Local Government TV

Monday, October 09, 2017

No Jail at Gracedale? Think Again

On Thursday night, 12 Eagles' Landing residents told NorCo Council that they are opposed to a new jail at Gracedale. They presented a petition signed by over 1,000 people. Many elected officials acted as though this was the first time they ever heard this idea. While no one on Council lied, their behavior was far from transparent. This can be demonstrated by comparing what was said Thursday night with the video of a meeting on September 15, 2016, when Corrections Director Dan Keen pitched the idea of a new jail. Council members were far more open in that meeting. Executive John Brown, who was running for state auditor general last year, was absent.   

Keen told Council that he had already visited over 100 locations. He wants a new jail, with 40-60 acres, on a greenfield. Locally, he told Council that "[w]e have a couple of areas of interest that we looked at ... potential sites. ...There is still some legwork ...to move it forward." Keen told Council he'd like to get started on a new jail next year and be done by 2020.

On Thursday night, Council President John Cusick told Upper Nazareth resident Bob McMahon, "I have no plan in front of me and this body has received no plan. ... I'm not familiar to what you're referring."

While there is no formal plan for a new jail at Gracedale, Cusick is quite familiar with the idea of a new jail at Gracedale. Last year, when Keen made his sales pitch, Cusick suggested it as the best of three bad options.
"There's here [Easton], which we seem to think does not make sense. There's Gracedale, where there's a lot of land, but we'll certainly run into a lot of local opposition and zoning. But if we have the will to do it, it could be done there. There is enough acreage. And then the third option is someplace else. Finding 40 acres where there's public water - certainly you would need public water, public sewer - those options are limited. So again I come back to this issue where we're going to need outside legal and or land development consulting to move this process forward. ... It's going to take time, effort and political will to move this thing ahead."
On Thursday night, Council member Hayden Phillips eventually said he would oppose a new jail at Gracedale. He is seeking re-election. His wife, who was in the audience, made sure she handed his card to every speaker. He implored them to call him several times.

Last year, when the new jail was pitched, he was less concerned about its location.  "The mechanics of where we are going to do it and everything, my take right now is that I'm letting the administration handle that," is what he said last year.. ... "I don't want to necessarily manage that, micromanage that."

Until he discovered it could cost him an election.

Bob Werner, ordinarily one of Council's most loquacious members, was curiously silent on Thursday night. He failed to clarify Cusick when the Council President attempted to create the impression that no one is even thinking about Gracedale.

Nobody did.

One year ago, Werner wanted to know how the plan would be marketed to Upper Nazareth residents.  "When you try to sell this to the community that you want to put it in - I have to be watch how I word this - If you market this to the community that you want to put it in, the 60 acres, and you approach those people that are on the boards that need to hear this, what is the benefit that you could say to those people on a new facility such as you're talking about?. What would you be able to offer them and say, 'This is not what you think it is.'?" 

One year ago, Werner knew very well that Gracedale was the site being considered. He actually participated with Administrator Cathy Allen in a meeting about it.

"Mr. Werner, I think you were in the one meeting we had met - and I don't think - yes, we're going to have hurdles, but some of the people we need to be in our corner will be in our corner," Allen said a year ago.

"There are people we have met with in the past that have changed," agreed Werner. "Positions have changed."

Neither Werner nor Allen said a word about this meeting on Thursday night.

One Council member is untroubled by public opposition to Gracedale as a site for the new jail. It's Ken Kraft. He is a District Council rep, not an at-large rep, and his district is Bethlehem. He does not have to worry about Nazareth votes.

Kraft is also a business agent for the painters' union, and sometimes treats his position on Council as a way to get work "What does the administration need from County Council to get this started, to get the zoning and the variances and things?" he asked a year ago."We could build it in a year for you," he pledged. He called Gracedale "the perfect place for it and we just did the sewer line and infrastructure and all the things we needed to do over the years to get there."

Werner responded, "That's true."

Kraft said nothing to Upper Nazareth residents who complained, but later threw a lifeline to Executive John Brown by changing the subject to the need for a morgue.

Brown may need a morgue for his political career unless he becomes more frank, and in a hurry, with Nazareth area residents. 


  1. Thank you Mr. O'Hare. The local press has ignored this issue or just pointed what the county executive tells them. You have provided even more detail on what the real plan and motives are with county council. They as well as Mr. Brown should be ashamed of themselves for how they stonewalled at the council meeting. There collective silence seems as if it was a thought out and practiced approach.

    Those of us affected by not only this plan for a prison at Gracedale but the huge tax increased for a $130 million prison need to know these things. Whether it is Hayden Phillips, John Brown or any of the others currently in office, I believe they are now trying to cover their tracks.

    Once safely re-elected this project is a go, as your detailed information shows. I do not believe any of them and know they are just angry with you because you got this out before the election. One of them told me not to trust you and this was all a lie. Your post proves other wise. I will not be fooled by these people.

  2. Don’t be fooled on the 15th by the new position that Phillips and Brown will have.

    They think you are fools and will believe anything

    Mr Ohare, could you explain why zoning in Nazareth can be overcome by the county to build a jail. Someone told me that excluding a use is a guarantee that the use will be allowed by a court or something like that?

  3. These lying scumbags on council know that Gracedale is the only viable option other than Easton. They'll deny, deny and deny until the election is over, and after they're seated in January, [for another four years], the can of worms will be opened and out will pop John Brown and team. They'll usher in a $130 Million prison project with a anticipated 60% to 70% tax hike. Ken Kraft will get his union in to paint and his favor to Brown [for his wife] will be satisfied. All the incumbents, republicans as well as democrats, will shake each other's hand and pat each others back. They'll proclaim, "Life is well in Northampton County and bless us for bringing good governance to it". It makes me sick.

  4. Bernie, what was it that got Ken Kraft blocked from the no jail at Gracedale site? What is his problem?

  5. If you go on the page, you'll see it's true. Ken apparently insulted some local residents.

  6. What is his problem

  7. Isn't this some NIMBYism? The new prison must go somewhere. Mr. Brown and the county council stated the old prison is no longer unusable,right? So why is this an issue? Everyone has to give up something.

  8. Yes, it is NIMBYism, but there are times when that is appropriate. Just today, I spoke to a woman whose aunt was burglarized by an inmate on work release. Someone else observed that jail visitors could spend some time casing the homes at Eagles Landing. A prison is a bad fit in residential. In Easton, the jail was there before the homes. People there know what risk they are taking. The best place for a jail is where it already is. But this wlquestion should be studied by the stakeholders, I.e. The judges and affected personnel. The Exec is only one player in this dance.

  9. Someone who said they were in the know claimed said that they were told the existing prion is illegal. They claimed that county council is the check and balance eon the executive and would not agree to Brown's prion plan if not absolutely necessary.

  10. The jail has been a lawsuit waiting to happen for 20 years. No reason to be pressured by someone you don't even ID. Council did a terrible job of demonstrating itself as a check and balance on anything.

  11. Expand what and where you have a footprint already. Work it out. Proximity to the courthouse is needed anyway. Work out a deal with Atiyeh to enlarge W.Easton facility. This is a no brainer. We don't need no stinkin' new jailhouse.

  12. Slowly depopulate the old jail and turn it into a museum..which it is! Use your brains and not tax dollars to solve problems.


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