Local Government TV

Friday, January 12, 2018

Popcorn War!

It really drives Brown supporters nutz when I talk about the $800 NorCo popcorn machine. A few were ready to jump off the toll bridge and had to be lured to safety with Amy Trapp's gift cards. If I had a shred of decency left, I'd drop this matter. So I thought I'd update you on the auction.

Last time I checked in, retired Magisterial District Judge Jimmy Stocklas was the high bidder at a little over $100. But a bidding war has erupted. The current high bid is $455 from "4baggerplus."

Who is "4baggerplus?"  Based on the definition in Urban Dictionary, it's a person so ugly that you'd need four bags. One for his/her head, one for yours, one for the dog and a plastic bag with which to suffocate yourself after you finish the ride to Space Mountain.

Some bastards are claiming that I am "4baggerplus."

That's really hurtful. I'm rated a 10 by Hot or Not.  I was going to perform "I feel pretty" at the half-time show during tonight's Allen-Liberty game, but I'm taking a knee instead.


  1. Enough with this so called scandal. It was meant as a treat for employees. What about what's happening with the McClure people and county council? Why not report on that?

  2. The popcorn machine was an outrageous waste. It nearly approaches Stoffa’s kabillion dollar human services building boondoggle and Reibmannnn’s zoo trillion dollar bond were still paying for. In a world of symbol over substance, Brown was Satan. In a world of government waste, he doesn’t hold a candle to the drunken spenders who proceeded him. And just watch the new guy. Hold your wallets folks.

  3. @ 5:11 - "It was meant for a treat for employees." Amy Trapp used it and supplies for herself. If you were on the third floor you smelled when it was being made in her office suite. She never shared it with employees outside of HR. The $800 should have been taken out of her last pay and she should have taken it with her. She should have also had to pay for the missing money cards and punch time clocks. So glad they are gone!

  4. Bernie, just got a visual for your closing statement you could wear a rainbow the the with anal floss and instead of the national anthem while taking to your knees, clips of the head slopp mouth in charge bellowing out the words to, I Feel Pretty! This would honor all the local elites in how the back room deals are done with the campaign donations in them closed room deals.

  5. 8:31am should read tue tue, not the the same grammar police or spell check out of control.

  6. I love that people get ornery when you talk about this popcorn machine. Hilarious.


  7. Bernie, was it a R or D that owned this popKoRn machine, than the second question that goes without question, was it a D or a R that started the poor vendors machine a fire? I seem to imagine there are electric lines running to the machine and must ask did code officials design and pass that fusable link?

  8. It's crazy that the popcorn machine bid is now $500. You can get a brand new one from Great Northern for $495 and shipping is free.


    Maybe it comes with the Gracedale prison plans to use as napkins.

  9. Bronze it and put it in front of the courthouse as a memorial to Amy Trapp (for the deplorable employees).

    1. Not deplorable, entitled spoiled brat government employees. Get it straight! Dumb ass.

  10. It’s a precious county treasure and should be placed carefully in the pyramid Stoffa built. We have our own Pharos, replete with outrageous monuments.

  11. Amy Trapp no doubt used to Northampton County tax exempt number therefore paid no sales tax on the popcorn machine. So where is the justice and is it even legal for the county to apply 7% additional County tax on top of a 6% State sales tax?


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