Local Government TV

Monday, October 23, 2017

Dems Well Received in Nazareth Halloween Parade

Though it passes directly in front of my estate atop the Army Navy Store, I missed Saturday's Halloween Parade in Nazareth for something far more compelling - basketball. After doing without for several months, I finally was getting a chance to see Allentown Central Catholic play on Saturday.

I did get to see Central play three games, and so did my grandson. He was sidelined by a bum ankle, along with Keeshawn "the beast" Kelman. Without two starters, the team still won all three games. This is thanks in large part to exciting play by Chad Kratzer, and Jay Vaughan's uncanny ability to steal the ball and find open players.

Moravian Academy played in this tourney, and I got to see Abraham Atiyeh tear things up as a sophomore. Abe sat with me and started going over all the blogs I've written that have criticized him.

I think he carries them with him.

When I left, I though I'd give Abe something to remember me by, so I let the air out of his tires.

My grandson Dat and Keyshawn went to their Homecoming dance later that evening. I hope they remembered to limp now and then.

Unfortunately, I made it home too late to see the Nazareth Halloween parade, but my servants tell me it was great as I made them give me their candy. Democrats came through in a truck that included exec candidate Lamont McClure and Council candidates Ron Heckman, Bill McGee and Lori Vargo Heffner. The truck carried "No Jail at Gracedale" signs.

Above you see Christine Woodmansee, co-founder of No Jail at Gracedale, exchanging pleasantries with the candidates.

I've been unable to locate pics of the GOP in Nazareth. But the NorCo GOP does have pics of Justin Simmons in the Emmaus Halloween parade. Last time I checked, Emmaus is in Lehigh County and Justin Simmons' race is next year.


  1. Is this appropriate behavior? Was Mr.Brown there? Did he participate or was he a statesman?

    President Trump has warned America about fake news. He stated we must be carful of those who would deceive us. Do you believe in a great America?

  2. The democrats have no platform, no solutions, just bash the republicans, calling everyone who disagrees offensive names. What is the democratic plan? Bernie you are Democrat lets have some details of the democratic plan. I am not going to vote for some vague plan that is mostly negative to the other sides plans. Everyone is hungry for solutions, enough negativity.

  3. Prediction: Christine becomes a local candidate running on a "No Jail" platform.

  4. Hasn’t Brown stated there will be jail at Gracedale? The issue is dead. Do Democrats have any plans for actual, relevant issues? It doesn’t seems so.

  5. "Hasn’t Brown stated there will be jail at Gracedale? The issue is dead."

    Yes he has and yes it is. NO SALE, NO JAIL

    Anything else is #FakeNews and #LamontLies

  6. Will Lamont be campaigning on any real issues? I didn’t think so. Another sacrificial lamb. Can’t NorCo field a competitive Dem?

  7. how bout the one issue that the T party is ignoring, keep pulling that R ticket and then try to blame the Ds... Idiots

    They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%, They Raised Your Taxes 10%,

  8. Sensible solutions not extravagant spending. A strong and independent county council not an administration rubber stamp. Also no outrageous and unnecessary tax increases.

    Sounds like the Democratic ticket has an excellent platform.

  9. Neither party has a corner on the tax and spend market. But your odds of fiscal responsibility are better with Rs than Ds. This is widely known. Voters remember the Reibman debacle and Lamont is Reibman on steroids ... when he deigns to actually show up. I'll hold my nose and vote for Brown instead of convulsing while attempting to vote for slimy Lamont. Voters have already lost this one.

  10. A 10% tax increase is crazy. Of course republican partisans ignore that. Why not check out the records of all the candidates on taxes instead of generalizing?

    People don't trust Brown and his rubber stamps because they have shown themselves not to be trustworthy.

    Voters have a few great choices, sadly Brown and some of his incumbents aren't part of that group.

  11. "But your odds of fiscal responsibility are better with Rs than Ds. This is widely known."

    Only in the tea/al-right republicanish party. Talk about fake news, this is the best. Ignore reality.lol..

  12. Rs nominated Brown aka Trump and Ds nominated McClure aka Hillary. This is an awful choice. That’s the reality. It’s a lesser of two evils election, again.

  13. I just got a scary Halloween Robo call from Charlie Dent, he said I support John Brown vote for John Brown.

  14. You get the candidates you deserve..courtesy of the local self serving political parties. No outsiders need apply for these elected positions. There is no room at the inn for independent thought or solutions that are not approved of by the power mongers in both corners. The whole thing is fixed and we continue to prop this farce up.

  15. 3:58, Charlie did this even though Brown has been part of the Lee Snover cabal to stick a knife in his back. Brown would not do the same for him.

  16. anon 4:03

    Do you have any room in your conspiracy theory paranoia for facts?

  17. So the Trump team attacks a war widow and the Brown team attacks Nazareth housewives. Great job!

  18. Do you know if Peter Melan was at any of these parades and functions?

  19. very few events. Why the hate? The statement is true. The candidate from Panto is sleepwalking in this campaign. Maybe Panto gave lessons in arrogance. ask around.

  20. Excuse me, but I said Pete has been at some events and you respond with "why the hate?" There was no critical comment. I just answered a question. If you want to know who is full of hate (and probably vodka), look in a mirror.

  21. McClure's commercial must really be getting to the R's!

  22. Step 1 is admitting you are a kettle. Give up the bottle (or the weed).

    1. That’s the only thing O’Hare has in his life. Without his bottle, he’s nothing.

  23. Now Brown has press conference on TV to say he won't build a jail. Problem is he and his county council already got caught in heir cover story. No more trust, Johnny boy.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.