Local Government TV

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Simmons Out! Who Will Drain the Swamp Now!

Within days of a Morning Call story revealing that political opportunist Justin Simmons missed 500 votes as a state lawmaker, he's withdrawn as a Congressional candidate. Simmons, of course, blamed everything on Charlie Dent.

It's a sad day for General Lee Snover, boss of the NorCo GOP. She no doubt cried herself to sleep.

The good news for Justin Simmons is that he broke completely new ground when it comes to campaign strategy. He campaigned against a man who wasn't running and managed to lose to him.

Voters will have an opportunity to show Simmons the door next year. He's dropped out of a Congressional race. He's abandoned a stab at Lt. Governor. So he'll try to con the people he attempted twice to abandon this year.

I think they're on to him.


  1. Scott Uehlinger the former CIA agent will be the formidable Republican swamp drainer in this race.

  2. He certainly has more gravitas than Simmons and actually did support Trump. But in case you haven’t noticed, Lehigh Valley voters have roundly rejected Trump’s fear-mongering and hate. I expect the right Dem will win, and the right Dem is John Morganelli.

  3. Morganelli wouldn't make it out of a D primary,all you have to do is look at his twitter feed to figure out why

  4. An authentic working class Dem can win this seat.
    A “progressive liberal” Clinton type employed by a disgraced Allentown mayor can’t.

  5. Bernie,
    It should have already swallowed by now if in fact any draining of the swamp was to take place!

  6. David Weidman probably has the best chance of making it out of the D primary and winning in a general

  7. The big question is will Simmons keep breaking his promises and run in the 131st again

  8. Using this poor young man to attack President Trump is tasteless.

  9. oh joy thought we were rid of him

  10. Well the swamp isn’t going to be drained by Fed Ed solicitor, Attorney Susan Wild, FOE.
    (Friend of Ed)9

  11. Bernie, what's the story of why you regularly use this picture of Justin? He looks like he is in pain.

  12. Replies
    1. How do you conclude Bernie that Lehigh Valley doesn’t support the Trump agenda? There has been no test of the Trump agenda since he won the Valley. None of the recent election victories by Dems had anything to do with Trump agenda but rather local issues & personalities. Uelinger has a powerful national resume & will have substatial financial support. Don’t count him out but agree Morganelli would be formidable opponent that would draw Dems & Republicans because of his hard line on immigration & criminals—great DINO!!

    2. Yeah, there is a huge trust of politicos rising from the CIA ranks. Outside of Bush 1, name two more with successful political careers. Topton is not exactly a breeding ground for successful high profile candidates. Although she is a lovely lady, Mrs. Uelinger Is from Russia and not sure how that will play out at the polls, given the love affair Trump has with the seedier side of former/current KGB. I agree that Morganelli would draw Dems and Republicans and his tougher battle would be in the primary. John can certainly raise money and has solid name recognition.
      Mother Jones

  13. THey detest Trump, as illustrated by the most recent election. He is a disgusting person.

    1. Trump wasn’t on the ballot in the recent election and n the Lehigh Valley!!!

  14. Hw was not on the ballot but the election and the results were a clear rebuke to him, his presidency, his hate and his tweets. You can deny this. I hope you do. Next year, when the Rs tank in mid-terms you can claim he is not on the ballot again. When his term is up, I suspect Rs will have had enough and they will dump him, unless he refuses to go.

  15. Let us not forget, the notion of progressive Clinton-speak and Pink Hat rhetoric has fallen out of fashion as well.
    The District Attorney’s Office looks like the path to a congressional seat.

  16. Ryan Mackenzie is the clear leader on the Republican side now. He has been a good Representative for his district and has managed to lock up key supporters in Lehigh, Berks, and NorCo. I just don't see any of the other guys getting an actual ground game going.

  17. Heard Richard Simmons purchased the simmons4congress.com domain name now that it is back on the market. He's using it to release a new Sweatin to the Oldies and launching it exclusively to Justin's town hall attendees during his re-election campaign for what could be his what, 5th, 6th, 7th term in 131. Can someone please drain the Coopersburg swamp?

  18. The democratic party has no national identity. Liberal yes, but nothing else. We just got out of 8-years of liberalism with Obama, where did that get us? The highest corporate tax rate in the world; a failing health-care program; the individual mandate; a very stagnant economy; an infrastructure that is crumbling; an influx of immigrants; a military complex severely depleted; Americans paying for abortions and a host of other failures! We now have a President with gonads who is trying to change things, however, he not only has to fight the liberal based demos in congress, but he has to fight wayward republicans who are part of the Washington elite and establishment. Of course, he has to fight an ultra-liberal media who is critical of every little movement he makes. For the most part, if he can't change things, nobody could. In essence, America will become a banana republic, rife with entitlement people, ultra liberals who can protest, but no added value, and a out of control media running the show. Justin Simmons deserves to be ousted due to his abysmal voting record, however, a populist republican must step up.

  19. OK, so a former CIA agent is going to "drain the swamp?" That's hilarious. MacKenzie, Nothstein, and Pries all have solid sane conservative records at the local and state level.

    No matter how much cheerleading he gets from Bernie, it is highly unlikely JM runs. Why would he give up control of the DA's office and uncontested re-elections to be a back bench freshman Congressman in a swing district? The pay is the same, the travel sucks, and you don't control the agenda

    How about Willie Reynolds? He's younger, appeals to the liberal base, and has progressive record.

  20. 8:00 AM provides an outstanding interpretation of where politics in America is today. You might not like Trump's personality, but he stepped-up to face MAJOR challenges. The reality is, he's been highly active and has accomplished much already. I think America's citizens do recognize this.

    (now begin the typical name-calling)

  21. Susan Wild (sorry Bernie) vs. Ryan Mackenzie in the General. You heard it here first.

  22. Ms. Wild can’t shake her connection to Fed Ed.
    It is an obvious millstone that’s only going to get heavier as revelations trickle out.
    The shit on those shoes won’t wipe clean, to mix metaphors.

  23. Uehlinger is the populist candidate & MacKensie is a good conservative. Both would crush anyone on the Dem side except Morganelli.

  24. 8:00, 9:47, The voters of Pa have told you what they think of Donald Trump. He is a disgusting man who I would not allow near my daughter, nor would I allow him to watch my grandchildren. he sets a terrible example and is no role model. He is mean-spirited, thin-skinned, a liar, thinks he can use the FBI to pursue his enemies, and wants to shut down media outlets who criticize him. He has endangered us internationally with ridiculous childish taunts. In one year, he's accomplished zero. The evidence that his campaign was colluding with Russia to inflence the election is beginning to mount. He needs to go.

    1. Sounds like fake news to me. Did you take notice of his trip to China? They love him. So much for him being a joke to other countries. This country has always been right of center, Obama tried to take us too far left and voters had enough of that BS.

    2. They love him???? Are you an idiot? They know flattery gets them everywhere. And Trump is too stupid to know he has been plays like fool.

  25. This Democrat vowed not to vote for Brown again (I voted for him the first time) and on his second election, he lost. I am vowing again to not vote for Simmons- I voted for him twice- once to get rid of Beyer and a second time because he promised only 2 terms.


    PM to a Simmons opponent: Keep showing how he refers to Charlie Dent as "Do Nothing Dent" and then show Simmons voting record.

    Gene Simmons from KISS was recently banned for life from Fox News. Let's get this Simmons out of office already.

  26. What is quite clear. Is that this nothing but, a hit piece. So, how much money did you make from the Mackenzie people or from Dent. We all know ABOUT your history Bernie.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. There's an elephant in the room here. I just can't help but wondering why Mackenzie isn't married? The rumors aren't good.

  29. JUStin, stop sliming other candidates and start workin* on your resume.

  30. I had to shake my head when I saw the articles (about missing votes, and then about dropping out) in the paper. All I could think of was the Jordan Park rally.

    Anyway, as of Sept 30, Dent's campaign committee had $1,140,273 cash on hand. Depending on who secures the nomination, I suspect he'd be sought after.

    The GOP is changing. Its been happening nationally, and trickling down locally. The past few election cycles they've been going after their own (supposed RINOs), sometimes going on to win the primary battle, only to then lose the general election. And the Bannon/Trump acolytes, including the local ones, seem to be doing their part. It's damaging the long-term health of the party in my opinion, but they don't care, they're doing it "their way." And the Dems? They seem so rudderless right now they aren't providing much of an alternative, though chances are when they do find a Capt, the rudder will be pulled further left.

    I miss the days of Center-Right and Center-Left leaders who could actually find a way to govern.

  31. 3:39,
    China, like other countries, know that Trump is a narcissist. They lavish him with praise and accolades. Trump's problem is he is too stupid to realize he is being played for the fool he is. No doubt Chinese officials laugh not only at him, but also the ignorance of Americans who elected him as the leader of the free world.

  32. The only candidate that will be a great Congressman is Bill Liener. He has my vote.

  33. Just can't trust anyone who worked for the CIA! end of that story! The upside is that not many voters know about this God Foresaken blog and the moron who writes it!

  34. I, for one, will be delighted to show Justin Simmons the door when he fails at his re-election bid for 131, after trying for two other political slots.

    He didn’t vote. He didn’t show up for work. He claimed to have voted on his Facebook page. He should be too ashamed of himself to run for re-election.

    The voters will show him the door, and Andy Lee will be our next Rep. in 131.

  35. Ohair feel the burn.

  36. Is his hair supposed to make him look tough? He looks like a dick.

  37. Word on street is MacDentzie camp had dirt on Simmons and were ready to make it public - which would reveal the real reason Simmons missed so many votes and time off from work (and embarrass Simmons).

  38. Simmons, did help drain the swamp, his bid for the seat forced dent out, that is a step in the right direction. He should be congratulated for having the courage to take on the incumbent, none of the other candidates had the guts to do it.

  39. He's a political opportunist who was only trying to advance himself. But yo're right. He did help drain the swamp bc he'll be gone soon. In addition to pulling out of the congressional race, this no-show is going to lose a race for the state house.

  40. If 4:07pm was, in fact, written by Simmons as BOH alleges...this alone should disqualify him. What year do we live in, Justin? What grade are you in, Justin?

  41. I have been unable to write a post about Simmons for years without ugly people coming on to engage in personal attacks at his enemies. I have found that the best way to deal with these trolls is to address all of them as Justin Simmons.

  42. Simmons is a sniveling, cowardly little shit.

  43. The way the district is currently gerrymandered for Republicans, it has to be Morganelli or another Dem with very similar (moderate/ex-military) stances to have any shot. Dem leadership should play this smart and snuff out any potential loony left wing types early on.

    Trump's popularity level has basically shown that it will not sink below 32%, which sort of makes sense. About 1/3 of the country will only vote "R" no matter who's name is next to it and similarly another 1/3 will only vote "D". Its the middle 1/3 that broke for Trump last year when faced with a decision of same old same old or try something new.

    Historically, the President's party loses seats in the mid terms. You can cherry pick individual polls, you can point to polling misfires and media biases that were projecting victories for Hillary, but Trump was basically a political unknown. Based on his 12 month track record I don't see that either he or the Republican party in general have ADDED more voters to their base from that middle third. Things could change over the next 12 months, but based on current evidence the arrow is trending down.

    Of course, you can never count out the chance of the Democrats doing something dumb, over playing their hand and falling on their faces either.

    The first party that starts truly ignoring their spastic base of loud mouthed morons who will always vote for them regardless and panders to the moderate middle will win elections every time. They just need smart leadership, not partisan dipshits running the show.

  44. Did Simmons ever work directly for Fed Ed?

  45. I know several candidates that are running for the 15th district have zero dollars. How on earth are they going to run a campaign?

  46. Morganelli voted for Trump and is pro life. Hard to imagine the Democrats in this environment choosing him to replace Dent, who did not vote for trump (Wrote is John Kasich) and was pro choice. Any solid Dem with name recognition and some $$$ beats John in the primary.

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. Justin, if you wish to attack Supervisor Joyce Moore, you have to sign your name like a big boy.

  49. How come Morganelli is sending out campaign literature, under the cover as a newsletter. paid for by confiscated drug money. I she allowed to use this money any way he likes.

  50. Simmons is one of a few rising stars in the Republican Party willing to challenge sodomites and RINO's alike, he is a family man with smokey dark good looks, a traditional family, and lot's of connections.

    Dent is out that is all that matters to patriots like me and Justin.

  51. Bernie,
    the more I think about it, I think you are right about Morganelli in a GENERAL election. It would be close, but possible.

    However, like the GOP in the other direction, Dem primary voters are more liberal. That would be the real feat, JM being able to secure the nomination first, from which to pivot to the independent voters in the General. When the GOP gerrymandered the 15th, it was (I believe) more to help Barletta and the 11th district (look at the before and after maps). In order to help make the 11th more GOP, they had to get rid of W-B/Scranton. Holden in the 17th was, as you describe Morganelli, a "blue-dog" Dem... friendly enough if you are the GOP redrawing the maps. Again, look at before and after maps; they shifted the 11th and packed the W-B/Scranton and Easton Dems into an already Dem-held district. Still a Dem district, but the plan didn't work as planned as Blue-dog Holden went down in the primary to the more liberal Cartwright. Granted, many Dem voters were new to Holden's redrawn district, but like-wise, Morganelli will be new to much of the now I-78 15th district which is drawn to advantage GOP. I predict, IF the Trumpians can put down the kool-aid and nominate a solid Center-Right candidate like Dent, they win. If they pick a Trump-can-do-no-wrong candidate, depends on who the Dems have. Either way, I suspect some campaign money will flow into the district in 2018, and could be an interesting year. As they say, "winners make policy, losers go home." Which party wants to win, and which party wants to stick to some perceived idea of what a good D or R is?

  52. 2:28 , he sends it every year after the election.

  53. I should have written "Center-Right candidate in the same vein as Dent."

  54. 4:53 You may be right about Morganelli in the general being a strong candidate, the problem is it will be hard for him to be standard bearer for the Dems in such an anti Trump climate. Look at Morganelli's twitter Bromance with AG Jeff Sessions over the last 10 months. A well funded Dem that did not vote for Trump will take him out in the primary.

  55. Like many Dems, Morganelli initially liked Trump and thought he’d be a good President. We’s Niw more than a bit weary of this authoritarian and his rmtwitter fits.

  56. It's kind of amazing how much time Simmons spends online. He's obviously got a number of google alerts set as he always spams the comments of every article about him online.

    The funniest thing is that he thinks he's a good politician. The only reason he remains in office is because HDCC punted the election in 2012 and then the Republicans massively gerrymandered his seat after they saw how weakly he preformed.

    The problem is, he's such a no-show as a legislator, barely anyone outside of Coopersburg even knows who he is. Combine that with a ineffective Obama and the number of bad years nationally Dems have had. His failure to raise money is a pretty clear indication that none of his support is organic, it's entirely the result of national GOP donors. As soon as he stepped out of his assigned lane, he got no support.

    Justin, you're a mediocre tool with no talent and limited intelligence. Resign.

  57. Anybody think Freeman would have a chance? Not that he could be convinced to run.

  58. He does not live in the district. He can run, but that would be an issue.

  59. Ah yes, the gerrymandering suit would have to be resolved first.

  60. @3:23...let's not go crazy with the family man act with Simmons, enough already. What a charade. And just realized now he had a daughter? More like just realized he had no chance. Smokey dark good looks? Who is writing this KR, DB or MS? Traditional family....yeah, I guess, if traditional is having your lunatic father mother-f everyone not at your debates who doesn't tell Sniveling Simmons he's destined for greatness. Yup, lots of connections alright...aren't they all lining up on his behalf...and to refer to someone who has never lifted a finger other than to drink from the public trough as a patriot is the biggest slap in the face to someone who may have actually done something to defend this country. The wheels are wobbling now and team Simmons better regroup or he can start writing his book on how bad campaign strategy can put an end to your career at 31.

  61. @9;32 take your stolen valor and piss off Simmons is going places while you seethe at his accomplishments and god given attributes.

  62. Simmons is going places, i.e. to the unemployment line.

  63. Yup, he's got accomplishments. If he hurries, he'll be the only politician ever to drop out of three different races in the same year. I did hear that Mackenzie was looking for someone to hold his jock though.

  64. I wonder why nobody is investigating where Simmons disappeared to for about a month without any notice to his constituents nor fellow legislators?


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