Local Government TV

Monday, January 29, 2018

Who Has Worse Drivers, Pa or Jersey?

One of my many shortcomings is an innate bias against New Jersey. Some of my best friends are from that state. There are even some mixed marriages between Pennsylvanians and the Jerseyites. But I oppose these. I'm thinking of the children. Transplants should be deported back to the Armpit State unless they take a loyalty oath to the Philadelphia Eagles or Pittsburgh Steelers while stamping on Jets' and Giants' Jerseys. It's time to Make Pennsylvania Great Again. #MPGA. Let's face it. People from Jersey are loud, obnoxious, and just plain ugly. They are also shitty drivers.

And I can prove it, too. At least the shitty driver part.

According to the rating agency relied on to determine car insurance premiums, New Jersey ranks #16 among shitty drivers in the US. They are so bad that the Urban Dictionary defines "Jersey jerks" as "crazy New Jersey drivers that have no respect for other vehicles driving on the same road. Cutting people off, running red lights, running stop signs, putting people and their families lives in jeopardy."

If they are so bad, why aren't they rated #1?

The answer to that is quite simple. A sad class of Pennsylvanians called "commuters" have to drive into that shithole daily. They make big money while missing out on life.

We in Pennsylvania are #33.

We would be rated the safest but are too close to Jersey.

So my bias against New Jersey is completely justified.

Amazingly, when I'm in Jersey, I hear them complain about drivers from Pennsylvania. Every now and then, one of them gets behind me and starts honking at me and generally being rude, until I stop texting and tell them to shove it.


  1. As a transplant to PA from NJ, I am pleased to profess loyalty to the Steelers. The Eagles are assholes and always have been. I overheard some native Pennsylvanians who are bigger fans than I say this a few days ago - and it validates what I have thought for at least 20 years.

    But I also am loyal to the Giants. The Jets have sucked for as long as I remember - which is after Broadway left the team.

    Yes, Jersey drivers are hell on wheels. I should know - I've hit more than a few cars in my career. First at age 17, I crossed into oncoming traffic to pass, only to have that guy suddenly turn left. That was the first of many infractions, and a few accidents. But I am never going back!

  2. The Steelers suck ass!

  3. 2:32, The deportation squad is on its way. No trial.

  4. Being a "transplant" of sorts which grew up in Warren County, please think of your fellow Pennsylvanians-in-spirit who are trapped on the other side of the river. We had to deal with the North Jersey commuters hell as well.

  5. I like being forced to have a highly trained NJ pump jockey walk away with my credit card before spilling gas down the side of my car. In a state where motorists are deemed too stupid and/or unqualified to pump their own gas, it's not at all surprising they struggle with properly operating motor vehicles.

  6. Jersey. And they are bringing their bad habits here !

  7. Hokie Joe says
    with "Tongue in cheek"
    Part of the bad driving rap can be blamed on WOMEN DRIVERS. Yep. That's right. Women Drivers.
    There ought to be a law in New Jersey. The law should read
    " The only women Drivers should be women over eighty, and then, the law should make it mandatory that they have to be accompanied by both parents."

  8. I have never seen less tolerance for out-of-staters than I've experienced in New Jersey. My own personal experience includes road rage from locals, and even remarks on my out-of-state plate. Most of these incidents have occurred far from the border with PA.


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