Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Fed Ed Must Be Serious About Going to Trial

The second full week of Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski is now in full swing. I have yet to attend a single session, and was chastised for my absence by an anonymous reader. So let me explain why I've been so silent about something that matters a great deal to Allentown in particular, and good government in general.

I had planned to sit in on this trial several days every week. But about a week before it started, I was hit with the flu virus that's been going around. Because of my advanced age, I then developed walking pneumonia. Since only the good die young, I've made a complete recovery. But I'm now behind on my title work. As soon as I've caught up, I plan to sit in on as much of the trial as I can.

I wish I had been there on Monday to see FBI Special Agent Scott Curtis testify. He's something of a rock star in the Justice Department. He took down over 100 members of the Colombo crime family in New York, and flipped about a dozen of them. They led him to Tommy Shots Gioeli, a high-ranking mobster who was convicted of, among other things, conspiracy to commit murder.

Tommy will be released from federal prison in 2024.

After flipping New York gangsters, Curtis flipped quite a few people in Fed Ed's political corruption trial. In damning detail, Fed Ed has been placed at the center of his own crime family.

According to Opilo, Curtis' attention was first drawn to Fed because there were "news reports alleging that Mayor Pawlowski was involved in political corruption." There certainly had been no hint of corruption from The Morning Call. Editors there shut down reporters who tried to tell readers what was happening. So I believe, perhaps vainly and incorrectly, that this and Molovinsky's blog were what made them interested.

I personally am very impressed at the daily coverage being provided now by The Morning Call. They could have done that several years ago. I particularly like the video recaps provided by Emily Opilo.

Though I've been unable to attend, I've spoken to several who have sat in on parts of the trial.

From what I've been told, the jurors have been attentive when the prosecution is presenting evidence. But at least two jurors have nodded off during defense cross-examinations.

If true, it means Fed Ed is in trouble.

Another point from the wiretaps involve is the use of other "consultants" who are really lobbyists at a local level. They get close to the decision makers, but state law fails to even require that these rainmakers register. They can even be political consultants.

That is true, and it means we're all in trouble.


  1. What about the spicy a meat-a-balls?

  2. "I believe, perhaps vainly and incorrectly, that this and Molovinsky's blog were what made them interested."
    That is exactly the first thoughts that came to my mind when I read her tweets. No where in either newspapers, radio or TV was anything spoken.

  3. Opilo's coverage has been outstanding. Her Twitter updates are must-see.

  4. Will be interesting to know if Pawlowski refused a plea agreement to some lesser charge and a much lighter penalty than what he is facing now.

  5. Does anyone know when Mike Flack is scheduled to testify? I want to attend and witness that.

    Also, Emily Opilo's tweeted yesterday that Jennifer McKenna was seen entering the courtroom in preparation to testify in the afternoon, but then that never materialized. Other than being Fleck's sister-in-law, does anyone know why she would be called to testify? I've never read in newspapers or on blogs that she was involved; tangentially, marginally, essentially or otherwise. #curious.

  6. Amazing that Ruchlewicz is touted by his employer in Md. as such a marketing genius. Don’t think he’s even being charged yet he was the first to wear a wire. Guess singing pays.

  7. Bernie, if you're referring to my question about trial coverage, there was no intention of chastising you. I wouldn't chastise a volunteer, I was merely interested in your take which is always interesting, especially on legal matters.

    Agree that the current rules around campaign finance are not serving us well. Regulated people seek to buy influence, and we pretend we're safe because all the donations are disclosed. No matter how vigilant the local press, and no matter how stringent our disclosure rules, every action in an elected official's day will never be disclosed. This system is akin to inmates donating to the warden's salary.

    Again, thanks for your efforts as a volunteer and glad you've recovered.

  8. Canary, It was a comment from someone who lacked the courtesy to say who he or she was.

  9. Who Dat....LMAO
    Who came up with a name like that?

  10. Who came up with the name "Anonymous." Dat is a Vietnamese name. His mother came up with it. You are ignorant and a bigot.

  11. I know how you feel, I'm going through it right now. I was there for day 1 & 2 and wonder why this goofball didn't plea. His legal bills for this travesty will be close to a half-million. Of course, most of this will be paid by the campaign donors, but he'll have to dig down in his personal savings. Because of all the free work and renovations to his house, courtesy of Stellar Construction, it left him sitting pretty in savings.

    I intently follow the events of the trial on WFMZ news and Opilio's tweets which are more informative than the final product. This scumbag has a mountain of evidence to leap and the trial investigation by the FBI's Scott Curtis has been outstanding! I totally believe this trial will sink the Teflon Mayor; something the illiterate voters couldn't do. Carson S. Gable III.

  12. How I think thin this will go. Pawlowski will continues for a few more days or less. If the trial looks like it's heading South for him his lawyer will propose a plea deal. This is the way insurance companies play it with malpractice trials.

  13. I have felt from the onset that Fed Ed will have to be dragged out of office, kicking and screaming. When it comes to looking at his own behavior, he is delusional.

  14. Maybe the morning call is publishing this trial is because there is a lot of money to be made. You know all the subscriptions.

  15. I am sure that is the primary consideration.

  16. I'm not an attorney, but I believe this has been discussed here. Will/does the SCOTUS Hobbs Act conviction case involving VA Gov McDonnell have any bearing here?

  17. This has been written about extensively. The McDonnell case was decided before Fed Ed was charged,so prosecutors crafted their indictment to avoid most of those problems. This is bribery and extortion.

  18. Well they better get a conviction the investigation went on 3 plus years, and pretty much questioned anyone that got in earshot of Ed

  19. I am sure we are all deeply moved by what some anon thinks better happen.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. George, The purpose of language is to facilitate communication. Your comments almost always fail on that account. Please make sure your comments can be understood or they will be deleted. No need to apologize.

  22. The Mayor has not been found guilty. For all we know he could be the target of a conspiracy of insiders that used his office to make money for themselves. This cabal of insiders is at work in Washington DC, it could certainly happen locally.

    Maybe the consultants, contractors and government insiders saw an easy going Mayor as a ticket to perks and money.

    It is possible.

  23. Is Jim Hickey at the trail?

  24. He has already pleaded and hence is not there.

  25. Bernie,

    From what I read in the papers, Pawlowski strikes me as shrewd. I do not think he would pursue a trial he didn't see a realistic chance of winning. OTOH, you've previously said that you believe McMahon gaslights his clients, so maybe that's at play here. And it's hard to imagine the Feds failing on all 54 counts.

    Where can I find extensive writing re: the connection between this case and McDonnell?

  26. "Where can I find extensive writing re: the connection between this case and McDonnell?"

    Given that you know I have written that McMahon likes to gaslight his clients, I find it highly suspect that you would not know where to find my stories about McDonnell and this case.






  27. Kinda creepy taking pictures of underage cheerleaders and then posting them on here, no? I’m sure you got her permission???

  28. Anyone who has met them know that Fed Ed and Fleck are not the brightest bulbs on the christmas tree. This whole thing seems very beyond their abilities.

  29. "Kinda creepy taking pictures of underage cheerleaders and then posting them on here, no? I’m sure you got her permission???"

    What's creepy is your OT anonymous slur. The purpose for that picture was to show that there is a lot more than basketball at these events. There are cheerleaders, dance teams, student cheering sections and bands.

    I have disabled comments on my sports stories bc the kids and other sports fanms read these stories, and should not have to endure the filth that comes from you.

  30. Bernie:

    You find it suspect that I read and remembered one sentence you wrote but didn't read and remember every sentence you wrote?

    I thought dour and accusatory was Molovinsky's thing, but hey whatever mashes your potatoes.

  31. Don't twist my words. There is no way you can claim out of one side of your mouth that you remember my critical assessment of McMahon, and then imply out of other side of your mouth that you have seen nothing from me concerning the McDonnell case. If you remember one,you remember the other. All you succeeded in doing was to waste my time in looking for stories you could have found yourself, had you bothered to look. And that pisses me off, and should piss me off because I know from other comments that you are not stupid. I think you're playing games.

  32. Thanks, Bernie, for the compliment. "Not stupid" is among the nicest things anyone's ever said about me. Right up there with "on time for dinner".

    I did remember you mentioning McDonnell but I did not recall extensive discussion. Much as I enjoy your site I don't get to read every day. McDonnell is interesting to me because as I follow the trial I'm wondering what the Feds have to prove to prevail, and whether they are "winning." I'm also interested in how the law draws the line between commonplace and criminal fundraising practice, because I tend to think that even the common, legal fundraising practices need reform. I may attend the trial in person some day next week.

    Anyway, sorry if my imperfect memory has you pissed off, but as an old friend likes to say, it's better to be pissed off than pissed on.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.