Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Simmons Sez No to DACA

In a telling interview on FYNTV, Republican Congressional candidate Justin Simmons admits he was talking to potential donors in Washington D.C., as early as this summer. He also said that if he had the last vote in the House, it would be against DACA. That's a bill that would protect 800,000 people who entered the country illegally as children. They could get a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and would be eligible for a work permit. He said it would be "encouraging people to break the law. And then it's just going to continue that cycle and then we're going to get into a debate with liberals about compassion and it's never going to end."

Nice guy.


  1. 100% totally agree!!!!!

  2. The DREAM Act or its DACA mutant, however, is something we shouldn’t applaud, if only because American children and their parents have dreams too and those are being underserved.

    We are a nation of immigrants, legal immigrants, and we are also a nation of laws. Children were brought to this country illegally by their parents because we failed to enforce our immigration laws. Now would be a good time to start enforcing them.

    As a sovereign nation, we have the right to decide who comes to the U.S. Even if we doubled our current legal immigration quotas, there would still be people who would enter or remain in the U.S. illegally. Enforcing our immigration laws encourages people to come to the U.S. legally and discourages illegal immigration.

    End DACA. And while we’re at it, pass some laws that put Americans first so that they can pursue their dreams. And, yes, welcome those who legally come here and dream of becoming American citizens who respect the rule of law, unlike President Obama.

  3. 4.31
    give credit where it is due

  4. so what do you tell those dreamers that enlisted in the US Army to fight for this country?

  5. Anon 5:26 - they aren't 'dreamers' anymore ,they become 'reality ' ! If access to armed service is made and they clear basic training as I have witnessed , with the U.S.Marine Corps at Parris Island - they run a judge before them and they are sworn in just like at a court house . They 'earn' their way in . They step up to plate and they were indeed diverse in every way - the feeling we had for these young men and woman was -- Proud of Them as if they were my own kids. . Here , diversity is contributory !

  6. 5:26 Thank you and goodbye

  7. He's 100% correct. Good for him. It was bad policy formed badly.

  8. Was Melania Trump a DREAMER and should she be deported?

    According to Wiki...Came to NY at the urging of trump friend and model agent in 1996. Under guise of photographer roommate she was put up in an apartment in Union Square. Started her work before having a Work Visa (Illegal?). Trump separated from Maples in 1997 and approached Melania and started courting her. In 2000 she appeared w trump on the campaign trail when he tested waters for the Reform Party. Trump described it as a long courtship. Melania got her permananet residency in 2001 (money buys access?). Got engaged in 2004 and married in January 2005. Married to an American, gained her Citizenship in 2006.

    It is a beautiful Dreamer story that DACA kids can relate to. Permanant residency in 5 year because of money and access.

  9. The dreamers should come into this country legally. We have laws for a reason. If, I entered another country illegally. I would be deported or worse, thrown into a prison for breaking the law. Therefore, I agree with Simmons.

  10. Our own King Obama I, allowed these dreamers to stay through his illegal decree of DACA, and therefore his illegal actions necessitated a legal response. It is now in the court of jesters [congress] and they must finally draft and pass a comprehensive Immigration Reform Act that encompasses all the needs of OUR citizens.

  11. DACA has become a loophole to bring in more illegal immigrants and their families. It is over already , so why debate a policy that has been eliminated. Congress now has to take the hard votes in the next 6 months. It will not be to restore DACA, but an alternative. It should be interesting to see the gymnastics they will do with this.

  12. I wonder how many of your followers were brought here, while their parents lied about their ages, lied about their job skills and lied about having a place to stay and having a job waiting for them? I guess because the majority of them were "caucasian they weren't considered "rapists and criminals". Forged and inaccurate documents were readily available on the black market during the major immigration waves of the past. What a bunch of hypocrites we have today.

  13. @5:26 Because they are less than 1% of the so-called "dreamers", you make an exception for them and you tell them, "Welcome to America, new citizens. Thank you for your service"

    The rest of the more than 99% who didn't serve, you send home to begin the same process any other foreign national has to go through to obtain U.S. residence and, eventually, citizenship.

  14. "I wonder how many of your followers were brought here, while their parents lied about their ages, lied about their job skills and lied about having a place to stay and having a job waiting for them?"

    Mine didn't.

  15. How do you know?

    This is really not even worth discussing. Dreamers belong here. Even Senator Toomey said so.Simmons is just tooting the Trump trombone and demonstrating what a horse's ass he is. Republicans will not support this thinly disguised xenophobia from our modern Know-Nothings, and even if some do, Democrats will not.

  16. DACA was an authoritarian attempt at sidestepping the legislative process. Authoritarianism ends up hurting innocent people. It should never have been done by EO. Obama played with peoples' lives and pushed DACA on very shaky legal and political grounds.

  17. 9:48

    My family came over less than seventy five years ago. The facts are not buried in history. I know what the laws were then, and I know the level of enforcement.

    I know for a fact my father's sponsor had to agree to support him if he couldn't find work, and those requirements were enforced.

    We did not have: free college tuition, free health care, free tutors, free interpreters, free lunches, "legal aid services" telling us how to sue the government, or a court system that's so out of whack that even a divided Supreme Court overturn's lower court decisions with virtually no dissenting opinion.

    I guess I'll just have to live with the fact that I'm not just "controversial", but rather, since I want to see the law enforced, I'm like Simmons, and deserve to be sarcastically called a "nice guy."

  18. You only know what your mommy and daddy tell you and they could be lying through their teeth. And if you bothered to do any amount of research, you'd know that dreamers pay taxes and must serve in the military or have been enrolled in school. It's a humane response to immigrants who came here as children and did nothing wrong. You would prefer to visit the sins of the father upon the son. If you were a Christian, you would have a different view.

  19. 1011. Undocumented people do not receive free everything. Almost as big as a lie as trump saying we are the highest taxed when in fact we are the 5th lowest taxed industrialized nation.

    Regardless, our ancestors needed to have a sponsor and they had to get a physical and cleanup. Enforcement was not as you suggest.

  20. Anon 5:26 said: "so what do you tell those dreamers that enlisted in the US Army to fight for this country?"

    Can someone explain to me the wisdom of allowing ANY non-citizen to join our military, learn our tactics, and give them access to and training on the weapons that our soldiers use?

    It's just a matter of time before that bites us, if it hasn't already.

    Don't we have enough citizens who can serve? I know the military is constantly putting soldiers out of the service involuntarily.

  21. "It's a humane response to immigrants who came here as children and did nothing wrong. You would prefer to visit the sins of the father upon the son. If you were a Christian, you would have a different view."

    No, many of the "Dreamers" were sent here alone without their parents. I'd like to see them reunited with their families, back in their home country.

    Then they can apply properly if they want to come back.

  22. "Regardless, our ancestors needed to have a sponsor and they had to get a physical and cleanup. Enforcement was not as you suggest."

    Truthiness. Damn the facts.

  23. According to wiki, Melania Trump would classify as a Dreamer. Brought here in 1996 by a model agent and trump friend. Put up in an apartment with an American and started her work before having a work visa (illegal?). Trump divorced in started courting her in 1997. Took her on campaign trail in 2000 and in interview said it was a long term relationship. She was granted permanent residency in 2001. Married in 2005 and granted citizenship in 2006. I beleive trump is using DACA as leverage and will ultimatly support dreamers.

    How is this different than a US business who hires a migrant worker with children who remains gainfully employed after Visa expires? Money does buy access. Just ask Kushner who was selling it for $250k investment.

  24. Please leave Melania out of this discussion.

  25. " If you were a Christian, you would have a different view. "

    Maybe I could just tell people their mommies and daddies lied to them. That's real Christian, ain't it?

    But I have more than what my parents told me. I directly talked to their sponsor.

    Yeah, he lied to me when he told me he was real happy to see my dad find work.

    "Undocumented people do not receive free anything."


    Oh I know, it's not "free."


    Yep, I'm sure they don't get any free lunches.


  26. "Regardless, our ancestors needed to have a sponsor and they had to get a physical and cleanup. Enforcement was not as you suggest."

    I don't think anyone agrees with the first part.

    The second part is a matter of opinion and does not have a source to back it up.

  27. 10:51, The simple reality is that you do have no idea whether your mommy or daddy lied to you. that is not Christian or nonChristian. It is just one of the possibilities. Your willingness to visit the sins of the father upon the son, however, is demonstrably nonChristian. It is also contrary to the Jewish and Muslim faiths.

    Oh wow, you came with a link that sows that only three of 50 states allow dreamers to apply for college aid. And if you're so concerned about little schoolchildren getting a free mail, i am sure that in your Christian belief system, you can find a way to justify the cruelty of letting them starve. We are so lucky to have such deeply Christian people as you in our midst.

  28. Hey, just providing links with information.

    The claim was "no one receives free anything".

    Was that claim "truthiness" or does "no one" live in those three states?

    Deserved or not, are those children who receive free lunches "no one?"

    I guess truthiness is in the eye of the beholder.

  29. If the dreamers of DACA really want to stay in the US, they had plenty of time to take the classes to become Naturalized Citizens. Those who chose not to should be deported and can return legally. Otherwise It is Good-bye!

    Dreamers that enlisted in the military as a means to gain citizenship should be allowed to stay. They served the country. However I cannot understand Obama's logic in allowing non-citizens to enlist in the military. When I enlisted you HAD TO BE a US citizen. But then Obama never served and did not think very much of the laws of our country. Proof in point is the way he frequently went around Congress by executive action.

  30. Well, then you must have served in the Civil War,and given some of your other comments, you were on the other side.. Federal law has long allowed noncitizens to serve in the military so long as they ae green card holders. The dreamers are something new. Noncitizens may not become commissioned officers or warrant officers. They must go through security clearances to see anything sensitive.

  31. 11:12,What you fail to notice is that I never said dreamers are entitled to no government benefits. You put those words in my mouth. The whole point of it is to allow them to participate in social security and medicare. That means paying in more than getting benefits. What I would say is that dreamers are denied most government benefits. That is not truthiness. That is truth.


  32. Boh1043. My regrets. It does trouble me that some want to classify many dreamers as criminals. They came here at 5 or 6 brought by parents want opportunity. Many came here legally but over stayed work visas. There should have been a legal path after 20+ years. Many protected their parents. Some have US born children of their own. What happens to them? Many commenters have little understanding of their ancestory. In some cases, last names were even Americanizded.

  33. The problem is that some dreamers have become criminals and certain political factions want to protect them, as well as the majority who are law-abiding. Unfortunately, the victims of dreamer criminals are not being considered. We so often hear, "if just one life can be saved..." I'm for doing everything to save the lives of those who are potential victims of dreamers who've become criminals. That's why rules should be followed. Can't we balance compassion for dreamers and compassion for victims of crime? Why does this have to be all or nothing?

  34. Cranberry dreamers it's four below that of the population at large and what's a dreamer commits a crime he is subject to deportation so once again you were completely full shit

  35. i'm voting for the candidate that allows anyone who wants to be an american enter the country.i'm voting democrat.

  36. My grandparents came here in 1900, they were quarantined on Ellis island for several weeks, they had to have a sponsor, who's name I know. My grandmothers sister wanted to come a little later, she was in ill health and a widow, she needed a sponsor. My grandmother said no, they were struggling enough with their own family and children. I remember her as a good devoted Christian women, but also a realistic and responsible woman. By todays standard she would be cruel and heartless. She made what she believed was a decision in the best interest of her family and children. We as a country must make decisions based on the law and what is in the best interest of the country.

  37. 11:12

    I put no words in your mouth, other than you called my immigrant parents liars, which you did.

    My comments regarding government benefits (in 9:48) are true, we never received them.

    My examples of aid to undocumented immigrants were in response to 10:25. Unless 10:25 is you, I fail to see how I could be anywhere close to putting words in your mouth.

    Since I never said anything about welfare or food stamps (my reference to free lunches was not about food stamps, but you know that), I fail to see how your link about those government benefits refutes anything I said, but hey, I'm the one that puts words in peoples mouths, lies, comes from a family of immigrant liars, and is un-Christian.

  38. The ending of DACA is not "thinly disguised xenophobia". That is only rhetoric that helps to fan the flames, such as labels, like "authoritarian". Bernie, your true colors shine brightly through your comments. It is your blog and you can say whatever you wish.

    Being in favor of ending DACA does not mean that I support all that our President says, does or especially tweets.

    DACAs sister, DAPA was struck down by the courts as illegal. The fifth circuit said...

    the fact that the president declined to enforce the law and remove illegal aliens...

    “does not transform presence deemed unlawful by Congress into lawful presence and confer eligibility for otherwise unavailable benefits based on that change.”

    According to http://iamerica.org, "DAPA, like DACA, provides temporary permission to work and remain in the United States. It does not provide a path to a green card or to citizenship.

    IMPORTANT: Don’t tell others that you are applying for DAPA. The information that you are applying for DAPA may mean that you do not have work authorization. This information could cost you your job."

    Temporary. Deferred. Illegal. In this case , it is not about the Dreamers, or the children. It is about the law, which is something Bernie should know well. Emotion doesn't win in this case.

    "If you were a Christian, you would have a different view."

    That is an opinion and not a fact. It is also very dangerous and arrogant to make such judgments.

  39. I do not get the "cranberry dreamers" reference.

  40. I suppose today I need to apologize for being white and of German origin and my ancestors working hard to make Northamptontown free from the British during the revolutionary war. \

    I suppose today I need to apologize for my white ancestors fighting in the Civil War when the fate of the United States of America was decided on July 3d, 1863 at the wall in Gettysburg when the soldiers of the Confederacy were attacking, attempting to defeat the Union soldiers defending the soverignty of both Pennsylvania and our federal government in Washington, D.C.

    I suppose today I need to apologize for my white ancestors who worked in the industrial Allentown of the late 1800s and 1900s to build a city which attracted legal immigrants from all around the world.

    I suppose today I need to apologize for simply being a white American resident of Allentown, who has done nothing more than obey the laws of the city, commonwealth and federal government and expecting nothing more from our government than being able to have a freedom of speech to express what I believe; a freedom of being able to worship God in my own way; a freedom of being able to use my knowledge and skills to obtain an adequate standard of living without having to rely on the assets of others through welfare transfer payments, and freedom to live peacefully without fear of attack from those in society who wish to hurt others.

    And I suppose, I need to apologize for simply being a white American who can interact with others in our common language of business and commerce, English. I don't consider myself a hyphenated American. I have an ancestry and a ethnicity I am proud of, but being simply a Citizen of the United States of America overrides all of that.

  41. You should apologize to your children for voting for trump.

  42. Nobody has told you that you need to apologize for anything. But if you really were an American and not one of the whiskey patriots who would beat up Mennonites and Moravians during the revolutionary war when they refused to take loyalty oaths, or one of the regiments of Pa. Dutch deserters who ran at Shiloh from Stonewall Jackson, you would support the dreamers.

  43. "I put no words in your mouth, other than you called my immigrant parents liars, which you did."

    I did no such thing. Read my comment, or don't you understand plain English? I said that, for all you, know, your parents were lying through their teeth. You would be by no means the first child who heard lies from his parents. Like I said, if you really were a Christian or belonged to any major religion, you would have more empathy.

    "My examples of aid to undocumented immigrants were in response to 10:25. Unless 10:25 is you"

    When you lack the basic integrity to say who you are or identify yourself in any way, I'll assume what I want.

  44. Jeff, Fox, The ending od DACA, without a law to replace it, is nothing more than thinly disguised xenophobia. You are penalizing a class of people whose sole sin is that they were born in a foreign country. This type of nativist thinking has to end or we can no loner call ourselves a great nation.

    And if you were a Christian or belonged to any major religion, you'd have more empathy than you do. The arrogance and danger is in forcing people who have done nothing wrong to hide in the shadows.

    This thinly disguised xenophobia has to end.

  45. Criminals need to be punished for breaking the law. Not rewarded for it.

  46. 5:38 So what if an illegal served in the Marine Corps. I'm a Marine Corps Vietnam Vet and we have been fucked over by society and the government for the past 50 years. We never got the free houses and all the things the Afghan and Iraqi vets get. No one welcomed me home on television. We got shit on by the same leftists that want illegals to remain here. Now they're shitting on American citizens and those who immigrated here legally.

    At least I'm an American Citizen and not someone who knows damn well they aren't supposed to be here. He can learn how it feels to be fucked over also, my generation damn sure has.

  47. ". He can learn how it feels to be fucked over also, my generation damn sure has."

    I can only hope you're lying about your military service. Someone like you is a disgrace to a military uniform.

  48. "Read my comment, or don't you understand plain English?"

    Sorry, I grew up speaking a foreign language, so I guess I misunderstood "for all you, know, your parents were lying through their teeth" to mean I couldn't trust my parents.

    I apologize. I'll have to take a remedial ESL class.

  49. What a serious fucking piece of shit you are, Bernie O'Hare. Yack on some more about "authoritarian", please. You really are quite entertaining when you play God, or at least try to.

  50. and what happens when the 800 thousand decide they will not go?
    when say 50 thousand Irish dreamers decide to say shut down Boston for a day?
    and how does anyone expect that ICE could even arrest all of them and where would they hold them?
    concentrate them in camps and try to deport them in massive groups?
    also what happens when Ireland decides they will not accept those dreamers you want to deport?
    you are going to keep dreamers in jail forever?

  51. Since trump just cut the amnesty DACA deal with the Democrats, excluding the wall, witnhout negotiating anything in return, does Simmons now reverse his passionate anti-DACA position?

    Will ideas and policy positions trump loyal obedience? We shall see whether ideas or emotional commitments win out.

  52. I asked someone last year who was complaining that immigrants were causing her not to be able to find a job, and I asked her if immigrants would be getting that kind of job and she thought and said "no." There goes that argument. There are plenty of jobs - get off your butt and go find them instead of blaming hard working immigrants.

  53. "And what crime would that be? Being born? A child who is sent or brought to this country illegally has no criminal intent and does not act in a willfully false way or make misleading representations or willful concealments of a material fact. Thus, there is no crime."

    Exactly Bernie! Notice there was no ignorant followup to your reply.

  54. 3:35 Bernie did you serve in the military during the Vietnam War? Or were you one of those cocksucking leftists who waved the North Vietnamese flag and thought Jane Fonda and Tom Haden were heroes ?

  55. I'm sad Trump was bamboozled by the Dems on codifying DACA and agreeing to full Amnesty without negotiating anything in return. I never thought He'd lie to us about amnesty. Does he not understand what he gave away?

  56. 12:22 His re-election

  57. I served in the military in a combat unit and volunteered for Persian Gulf, but was not allowed to go unless my entire unit went. You served in your mommy's basement, and don't even have the courage to sign your name. Like your ancestors, you are whiskey patriot. They went around beating up Moravians and Quakers and you want to shove kids who don't look like you down the toilet.

  58. I spent more time in a chow line than you ever could have spent in the military Bernie. I was an E-4 MOS 0341 In Thua Thien Provice, 1967 Where were you ?

  59. High school. You were in your mommy's basement, collecting stamps.

  60. Anon -0341 grunt - I understand your frustration s well- 67 was not a great year to up town ! POG s Are never going to side with you and your anger is result of treatment you received upon returning to CONUS - you were not drafted you walked in - the worst time and eat WWll sea rats. You can not win on here. So don't fight on here. 1/8 jar heads received casualties and the infantry fights the war not the politico s!

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. We certainly disagree on this point. Please don't judge my empathy toward others or my faith. I do not think like you or come to the same conclusions you may come to. We all come from a unique perspective. I could go back and forth with you regarding, "And if you were a Christian or belonged to any major religion, you'd have more empathy than you do." I will not and try not to take the "low road". It is not about "religion". I do not believe we can "legislate" moral issues. We could discuss that face to face if you'd like. The children have become victims in this political issue. But wanting to end DACA does not mean one does not have empathy, care for the children, or "hate" immigrants. Some may, but I think that number is not as big as some may think. They are people for goodness sake! Simply disagreeing on a piece of legislation or a course of action, etc... results in being castigated, at times viciously, by "the other side". Why is that, the demonization of those who do not agree with us, the default thought in our discourse today? Just because we may disagree politically or on issues, shouldn't mean we should call each other out with name calling, fear mongering or labels. That must stop if we are to move forward. Why does my faith come into question just because we may disagree on an issue? You've got to "give to get". We may both want the same outcome. We just may see different paths to get there. Thank you for your service to our nation. I appreciate the service and forum which you provide.

  63. Stop it peter, the Army fought a shard as any jarheads. You guys are just too full of yourselves, that is why we clean up you messes.

  64. Anon11:44 ok I'll "roll over'" - the situation at time was same for the guys that had U S or RA. On dog their dog tags. Know the difference? Off subject good day.

  65. Who else is tired of hearing how the Dreamers "came" here through not fault of their own" The fact is many, if not most, were 'sent' here by there supposedly loving parents in open hopper cars, subject to violence, rape and God know what else.
    The purpose was because Uncle Sap would take care of them and then predictably move their families up from Mexico and Central America as a 'humanitarian' gesture.
    End this unconstitutional farce now.

  66. The dreamers are children who were brought here before they were 18. You have no idea who they are, but if you are correct, all the more reason to allow them to stay. under your scenario, they would be sent back to a world of violence, rape and God knows what. You obviously have no compassion for these people, who are not responsible for how they arrived and broke no criminal law themselves. This is supported by most polling, and even Trump has now reversed himself. If you want to live in an authoritarian country that hates outsiders, move to North Korea. You'll fit right in.

  67. But President Trump would like to see DACA
    work correctly,not like the disjointed program currently in place

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.


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