Local Government TV

Friday, November 17, 2017

Susan Wild: Why I'm Running

Though I will support John Morganelli for Congress, you might prefer a person like Susan Wild. She is a prominent Allentown attorney and Solicitor to Allentown. She is seeking the Democratic nomination to Congress in the 15th Pa. Congressional District. Here she explains why and asks you to dig into your pockets. 

Like many of you, I’m frustrated and dismayed that our government is broken. Things are spiraling downward quickly. Good government seems to be a thing of the past.

I have spent a lifetime trying to help people. It’s what I was trained to do starting in law school, and throughout my career. Nothing makes me feel better than helping someone with a problem find a solution.

So now, instead of feeling hopeless and helpless, I’ve decided to do something about it. I’m running for Congress.

I’ve been fortunate in my life to have had a career that has trained me to listen carefully, question assumptions, do solid research, and find solutions to problems. I’m ready to bring this approach to Washington to fight for Pennsylvania families, but I can’t do it alone -- please make a contribution today to make sure my campaign has the resources we need.

I strongly believe in the concept of good government. I believe that quality, affordable health care is a right. I believe the economy grows best from the middle out, not the top down. I’m ready to work on strengthening gun laws so that everyone can feel safe in their communities. I believe that Mother Earth must be respected and cared for. That the elderly and our veterans need to be respected and cared for. That there must be no discrimination against people based on their race, country of origin, gender identity, or sexual orientation. And good public education is where it all starts.

I also believe that corporations must not be allowed to hand-pick our elected officials and run our country, which is why I wanted to reach out today. We have a real opportunity to flip this seat -- but I need all of you to help me win. Please, make a contribution today.

I was raised to believe that government has a proper place in our lives, and that it is the obligation of our elected officials to work hard for the people who elected them. When I’m in Washington, my sole focus will be on what is right for the people of the 15th, and working to achieve solutions that are right for all Americans.

Thank you for being a part of this,
Susan Wild

(Her donation button is here.)


  1. Another lawyer in Congress? No thanks.

  2. A lawyer that works in Allentown City Hall? No thanks! There is already enough corruption in DC.

  3. She was a recipient of money from a "Fed Ed" PAC when she ran for county commissioner in Lehigh County. She is still the "rotund one's" city solicitor. Anybody associated with his dishonor should not get any votes; except the uninformed in Allentown.

  4. I think she may have sexually assaulted me in the late 80's?

    1. Was that with or without her penned husband and was there a plea bargan! Aaawww the managatwas of the 80's.

  5. I will not even consider her worthy of consideration for my vote unless she specifically condemns the past acts of the current Mayor of Allentown and his administration and clearly outlines steps she has taken as City Solicitor to make sure that these acts did not continue during the time she has held that position. The courts will ultimately determine the criminal matters involved but at a minimum this Mayor has been negligent in his duties in the oversight of his own key governmental subordinates and also his own political campaign staff. She chose to join this administration and did not resign in protest when some of this became evident. I am not suggesting that she was personally responsible for any of these things but she needs to condemn them and also show how she did everything in her power to stop them if she wishes to serve in Congress.

  6. No one serving in a leadership role in the corrupt Ed Pawlowski administration will ever receive any support from this quarter.
    The people of this district are not as stupid as Allentown voters.
    I’ll work for anyone who runs against a Ed Pawlowski team member.

  7. The last meeting were its hiness showed to present the budget bed time storieS and it walk hand in hand like a guard dog!

  8. Though blasting Susan over her ties to Fed Ed is good politics, she has acted with integrity and honor. I have immense respect for her as a person and attorney. But i also happen to believe that John is the only Dem who can capture this seat.

  9. Allentown City Solicitor Wilds FB page has the ring of a chat room for Hilary Clinton Democrats with all its tired babble.
    Clinton-speak led our party to defeat.
    I might hold my noise and still back Wild, but being on the Ed Pawlowski payroll?
    Absolutely, categorically, NEVER!

  10. Ms Wild needs to explain Her relationship with Mr.Pawloski and Mr. Fleck.She must have very bad political instincts if She is Mr.Pawloski's solicitor and expects the public not to be reminded of this

  11. An Ed Pawlowski PAC recipient?
    A top cog in a corrupt City Hall?

    Ms. Wilds candidacy is the personification of poor policy and car crash politics that Republican campaign strategists dream of!

    Even in the context of contemporary local/federal politics this misadventure is difficult to take seriously.
    Stone-cold pragmatic analysis, no way in hell.

  12. There is only one qualification for a lead role in a Fed Ed administration, blind loyalty at the beginning and end of the day.
    Everyone in Allentown government understands this.
    Ms. Wild plays a leading role in a disgraceful Pawlowski regime.
    She’s not fit for higher office, with all due respect.

  13. The words and the music don’t match.

  14. “I strongly believe in the concept of good government.”

  15. Please do not support John Morganelli for Congress or for any other job that will take him away from us here in Northampton County. I would weep at the notion he was leaving us behind, as he has served so well for so long.

  16. He is the best I’ve ever seen in NC, and my Dad was DA. But my dad was a better trial lawyer. Mean as cat shit.

  17. Spaz had a style all his own, and Briody was a fun side kick.
    Your Pop was cool.

    Wild for Congress?
    Ah.......I don’t think so.
    Not in this lifetime.

  18. Susan Wild is much more in line with today's Democratic party. She has progressive views on the issues that matter, including a woman's right to choose. Morganelli, for all his pluses, is from Your Father's Democratic party.

  19. Indeed.
    If you think Hilary Clinton was good politics and good policy you’ll love Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski’s legal beagle, Susan Wild.
    I’ll give the disasterious Clinton campaign this much, it had the good sense to distance itself from Mayor Ed Pawlowski and his PAC $$$.
    If you are a party hack from Allentown then indeed, “Susan Wild is much more in line with today’s Democratic Party.”

  20. “Progressive views....”
    Gotta love the language.

  21. 4:06, Completely agree. Morganelli is a centrist or conservative Dem. He is the only kind who can win the 15th. If I were not good friends with John, I would still be supporting him for that reason. One of the reasons the Dem party lost in 2016 was that Trump appealed to blue collar Dems. He appealed to their hate and fears, but he also appealed to legitimate concerns about jobs going overseas and being ignored while every other segment of society was being coddled. Democrats have forgotten where they come from and have become too elitist. Morganelli is no elitist by any stretch. Nothing wrong with progressive views, but unless they are coupled with a real concern for blue collar families, they are going to lose.

  22. When John works with criminals he’s on the opposing team.

  23. Never heard of her!

  24. Morganelli voted for Trump and is pro life. Hard to imagine the Democrats in this environment choosing him to replace Dent, who did not vote for trump (Wrote is John Kasich) and was pro choice. Any solid Dem with name recognition and some $$$ beats John in the primary.


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