Local Government TV

Thursday, November 30, 2017

McClure: We Just Had a Change Election

NorCo Exec-elect Lamont McClure is happy with his transition team's efforts to ensure that he can hit the ground running. "We just had a change Election, and a great deal of change is coming," he has said.

One of the problems that Exec John Brown had when he first came to office was an absence of qualified people to fill top cabinet positions. One of his first hires, for example, was Solicitor Vic Scomillio. But Vic was only there to raise his own visibility so he could run for judge. For his first six months, he had no real cabinet.

In McClure's case, many NorCo retirees with institutional knowledge have volunteered to return and fill top roles to give him time to select a cabinet that is well qualified and beyond reproach. One told me he will offer to do so without pay.

I think it highly unlikely that McClure will retain anyone in Brown's cabinet.


  1. The King is dead, Long live the King!

    We shall see.

  2. Good riddance trapp and twinning

  3. Good riddance tea baggers and wannabes! Don't let the door hit your tail on the way out!

  4. They deserved to be tossed! The voters spoke and their idea of good governance will be dealt with.

  5. The courthouse rumors regarding who will be the new County Solicitor and Public Defender are very concerning....

  6. "The courthouse rumors regarding who will be the new County Solicitor and Public Defender are very concerning"

    Care to share?

  7. I have heard no rumor concerning either position. But McClure is a lawyer, and I expect he will make excellent choices. Our current solicitor had no experience in municipal law and specializes in debt collection and defense. The current PD, Bob Eyer, demonstrated he is unworthy of McClure's trust when he gave $500 to John Brown. He has to go.

  8. How many political hacks are on the transition committee? It isn't hard to find out who is looking for a job and who is there for the betterment of the County and good government.

  9. Frank Flisser and two former Execs are political hacks? No, political hacks are persons who smear others on blogs without saying who they are.

  10. Being retired ,my better half wants me out of the house, Bernie . I promise not to take any favorites and work for One dollar! I promise to have tax payers in mind and be fair , prudent and seek advise from authoritative sources before making mistakes, I promise to treat employees with respect and foster proper work ethic,promote the skilled and provide remedial help to individuals worth the effort.. Can you get me an interview. Although I don’t do E-Mail or use software ?

  11. Mc Clure a lawyer? Really? Heard he never passed the Bar... guess he’s not a lawyer.

  12. This is just a flat out lie. McClure was admitted to the bar in ‘95, after graduation from Duquesne. He is also admitted in New York.

    In case you missed the message sent by the people, they are turned off by liars like Trump and you.

  13. Again I say that NOT all the appointees are bad and should be tossed. The DHS Director is someone that should remain. For the first time in at least 4 administrations we have had a qualified, intelligent, hands on person with prior experience that has gained the respect of the division directors in Human Services as well as have it running the best I have ever seen - that is Allison Frantz. I have seen the return on the efforts she has put into Gracedale as well as Human Services - and to replace her just because you can with someone you feel is qualified not only means starting over with a person with a different agenda but why fix something that isn't broke? Reasess this position- before you promise your friends that helped you with the election that you have a job for them (which has always been the case) -because they won't do as well. Talk to the worker bees.....they'll tell you.

  14. Ms. Frantz has been relatively apolitical, has never abused her expense account, and to be frank, it is no easy task to replace a HS Director. But she and all of HS could do a much better job of educating the public about your role. That seems to be endemic to your job. Also, McClure did not care at all for the number of vacancies that existed st one point, and I would argue that Frantz should have been more proactive there. If McClure replaces her, it will be bc he is deeply concerned that there needs to be more attention paid to vacancies. Frantz eventually began to do that.

  15. "For the first time in at least 4 administrations we have had a qualified, intelligent, hands on person with prior experience"

    Not only inaccurate but a bit too much of an oversell. You may have tipped your hand to Mr. McClure.
    Sounds like a lesbian conspiracy in progress.

  16. Human Services Director is probably the most thankless job in the county. Before Stoffa pushed the pay way up it paid little for a lot of stress running the biggest department in the county. I don't envy any of them. As an employee I think Miss Nunes comment is a bit of over statement but they are friends.
    If Division heads don't get their way they try to sabotage the Director. So it always appeared like a no win situation unless you just let everyone do what they want.

  17. Mr. McClure please look at this Director. There is a lot of favoritism in the Department. It isn't the heaven on earth that is being portrayed.

  18. @ 7:34 - What are the rumors saying about the Solicitor and PD?

  19. Melissa Rudas as County Solicitor, her law "partner" Nuria Sjolund DiLuzio as PD....and her husband Mark DiLuzio for Sheriff

  20. Hi I'm Mark DiLuzio. I'm not running for Sheriff or wanting to be Sheriff. I have a job serving the citizens of Bethlehem, the Mayor of Bethlehem and City Council of Bethlehem. Any questions Bernie call me. You know I tell it like it is. Mark DiLuzio, Chief if Police.

  21. Yes you do Chief. Thanks for ending this rumor.

  22. Human Services is a mess.

  23. Allison has done a great job. She’s encouraged the units to work together while being fiscally responsible. She values and respects her staff. Allison does not show favoritism. She has come here to do a job and she does it well. Allison praises those who do their job and addresses those who don’t. I’d like to know what is the big mess in human services that 2:36 am references. Vacancies in CYF? Who would want that job? Thankless job with little pay. Is it The human service directors fault that people don’t apply or jump to other divisions? I hope Mr McClure meets with those who work under Allison and let us provide him insight into how things are working.

  24. If he does talk to employees, he should not talk to Division heads. The more they like a Director the weaker the Director. also talk to some line staff but don't let their bosses know or they will get harassed and threatened to say the "right thing"..

    Why do you think this unusual push is being made by a couple of people.

  25. How can HS Director Frantz do a great job, and have units work together, when she is rarely in the building? Other than Managers, I don't think she knows more than 3 Caseworker names. She very rarely strikes a conversation with anyone except her usual remarks of "Happy Wednesday" or whatever day of the week it happens to be. The morale in the entire building is dreadful and she does nothing to improve it, and not hiring existing positions to help many over-worked caseworkers doesn't help either. She appears that she doesn't want to be here most days, that is when she is here, and this rubs off on her workers. We need a change here no doubt.

  26. Well it would appear that Ms. Frantz may not want to thank Ms. Nunes fro advocating on a blog. Attacking past Directors competency while praising Ms. Franz as the second coming has not played that well. The best thing would be for Ms. Frantz to go to the source and plead her case and find out what the score is. As for Ms. Nunes, she should remember she works for the county and reconsider her public pronouncements.

  27. Rs he has first amendment rights. Don’t try to shut her up bc you dislike what she says or is kissing up. Also, I give her credit for signing her name, something you lack the integrity to do.

  28. Was Ms Nunez was blogging on county time or on the county computer? If so this, this should be addressed.

    Human Services continues to be a mess. Morale is at an all time low. The current Director hand picked and allowed the former Administrator of MH/EI/DP be asleep at the wheel figuratively and literally. He did not know the programs and BS'd his way in with fancy letters behind his name. She is ultimately responsible for the hire and enablement which caused drop in morale of middle management through the casework staff. Any job in Human Services is difficult. There has been no recognition to anyone other than a few times at a retirement function to give out a piece of paper. MH needs a major overhaul and CYF needs new leadership at the top. Check the fiscal records of the programs. Ask caseworkers and management what is going on there.

    We can only hope that this new Administration respects and values the employees and hires someone from within that has the knowledge and leadership to turn things around.

  29. I agree with Debbie. Allison has been doing a good job. Much better than most of the others. She can only do what administration allows. But she is an advocate for H.S.

  30. I know one thing that needs to change: McClure's wardrobe!


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