Local Government TV

Thursday, November 02, 2017

NorCo Exec Race - Last Minute Contributions

I have already reported to you concerning the spending in the Norco Exec race. Since that time, as required by law, candidates John Brown and Lamont McClure have reported some recent contributions.

Brown is reporting a $30,757.60 in-kind contribution from the NorCo GOP, received 10/31/17. That certainly includes the TV-buy, which other sources tell me is $7,200. The rest will likely go to a mailer and radio. In addition, he received $500 from John Chrin the same day.

McClure reports a $1,000 contribution from John Barron.


  1. What about every council candidate. They have part of that commercial or at least they got a benefit from. It

  2. Elect John Brown just to drive BO nuts

  3. who made that commercial? Lee Snover? it is the most amateurish attempt at a commercial I've ever seen.
    But you have to be able to spend the Laundered money that is sent from outside of the area somehow i guess.


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