Local Government TV

Friday, January 12, 2018

The Shithole President

In a meeting with lawmakers on Thursday, Authoritarian Donald Trump objected to extending lawful immigration status to people from Africa, El Salvador and Haiti. His racist venom began with Haiti. "Why do we need more Haitians?" he complained."Take them out." As the discussion continued, the racist-in-chief bellowed, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He went on to say he'd like to see more people from Norway.

Make America White Again.

I particularly like the reaction of Mexico's former president, Vincente Fox. ""Donald Trump, your mouth is the foulest shithole in the world," he tweeted.

That about sums it up.

By the way, Norway's Aftenposten has reported that 66 percent of Norwegians have an “extremely unfavorable” impression of Trump. He actually beat Putin, who only has a 51% unfavorable rating.

Must be fake news.


  1. Have you ever been to Haiti? People literally shit in the street, El Salvador brought us MS-13 and Africa brought us Ebola and HIV. This is the sort of treasonous blog that has me reading Molovinsky first and you if I want a laugh.

  2. Get over it O'Hare. Not even us in the Latin community like Haitians. It's not being racist, it's not being a xenophobe, it's not being ignorant, it's not being an embarrassment, it's being realistic.

  3. Tea Party Foot SoldierJanuary 12, 2018 at 1:29 AM

    If O'Hater had his druthers the Valley would be infested with swarthy hordes of hook nosed koran thumping savages, thankfully Trump has spared us from the libtarded strategy of globalism. He must have read "Language, Borders, Culture" by the esteemed Dr. Michael Savage.

  4. I deleted three comments who thinks that because Trump is a vulgar racist, he can be just as disgusting. Not here.

  5. Tea Party Foot SoldierJanuary 12, 2018 at 1:59 AM

    If we start bringing over Norwegians Trump should send over Seal Team 6 to liberate Anders Brevik from his jail cell so he can continue his fine work.

  6. Bernie. What purpose do you serve in life?

  7. Please stop fanning the flames of class warfare. Pres. Trump stated that these countries are terrible places to live. That is true and you know it. Why else would their people want to move here? He speaks in plain English to the people.

    He worries about America, that is his job. He wants to protect us from Ebola, aids and other diseases.

    We don't care what a bunch of European socialists think of our great president. He is fixing America and making it great again. Who care what the rest of the world thinks we are the greatest nation in the history of the world. We have the greatest military ever and fear no one.

    Stop attacking our President and give him the respect and loyalty he deserves.

    1. Looks like you made last call. Bottoms up asshole! This demented pariah gets all the respect he deserves. Mueller is going to skewer him and will demand that he answer questions in person rather than have his lawyers answer in writing. Maybe his jumpsuit will match his weave.
      —-Mother Jones

  8. He speaks for a downtrodden and forgotten America.

  9. Lefty after lefty calls the US a shithole country. Trump should not have called them shithole countries. They are shithole nations.

  10. Conduct unbecoming

  11. Give our glorious leader time. He will announce a solution to this immigration problem. It will be a final solution.

  12. Bernie,The President should not say things that inflame people of color,anymore than the unfortunate handicapped ! It’s the culture not the the skin color . Why aren’t Eastonians from Eastonia and the folks from Iceland trying to get across America’s boarders ? Ethiopians are different than Jamaicans , for example , it’s the cultural issues I hope he’s referring to . . What is ecceptable within a group , tribe or social structure that collides with Americans and their standards of conduct. I’m not defending the indefensible comments -

  13. EVERYONE reading (or writing) this blog speaks in the very same manner from time to time. Go ahead, deny it.

  14. Despite the undiplomatic language, the US takes in 1.5 million souls from shithole countries, each year. Until the 1970s, this number was around 150K. A recently leaked memo from Democratic Party officials lays bare the importance of maintaining unfettered immigration as key to their electoral prospects. Democrats have lost the philosophical argument and are working hard to change the electorate. We're approaching 400M in population. The trip to 500M will be a blink. Technology will eliminate tens of millions of jobs over the next 20 years. Where is everyone going to work? Who is going to pay for all the free shit? We're a very generous country - to a fault.

  15. The fact that so many Americans, not by any means a majority, but a strong base of support, stand behind a vulgar, idiotic xenophobe like Donald Trump is the most disheartening thing of all. A man is just a man, even if he is President. Trump is a walking manifestation of our worst traits as humans and as a nation, but his base - who claim to be such pro-American, strong patriots - have become a cult of personality. The party of the individual has become the party of the strong man, who in actuality is probably the weakest, most thin-skinned, most intellectually bereft executive we have ever elected.

    Trump is pathetic and his enabling base is even more so.

  16. Trump is vulgar. So was LBJ and Truman and Nixon. The extremes of each side are in full bloom. Trump makes outrageous race-inflaming statements. The local Facebook weather guy is defending himself from charges of racism because he warned of black ice on Saturday morning. You can't make this stuff up. Please put up more basketball posts. Politics is disgusting.

  17. Norwegians? why would we want Norwegians.

    Generations of interbreeding with Laplanders.

  18. Anytime the political discussion turns back to immigration, Trump wins.

  19. Those countries ARE crappy as hell. Call it like it is.

  20. Norway is the most liberal country in the world.

    Isn't it interesting that even conservatives recognize that liberal policies just work?

  21. Finally an Politician that speaks his mind and truth about the rest of these free loading country's that dump on the USA. Well stated Mr. President.

  22. Must be true, other wise why do these people want to flee the s... hole, flea bag nations. Lack of leadership on their part . TRUTH HURTS!

  23. If these countries aren't sh!tholes - why are people leaving them as quick as they can and by any means they can?

  24. In 1973, while serving in the navy, I had the distinct pleasure of pulling in to Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. While pulling into the harbor we had the celestial smell of --it. In addition, the harbor was full of human feces. The only place clean was the Presidential Palace, the Casino and the Jane Barbencourt Rum Factory. The rest of the town was a slum. I don't blame anybody who wants to leave, however, why the United States. There are many liberal based countries in Europe that will gladly take them.
    The benevolent US is saddled with the cost of this migration and Trump is only trying to mitigate this burden. Ever since my stately visit, I have called Haiti a true shithole! And that has nothing do with the blacks and creoles who live there. [And by the way, I didn't catch the CLAP, opposite of the majority of my shipmates.]

    Gilbert Hope Jr.

  25. If these "Dreamers" were so smart and such hard workers why is it they cannot go back to the places they are from and help improve those places?

    Why is it they need to stay here on welfare?

  26. Trump speaks for the darkest parts of America's id. He, and his racist, xenophobic, white supremacist followers are forgetting one thing. MAGA. Mueller Ain't Going Anywhere.

  27. Everytime this shithole president invokes the word patriot, Some have hijacked this word to represent hate, division, discrimination and white nationalism. Note that during the Championship game the college football teams stayed in the lockeroom for the National Anthem. Maybe it was innprotest to a hateful president. Keep my damn 1% tax cut. We need a President our children can look up to.


  28. @1:16 am: "Honesty is not racism".

    Sure is it. Racist people love hiding behind the veil of "honesty", or ""straight-talk". "Telling it like it is". etc... Plain an simple, Trump conned you. He preyed upon your emotional vulnerabilities.

    He tapped into your fears, anxieties, prejudices and darkest desires. And he conned 63 million other Americans into voting for him by getting them to believe lies about Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks, Obama, The Clintons and all the "wonderful and beautiful" things he'd do for the people who support him.

    So, either accept the fact that you've been conned or do some soul-searching and realize you are nothing more that a run-of-the-mill racist hiding in plain sight.

  29. "In a meeting with lawmakers on Thursday, Authoritarian Donald Trump objected to extending lawful immigration status to people from Africa, El Salvador and Haiti. His racist venom began with Haiti. "Why do we need more Haitians?" he complained."Take them out." As the discussion continued, the racist-in-chief bellowed, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He went on to say he'd like to see more people from Norway. "

    Excuse me, Mr. O'Hare. What is your source for this statement? The Washington Post and their "unnamed sources" ?

    According to President Trump, this is not the language he used:
    "The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used. What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made - a big setback for DACA!"
    7:28 AM - Jan 12, 2018

    "Never said anything derogatory about Haitians other than Haiti is, obviously, a very poor and troubled country. Never said “take them out.” Made up by Dems. I have a wonderful relationship with Haitians. Probably should record future meetings - unfortunately, no trust!"
    8:48 AM - Jan 12, 2018

    Repeating Democratic Lies Mr O'Hare ? Typical

  30. Anyone Else 2020 just shows your ignorance about the situation. College teams have always come out of the tunnel AFTER the National Anthem. Had nothing to do with Trump.

    1. Maybe so...but trumphole made a big stink when the NFL suggested diing it. He kneels on the flag everytime he lies ir uses division speech. America deserves better from a President.

  31. Getting away from the "he said, she said" part of all this, this raises the best question I can think of in the immigration debate.

    Why does the United States accept large numbers of immigrants from countries so dissimilar to ours that they will likely never assimilate, or prove to be anything more than vote mules for Democrat's ?

  32. Trump's a "shithead" racist douche bag. Never in my life has the Republican party proven to be so racist, divisive, ignorant, idiotic, and blatantly only in it for their own self-enrichment. So-called "tax reform" only goal is to pay back their wealthy white donors. The MOST UnChristian people to call themselves Christians, ever. Karma is a bitch and Trump could single-handedly take down the entire party as he goes down in the Russian probe that will end this farce once and for all.

  33. @9:18 - It's human nature for people to deny what they don't want to believe and it takes generations for some concepts/beliefs to be weeded out of the norm.

    As someone above pointed out, albeit sarcastically, people are scared of and hate "different" because "different" is unknown to them, they view it as a threat, hence major opposition and bias against Irish & Italians who came over in the late 1800's. Eventually those immigrants and especially their children (most of our grand parents or great grand parents at this point) assimilated to the "American" culture, but not before adding some of their own flavor to it (see; Great American Melting Pot simile).

    The President regardless of party should be "above" the common citizen in both deeds and conduct. Applauding or liking Trump's behavior even if it does square with your personal beliefs is simply lowering the bar for future leadership. Maybe it was naive of us, but we all grew up idolizing Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush or Clinton. They were heroes to school kids. Maybe you or your parents didn't agree on specific policies and in some specific cases unbecoming behavior, they were all respected statesmen who could responsibly interact with friends and foes alike.

    I feel bad for kids in Elementary Schools having to see a President who is unable to restrain himself from his own emotional impulses.

  34. Flooding the country with foreigners that will immediately go on welfare IS STUPID. If the US wants to help these people, it should do so IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES.

    I CARE ABOUT AMERICA. I want Democrats to shut down the Government for illegal aliens SO BAD. I hope the incompetent Nancy P and Head Clown Chuck are not bluffing.

    The Party Of Slavery should shut down the US Government on behalf of illegal aliens. NOW.

  35. Did Trump get an answer to his question? Why are we constantly letting allowing those from these countries in?

  36. This sounds like more Fake News. It does not sound like something Trump would say. It is out of character and the timing of this fake news is telling. The Democrats are doing everything they can to win this year, whether it means lying or doesn't.

  37. Trump is dealing with substantive issues. If the country prefers emoting with Oprah as emoter-in-chief then so be it.

  38. I'm disgusted with all the hate disgusted with the discrimination you people act as the people from other countries choose this life and trump is a piece of s.... and the people who thinks he is great have issues

  39. Puerto Rico is America what has trump done for them other then throw paper towels at them .

  40. How are we expected to have bipartisan relations when democrats constantly run to the media with hearsay?

    They clearly don't want to compromise for the better of America.

  41. We can and will bend the knee it's my right and if your not a minority you will never understand..

  42. Trump has an amazing ability to cut to the chase.

  43. Truth is painful sometimes. The fact is that that is the way a real American fighting man talks. We hope that he said that. Melted millions of snowflakes across America.

  44. Is he wrong? We hear all the time from the left that we have to allow these people in because their countries are so terrible that they can't go back. Now they are falling all over themselves to say how nice the places are just for the sake of arguing with Trump. It is silly.

    C'mon man.

  45. I have a question, Africa and Haiti have been exposed to the first world for near 200 years, there have been missionaries and others who have spent fortunes and time and a good part of their lives attempting to introduce good sanitation and education. Those efforts continue till today, yet many of these places have advanced very little. Also, does bringing large numbers of this population bring their country up? Or, does it contribute to the decline of our country?. If someone has an explanation for this situation, other than calling me a racist, please, lets have this discussion. For years we hear that these poor people suffer from the exploitation of others. The corruption in these governments is disgusting. If any one has solutions,let's hear them, bringing the world to the USA will not make the world better.

  46. For the record, Trump forgot to also specifically identify Puerto Rico as a she!thole...

    1. PUERTO Rico is not s shit hole for your information have u ever been there for you to be so disrespectful it's people like u that ruined the United States

  47. Just curious 12:40.
    You sure you want to claim "200 years" as the amount of time Africa and Haiti were the recipients of good intentions. You cite missionaries and "others." You need to check your history books on what the majority of others did in these countries, often under the rule of foreign countries seeking to exploit resources and people.
    Immigration allows many to find a better life. Are they all worthy? Of course not, but the majority of immigrants are decent hardworking people. Italians and Irish, when they flooded in weren't all members of the Mafia, or drunkards.

  48. 1:10 and they didn't go on welfare because we didn't have welfare then. We should return to those days and not give them welfare now.

  49. Anonymous 10:21 AM Said-- "Flooding the country with foreigners that will immediately go on welfare IS STUPID"

    Yeah it would be if it were true. But according to The National Law Immigration Center those who entered the U.S. before or “on or after” on August 22, 1996 (when a federal law went into effect) bars most immigrants from “federal means-tested public benefits” during the five years after they secure qualified immigrant status. In other words they can't collect.

    As far as "flooding the country" a quick Google search reveals-- Canada with having only a population of 35.2 million allows 250,000 a year. Germany (population of 82.67 million) just agreed to 200,000 a year. In United States (with it's 323 million) Obama allowed only 110,000 permanent refugees. The highest number since 1994. Trump wants to reduce it to just 50,000. BTW: In 2010 population of the Lehigh Valley was 821,623.

    At this point I tend to think people are hard wired to believe what they want to believe. Including their fears over the facts. Nothing I said here will change that.

  50. To 10:21am and @1:17: August 22, 1996, you say? Hmmm...I wonder who was President during that time, who reached across the aisle and worked with Republicans to have comprehensive welfare reform. To think...even his wife helped to developed the policy.

    Geez, can't someone blow this president already to get him impeached.

  51. "Trump has an amazing ability to cut to the chase."

    Yeah. He hates black people. As do many of his supporters.

  52. the point is , are the sanitary conditions and educational and work environment bad because of foreign exploitation? Have foreigners forced these people to crap in the streets and in the open, this has now become a problem in California with excrement in alleys and on sidewalks, also an out break of contagious hepatitis A that has now spread into Utah. I assume we just need to bring in more illiterate immigrants to help solve these problems.

  53. The point is the people in those countries. They are black, and that is what really bothers and scares him. And you.

  54. Why import more people that refuse and don't want to help themselves, except for the dems buying votes ( stated in a memo that leaked yesterday). Whether black,green yellow ,white red, or whatever, I don't want or need more welfare handouts from my hard earned money going to the lazy or ones that don't fight for themselves either already here or attempting to enter our country. Remember, our ancestors fought and worked for what they earned and received and had to pass through a entry point in coming here, but these lazy people want nothing but handouts from the good old USA and want to due what the hell they want regardless of our laws.It needs to end and this is a good starting point. We send millions ,if not billions to these countries and the gov't hoards it. Not my problem , if their own people don't give a damn.

    1. And your ancestors also had us as slaves are you that blind we were never given a chance

  55. Meanwhile, as the hoards are distracted by today's shiny object, Trump has delivered on his promise of a pro-life conservative SCOTUS pick, he's slashed the federal register of regulations in half, he's packing the federal bench with conservative jurists, and just slashed corporate and personal income taxes. For the vulgar, idiotic scoundrel he is, like him or not, he's gotten a hell of a lot accomplished in a relatively short time. Obama was right. Elections have consequences.

    Now, let's return to noisy race mongering and discussions of the shiny-object-of-the-day while Trump continues to accomplish each point on his agenda.

  56. I like the blogger who's culturally appropriated a mixed race family telling the rest of us who's racist and who's not. "I have a black friend!" That's beyond rich. You should stick to defending scumbag drunk politicians who put innocents in danger. At least those posts are somewhat funny.

  57. Trump doesn't always call other countries a Shithole

    But when he does

    He's telling the truth.

  58. How come the shithole nations aren't predominantly white Bernie ?

  59. And so it goes again...

    It is important to remember that the anti-Trump media is heavily invested in portraying Donald Trump and his supporters as champions of white supremacy. This isn't anything new, and President Trump is not subscribe to the Political Correctness that has engulfed our society over the past decade or so.

    Just a few months ago when racial violence broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia, President Trump was angered that the media pretty much ignored bad behavior from left wing agitators. He stated his annoyance but was not precise - allowing the media to brand him as sympathetic to the Nazi demonstrators, who ignited the disgusting display.

    Now President Trump perhaps disparaged some African countries as well as Haiti and El Salvador. It is true that those countries are troubled and rank high on the “misery index.” However, when speaking about nations populated by people of color, a certain diplomacy is usually used to soften the tone for the snowflake crowd of Progressives, of which Bernie O'Hare is one.

    So now we must must endure another round of “the President is a racist” nonsense. The hate-Trumpers are rejoicing over this, despite President Trump denying it was ever said. The Progressives are using it because it further marginalizes a leader who has momentum on the economy and national security.

  60. Why do Molovinsky's misfit toys come here and spew their venom, can't they stick to Brietbart and TheBlaze?

  61. Its, Interesting that Dick Durban, who claims they want a DACA fix and immigration reform, found it necessary to spill all he could from a private meeting. Its obvious the Dems don't want reform and now they will claim that Trump is just too racist to work with. Dacas better start packing. This is intended to be a issue for the next election and possibly forever.

  62. O'Hare is full of shit as usual. Trump does not hate blacks. He is not a racist. He has hired and admired people of all colors. He just wants to end liberal immigration practices that favor third world nations with nothing to offer other than cheap, entry-level workers.

  63. So, I would also classify North Korea a shithole country. trump would also probably agree. They are not black, but they also are not getting preferred immigration status. If Im not mistaken Obama actually made aids patients also preferred immigrants because they would get better care here. Is this all in the best interests of the country.

  64. Hey 232 just like he was going to send f52 fighter jets to Norway there is no such thing it's a game and just like he sold the American public abridge only the bridge is in Brooklyn get a brain

  65. Anon 9:36, not your real name not your real picture. I bet you are a 40 year old beer belly dude, living in your trailer with your Trump porn.

  66. Hey Bernie. How else would you describe these shitholes?

  67. The United States of America should not be a dumping ground for the unproductive. Donald Trump was elected because he has NOT been some political figure on your payroll for 26 years. So- The Haitian government is across the fence from another government that is not having problems at the same rate and quite civil . . This is all on the same island . Why is that? Damaged properties -The Clinton s sucked contract work out of this disaster on the guise that they are humanitarian s well ask Vince Foster ! The place has generally they same as before the issue . You can’t really tell the difference after the the disaster. . If you as a tourist were to hang out long enough you would be a target and subsequently robbed and maybe be lucky to get back on the aircraft alive to return here. So - the liberal media has been one sided ,and This President is making corrections that the Socialist Obama Society had placed- into our political adjenda that is counterproductive to a free society. Obama is out there still to counter his administrative issues and We are about to find out about his underground . Stay tuned.

  68. Trump played this perfectly. He showed his willingness to negotiate and compromise, knowing full well the Democrat Durbin would poison the negotiations at the first opportunity. Now he has every justification to walk away from the DACA amnesty they're pushing.

  69. In my view if they aren't shithole countries, why the hell are the people fleeing those places? Why is it a problem if we send them back?

    Trump really opened the whole can of worms that nobody in Government wants to discuss. Mexico is directly to our south. Located right on the border of the richest country on earth?. It has access to both oceans, abundant natural resources, lots of young people. Is Mexico a shithole? The people of Mexico are flooding over the border like a fucking tidal wave. Why? What pressure do we apply to the governments of these places to get their act in gear so their people DON'T want to be here, but live in the nation they were born in?

    Using diplomatic doublespeak enables the tyrants and monsters who run those shithole countries to live lives unscathed, and they all live like kings as well. We let them and their families come to our country on shopping sprees paid for by feasting on the very lives of the people who cannot escape. Those who are too old, too young, too poor to even walk across the border. Those who can try to get here any way they can because they don't have shit to live with in their shithole nation.

    The discussion is long overdue.

    Thank you PRESIDENT Trump!

  70. Anon 6:54 You sound like a disgruntled parent whose kid didn’t make a cut . Doesn’t matter , you deleated your name and credibility. Keep the Judges Kids out of this . I sign my name because I can .

  71. Anon 6:54 you should be complaining about the school board that was complacent and negligent in allowing illeagle immigrant s kids with bogus addresses in the school . They should be impeached and charged in criminal court for mis use of public funds . Administrative people proven to know of this scheme chould have pension chargebacks at retirement and be place immediately out of school buildings. The reason your taxes are so so high and you can’t have a great vacation is because of abuse of system .

  72. Margie,I appreciate your comment to me - But It’s Game it’s entertainment it’s not how to teach your kid , not to use credit card ,,if no job stuff, !! Hope your son is doing well and gets good grades . I was number three in my class of about 600 at Freedom High school . Do you believe it ? Truth is in the perspective - that was from the bottom . Number Three from the bottom ,Number Two is a millionaire , he has a great family and beautiful grandkids a great marriage and a stocked bar in his beautiful home . So issue is how to apply what you know — ask Charlie Chrin about his 7/ th grade experience .

  73. It is correct, take notice we are no longer talking about dreamers, but we are talking about who we are going to let in the country. Let the dems vote if they want to give preference to Haitians, Africans and people with aids. Make them for for it.

  74. 3.01
    guess disgraced talking head bill oreilly stopped by or a cut and paste job with no link.

    you forgot

    "Mr. Trump should finally realize that bombastic statements will no longer help him in any way. If he wants to succeed in strengthening the country, he must become much more measured in what he says and avoid overstatement and mean-spirited dialogue.

    Will that happen?

    Doubt it."

    when billo says you went too far that should be a wake up call.

  75. Damm Bernie, Mr hideyhoe really stirred the local fermenting blue juice in the porta potty today.

  76. I'm a DREAMER also. I'm dreaming of the America I once knew and want it back. Finally have a Pres with a pair to tell the world like it is .No more sucking ass liberalism to ruin our once great country any longer. God Bless!

  77. "PUERTO Rico is not s shit hole for your information have u ever been there for you to be so disrespectful it's people like u that ruined the United States"

    The US is not ruined. We survived the Civil War and can survive President Shithole. But I am very concerned that 35% of Americans are still buying into this authoritarian's nonsense. We wonder how the Germans could have allowed Hitler to happen. Wonder no longer.

    And for those who wish to invoke Godwin's Law, Godwin himself said Trump is an exception. The parallels between him and Hitler are obvious.

  78. I have a serious question. I know this is Bernie's blog and he picks his topics but this entry has me scratching my head.
    Everyone is claiming Trump is "finally" giving vice to forgotten Americans and giving voice to their concerns.They want him to make America the way it was when it was great. They claims the country has lost its way. There is also a deep rooted hatred of the Democrat Party.
    I would honestly love to hear exactly what is wrong with America today and what exactly was great about some other time? What or why is America not good today? IO am not attacking those who feel this way or calling anyone names, I am just curious.

    Serious question. I have lived a long life and seen much time go by but I must admit I am somewhat baffled by this anger. What exactly is wrong and what exactly would be right?

  79. I grew up in an area where 50 percent live below poverty. I now live in an area where folks make a decent wage and the homes are nice. While the cosmetics of these neighborhoods are different, the soul of those living here are very similiar in diversity, family values and neighborly caring. There is however one standout. The gentleman with a tapestry of bumper stickers. What values casued him to be filled with animosity while so many others with differnt cultures and political views share in common respect and decency?

  80. Charles Wilson, AllentownJanuary 13, 2018 at 4:16 AM

    This entire tiff is nothing but a distraction by the Democrats (again)

    Some facts:

    1) Democrats failed the DACA's and without a deal, they will begin falling from the program at the rate of a thousand a day in March.
    2) Russiagate is imploding, bigly.
    3) Fusion GPS is imploding, bigly. Democrats lost their court case and now it is game on.
    4) The economy is roaring and the tax cuts didn't kill everyone like the Democrats predicted.
    5) Trump's approval is rising fast, especially when people see bigger paychecks.
    6) The Democrats have no accomplishments and no platform to run on in 2018 except "Donald Trump hurt our feels."

    Yeah.. I'd say Democrats need a distraction. What else do they have besides "Hate Trump" ?

  81. Charles Wilson, AllentownJanuary 13, 2018 at 4:21 AM

    First, if your parents broke into a home, and decided to take up residence in the property, are the children entitled to live in the home? That's what "Dreamers" are.

    These illegal alien "Dreamers" have American educations, send them home and let's see how they can change these "shitholes".

    If these countries are NOT "shitholes" then what is the harm in sending the Dreamers back to the nation their parents came from in the first place?

  82. I am interested in anon 2:08's questions. Love to hear some of the answers.

  83. Charles Wilson, AllentownJanuary 13, 2018 at 4:27 AM

    Something else.

    It seems that countries being called "Shitholes" by Trump has become a major news story for the Mainstream Media to use as a club to beat him up with. However, when Bill and Hillary Clinton and their Clinton Foundation stole MILLIONS of dollars that were supposed to go to Haiti for earthquake relief, not a word was mentioned about it. And one of these media outlets really gave a damn about the "Poor People of Haiti", did they?

    1. If they were paradise why would they want to come here? We can't take all the people in the world. We need to fix our counties shitholes first!

  84. Charles Wilson...oo ooo....you forgot britherism...lol. Your so-called facts contradict reality. Straight from the book of Hannity.

  85. Charles..intersting you would bring up the FusionGPS case regarding bank records yet Donald J Trump refuses to release his tax returns like every other modern day president. What is he trying to hide from the American people? We know we cannot trust his spoken word.

  86. Bernie should release his tax records.

  87. For Democrats, it always comes down to calling everyone and everything racist. Have at it!

  88. "The parallels between him and Hitler are obvious". BOH your really showing your very liberal and bias commentary and it is off the hook.

    First, I don't no where the closest interment camp is.
    Second, he has not rounded up the Jews for deportation.
    Third, he hasn't imprinted numbers on anyone.
    Fourth, he hasn't attacked any nation seeking living space.
    Fifth, he won the election and decided to proclaim himself the single leader.

    Yes he [Trump] may have some behavior issues, but he calls it the way it is. He didn't call the citizens of these nations anything, however, he called there nations shitholes. The truth sucks, and all the do good liberals turn it around for political gain! These shithole countries have corrupt governments and refuse to build their infrastructure to support their citizens, thus, they have to come to good old US to accept the citizens as refugees. It is time to stop these waves of immigration and let these individuals throw out these corrupt governments at home.

  89. It's "know," not "no." He has not rounded up the Jews but would like to round up Muslims and thinks anyone who criticizes him has committed treason. He would deny an FCC broadcasting license to NBC, and wants to be able to use the FBI to pursue his political enemies. He has threatened to attack several nations, including allies. Like Hitler, he has derided the free press.

    I am tired of seeing people attempt to defend Trump's "behavior issues." He is racist, sexist, selfish, greedy and unimaginative. That is not telling it like it is. That is telling it like you want to hear at this point bc you yourself are likely these things as well. If you don't want me to think that, stop defending the outrageous unAmerican behavior.

  90. "and wants to be able to use the FBI to pursue his political enemies. "

    That's what we are finding out now that is what Hillary and Obama did via the FBi and the FISA court wiretappuing Trump during the election.

  91. What we have here is a case of Democratic Senator Dick Durbin lying about a meeting with the President and attempting to smear him. Durbin can't be trusted and set this up... immediately after the meeting, and anonymous leak was in the press suggesting President Trump said this... and within an hour who steps conveniently in front of TV cameras and microphones to confirm the leak? Dick Durbin...

  92. It's way too late to be read and considered but here I go anyway.

    I think we can identify the anti-American deplorables above. They are the deluded but they clearly choose to be. They choose to believe the liar racist in chief who just destroyed your health care, raised your taxes, failed to create jobs, failed to build infrastructure, exacerbates global warming, destroys your environment, preys on our society's most vulnerable and has demonstrably told over 2,000 lies since assuming office.

    You defy everything that made America great. Coming from poverty or war or natural disaster does not make the human inferior or undesirable or dangerous. It almost always makes them more determined to make it and to provide a better life for their children.

    drumpf is destroying this beautiful country and you deplorables are entirely complicit.

  93. @1:27pm: Your opinion is NOT too late. It's valued and noteworthy. I loathe name-calling and for the past two-plus years, I have been called a snowflake and a libtard countless times. It no longer bothers me. I just shake my head and whisper to myself, "you deplorable".

  94. 1:05, I wS concerned about this before I wrote what I wrote. The WaPo story cited an aide to Trump as its source. It then went to the WH for a reaction, and there were no denials. The remarks were instead embraced. It was not until the next day, after the condemnations rolled in, that Trump issued a denial. That denial was refuted by Durban. It is clear to me that, backed into a corner, Trump is responding with lies.

  95. 12:56, there was no wiretapping. That is yet another of Trump’s lies.

  96. Our libel laws are a disgrace, one need only look at the author of this blogs misuse of the courts to marginalize a rising star of the 9-12 project to realize that. His buddies in the NorCo court system enabled his vendetta at the cost of a woman's reputation and career, Trump will take down bloggers & the lame stream media in due time.

  97. @2:14
    You really need to look at the bigger picture of what Trump really wants and how he is trying to get there by citing libel laws.
    He wants to shut down any vocal or written dissent to his decisions. He wants the power of a Facist. Trump Advisor and "Man Who Would Be Joseph Goebbels" Stephen Miller, made it quite clear of just how dangerous the thinking within the Trump WH really is.

  98. Lets not confuse patriot with patriotism. Patritism is love of Country. Patriot is love thyself at the expense of a great nation. I salute Patriotism.

  99. People who continue to support Trump are nothing more than worthless pieces of shit.
    Trump is dividing the nation. I see people at work getting into heated arguments over politics.And to you Trump supporters from the Tea party, the NRA and the Chamber of Commerce,why not start wearing brown uniforms with Nazi armbands. It will greatly reflect your
    beliefs. I don't know how you sleep at night.

  100. This is all yesterdays news. Sorry Trump haters. The world will not stop turning and Trump will continue to be President.

    Live in your shitholes of hate. The nation is booming and we're moving on.

  101. Other than deflection, anger and hatred Trump supporters have yet to define what exactly they want in policy. They have yet to rationally and succinctly state what is wrong with America and what will be right.

    Sorry but most of this is just ranting's like a spoiled child. with a healthy does of name calling.

  102. Those who loathe the venom and lies of drumpf are the haters? You have it backwards. Those who loathe drumpfs bigotry, sadism, lying and duplicity love this country, its laws, its great Constitution.

    Please read above the grotesque disrespect and vile hatred based upon ethnicity, religion etc.

    Here's the thing, to those who have had the benefit of family lineage in this country for hundreds of years, the benefits of decent education, housing and relative safety--if you are so bereft of character, integrity and intelligent thought that you assault humble hardworking people based upon national origin + color, then you have put yourself on the underbelly of humanity--the leaches, drains. But fundamentally utterly anti-American. The antithesis of the spirit, will and vision that made, makes and hopefully can survive the assault to continue, this country the global leader.

    I hear real estate is affordable in Mississippi. Perhaps the drumpf lovers would like to leave.

  103. This blog is about” shithole countries remark allegedly “ Well FYI , in the 1800s Chinese labor was imported to Haitian soil to build stuff because no labor was available from the occupants. They the locals wouldn’t work . So after the projects were compleated , the Chinese laboror s were killed and buried in mass graves so they didn’t have to pay them . Nothing has changed ,they can’t find labor there now to fix their own stuff ,so it’s a mess. Who fault is that ? On the same island to the West half is the Dominican Republic .Wire fence is the only separation between lots of soil North to South . Why are they different ? Why does one attract tourist and produce export ,and the East end cuts off chicken heads ? Give me an Ethiopian with a rifle in his hand and I’ll show you a great worrier with ethics . Or I’ll take the independence of the Masai of Kenya ,I’d even move one in my home because of their honor and respect for other things. This is not racial .

  104. God bless Trump. Tell it like it is let the liberals whine and lose their minds all icing on the cake. Don’t care what color you are if you live here or come here you better be able to support yourself and your families. Taxpayers are done supporting these lazy assholes. Get them off welfare and put them to work. MAGA!

  105. "It's the Economy, Stupid"

    And we're booming thanks to Trump. Remember that

  106. If only the 500 nations of native Americans living here on the same continent, speaking 500 different languages in 500 different cultures and all of them people of color, had finished building a wall around north America the day before Columbus arrived, what a wonderful place it would be. And don't give me that manifest destiny bullshit, as if it's a book in the bible you need to defend, you fake fucking Christians.

  107. I meant fucking fake Christians. Not fake fucking Christians. Didn't mean to disparage my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  108. Anon , 736 and you probably think the American Indian Was RED well they were not. ! Like the morons that object to issue. Well the white man many times only saw RED Indiana’s here because they were in war paint . They were worriers, fighters for their tribes , and to be respected . Respected then , and now . But we’re not ,and are not ,except if you know history. They could mount a horse and ride in seconds ,they were lean and fighting machines . But techlogy and the Europeans killed them off as obstructing their ventures. An atrocity.

    1. Why would you think I thought native Americans were RED? Not sure who these"Indiana's" or "worriers" are of whom you speak. Maybe nervous people from Indiana?

  109. ...or real Christians.

  110. Sounds to me like one particular City of Easton employee is against minorities and immigration. Wonder how that is addressed in the city employee handbook.

  111. Charles Wilson, AllentownJanuary 14, 2018 at 4:17 AM

    Trump used a bad word! Wow

    In a private meeting, Trump asked why we're importing immigrants from countries without any sense of Western civilization or values who have no intention to assimilate. Good question.

    But because he allegedly used a bad word, justifiably and correctly, if true, he is now, again, branded a racist by the snowflakes.Who don't like him anyway.

    So what difference does it really make ?

  112. Telling it like you want it to be, is not the same as telling it like it is.

    Also making fun of people or being rude is something good parents taught children not to do as adults.

  113. What are 'worriers' and 'red men?'

  114. Warriors ,my fault ,sorry I should have put my glasses on for American Indian also ,issue was referring to “Red Skins “ . Additionally, I’m retired completely.Done washed out , I hold several other than white men with high reguard and we have open pictures or prints of several of my heroes,people that accomplished,mentors,and leadership examples. Marine General Bailey ,and Gaskin ,past Asst.NATO Cmdr. “Red Tails “ P-51 piloted by what group , during WW lI on wall next to Mattis, Ridge and Westmorland . People like Mae Jemison are standouts . I care not about 50 million dollar ball players . So ,I pushback at nonsense. Anon : 10:04 want to see where my heart is ? Go to Military.Com face page - search Above and Beyond - Vernon Baker - Metal of Honor . Good day.

  115. "reguard"? Did it need guarding a second time?
    "Metal of Honor"? What kind of metal is that? Gold?
    You need more than glasses, but considering the education of most Trump supporters, I'd put you in the top 10 percent of his 35 percent base and well above Trump.

  116. Trump is the greatest president we will ever bear witness too. Just get use to it. Just think Bernie 7 more years of President Trump.

  117. And remember you serve no purpose in life. You bring no value to this world as I see it, so you have no voice in anything.

  118. Charles Wilson, AllentownJanuary 14, 2018 at 11:28 AM

    Did this "event" actually happen?

    Two leakers say he used the term "shitholes" to describe countries. However, the only person corroborating that as this is being written is a Democrat. We also know that the leakers were willing to hurt President Trump in order to gain a partisan political advantage. CNN's Jake Tapper is saying Trump didn't attack Haiti in the way the leakers said Trump did. There are also two Republican senators who say they didn't hear Trump say what the leakers claim. President Trump, lastly denies it.

    Where's the BEEF Bernie? Or are you so eager to repeat lies about President Trump you'll say anything to disparage him.

    After all Mr. O'Hare, you are a disbarred attorney, yes? How much can we actually believe YOU in all this.

  119. 11:28 AM Charles Wilson, Allentown said..."Did this "event" actually happen?.... two Republican senators who say they didn't hear Trump say "

    The actual quote from the two Republican Senators was they "didn't recall" it. They didn't deny he said it. Only that they couldn't "recall" him doing so. Must have really bad memories.

    The President's record on truthfulness leaves something to be desired. Just this morning he tweeted-- "Obviously I didn’t say that. I said “I’d have a good relationship with Kim Jong Un,” a big difference. Fortunately we now record conversations with reporters."

    The only truthful part was the last when he said there was a recording. Indeed there was and the WSJ released it. Here it is. Listen for yourself.



  121. Charles Wilson, AllentownJanuary 14, 2018 at 12:20 PM

    What's really interesting is that the same Progressives now melting are the same ones that have been telling us for decades that those same countries are in fact hellholes.

    Anyway, Trump said this morning DACA is probably dead. Negotiating something that’s unconstitutional in the first place goes against the spirit of the Constitution and our system of government and laws.

    Killing DACA is a good start towards the enforcement of current immigration laws.

  122. The good news in all this, is that nobody is talking about unconstitutional 4th amendment violations of the renewed FISA laws this week.

    Our constitution turned into toilet paper and we argue whether Donald "central park 5" Trump is a racist.

    Donald Trump has never changed, nor has Haiti, the Constitution however, is now shit paper.

  123. I know at least one Haitian Woman who has told me that Trump is doing God's Will. I can see her point. As the the Devil is known as "The Great Lie" in Christianity she is expecting Jesus to return any day now. My only question is Trump the False Prophet or the D-man himself?

  124. Anon 6:48 As a matter of fact yes ,no and yes - regarded is continuous! Metal of Honor is something that is above you and me .And as a high school grade number 3 from the bottom I do better than you. So GFUS !

  125. So, I guess if Trump had said" Why do we want to encourage more immigration from countries whose residents have not yet mastered basic sanitation, have undesirable health habits, cant communicate in english, do not understand our constitution and the difference between opportunity and entitlement " he would of been OK. Or would he have been accused of making vague statements to distract from the real issues.

  126. We are the "worriers"!!

  127. Trump is a multiple draft dodger. How can any responsible military lover vote for that clown or support him. He is a fraud.

  128. At the 2:58 minute mark in the SNL video below...simply hilarious. watch and enjoy:


  129. "how dare anyone call attention to the fact that this nation's leader is a disgusting racist."

    Distinctions without differences.

    Which President wasn't? George Washington?

  130. "Sounds to me like one particular City of Easton employee is against minorities and immigration. Wonder how that is addressed in the city employee handbook."

    Well, give the guy a break, it's civil service, it's not like he works with any minorities.

  131. "Yeah. He hates black people. As do many of his supporters."

    It appears he and his supporters have no problem with black people...It's Schvartze they hate.

  132. "And for those who wish to invoke Godwin's Law, Godwin himself said Trump is an exception. The parallels between him and Hitler are obvious."

    Correct. The comparison is more of an example of the Dunning–Kruger effect.

  133. What vile garbage Trump has mustered up from the bottom.

    The blue wave is coming in November. Trump will be impeached. Congress will be controlled by Democrats.

  134. Semi off-topic, but noteworthy in regard to the right-wing garbage that is spewed around here. Yesterday, Howard Stern had Jane Fonda on as a guest. He thanked her for her protesting the Vietnam war and called her a hero for doing so in the face of so much backlash. She was making a statement against the carnage that Nixon started. The vile, hatred and ugliness being smeared at Howard today on social media for his thoughts, mirror the deplorable comments on this thread from some very similar, despicable people.

    Simply because I don't want my house torched, I'm going anonymous on this one.

  135. You people are naive. the forces of GLOBALISM are causing global chaos and creating division. You guys are too emotional that belevie Trump is racist. He is not. He is following the LAW and not turning the USA into a fckn WELFARE STATE.


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