Local Government TV

Friday, January 19, 2018

Northampton County on Facebook

In an effort to be more transparent, Northampton County has finally established a Facebook page. Deputy Administrator Becky Bartett tells me she also plans to establish an official Twitter account as well as a Youtube channel.


  1. Wow, welcome to 2010!

  2. Brown also did serious damage to the county webpage. Half the information that used to be there, including many older council minutes and election returns, are gone.

  3. Will the heartbeat behind the comments be posted anonymously or are we to believe Northampton county is a real person.

    Sometimes I think facebook was created to give the illusion that non-living corporate persons, have personhood.

  4. Was Erickson really at the county council meeting going after council people? Heard Peg told her mot to worry.

  5. Bridge Division has a nice facebook pg. Saw it a back last summer for the first time and it appears to keep the taxpayer up to date with dept. projects and structures , except for the P3 . I heard that the P3 was run by the GPA and County Admin and the county bridge div. had nothing to do with it. ??

  6. 2:16,She was there and she spoke, but i am unaware of anything else bc I was at a basketball game. I only saw the video.

  7. If there is a YouTube site, it should include a blooper reel of the last four years.

  8. Except it has Mclure's face on the profile pic and so it looks like it is promoting him and not the county. It should be a county picture (maybe the beautiful courthouse picture) and not one of him.


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