells. So I guess what you want is strict government control of the private enterprise system. Uh-OH, here comes the Chamber of Commerce.

    See here is your problem. If you deflect from the gun issue you run headlong into other "libertarian" hot button issues. So what exactly do you want to "fix" and "how" will you fix it? Since we now we have taken the benign guns off the table.

  61. "Am I missing something?!"

    Yes. As is anyone who uses the euphemism "commonsense gun laws." There are something like 1,200 state and federal gun laws, none of which prevented the FL massacre. You think that somehow, some way, the next law will be the magic one that finally gets the job done. Good luck with that. Einstein's definition of insanity gets another validity check.

    1. "You think that somehow, some way, the next law will be the magic one that finally gets the job done"

      Call me crazy but YES. I think that there should be a law against a teenager with a history of violence buying a weapon capable of killing dozens of people at a time. Who benefits when a disturbed kid is able to legally purchase a semi? The gun manufacturers and the politicians they've bought.

  62. 6:08, You are missing something. Same thing missing in those 1200 laws you mention. A ban on assault rifles. That would have been the magical law that kept a crazy fucking 19 year old from legally buying one and would have prevented the FL massacre. Kudos to the NRAers with enough balls and common sense to say "one less gun!" while cutting up their assault rifles on video and posting it on social media.

  63. 6:08, how about requiring people that are receiving benefits for major depression be subjected to an extra "check"? Is that too much to ask??

  64. Sounds like lots of scared, angry old men with erectile dysfunction problems are posting here. Why don't you get off you fat asses , take your gun down to a local school and volunteer to "protect" the kids. See how far THAT gets you. My guess is you won't be welcomed.

  65. 6:34, sounds like you're delusional. Also sounds like you've got some weird homoerotic fat ass gun toting school sherif fantasy going on.

  66. 9:34
    "I think that there should be a law against a teenager with a history of violence buying a weapon capable of killing dozens of people at a time."

    Our government has been giving teenagers, violent or otherwise trained to be violent, fully automatic weapons since the civil war and it has never been a problem. And had this violent teen killed the right people he'd be a hero.

    The FBI was informed that there was a citizen in distress and possibly dangerous to himself or others. Barney Fife would have had cause for concern after just a brief history of the citizen.

    The massive protest suggest a diversion away from something so obvious, if you don't see it, you're deluded or part of the deception.

    It's time for a Richard Clarke moment.

  67. Much like a misguided David Koresh, the NRA has evolved form am organization dedicated to firearms safety and conservation into a political action committee led by fanatics like Wayne "Pepe" LaPierre, whom have used paranoia to create a bunker mentality and tie itself to a future of defeat.
    As a former NRA member, I left when it became obvious the original purpose and intent of the NRA had been hijacked by fanatics. Now they will take us down in defeat by their inability to use logic and commeon sense and instead depend on fear and paranoia. Yes that is true.

    Some of you will say no way but I am seeing more and more gun owners like myself who see the actions fo the NTRa making our gun rights less secure as time goes on.

  68. Never in American history has there been a mass shooting at a country club, everywhere else, but never a country club.

    Why don't we move schools to country clubs...problem solved, and you get to keep your semi.

  69. I agree with anon 11:07. If all guns are ever banned it will be the doing of the idiots currently running the NRA.

    Also whop will pay for all this mental health and security at schools people are deflecting to? The rightwingnuts has over the years successfully lobbied to close mental health hospitals and facilities and cut government funding. They also balk at paying for more police at schools.

    Stop the hypocrisy, even the children can now see through it. Your path puts you on the same course as the dinosaurs.

  70. "Stop the hypocrisy, even the children can now see through it."

    Kids figured it out when the school bus showed up and it wasn't a coach, or even a mass transit bus, but a shitty yellow tin can with benches bolted to the floor.

    Only to get to 100 year old building where the lunches are provided by the same company that feeds the state's prison population.

    Kids know we are full of shit.

  71. Good post Bernie, I will leave it at that.

  72. the problem in Chicago

    "Chicago, for example, requires a Firearm Owners Identification card, a background check, a three-day waiting period, and documentation for all firearm sales. But Indiana, across the border, doesn’t require any of this for purchases between two private individuals (including those at gun shows and those who meet through the internet), allowing even someone with a criminal record to buy a firearm without passing a background check or submitting paperwork recording the sale.

    So someone from Chicago can drive across the border — to Indiana or to other places with lax gun laws — and buy a gun without any of the big legal hurdles he would face at home. Then that person can resell or give guns to others in Chicago or keep them, leaving no paper trail behind. (This is illegal trafficking under federal law, but Indiana’s lax laws and enforcement — particularly the lack of a paper trail — make it virtually impossible to catch someone until a gun is used in a crime."


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