Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Mahatma McClure?

On his first day in office, what is Lamont McClure's biggest problem? His 2,200-person workforce is underpaid and overworked. McClure's predecessor, John Brown, was able to save money by cutting benefits and refusing to make needed hires while pretending that the employee is the county's most valuable asset. Not only is morale in the tank, but the public suffers, too. Unfortunately, it's our most vulnerable.

Just two weeks ago, Pennsylvania's Department of Aging gave Northampton County a failing grade for its response to elder abuse complaints. The county's former Director of Human Services insisted at meeting after meeting that there were next to no vacancies in her department, and that her caseworkers met or exceeded state requirements. We now know the truth. One investigator was saddled with a caseload three times the state mandated limit.

In addition to elder abuse, the opioid epidemic is having a big impact on children who must be placed in foster care. In nearby Ohio, a " “tsunami of opioid-affected children is flooding Ohio’s children services agencies." By the year 2020, more than 20,000 children will be placed in foster care. In Pennsylvania, the number of children in foster care is already at 16,000, and more than half are there because their parents are drug addicts.

"Drug usage dramatically increased our investigations this year," said Kevin Dolan, NorCo's Director of Children, Youth and Families. "In a good number of the cases we are seeing a combination of drug usage combined with mental health issues."

For John Brown, building a $185 million jail we don't need at Gracedale was the top priority. For Sal Panto and Peg Ferraro, it's a $130 million fishtank in Easton. The real priority, and this is something Lamont McClure recognized while he was still on Council, was how we take care of our most vulnerable. As Mahatma Ghandi said (and was later paraphrased by Hubert Humphrey and JFK), “A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members.”

They should matter just as much as those who belong to the Northampton Country Club.


  1. The County's main purpose for being a government body (in Pennsylvania) is to provide "Human Services" to those in need in our County. Do that first, than if there is anything else left over, consider fish tanks and other non-essential programs.

  2. So take more money from the havers and spend it on the have not's? How many people take advantage of these county welfare programs? Are they checked out to see if they don't have the money to pay?

  3. The question whether a child or an elder is being abused has nothing to do with income. So take your “I hate poor people” rant to the next NorCo GOP meeting. Perhaps we should just euthanize these dregs and turn them into fertilizer, eh?

  4. Thank John Brown and Company for a lot of irreversible mistakes. The county pay system is down the tubes, his reduction of the workforce by not filling needed vacancies [from the Ed Pawlowski playbook] has destroyed succession planning, and his appointments of unqualified cabinet members and leaders who are self-serving, all demand immediate relief by firings and layoffs to reinvent an attempt to bring back the services needed to properly help the constituency they serve.

  5. Literally follow the county job postings to see who is overworked and underpaid. There are constant caseworker, corrections, 911, and youth care postings, and there have been for at least two years now. Those jobs have ridiculous turnover rates in essential roles and something must be done ASAP. Good luck Lamont!!

  6. Now we find out who the "real political hacks" are in the County. How do we tell? Just sit back and see how many of these foul balls are appointed to current jobs, and County Authorities. Take a look at the transition Committee who all have their hand out for something. It's coming folks. Tighten your sphincter muscles and get a good grip on your wallet. AMERICA, WHAT A COUNTRY.

  7. Bernie, What is the cost of the average county workers health care coverage? Pension benefit? what does the average county work received as a pension annually? No one ever says that just they are underpaid and get nothin... Would you share that with us?

  8. You have asked me to do quite a bit of research even though you already have made up your mind that you want to slam county workers, and without even identifying yourself. That's really kind of rude.

  9. Let the political posturing begin. Greg Butz article in Morning Call says it all.

  10. I am sure Butz gave the "everyman" view. lol.

  11. Underpaid is a completely empty concept. Every single person is paid just the right amount if they show up each day to work. There’s no problem filling desks in Easton. Employees will get raises as a thank you from the one who is purchasing their votes. FDR warned about this. It's government by Santa Claus. Everything old is new again.

  12. All the pension problems have been solved selling public assets that were revenue makers! Now we are all drinking body of water that we piss and shit in, serious public safety issues to say the least.
    Humanist by design

  13. Lamont's a spender and everyone with a hand out knows this. Taxes are going up, up, up, up, up .... raises for everyone! A fishtank in every garage! The new McClure jail! let's get drunk and start spending!

  14. Oh, woe is me, the most vulnerable card being played. and everyone knows that the cry baby union pukes are over paid and over benefitted. CRY ME A FUCKING RIVER. If it's so bad get a real job

  15. Anon 4:07, was that your opinion of the 10% tax increasing tea party republicans? Curious if you were as upset at their spending and taxing as you are about spending ad taxing that ha snot even happened yet?

    I guess the Party "groupthink" is king!


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