Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

What Did You Think of Trump's SOTU?

Because of basketball, I was unable to listen to Donald Trump's lengthy State of the Union address last night until it had already taken place. According to some of the snap polls, viewers tended to like it. He was Trump-Lite, not the fire breather who tweets nonsense at 3 am. I found his calls for unity hypocritical. If he was really interested in bringing people together, why has he been so divisive? 


  1. I debated watching, as whether one agreed or disagreed with any particular passages, action and tweets give more insight into this presidency than any prepared speech ever will... but I watched, as I always do.

    Interestingly, my personal opinion of Republican Donald Trump has grown over the past year to be similar in many ways to the opinion I had of Democrat Bill Clinton back in the 90s. Positive or negative, I'll leave it at that.

    And JKIII's response? Again, it was just a speech. The party's actions will be what matters. Maybe its my age compared to him, but he did come across as a kid trying just a little too hard to deliver a good presentation to his teacher. I suspect, the groundwork was being laid for the eventual Senate vacancy.

  2. By every measure, it was a powerful and uplifting speech. He delivered it well. Can't imagine criticisms of that message, and there will be some, will have much substance or logic. It's time to finally acknowledge this man, Donald Trump, is quite capable of holding that office and getting things done. He needs ALL of Congress to participate. He needs every American's patience.

    1. Teleprompter words prepared bybothers. He does not act or speak this way when he is himself. Until we see it in his actions and consistent policy, it may as well have been a staged wrestling show.

  3. I was simply amazed by the attitude of the Democrats in the chamber. The expressions I saw on their faces during President Trump's speech betrayed fear, anxiety, and the dread in knowing that for them the noose is tightening.

    The Democrats in Congress undoubtedly despise President Trump more than they love our country, and they gambled on going into full resistance mode working through lies and deception to bring down a legally constituted President of the United States.

    In most countries on the planet, the behavior of the Democrats sitting in the chamber last night would be immediately recognized for what it is, sedition and rebellion against a lawful administration. In most countries justice would be swift.

    It is remarkable that in the United States the rebellion against our Constitution is so broad and widespread, including the media, the entire Democrat party, academia and popular entertainment figures, that it persists a year or more into President Trump's administration. There is however a growing recognition of the emptiness of their views and a sense that for them the game is up. We could see it on their faces.

    And yes, Americans are Dreamers too.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful and honest assessment of President Trump's State of the Union address. You speak for many Americans who have felt betrayed by their elected representatives. God bless President Trump and God bless America.

  4. “Americans are Dreamers too.” This takes the octane out of the little darlings unlawfully occupying before applying leagally like the folks at our court house do. Independent voters seem to be with this President and Dems are afraid to show support evan on National Anthem . Over 100 times Trump used the word “we” not me .

    1. Yes, In a carefully crafted message written by others, he used we. When Twitter hits it Fox n Friends cameras, back to ME. Trump is nothing more than a ruder and cruder version of Herbert Hoover.
      —-Mother Jones

    2. In case you didn’t know, ALL the previous Presidents had OTHER people write they’re speeches.

  5. I did not watch SOTU.

    Figured it was going to be a teleprompter speech that typically is not consistent with 45s actions. May as well put in Martin Sheen from West Wing To play the part. I will watch highlights later

    I did manage to catch Rep Kennedy's comments afterwards. He was Brilliant. He spoke of the America I agree with. The One of unity, inclusivenes, the One of neighbor, the One of family, the One of love, the One of compassion, the One of leadership. A Nation of Hope and Opportu nity. We are One.

  6. Great Speech it's time somebody take care of us Americans! Loved it!

  7. I'm independent as far as my voter registration, however, I find myself voting republican more than democrat. Last nights presentation was typically canned with hopes of unity between the both parties. This will never happen as long as Trump's in office. The obstructive democrats will never support this President who was freely elected. The democratic fan base who think Mr. Obama was a great President, that crooked Hillary was perfect candidate, the liberal and biased media, entertainment industry and the far left wing of the democratic party, cannot be appeased! Therefore, the normal man and woman who want more money in their take home pay, less government interference and oversight, fair trade agreements and border security will never vote for liberal entitlements again; a democratic main stay. So much for unity!

  8. I would request you visit ScottAdamsSays on periscope, or dilbert.com and the Adams blog. It will help you determine which movie is running in your head. It explains cognitive dissonance, also known as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Extreme cases in this blog AND on LVL, worse than the flu, with cases lasting over a year since infection.

  9. Trump hit on point after point as to how we as a country need to focus our energies. He stated facts about how the economy and rules have changed to benefit this country and its citizens,,,,,all of them, especially the lowest unemployment rates with blacks and hispanics. All the while the Democats just sit there and obstruct. Even the black caucus sat there when Trump stated this issue. I guess they are racists, that black and hispanics are only allowed what democratic spoonfeed to them .
    Obama legacy is a failed legacy of socialist handouts and policies. TRump is making long lasting changes that benefit working families. My woken no family with an annual income under $50,000 a year.
    Bernie-- it seems Trump is gaining some real traction now and people are understanding his policies,his reasoning and that he gets things done. You don't have to like his persona, I get that! But walk in his shoes and maybe you would understand why he is the way he is.
    He will go down as one of the best presidents ever.

  10. The division is the chasm between Marxism and freedom, it no longer matters who the president is, there is little common ground.

  11. What we saw on television last night was President Trump's rebuttal to the message delivered by Barack Obama over the previous 8 years. Like President Reagan, President Trump tells us that it is okay to be proud of your country and to have higher aspirations for you and your family.

    Barack Obama primarily said the American greed and prosperity was at the expense of other people, primarily people of color. He too thought we are deplorables.

    The Democrats are going to have a difficult time selling their gloom and doom message to Americans that ask for a chance for a better life. We use to think there was nothing we could not accomplish. President Trump last night just confirmed that is still the case.

    And I agree, Americans are Dreamers as well.

  12. To 7:36 AM:
    the same exact thing can be said about the Rep's during the Obama years, and the far right and tea party....no unity, divisive, obstructive, etc. It's their way or no way.
    That's not unity.
    What happens when ANY president "overrides" or does not implement a veto-proof bill passed by Congress (both Senate and House of Reps)?? What should happen? Did Obama do anything like that?

    If you cannot see that or comprehend that, then you are as blind as everyone you "called out".
    The constant BS about the liberal media....such BS.
    "You" will get your news from any source which supports your views and any views or opinions that go against yours will called fake.

  13. Zoomer. Sorry not true.

  14. I watched the speech and agree with some of what Trump said and I disagree with other parts both said and not said. Although the President was far more diplomatic than in many of his tweets, there were also some very apparent zingers, however toned down they might have appeared. I am an old guy and pretty much of a cynic. I withhold my final judgement on most political matters until after I observe what people actually do, not on just what they say. In this case that approach applies to both the President and Congress. There may be some opportunity for positive progress here but I'm not holding my breath.

  15. Yes, Trump is divisive. But he inherited a very divided country; the legacy of the last president and the one before that, whose original election was never accepted by the opposition party. Trump is divisive. But so is the last guy who said elections have consequences, Rs can come along for the ride - but have to ride in the back. His party also passed in a very partisan manor, one of the most sweeping and divisive laws in US history - without a single vote from the minority party. Trump is divisive. But no more than the guy whose divided country Trump inherited.

  16. the only reason "viewers" liked it was because the only ones who watched it were his supporters, just spit ballin' here but really, what normal person can stand looking/listening to an idiot sex-offending self-loving greedy a hole? not many. his entire speech was fact free.

  17. 9:01 AM:
    OK..."Sorry not true".....what's not true? Care to expand on your oh so complete and proved "not true"?

    A veto proof bill was voted on recently, and the current president simply decided the sanctions are not needed. Congress voted on it, by overwhelming measure - veto proof.
    If it's veto proof, why aren't sanctions being installed?

    But, your "sorry not true" - yup you're right...I'm convinced it's not true....great argument and persuasive ability.

    1. But of course your sarcasm and condescending tone have convinced me in a heartbeat. Not.

  18. "Like President Reagan, President Trump tells us that it is okay to be proud of your country and to have higher aspirations for you and your family."

    The fact that adults need to be told that says more about their ignorance and emotional competence than their patriotism. What a bunch of yahoos1

  19. The State of The Union has evolved from a written message to Congress by the President on the state of the affairs of the country as required by the Constitution, onto an address in person in the Halls of Congress and then into a televised annual event. More than a summary of the state of things social, economic, and political, it is a ritual giving the citizens the opportunity to witness the presidential address and the visual assembly of Congress and other invitees such as the Supreme Court Justices and appointed cabinet officials. Take it or leave it, it shows the players, their parts, and the issues at hand. It is a real time opportunity that our ancestors did not have. If you can't see it live, then as a concerned citizen, you can find it available in many recordings. In the end, words are words and actions are actions but as for this, it reminds us of the seriousness of participatory democracy in our Republic.

  20. "DACA [Democrats Against the Citizens of America]".

  21. "I'm independent as far as my voter registration, however, I find myself voting republican more than democrat."

    After reading your comment, I'd say you're deluding yourself if you hold yourself out as an independent. Sorry.

  22. Comrade trump gave a speech.
    if you choose to believe him everything is great.
    problem is that donnie "two scoops" has no credibility.
    his word is a joke.
    case in point.
    Mexico is going to pay for the wall.

    so why does he need our taxes to build a wall?

  23. Anon 5:37 The will pay for the wall .Here is what happens next . Our WALL goes up ,they don’t get over anymore. . The migration tide still exist and there is stoppage. “ Shithole “ countries South of Mexico will still come North. So- what happens next ? Mexican government has influx of out of state people crammed at the door and any order they may have goes down the crapper. They will be overwhelmed with people they don’t feed and a A disorder cycle will persists. They will pay us ,or they will pay economically ,with loss of what ever they have now .

  24. 6.29
    Comrade trump stated Mexico will pay for the wall.


    "I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great great wall on our southern border and I’ll have Mexico pay for that wall."

    so is he lying in the statement above?
    maybe i missed the part about US taxpayers funding the construction?
    nope donnie "two scoops" claimed Mexico will pay for the wall.

  25. Yes, the speech was written by speech writers, as with most of the previous presidents. However, Trump got his message across. What I did find appalling was that when the President recognized a SSG that saved his "Battle Buddy", and doing so was awarded the Bronze Star with "V", (Valor), the Democrats couldn't or wouldn't even acknowledge his bravery and courage. Being a vet, any democrat that runs for a political office has now lost my vote, as the actions of the few have spoke for them all!

  26. That's OK, because you are a liar and I question whether you are even a vet. Democrats certainly did cheer our men and women in service. Cut the disinformation.


  27. The President recognized the turmoil and hostility between the two parties in the 1st year of office and called for unity this year.

    I note that the President made a change in his Chief of Chief before his 1st year ended because of suggested turmoil in his inner circle and the hostility he received ... But I note Bill Clinton's 1st Chief of Staff McLarry faced chaos in Clinton's inner circle as well \.. Now Bill Clinton was his best friend and did not know the ins and out of the Washington scene ... Bill Clinton did not have out things much as he did everything Johhny come lately and had extended meetings much too often ... It is fact, that Hillary in frustration took over meetings to get things done and finish the meetings.

    The President after presenting his 4 pillars for solving the Immigration and Dreamer argument said last night that Americans are dreamers too

    He said that the AMERICAN people dreamed the country into being, that the American People built the country and they will keep the country great and safe

    And we will continue to be great if we have confidence in our people and keep our trust in God

    But as a space advocate I heard no comments on space ,,, But then again I am under the impression that Congress has not yet voted on a new NASA Administrator...

    I viewed the President's State of the Union from the sanctity of my new Mountain top home in Carbon County while on a coneremce call with other member's of the Natinal Space Society's Chapters Committee meeting ... I am a regional Chapter coordinator for New England , and the Middle Atlantic States, and Ohio ... My area also includes New York City, Boston and Washington D.C..... I tell everyone up here that I have taken refuge up here because I feel that I was voted out of Allentown and Lehigh County by the vote in Lehigh County District 3 ... But still owning a home in East Allentown, I am still President of East Allentown Rittersville because my neighbors whom attend the meetings here still want me to lead them ... East Allentown did vote for me in last year's primary but the rest of district apparently didn't or they didn't vote for me in high neighbors ... So they are the ones that voted this non incumbent Lehigh County Commssioner wannabe out of the City of Allentown and out of Lehigh County ...

  28. Bush said in one of his speeches we would go to Mars by 2015.

    Sincerely Marvin

    1. He should have taken Pearson with him.

  29. 10:10 In 1969 right after the moon landing, NASA said we could have men on Mars by 1980.

    I suppose we'll get there eventually, but what is there other than red rocks ?

  30. "I suppose we'll get there eventually, but what is there other than red rocks ?"

    The future!

  31. the President was on point the entire evening-he spoke to the citizens of the United States of America--we should take care of our own first !!everyone can have their own opinion in this great COUNTRY--let the haters go to Cuba and live for a month---Rep. or Dem.---GOD BLESS AMERICA !!

  32. Smart funding for border security yes. However, let Mexico pay for the inneffective wall. I rather see MY US TAX DOLLAR go to fix our roads, water and sewer systems.

    I love to hear the perspective from some of our LV groups that have grown over the years from what Trump calls "chain migration".

  33. The report is now made public. Now heads will roll in the Democratic Party. Who is the first to go to jail. Hilary, Obama, Commey. The judge who signed the fake fisa warrant ? What a birthday present I Received today. Bernie you are writing about all the wrong issues. Get on point and write about the true issue that face this country and not I don't like what trump said --he's mean. Get over it he will be our President for another 7 years.


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