Local Government TV

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Bethlehem Press Voting Guide Online

This story is about voter guides. When you look at one and see "no response," it's easy to conclude that the candidate in question considers himself too important to speak to the voters. It's only natural to then think unkindly of him (or her). But when collecting information about a large number of people, mistakes happen. I know. I made a mistake. Let me tell you the story.

As most of you know, Northampton County's League of Women Voters has a voter guide that appears online here.* The Bethlehem Press has a guide as well (located here), which I think is very good for the Bethlehem races.

I was asked to do one thing, and that was to get two or three sentences from the 12 NorCo candidates on what each considers the most important issue.

I managed to muck it up.

I had responses from 11 of the 12 candidates (County Council and Lamont McClure), and was waiting for John Brown. While waiting, I sent in the responses for the ten Council candidates and had everything ready for the two exec candidates. Brown did send me an answer, and it was earlier than he said I'd get it. So he did everything right.

When I got Brown's answer, I sent in the profile I had prepared for the exec candidates and simply forgot to copy and paste Brown's reply.

On Wednesday, I looked at the hard copy of The Bethlehem Press, and saw "no response" next to the most important issue question for John Brown.

Although I back McClure in this race, I want him to win fairly, not on the basis of some underhanded trick on my part. So I felt terrible. I immediately asked editors to add Brown's statement to the online addition. They take Wednesdays off, so hopefully it is added there today.

I also emailed Brown to apologize and tried to call him.. I was unable to connect, but did manage to see him late yesterday and apologize.

I expected him to be furious with me. I would have a hard time believing this was just an innocent mistake. But Brown accepted my apology and was pretty magnanimous about it. He even said he should have sent his reply sooner, although he sent it in plenty of time.

This is what he considers the county's most important issue: "The most important issue is protecting taxpayers and seniors by continuing to eliminating waste in county government while improving the services we provide."

I realize that posting this story subjects me to scorn, ridicule and perhaps even some disbelief. That's fine. I deserve it. When I make this kind of mistake, I need to own it.

Fire away!
*  I know that Lehigh County's League of Women Voters has a voter guide, too, but the only online link I can find is to the primary.  If you have one, please add it in the comments. 


  1. Bernie - Found one in the Morning call:


  2. The first link above is for Lehigh County. Here is Northampton County.


  3. Well the only thing I can say is,
    I fart in your direction!

  4. Bernie the guardians of Gracedale are pleased with your support for Lamont who has always been the top choice for those in the C.O.A.F. The lord shall see your cup runneth over should we have a favorable result.

  5. 12:18, Thank you. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.

    12:31, Please don't presume to speak for what God will or won't do.

  6. On another post it claims the republicans' cleaned up tonight at the debate. Is that true?

  7. I will have a story soon. Patience.

  8. 1:45, not at all. As it was a forum and not a debate, it was fairly bland overall as a matter of course. No one blew the roof off, but the Dems in general outperformed the Reps in general.

  9. Was told it was poorly attended and really not very conducive to an all out debate. The bridge project and taxes didn't even get mentioned.

  10. Thanks for the coverage of both forums, Bernie.

  11. Yo Bernie
    You really stuck it to good "ole Brownie". You get 10 "Atta boy's" for that trick. Brownie never knew what hit em. 10 more "atta boy's" for making him believe you. Damn you're good.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.