Local Government TV

Friday, October 20, 2017

Updated: NC GOP Party Boss Lee Snover's Message For #NoJailatGracedale

Updated 2:15 pm  Since this story first published , I was informed there are two Lee Snovers. There is Gloria Lee Snover, who chairs the NorCo GOP. There is also Lee Snover, who claims to be from the mountains. 

I have always believed that Lee Snover and Gloria Lee Snover were one and the same person. Some people establish several Facebook accounts. John Brown,for example, has three of them. I have followed both Gloria Lee and Lee on Facebook for some time and have found that the opinions expressed by both are nearly identical I also note that, in the past, Lee Snover has not answered a question asking whether he or she is the NorCo GOP Chair. It never dawned on me that they might be two separate people

After publishing this story, Michael Snover (Gloria Lee's husband) posted an angry comment claiming that Gloria Lee and Lee are two different people. He ought to know. He demanded I take down my story. I called Gloria Lee Snover, who did not answer me. I also called Michael, who explained that Lee Snover is actually a male named Layton Snover  My information from Intelius is that a Lee Snover from Bath works at the Pritchard Company, which is where Gloria Lee Snover is employed at her parents'company. 

Though I am persuaded that my post below is erroneous, I decline to take it down. I believe the proper way to deal with this is to allow my error to stand, in all its glory, and simply admit that I erred, which I did. 

I apologize to Gloria Lee Snover, Lee Snover, Layton Snover, Michael Snover and all the Snovers of the universe for my error. I am entitled to my own opinions, but not my own facts. I believed Gloria Lee and Lee were one and the same person, and had reason to think that was the case. But I was wrong, and believe the best way to correct my mistake is by clearly noting my error in the story below.   

Lee Snover, whom I now call General Lee Snover, is the Chair of the Northampton County Republican party. She has a message for Nazareth area residents opposed to a jail at Gracedale.

"I think this fear of building near grace dale is illogical. The current prison is near schools, etc. we’ve had very few escapes. Nimby reins in ignorant minds. Think of the extra commerce this could bring to Nazareth. I live very close and it doesn’t bother me to consider this. Especially if the land is otherwise paid for.

"That said we could invest far less money in working with repeat offenders and drop the number of inmates considerably. Especially with regards to prostitution and drugs. We do not do nearly enough to help these folks upon ending their sentences to get to the route problems."

She claims to live "very close to Gracedale," but that is complete horseshit. She lives in a secluded area of Bethlehem Township, about seven miles away.

She calls  #NoJailatGracedale NIMBYs and "ignorant minds." Of course they are NIMBYs. We are all NIMBYs when it comes to certain things. None of us would want a venomous snake pit in our back yard. None of us would want to live next to a rapist, murderer or child molester. It is perfectly reasonable for any residential community to oppose a jail and all it brings to the area.

I am astonished that General Lee would insult #NoJailatGracedale in this fashion. Her job is to get Republicans elected, not Democrats. But she appears to be doing the latter.


  1. Bit of a dunce. Misspelled words and 5th grade grammar.

  2. I am not surprised. Snover,Brown and her republican party people are angry with the Nazareth area people. They claim they may have damaged John Brown's campaign. They also have claimed that building a jail at Gracedale makes economic sense and that Brown should reconsider after the election.

    Is anyone really surprised? People must decide for themselves if they want to roll the dice with Brown and his merry band.

  3. They are NIMBYs plain and simple.

    I’m voting for Brown, Phillips, Vaughn, I’m voting for the prison on county land at Gracedale!

    Thanks Ms Snover for clearing this up for me. I’m pulling straight R

  4. This article is a complete lie. My wife, who is the chair of Northampton County Republican Committee never made these comments. Bernie O'Hare knows there are two Lee Snovers, one of which lives near Gracedale. Because O'Hare does not say where he supposedly lifted this quote from, I don't yet know that the other Lee Snover made this comment, but I know that my Lee Snover did not. She has not even been to public meetings regarding this issue. Bernie O'Hare never spoke to my wife about this topic either, or even called her for a comment. This not her opinion on the prison at all. Bernie knows there is another Lee Snover. Why would he not even verify that the other one lives near Gracedale. I am asking Bernie O'Hare to print a retraction and delete this article from his blog as it is false. As a former attorney, he knows the significance of this request. My wife is not even running for office for goodness sake and you are printing falsehoods about her.

    Michael A. Snover

  5. Mike... while this might be another Lee Snover your wife is the chair of the Northampton County GOP and thrusts herself into the public. She is a public figure and way more than just a regular citizen. Everyone makes mistakes and if Bernie did I'm sure he will apologize, but she has been quoted in the paper and is a public figure. Don't pretend she is some regular old citizen when she clearly is one of the GOP elected leaders.

  6. This blog has become part of the Democratic and liberal hate that is prevalent since the last election. Hate for Trump and anyone who has supported him. Hate for our country, our history, religious beliefs, hate for anyone who does not accept their world view of how things should be. Hate inevitably destroys those who embrace it. It is way past time for many to do some self analysis of what is happening to them.

  7. Sounds like the feud with Mrs. Snover, because she did not support Dent, has now turned into slander and defamation. Nice to have a lawyer in the family.

  8. Bernie claimed that he was friends with Lee several months back. Now he has derogatory nicknames for her and all his recent articles have a very negative tone to them. I wonder why the attacks? Bernie has sunk to new lows. Trump is getting to him in a big way.

  9. Mr. O'Hare you need to check your facts before attributing comments to people. There are TWO Lee Snover's here in the Lehigh Valley. The comment you attributed in your article on Gracedale belongs to ME not Gloria Lee Snover. I am not a party officer, just an average citizen living in Bath, PA within spitting distance of Gracedale. The comments you are quoting are mine, and they are not the full context, and were part of a "conversation", not a policy statement. You left out much of what I said in following posts.

    Please correct the record, as I believe Gloria Lee's position with Gracedale Jail location would be "No". I would suggest you verify that with her personally before making specific attributions.

    Lee Snover of Bath

    1. Thanks for taking ownership of your comments! Not enough people willing to do that any more.

  10. Oopsie - looks like little Bernie made a boo-boo! Only found on an award-winning blog.

  11. All these comments are fake news by Russian trolls!

  12. Yes I am a Ukrainian troll. Bernie is that close enough for you? Long live Trump!

  13. More fake news, when you cant win an argument, lie, and make up fake news. Then talk about for a week.

  14. Come on Jabba, just apologize and say you are sorry for being careless.

  15. your all fake Posters, we know she wants a Prison in Gracedale Land and county owned Land, we also know that she instructed the 6 who are running to NOT TALK ABOUT THE PRISON DEAL ANYMORE until after the election

    Us Nazareth people know the score and what is going on here, you can't fool us LEE SNOVER

  16. All this talk about a new prison WE DO NOT NEED ONE ....WHAT WE NEED,IS GOOD PEOPLE ...FAIR PEOPLE.

  17. @7:08 " This blog has become part of the Democratic and liberal hate that is prevalent since the last election. Hate for Trump and anyone who has supported him. Hate for our country, our history, religious beliefs, hate for anyone who does not accept their world view of how things should be. Hate inevitably destroys those who embrace it. It is way past time for many to do some self analysis of what is happening to them."

    Without a doubt there are Trump haters out there, but you are making a ridiculous jump to equate that with hating our country, history, or individual religious beliefs. You like Trump and that's great, but just because someone doesn't hold the same beliefs and view points that you do, doesn't mean they hate you personally or hate the entire country. Personally I see an equal, if not more, amount of hate spewing on social media from the right versus the left. Be proud of the President and the fact that you voted for him and support his causes and policies, but be aware that its not universally embraced nor celebrated no matter how much you want it to be.

    The far right and far left are misguided morons who have far too much control and sway in our government and are both responsible for the decay of our democracy.

  18. Anonymous October 20, 2017 at 9:57 AM

    "The far right and far left are misguided morons...and are both responsible for the decay of our democracy."

    Right on!

  19. There are NIMBY's in the Slate Belt as well. Some are still whining about the landfill, which has been here for decades.

  20. "That said we could invest far less money in working with repeat offenders and drop the number of inmates considerably. Especially with regards to prostitution and drugs. We do not do nearly enough to help these folks upon ending their sentences to get to the route problems."

    No one so far has mentioned these comments made by one of two Lee Snover's. Which one, I do not know for sure. Apparently, not the one whom I know. All the comments, and the story, seem to focus on Gracedale.

    Dropping number of inmates=fiscal responsibility. Helping others to get to the "route problems"=compassion. Sounds like a win-win to me.

  21. So, the strategy is, if you are losing the arguments, try to intimidate the effective opposition, hoping you can force them to quit, make it so they feel the intimidation is just too much to withstand. This strategy started by the left against Trump and is now down to the local level. Their hope is to drive people out of the process, so they can control the direction of the country. This is a sad situation. Are you going to attack their families and children next.

  22. Since this story published, I have learned that Lee Snover and Gloria Lee Snover are different persons and have corrected my error. I apologize to all for my mistake. I decline to delete this story as requested. I believe the more appropriate thing to do is to update my post and acknowledge my error in the update. That is what i have done. I believe that is a ore hnest approach.

  23. "None of us would want a venomous snake pit in our back yard. None of us would want to live next to a rapist, murderer or child molester". Do you know the difference between jail and prison?

  24. Yes, and a jail does include all three of the kinds of criminal I just mentioned.

  25. "Bernie claimed that he was friends with Lee several months back. Now he has derogatory nicknames for her and all his recent articles have a very negative tone to them. I wonder why the attacks? Bernie has sunk to new lows. Trump is getting to him in a big way. "

    Lee Snover gave herself that nickname at a pro-trump rally. My recent articles about her have a negative tone bc she has been negative.

  26. The far right and far left are misguided morons...and are both responsible for the decay of our democracy."

    Right on!

    Yet you will vote straight Republican as you always do. So much for thoughtful reflection

    Jack RabbiT

  27. Mr. Rabbit, I do not, and, this time, will not, vote a straight party ticket. I am a registered Independent after being a registered "R" for over 35 years. I am also working to help re-elect a Democrat and help the candidate maintain a municipal council seat. I do not believe you know me as well as you think you do. Making judgements about subjects and/or people we do not know and painting them with a certain brush is a part of the problem we face regarding the state of public discourse today. More and more seem to be "choosing sides". I do not see that as a positive development. We are all unique people with unique perspectives.

  28. "Yes, and a jail does include all three of the kinds of criminal I just mentioned".

    Alleged "criminals" what happened to innocent until proven guilty? This "criminals" are being held pending a plea agreement, trial, or sentencing. People who have been sentenced to prison for the crimes that you mention are transferred to another facility.

  29. I DO NOT Understand how ignorant people are.everyone in jail is not bad anyone of us can go to jail so just stop .

  30. Mr. O'Hare. You continue to reiterate your INCORRECT Assumptions on these comments, DESPITE my attempts to let you know, I AM NOT GLORIA LEE SNOVER. We are both Republicans. We are both Conservative. We share SIMILAR ideas and goals, but not all. I would argue I am far more Conservative than Gloria, and I really dislike the behavior and antics of much of our "local" Republican party. Where I work and live is really not your business. I do NOT work for the Pritchards or have ANYTHING to do with their family aside from some common friends and family. I live in Bath with a view of Nazareth. Let me know how to get in touch with you, and I would be happy to meet you for lunch at someplace like My Place Pizza, and fill you in on how you are maligning the wrong person in these comments. My comments, were just my thoughts on the situation of CONSIDERING the Gracedale location, which I PERSONALLY don't believe should be off the table. But I have virtually NO impact on such decisions, beyond any other average citizen. I can assure you 100% that Gloria Lee Snover and I are TWO DIFFERENT People. And I'd be happy to place a friendly bet with you on such, if you would like to put your money where your over-spoken, incorrect mouth is. You may have legitimate differences with Gloria Lee, but in this instance, you are 100% barking up the wrong tree. It's time to be a man and correct your error.

  31. Excuse me, but have you read what I wrote? I have acknowledged my error. Intelius claims you work for the Pritchard’s, but I don’t know where you work. You call yourself Lee and I believe your name is Layton. I find it odd that you and the real Leehave virtually identical positions on most issues. I’d be happy to meet you at My New Place or Pizza Joe and educate your own over-spoken and incorrect mouth. And I am sure Gracedale is not off the table despite John Brown’s claims to the contrary.

  32. Mr. O'Hare, I read your response, but your "apology" seems somewhat insincere, as you continue to lace innuendo, that there is some conspiracal duplicity afoot. You have published my personal, and mostly inconsequential comments, in a effort to shame another individual with whom you disagree. Your blog posts seek to inflame and divide, vs. to educate, inform and discuss. This is PRECISELY what is wrong with America today. Why is it we can not have honest, factual conversations and discuss options and relative merits of various policies, without seeking to embarrass, defame, put down and other wise show any lack of humility in our positions. This is not the "democracy" I heartened to growing up, where people of different opinions were not some kind of sworn enemy, but fellow citizens with different, and sometimes valid points of view.

    You pulled my comments from another source (cut-and-and-paste jobs"), and brought them into your blog with malignant intent. Then you made a half hearted attempt to right your error, still inferring there is some doppelganger out to trip you up. I do not want to leave my contact information in public, so if you can direct me as to how I may contact you privately, I will be happy to sit down and share who I am, share a drink, and discuss some local topics with kind hearted civility. Perhaps such an exchange will lead you to a more civil and polite level of discourse, vs. playing a destructive game of "ah-hah" with people who may not share your specific point of view.

    My desire would be to see you in a more open minded discourse in sharing your news and opinions in your chosen venue. If you are going to go "after" someone, do your homework, and take a little time to actually try and speak with them. Ideally, I would suggest you never go "after" someone, but instead present the pros and cons of a topic in a civil manner. In this particular matter, I personally can see pros and cons to the Gracedale location. Hopefully all options will be fully considered before any expensive projects are undertaken. I wish you well, and hope that we might enjoy a pleasant meeting at some point.

  33. I have explained how I reached the conclusions I did. You both have the same opinions and your opinions on things are almost identical. If you wish to continue this discussion here, you will state who you are when you post or I will delete you.

  34. If you are losing the argument, just label them racist, bigots, etc. This is the plan of losers.

  35. Hey, I think the Snover you were fingering is the one that the UK's Guardian newspaper is fingering as an "activist" in Northampton County, in this YouTube clip.


    When I first viewed it, she came across as just another voter, NOT as the head of your county's Republican committee. She really should have identified herself as a party official, not an "activist".

  36. the Lee Snover in that video is the GOP Chair. The other Lee Snover is a male,but their views are almost identical, which is what led me to conclude that the male Lee Snover is the female Lee Snover. You willnote that

  37. Your confusion makes a lot more sense, though, because normally party officers identify themselves as such when talking to the press. Clearly, in the Guardian (UK) clip, she pretends to be "jus' folks", not the head of the party in one of Pennsylvania's 67 counties. So it is maybe not a surprise that you would have confused the two individuals.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.