Local Government TV

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Did Brown and Allen Snub Barron?

Northampton County Controller Steve Barron put a lot of long hours into getting Lamont McClure elected as County Executive last week. Incumbent John Brown noticed. He has complained bitterly about Barron's involvement to several of his allies. In a rare display of pique, he appeared to snub Barron during yesterday's Council committee meetings.

Brown and Administrator Cathy Allen arrived together for yesterday's personnel and finance committee hearings. Things moved along quickly until Council reached the final item on their agenda, a review of hotel tax audits.

As Barron approached the podium, Brown and Allen both got up and walked out, and without acknowledging anyone.

It could just be that hotel tax audits over a few dollars are boring, but it was odd that both would get up and walk out during a meeting that was already brief.


  1. How childish and rude! But predictable for a couple of sore loser dunces like Brown and Allen.

  2. Can't wait for Brown, Allen and the rest to walk out that one last time......

  3. Barron has earned little respect. He’s a highly partisan blow hard. I learned that from reading this blog. Leopards can’t change their spots; not even when wearing a skirt and stomping flower beds and threatening local employers - who packed up and left.

  4. They can continue walking right out the back door and not return taking Trapp, Twining and the rest with them. Who cares! Oh, don't forget the hoover board but leave the popcorn machine, tv, etc.

    Oh, Trapp! Make sure you are not using County employees to remove your personal furniture and other items!

  5. I'm surprised they were there. They both can file for unemployment together. Those two, plus others, have earned their walking papers!

  6. Did the room break into applause?

  7. He also walked out of the retirees luncheon a couple of weeks ago. After his little speech he sat back down at the table and used his phone continually texting while the other candidates took their turn to the podium. I didn't see him look up once to any of them. He was too busy on his cell phone. Maybe he was looking for a new job already. He got up and left before all the candidates spoke. Very rude !

  8. "Barron has earned little respect. He’s a highly partisan blow hard. I learned that from reading this blog."

    Barron has matured and has grown into an effective fiscal steward.

  9. Most of the audience probably wished they could escape Barron Von Footinmouth's bloviations.

  10. They are sore losers !

  11. Shows you the immaturity of Brown and Allen.


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