Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The Colonel Gets the Blogger Vote

Five Republicans and five Democrats are seeking five Northampton County Council seats this November. West Easton's Mat Dees and I are both Democrats. We are also fellow bloggers. I'd say that we are probably both centrists who lean a little to the left. But this November we will be voting for someone who once described himself to Lamont McClure as a "proud" tea party member. The Colonel. He's also known as Hayden Phillips.

Indisputably, he is Council's most conservative member. He is also Council's most accountable member. He is also Council's most accessible member. He has frequently displayed a rare quality to see in any politician - a conscience. He is Council's hardest working member. He attended 77 of 80 Council and committee meetings in 2016, giving him a 96% record. And he really is a Colonel. He retired at that rank from the USMC.

Matt Dees was shocked to return home today and find a note from Phillips as he went door-to-door in West Easton. He is impressed that a County Councilman "would bother with our little borough." As Dees explained, Phillips already had his vote.

But people like to be asked.


  1. Dees has worn out his welcome in West Easton, his days on the dais are numbered. His website is a ghost town, what was SmartChildToy.com all about anyway inquiring minds want to know...

  2. Mezzacraycray, I'm sure there are some Trump signs for you to put up somewhere.

  3. Great choice Bernie, now we know who Not to vote for.

    Thanks for the 10% tax increase Phillips, too bad you didn’t get the 20% you originally proposed.

    As you can see Bernie does not care about that because he pays no property tax, so ergo this endorsement

  4. Vote incumbent tea baggers out, including tax raiser Phillips!!!!

  5. I would vote for Hayden if I could. I've come to really admire him. He's definitely one of the good ones. Instead of attacking issues piecemeal, or in a political fashion he advocates to go straight at structural causes. In the case of Northampton that's by establishing a charter commission which he supports.

    The same thing needs to happen in Harrisburg in the form of a limited constitutional convention to address things like terms, size of the Legislature, gerrymandering and the completely broken and backwards budget process. When issues are chronic the solution is structural.

  6. "Great choice Bernie, now we know who Not to vote for.

    Thanks for the 10% tax increase Phillips, too bad you didn’t get the 20% you originally proposed.

    As you can see Bernie does not care about that because he pays no property tax, so ergo this endorsement"

    Instead of making partisan choices, I prefer voting for people best suited to do the job, and especially those who are dedicated. Hayden Phillips has earned my vote. If this was the state house or Congress, I would likely be unable to vote for him bc of his political views. But this is county government, where these issues play a smaller role. Phillips has been level-headed and listens. He is going to win bc he is everywhere. He works just as hard at running as he does at the job.

    It kills me when someone who calls himself a Democrat attempts to belittle another person simply for owning no real estate. This elitist view of others is precisely why Trump was elected. As a renter, I can tell you that I feel a property tax increase as much as a property owner. The landlord passes off higher property taxes in the form of higher rents.

    Also, when it comes to that 10% tax hike, Brown at the time was predicting doom and gloom. He wanted to balance the budget by borrowing $20 million, which I believe was illegal as proposed. Phillips responded to that with the tax hike proposal. He made the mistake of listening to Brown.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Tricia Mezzacappa, Your comments are unwelcome here unless you sign your name and take complete responsibility for your libels.

  9. Good post and I agree that Hayden Phillips is a solid candidate. He and Peg Ferraro will definitely get my vote.

  10. Mr. Phillips signs are up on my property, which I own and pay taxes on (anonymous 10% tax guy/gal). I will also be going door to door with him this week. You are correct, Bernie. Hayden is a man of great character. He makes his best, informed decision for each issue as it presents itself. One issue candidates as well as single issue commenters, such as the anonymous 10% tax guy/gal, only show their ignorance. One cannot be a single-issue councilperson; on any level.

  11. Yes he supports the charter commission,. It has been a long standing wish of fundamentalist republicans to go back to the commissioner form of government. Now that they have a death grip on county council and the executive, they know they will prevail in a commissioner form. So in the future they buy two commissioners and no more open debates,no more transparency. One meeting at the Blue and the agenda for the year is decided.

    As flawed as Home Rule is, the old commissioner for of government is pure secrecy, just the way they like it. This is nothing but a backdoor ploy dressed as populism way of destroying open local government.

    Also the guy ran for controller, so does he really want to be a council man? What does he run for nest? Remember Phillips, Brown and Geissinger all in their first terms ran for other positions. Not much dedication there. Only political opportunism.

  12. You are afraid of reviewing what is working and what is not. Most of the Rs I speak to favor the current form of government. A few Dems like Kraft are for returning to the comm’r form. I’m in favor of looking at everything and with an open mind.

  13. It is sad that the guy you describe as council's most conservative member voted to raise my taxes by 10%. That's not conservative. That's heartless. He misrepresented himself as a fiscal conservative when he first campaigned. That's dishonorable. Read my lips, Colonel. I won't vote for you again. I could elect any Democrat off a street vent if I wanted my taxes raised.

  14. Anonymous at October 18, 2017 at 3:50 PM

    "fundamentalist republicans", "death grip", " way they like it"

    There are extremes of both parties, as there are extremists, such as yourself, in all aspects of our society. You may want to do some due diligence before you convince yourself and write your own little view of the world. Ignorance is bliss I guess. I don't know what parallel universe you may be in, but thanks for visiting the world I inhabit. It was a dark and rainy night...da..da..da...Your world is even scarier than the one I live in and this world is pretty scary.

    Who is "they"? There's that us versus them mentality again.

  15. "Who is "they"? There's that us versus them mentality again"

    That is something you employ on a constant basis. I will admit you dip your poison pen in sweet sounding ink; however, in your remarks you excuse that which you attack in order to attack that which you excuse in those you support. Mr. Phillips is an extremist tea party person. He spoke of high taxes being a problem when he first ran for office,the minions cheered. Once safely in office he raised taxes 10% after his 20% tax increase was rejected by his own party members. So people pointing out his positions are not extremists, rather people who counter extremists who like to muddy the waters of clarity. Ahemm, Ahemmm.

    Jack Rabbit

  16. Sorry, no more trusting people who constantly change their opinion based on who complains or fear of lost votes.

  17. I know Hayden and I know he is not an "extremist". At least by my definition. I do not base my opinion, or my vote, on only one issue. I am not defined solely by my support of Mr. Phillips and do not consider myself an extremist. Not even close. As you, Mr. Jack Rabbit, seem to see the world so clearly, I, on the other hand, as I grow and mature and are shaped by more life experiences come to find more gray area between the black and white. At the same time, my philosophy, both political and personal, have also become more sharply honed. Some things become clearer as others become cloudier. My pen is not poison, but thanks for complimenting me on my ink.

  18. Jack Rabbit, I hope your throat has cleared up by now. Halls work well.


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