Local Government TV

Friday, February 16, 2018

NorCo Council Revokes $10 Million DaVinci Grant

By a 7-2 vote, NorCo Council voted last night to revoke a $10 million grant of hotel taxes to the DaVinci Science Center proposed in Easton. The ordinance passed by a lame duck Council in December would have shackled the County with annual payments of $250,000 over the next 40 years.

Earlier in the evening, when Human Services administrators complained about shortfalls in state funding for mental health, John Cusick complained that the state was more interested in subsidizing bug farms. And when the DaVinci Center came up for a vote, e added that the plan was completely changed six weeks after the grant was approved. He suggested that DaVinci Executive Director Lin Erickson had not been forthright, and reminded everyone that he failed to tell Council about a competing aquarium being considered in Monroe County.

Erickson herself was absent. Her continued presence at Council meetings and repetitive pitches were beginning to annoy some council members.

Instead of Erickson, Council heard from Easton Mayor Sal Panto and DaVinci trustee Jane Ervin. They both seemed to recognize that the grant was going to be pulled but asked council to keep an open mind when a new pitch for funding is made at a March 1 committee meeting.

"Be bold, think big," urged Ervin.

"Exercise caution, fiscal prudence," countered Cusick.

"I'm not going to hostage the county for 40 years," said Lori Vargo Heffner.But she added that neither she nor anyone on Council is anti-Easton and is willing to listen to the March 1 proposal. Ron Heckman said that if it were up to him, he'd move county offices downtown.

Even Bob Werner, who represents Easton on Council, said that a grant that goes on for 40 years is too much. But he still voted against revoking the ordinance. Peg Ferraro, who also voted No to revocation, was most concerned that this year's $250,000 go into DaVinci's coffers.

That depends on what Council approves.


  1. Does Heckman want to buy back he Governor Wolfe building? What an idiot!

  2. Heckman is out of his Panto ass-kissing mind!

  3. "Peg Ferraro, who also voted No to revocation, was most concerned that this year's $250,000 go into DaVinci's coffers."

    At least she is consistently fiscally irresponsible, unlike Trump and GOP Congress who only preach fiscal responsibility when the Dems are in charge.

  4. I watched the meeting and he said he would have liked to have seen the non court related offices downtown. He realized it was not going to happen now. I believe he like the rest of county council wanted Panto to know this was about a terrible ordinance and not about the city of Easton.

    If anyone hurt Easton it was Ferraro with this idiotic scheme that was backed by former "conservative" council members who wanted to leave a big FU to the incoming group. Someone with Ferraro's experience should have known this 40 year deal was crazy and would never last.

    I admire the new council's courage to bring back common sense and reality.

  5. The Wolfe building?? I think you smoked to much weed. No one is buying to Wolfe building.

  6. Sal's a spicy meatball of a man and he will erupt like his motherlands Mt. Vesuvius when the time is right spraying chicken scattiatore all over the members of council like Caligula delivering the most vile hot Carl.

  7. Is Cusick in love with sound bites.

  8. Jane Ervin, "think big", was the biggest Lehigh County spend-thrift Executive ever in the history of Lehigh County. She had the largest tax increase in history and that is why she is out of county politics. It is only appropriate her and pocketbook Peg are still squeezing the life out of the taxpayers.

  9. I'll bet your ass this project ends up in Bethlehem ( Steel property) with full support of Norco Admin and Council within a year or two. Easton and Norco don't get along. Not surprised by this action.

  10. Cannot wait till the "pockjerbook Peg" signs with the slash thru them come out the next election day..... Please tell Miss Piggy of the taxpayers trough that the game is ovah!

    POCKETBOOK PEG will not make another election

  11. No stinkin' fish tank or otter park!

  12. "I'll bet your ass this project ends up in Bethlehem ( Steel property) with full support of Norco Admin and Council within a year or two. Easton and Norco don't get along. Not surprised by this action."

    In addition to lacking the integrity to sign to sign your name, like the Easton Mayor, you're crazy. The only thing NC does not like about Easton is the commuter tax. It has gone out of its way over the years to help fund Easton projects. The fundamental question is whether this is a good idea.It is not. It is a bad idea in Easton and would be a bad idea in Bethlehem. I don't think Bethlehem would want this in its present form. If it can be established to be a good idea that will bring in a lot of revenue, it belongs in Easton. You are inflaming parochial passion to persuade Council to fund a bad idea.

  13. "Is Cusick in love with sound bites."

    Jealous? There was no one from the press around when he said that, except for me, and I'm told I don't count.

  14. Peg spends money like it's not her money because it's not her money. I'm trying to get some contracting work at her house. She's a pathetically easy mark and I'd like to cash in, too.

  15. Wow O'Hare did the post timed at 8:18 get under your skin ? You sound like the PR director for the county . Or is this a new position in the McClure Admin ? lol

    I wouldn't be surprised Easton will lose a tourist attraction and somehow the Bethlehem politicians will take it over. Just like years ago when the ballyard was proposed along I78 near Easton. All of a sudden Bethlehem threw their hat in the ring by proposing a stadium at Broad and Stefko.

  16. Mrs. Ferraro stated in the newspaper that this vote may have been politically motivated by the democrats. It figures they would do that..

  17. Was this handled appropriately?

  18. Bernie, these economic development projects have spurned little to no gain for the local areas. There must be a different venue than wasting all these tax dollars to only create more debt. Your picture has let squidward out of the picture with all his tentacles not to mention spongebob the main character!

    Loved that show too and all it's blunders.

  19. I'll disagree with you partially. Some of these projects have been great. I think the money that went to SteelStacks and PBS39 really helped the south side of Bethlehem. I think DaVinci is a bad fit anywhere, not just Easton, and agree with Cusick that Erickson has been dishonest to Council several times. But Council will likely fund it on a smaller scale anyway out of fear of being accused of being anti-Easton. I would rather see Easton come up with a good project. Not DaVinci. Not a goofy high school hall of fame.

  20. "Was this handled appropriately?"


  21. Bernie O'Hare what do you maker of Peg Ferraro's claim that this vote was only done by this council because of politics. She stated in the paper that this was a political revenge vote against the past republican county council.

  22. If anything was political, it was the $10 million Grant by a lame duck co7ncil.


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