Local Government TV

Monday, October 09, 2017

Hyman: Morning Call Altered Poll to Favor O'Connell

Allentown Mayoral candidate Nat Hyman is making a pretty incredible claim. He has told Morning Call publisher Robert York that he refuses to participate in their coverage of the mayoral election because he considers their actions and reporting to be unethical.

He asked York to publish the following letter in the Morning Call.
To the Morning Call readers:

I am a life long Allentonian. I decided to run for Mayor because, above all else, I felt it was essential to return integrity and honesty to our city.

Recently, the publisher of the Morning Call wrote a letter to the readers stating that their criteria for including candidates in their coverage is a polling number showing that they are receiving 15% or more of the vote. The poll clearly showed that a write in candidate received 9%, yet the Morning Call led the readers to believe he received 22%. What they didn't make clear to the reader is that the 22% was in response to a question asking who would you vote for if that write in candidate's name were on the ballot, which it is not and never will be because he lost in the primary and is now prohibited by Pennsylvania law from running on the ballot. Despite this and the publisher's proclamation of the 15% threshold, they are now including that person in their coverage.

If I am going to be the Mayor I want to be, I have to stand up to dishonesty everywhere....the Mayor, the President of City Council and, yes, the Morning Call. I believe that a man's word is the man himself. Accordingly, I have informed the publisher that I will not be part of their campaign coverage, despite the fact that doing so might be at great expense to my campaign. I must be true to my sense of honor and integrity.

There is no question I will not answer. So, if any of you have any questions for me, you may feel free to email me directly at Nat@Hymangroup.com
I've asked Hyman to explain how he knows that The Morning Call has misrepresented a nine percent polling figure as 22%. I will share his response when I receive it. I have also emailed publisher Robert York for his take.

Hyman is running against three candidates who are on the ballot and City Council President Ray O'Connell, who is staging a write-in. He acknowledged this may be very well be unhelpful to his campaign.

Updated 10:20 am: Hyman Explains Conclusion that Morning Call Misrepresents Poll

In Thursday's front page article, The smaller headline stated "Write-in candidate O'Connell earns 22 percent of likely voters, a close third." That simply is untrue!  In the article, Emily Opilo wrote: "Ray O'Connell, whose name will not appear on the ballot, had a strong showing at 22% in a field of five". Under our pictures they showed Hyman 32%, Pawlowski 30% and O'Connell 22%.

Evidence that was dishonest reporting comes from Yesterday's article (Sunday) in which Opilo wrote:
"In the poll, 12 percent said they would choose a candidate other than the four on the ballot. Of those, 94 percent said they would select O'Connell."

Clearly those two depictions of the poll are at odds! So, regardless if Ray is at 9%, 11% or even all of the 12%, he did not meet the threshold of 15% stated by the publisher . O'Connell has zero chance of winning this race and can only act as a spoiler. I think that's an important fact for the readers to know. Yet the Morning Call appears to have their own agenda.

To be clear, If Ray had met the 15% threshold I would absolutely be part of their coverage. But a systemic problem in Allentown is that the rules apply to some and not others. I will play by the rules but I expect everyone to do the same.

Updated 11:20 am: Morning Call Publisher Robert York responds to Hyman. - (My conclusion is that The Morning Call is being fair and honest. Ray O'Connell did poll at 22% when he was named.) 

Thanks for the opportunity to respond.

Here’s a podcast we just posted that explains our polling and coverage of the race.
Chris Borick does a better job of explaining the science than I could and Emily provides some behind the scenes look at the challenges of covering this race.


Below is copy of a note that I sent to Nat on Friday afternoon in response to his raising concerns and his request for us to publish the note he sent to you. (In sending to you, I removed two short sentences from this note because they would be out of context for this discussion)
Let me know if you need anything else.


This race is unique and polling for this race reflects it.

Most campaign experts will stipulate that polling of a write-in is very difficult.

There is no direct data to support that Ray received 12% of the polling responses. The 12% is a “none of the above/other” answer. When the poll takers asked (without a name prompt) who the likely voter intended, 94% of the respondents named Ray O’Connell.

When prompted with all names of candidates who have declared interest and are publically campaigning – Ray O’Connell polled at 22%.

The resulting logic is that Ray is polling somewhere between 12% and 22% +/- the margin of error.

You contend it should be 9% - %12, you may be right.

We estimate it’s somewhere between 12% and 22%, we may be right.

For that reason, we’ve decided to proceed on the side of inclusion..

Readers can see the poll for what it is and make their own conclusions about the methodology, fairness and accuracy. For that reason and others, we won’t be publishing your note.



  1. Sounds like we have a budding authoritarian.

  2. 9:53 -

    We already have an authoritarian in City Hall. It sounds like (in Hyman) we finally have someone running for Mayor who's willing to tell it like it is.

    Morning Call bias helped put Pawlowski in office and cover up what was going on for almost a decade. Only after the FBI raid did the call finally (and timidly) start printing any type of investigative journalism.

    I don't think that decade-long blind eye was necessarily the fault of the beat reporters over the years, but more the fault of what the editors would allow to be printed.

  3. Sounds like O'Connell and Chief Hendricks should go away

  4. FedEd at Cedar Beach Pool on Saturday was great political viewing.....

  5. The Morning call has been a forerunner in being a partisan political rag.

  6. Oh boo hoo Hyman. Looks like you have even thinner skin than Fed Ed. God forbid you, a turncoat Democrat, should win. You will probably move city offices to one of your dilapidated city properties. They all qualify as "Properties of De-Merit."

  7. As is often the case for journalists, this was a no-win situation where whatever coverage decision they made was going to be criticized. The explanation from Mr. York sounds entirely reasonable to me.

  8. Cry Baby Hyman at it again.
    I will take my ball and go home.
    If O'Connell bothers you so much,you are wasting valuable time campaigning.
    Forget about O'Connell, go win it on your merit.

  9. I agree with Hyman, when I read that O'Connell polled at 22% I was shocked, changed my whole outlook on the viability of a write-in. I now see that it was a trick question. Maybe the Morning Call realizes that the O'Connell write in only helps re-elect Pawlowski and keep the Dems in power. One might even begin to wonder if O'Connell is allied with Pawlowski at this point. Ray was always very supportive of the Mayor.

  10. Does it really make a difference?

  11. Didn't TMC forecast Hillary to win?

    With that level of accuracy, Hyman leading in polling seems to be a pie in the sky

  12. I've seen Hyman go after his opponents, I've seen him enlist his followers to slander his opponents on facebook. What I haven't seen is him publicly speaking about his policy positions and what he's going to do if elected mayor. This type of whining (let's be honest that's what it is) is reflective of how politics is devolving from the federal level to the local level.

  13. i was giving Leaning toward Nat but his reaction gives me pause. What does he do the first time he sees a negative headline about his administration? It sounds like a pawlowski approach: don't like it, yell it's unfair and prompted by naysayers. Now I've gotta rethink Ray.

  14. Clearly Mr Hyman is no politician. I like that. I also completely distrust the Morning Call.

  15. I respect Nat for standing up to what he thought was wrong. I admire his intellect, his youthful energy and willingness to think outside the box. Yes he will sometimes turn the ball over but he is leaving it all on the court.

  16. Bernie,

    If Hyman wins, do you happen to know if the city has any mechanisms to ensure that there are no potential conflicts of interest in which official actions benefit his portfolio of properties? Would he be required to recuse himself from certain aspects of overseeing the city?

  17. That's something he will need to address but I have never discussed it with him or anyone.

  18. Vote gnat for the whole of Abe, hahaha.

  19. ray is running to prevent nat from winning. they got him to do it by saying they would vote for him to be mayor when ed gets ship off to jail. he believed them! what an idiot! it was no mistake he was on council, this kind of stupidity is hard to find.

  20. But not as stupid as believing anything an anon says. I do not think Ray can win, but he is running to finish first.

  21. think what you want, the truth is what it is.


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