Local Government TV

Friday, February 02, 2018

NorCo Council's Top Priorities in 2018

NorCo Council member John Cusick is an algebra teacher and a bit if a wonk who would probably love to visit Nerd City USA, as described below. He religiously attends meetings about county government and his fingertips are always on the pulse of CCAP. That's the acronym used to describe the County Commissioners' Association of Pa. At his urging, County Council last night unanimously endorsed the top priorities identified by CCAP.

I. Human Services Reform and Funding. - There has been a 91% increase in referrals to the child welfare Agency as a result of 30 new child welfare laws enacted in 2015.

II. Opioid Epidemic. - Drug overdose deaths increase every year, from 72 in 2015, 81 in 2016 and 101 deaths as of November 2017.

III. Shale Gas Impact Fee. - Even if a severance tax is imposed, the impact fee helps counties acquire and preserve open space.

IV. State Hospital Beds. - Currently, there are 250 county inmates across the state, including one in NorCo, waiting for access to just 237 psychiatric or forensic beds at state hospitals.


  1. Should the priority be keep "Pocketbook Peg" away from the taxpayers checkbook and book her a room at at her beloved "election vote gift box" Gracedale?

  2. Bethlehem, Bethlehem ,Bethlehem. .........


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