Local Government TV

Friday, September 08, 2017

Updated: Dent to Step Down! Who's Next?

Charlie Dent
Lehigh Valley Congressman Charlie Dent (R Pa.15) has decided against seeking re-election next year. His full statement, which you can read here, indicates he made this decision over the summer One of the few adults left in Washington, Charlie sad he will continue "giving voice to the sensible center and working to solve problems for the American people through smart policy - the product of negotiation, cooperation and inevitably, compromise."

A seven-term Congressman, Dent has dedicated 27 years of his life to public service.

Dent has previously claimed that authoritarian Donald Trump is "destroying the GOP."

I disagree. Trump is destroying the country, not just the Republican party.

According to Politico, Dent is the third centrist Republican to decide against seeking re-election next year. Washington State's Dave Reichert and Florida's Ileana Ros-Lehtinen are also stepping down.

Justin Simmons, the only announced candidate against Dent so far, is patting himself on the back. "Mission accomplished!" he crows. Known as a negative campaigner, he named his website "simmonsnotdent."

It's a sad day for America when someone as knowledgeable as Charlie decides he's had enough. Who but Charlie would go to bat for a Syrian family being denied admission to this country, despite having permanent resident status?

It's hard to quantify what Dent has meant to this district and country. My own grandson could tell you. I'll tell you that story some other time. Right now, what you want to know is what does all this mean? Will Justin Simmons will be the next Congressman? Will he cruise on, as he seems to think?

Probably not.

Republicans may be angry at Dent, but it's doubtful many of them will support a political opportunist if they have a choice.

They do. Which brings me back to Charlie Dent. He fired back at Simmons' political opportunism, and very publicly showed that Simmons is a hypocrite. Why say anything? He already knew he was stepping down.

The reason, as one political observer suggested to me, is that Charlie has already picked his successor. He was slamming Simmons, not for Charlie's benefit, but to help someone else.

That person is Ryan MacKenzie, a State Representative in South Whitehall. His campaign team has been calling donors to tell them to keep their powder dry. MacKenzie and Simmons really dislike each other, so if MacKenzie runs, this is going to get ugly.

There are also numerous other Republican possibilities. There's Marty Nothstein, a popular Olympic cyclist serving as a Lehigh County Comm'r. There's Dean Browning, a former Lehigh County Comm'r who is now active in the tea party. He was at NorCo Council tonight, urging them to endorse Kate's Law. Then there's State Senator Pat Browne, who would likely beat them all, if he were so inclined.

Democrats have largely avoided Charlie Dent in recent races, offering only token opposition. But a disputed Republican primary with weak candidates like Simmons and MacKenzie is likely to draw some top tier interest.

John Morganelli and Lisa Boscola, conservative Democrats, would easily crush someone like Simmons. Boscola is known as a maverick. Morganelli is one of the few Democrats who will accept invitations from the tea party and get standing ovations when he's done.

Whitehall Mayor Ed Hozza would also be formidable.

There are also "B" level possibilities like Mike "Darth Voter" Schlossberg. But you would need a top tier Democrat to win.

Originally published 9/7/17 at 7:48 pm and updated. 


  1. Good news. That leaves Justin Simmons a clear path

  2. So the trashing begins. This is really bad news for me. I always voted for Dent. Fewer and fewer will left in congress with moderate voices and minds of reason. It always made we wonder why so many are willing to put up with the BS that goes along with the job. Soon the only ones left will be the obstinate and BS'rs. Not good news.

  3. ANYONE but Justin Simmons. ANYONE. Run Marty Run. I would also vote for Ryan Mackenzie. ANYONE except Justin Simmons who represents the very worse of Politicians. Someone who has never held a private sector job since graduating college. Simmons is a schemer. His only aspiration has ever been to be a career politician. He would have literally ran for any position available having been rumored (rumors he started himself) to run for Lt. Gov. To run for State Senator. Etc. The only thing he cares about is the pension. He's accomplished literally nothing in 6 years in the state house except run exceptionally nasty campaigns, constantly fundraising and grandstanding.

    1. "The only thing he cares about is the pension."

      Actually, Simmons, unlike Mackenzie, opted out of the Pension plan and also pays for his own healthcare rather than taking the taxpayer benefit.

    2. Thanks Justin. Douchebag. The walls have ears, careful what you say and to whom you say it.

  4. This will actually be a tougher race for Justin Simmons. I was polled on this race 2 days ago (3 way primary between Dent, Simmons, and Nothstein). There was no "paid for by", but given the announcement today, I can only guess the results were disastrous for the Congressman (he can lie about his decision to retire mid-summer all he wants). Rep. Mackenzie met with NRCC yesterday meaning he is Charlie Dent's preferred successor, but Simmons (who campaigns very hard), should not be counted out. Ironically, he may be the "moderate" choice in the race as Ryan Mackenzie has been Trumpiest the longest (publicly) while Nothstein would be a hardcore Libertarian candidate. Should be interesting.

  5. Well, this just confirms my commentary last week that the the party of Reagan is dead. Dent was part of those still left in government trying to still govern for America the whole, rather the tribalism of the extremes that US politics seems to have degenerated into.

    My only question is will the http://www.rallypa.org/ crowd who had rallied in Allentown last Friday against "RINO" Dent for not "supporting the Trump agenda" now protest against Trump for not supporting the "Trump agenda" (whatever that is from day to day) now that he is striking deals with Schumer and Pelosi on possibly removing the debt ceiling altogether and backtracking on DACA? I mean part of the "rally" newsletter quotes: “The letter [Dent sent to Ryan] also encourages GOP leaders to work with Democrats to reach a budget agreement setting higher spending levels for fiscal 2018 – something the letter suggests could be paired with a vote to raise the debt ceiling,” POLITICO reported on June 29." And I have been receiving mailing from the RNC for probably a decade using Pelosi and Schumer as boogeymen to solicit funds and GOTV. So I would assume that as people of high principles, and not Republicans in Name Only, that the anti-Dent crowd will separate their love of Trump's personality from his partisan "sins" since last Friday's rally and call Trump on betraying his own "agenda".

  6. I am voting for Justin Simmons. I don't know anything about Nothstein or MacKenzie. What exactly, has either one of them accomplished. I know that Simmons listens to his constituents. Therefore, he is the right choice.

  7. "Die-hard conservatives thought that if I couldn't get everything I asked for I should jump off the cliff with the flag flying-go down in flames. No if I can get 70 or 80 percent of what it is I'm trying to get... I'll take that and then continue to try to get the rest in the future." Reagan

    What a RINO, huh?

  8. I for one won't be voting for a Ryan Mackenzie, as he is Dent's hand picked golden boy.

  9. I wouldn't trust someone that got caught in a doping scheme, in order to win a bike race. Give me a break! That just proves that Nothstein is dishonest and can't be trusted.

  10. I am sorry Dent is not running. Anyone who votes his heart against Trump is a good guy. I wish him well!

  11. Good news, you can't take the heat Charlie, get out of the kitchen. At least your listening to someone with sense. Take your government massive pension and head into the sunset traitor.

  12. I guess Simmons didn't need a larger boat.

    1. Yeah, that aged beautifully. Bernie knows Dent is lying about when he decided to retire.

      Bernie was wrong about Justin in 2010 (he was wrong about Karen Beyer not being a psycho b**c too).

      Congressman Simmons is possible. Very possible.

  13. As a republican I pray that this turns into a "D" seat to fight Trump at every turn. Maybe even a third party candidacy by Congressman Dent.

  14. Dent is a fr. woos! His own party is challenging him, and rather than listen to his constituents he's choosing to run away with his tail between his legs! Bye Bye Charles! On to the next order of business. Nothstein only showed up at the Trump/Anti-Dent rally because Joe Hilliard called him when he saw Justin there. Where's the fight Marty? And, yes, then there is the doping issue. Ryan is Charlie's hand picked golden boy protege who needs help making phone calls and wanders around holding Dent's hand. Yeah, I'm voting for Justin Simmons who is a stand up free thinking guy! Justin is a very devoted husband and father. He's a good Christian. He has a degree in Political Science from St. Joseph's University. He worked to change the pension in PA. And, his background is very much like Charlie Dent's. First of all, Justin worked since he was 15 yrs old. His parent's told him if he wanted something he had to work for it! He worked while attending college and yes, as a political science major he had paid internships with legislators. those lead to being offered work as a legislative aid where he worked closely with constituents to solve their issues. He decided to target the State Rep in his district .... another RINO! And, he won! His constituents love him. Oh sure.... not 100%... the Dems certainly speak out, but never can beat him.... As such... my vote goes to #TEAMSIMMONS Kudos for forcing the draining of the swamp!

  15. looks like the simmons trolls are out in force!

  16. I can't believe Justin is leaving the 131st. Now who will run my paper shredding events and answer all of the challenging fishing license questions I have?

  17. Does Simmons support the new "Trump agenda" item of working with Pelosi and Schumer on being open to doing away with the debt ceiling altogether? Perhaps follow something along the lines of the Gephardt rule? He implied fidelity to all things Trump last week, so will he come out and agree with him on this issue? If anyone can't "support the Trump agenda" 100% he "should get out of the way" I believe was the gist of last week's rally.

  18. Dent betrayed his own party and his Republican constituents, now he is reaping the results. Don't let the door hit you.

  19. While the only requirement is to reside in the state to run for congress, it helps to live in the district where you run. While they would be strong candidates, Morganelli and Boscola live in the 17th.

  20. Dent would win. Simmons represents the wrong side of America.

  21. Dent has betrayed his constituents. He voted numerous times on repealing Obamacare and when it really, mattered for the hard working people of his district. Well, he voted against a repeal. It just proves that the career politician, Dent was just grandstanding. We need someone that will actually, represent us and that person is Simmons.

  22. I believe you may be right about Lisa. She lives in Bethlehem Tp, which I believe is entirely within Cartwright's district. But you're wrong about John. He lives in the 15th.

  23. "looks like the simmons trolls are out in force! "

    Happens every time I mention his name.

  24. 1001...what you do not understand is that Dent was reprenting his district, not the Steve Bannons of the alt right.

    Sounds familiar. Wasn't Julie Harhart told by leadership that she would not be running for re-election?

    I often thought Kasich/Wolf. Maybe we will have Kasich/Dent 2020.

  25. Just read Justin's statement. Dent has been in Congress for 12 years. Toomey has been in Congess for 18 years. Will Simmons ask Toomwy to step aside?

  26. when Bernie stops jerking off to his Dent blow up doll in Ronnie's basement, he will see the light. Johnny can't help you from DC Bernie. And Johhny would lose too. Any Bernie pal is a lifelong curse on election day.

    Cheer up

  27. I want Ron Angle to run!

  28. The real story is on the Dem side. For months ole Bill Lenier has been running around at all Dem events already running for the nomination against Dent. With Dent out, Bernie is right, real money top tire candidates will emerge and People like Lenier will be pushed aside. It is one thing to run against a sure thing, it is another when there is a chance at winning.
    How much you want to bet their is a BM to nominate John boy Callahan.

  29. "I want Ron Angle to run!"

    Me too! Now that would be funny!

  30. This deeply saddens me, but I'm not totally surprised. We desperately need more moderates, and for some people on both sides to work with the other side. I appreciate everything Charlie has done for Pennsylvania.

  31. Boscola for Congress, I'll drink to that!!

  32. Morganelli for Congress, I'll take those short odds !!

  33. Finally! I warned Dent and his dark minion Millan ten years ago the trolling for Democrat votes while thinking any Republican would vote for Dent no matter what was a losing strategy in the long run. Now, that failed strategy has reaped its rewards. 35% support among Republicans. Bye Bye Charlie. Warned you, but I don't know what I am talking about... LOL

  34. Previous comment by me, don't know why I am listed as anonymous. Never post as anonymous...

  35. Joe Hilliard has always been opposed to Dent and most recently has been pressing Nothstein to run.

  36. Correct statement. But "pressing" is the wrong term...

  37. Sad, the Republican fanatics have chased one of the good guys out of their ranks.

  38. Yes, because wanting less government debt, less government regulation of our lives, less thinking that the geniuses in Washington should control our live is a "good guy" way of thinking.... Yep, what a "good guy"... not...

  39. Dent has secured 2 pensions, took State healthcare when he went to Washington as it was a better plan. will probably get a fat lobbying job. It was his time to move on.

  40. So long yo bad rubbish. Charlie spent his career fighting for Planned Parenthood and the continued targeting of minority unborns. He supports body parts retailing and grisly experimentation. Charlie deserves a very warm retirement.

  41. Great news. Sayonara RINO.

  42. Best news I've heard all week. Wouldn't surprise me if he decided to run as a Democrat, because that's what he truly is.

  43. Chuckles lost my support long ago. Thank you Lee for putting on the pressure to rid us of him. Make America great again!

  44. Bernie its a late comment, but does your evening news have a added word for your real news. I also love that you only post stories that you get the jump on local edited out fake news!

  45. Say goodbye and good riddance to a worthless RINO Never Trumper. Dent was facing a strong primary challenge due to him not supporting the re-election promises made, and all the other election promises made by the GOP during the Obama Administration. Now he is being called to task for it. Dent reads the polls and knows President Trump is more popular among Republican voters than he was. He only announced his retirement because he knew he would lose.

  46. Alan Jennings for Congress!!

  47. I voted for DEnt 100% of the time. I did not make up my mind for next election, was way too early, right?

    Bernie, what do you think about term limits, shouldnt we discourage long term Political leaders to move on for the country's sake? After awhile they become part of the swamp. Maybe its just time he moves on, dont know that you have to blame Trump..lol

    THe fact that congress cant vote for Harvey relief without tying it to something is the result of people like Charlie who just have been there too long. THe Democrats were drooling at the chance to tie it to tax releif(debt limit) . ITs all just sad.

  48. When I look at the cesspool in Washington and Harrisburg, I think term limits are needed. When I talk to officials in townships that are run well, they tell me it's bc they've been there a long time and know their community. So I don't know the answer.

  49. When I look at the cesspool in Washington and Harrisburg, I think term limits are needed.

    Starting with Nancy Pelosi. No wait, the Democrats should keep her even after she passes away. She's a poster child for the Democratic Party in Congress.

  50. “I’ve worked to instill stability, certainty, and predictability in Washington,” Dent said in a statement.

    Yeah, and that's exactly the problem -- it's predictable that the Democrats and RINO Republicans like Dent will vote to preserve the Swamp instead of serving the people. That's why taxpayers are still funding Planned Parenthood, the NEA, etc.

  51. Bernie: The solution is actually more people like Charlie who are sensible, professional and are committed to their job and community. Term limits come to mind when it's a self-serving politician who's only interest is staying in office.

    The problem is the small fraction of angry & misinformed constituents. Somehow compromise has become impossible these days and the result is dysfunction. Another big contributing factor is the internet allowing every naysayer an outlet for their hate, anger and extreme point of view. This breeds more anger and allows for reinforcement of their point of view, since there's always others who will pile on from the comfort of their couch.

  52. Reject MacKenzie, Charlie's hand-picked boy. Return the 15th District to Republican control.

  53. The country's economic performance while Dent has been in Congress is abhorrent. At the same time, Charlie has become a very rich man and will sail off to a do-nothing lobbying or consulting job for even more loot. It's thieves like these who party while people lose homes and jobs. Thanks Charlie.

  54. Ha. Just got a robocall from Lamont McNoShow. The robo voice sounded warmer than the candidate. It said if he's elected, he may show up to do the job a day or two, at least. Can't wait until November.

  55. Charlie did not lose his base for being a moderate. In fact, most hard right conservatives realize that compromise is key, if congress is going to function at all. Lets take a look at how Charlie lost his base. His hatred for the Pres showed up loud and clear from before he got the nomination through today. He has bashed the Pres at every single turn, not even giving him a chance. He has spent more time on the national networks bashing Trump than doing his job. How many times did he vote to repeal ACA? What did he do this year, when it was possible? Why does Charlie want transgenders in the Military?. Even Joe Biden was against it until Obama changed that with his pen.

    Charlie became an unhinged liberal in the face of Trump, joining up with the worst of Washington. That is why Charlie lost his base. He made it personal and is unable to do his job.

  56. 10.02
    why is providing healthcare for women is a bad thing?
    planned parenthood
    "including approximately US$530 million in government funding such as Medicaid reimbursements"


    as to the NEA the 2017 budget is 150 million.

    i have not seen the right wing get uptight about
    "Critics argue that the plane is "plagued with design flaws", with many blaming the procurement process in which Lockheed was allowed "to design, test, and produce the F-35 all at the same time, instead of… [identifying and fixing] defects before firing up its production line".[17] By 2014, the program was "$163 billion over budget [and] seven years behind schedule"


    so 150 million is a tremendous problem but a defense project 163 BILLION over budget is not a critical problem?

    if you want to slay one of those swamp monsters start looking at defense boondoggles.

  57. 11.18
    "most hard right conservatives realize that compromise is key"

    care to list those cases where the hard right compromised with the mainstream republicans or --GASP-- the Democrats?

    the hard right is the tail trying to wag the dog.

  58. 11:18 "in fact, most hard right conservatives realize that compromise is key, if congress is going to function at all."

    Yes, agree with the Democrats. What about Democrats agreeing with Republicans ?

  59. The game was up for Charlie Dent, as 2016 changed politics everywhere, not just in Pennsylvania. Dent's political alliances and other connections no longer work, and he realized that he'd have to face a potentially destructive primary that might result in a Democrat taking his seat.

    At least this far out from next year's election Pennsylvania Republicans should be able to come up with a competitive candidate to replace Dent. But winning will require a different calculus than that used by Dent. Things have changed.

  60. I would like to King Edwin run for this seat. He would fit right in at Congress. They wouldn't prosecute him, they would give him a promotion.

  61. What are the chances that this seat will go to someone in one of the other 4 counties in this district, not Lehigh? Dauphin or Lebanon perhaps?

  62. Since President Trump took office in January, Dent has voted against defunding Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider; stifled his efforts of health care reform; and opposed a temporary ban of people from six high-risk countries from entering the United States.

    Dent also serves as co-chair of the “Tuesday Group,” which describes itself as the “moderate” wing of the GOP and has previously claimed he considers himself part of the “governing wing of the Republican party.”

    A swamp dweller who read the polls and saw that Simmons had the edge with voters, and a likely primary defeat was in the cards next spring.

  63. 11:08 Last I looked Mackenzie was a Republican. Oh wait, you must be a Simmons groupie. I forgot, Simmons is a Real Republican. Clowns.

  64. Mr. Dent has extreme name recognition. Something Mr. Simmons lacks

  65. 1:23 PA had real name recognition when we had Senator Santorum. The dems saw fit to replace him with the clown Casey that we send to the senate now.

  66. Has anybody ever retired from congress voluntarily? I think the globalists are beginning to see the lights, and feel an urgency to get off the tracks.

    The only question now is which lobbying group he goes to work for after he leaves office.

  67. Simmons is a total phony. He was asking Dent last year if they could "replace Trump" on the ballot, and now he is trying to get backing from Trump supporters. Sorry, we aren't buying it.

  68. I'm going in the opposite direction as everyone else on this one. Any chance Dent is thinking about running for Senate in 2018? It would be a bit late, but probably still a possibility.

  69. No fan of Simmons, but wasn't Charlie saying just last week that he was looking forward to exposing Simmons' record in the primary election?

    Couldn't Charlie at least have been honest on the way out?

  70. 8:38 - "Rep. Mackenzie met with NRCC yesterday"

    How exactly did he meet with the NRCC in DC yesterday if the Morning Call placed Mackenzie at an event (Lehigh Valley Trust building opening) in Allentown?

    Seems like the Simmons trolls are spreading crazy rumors already.

  71. simmons is A SICKNESS not a congressman

  72. Not picking a side one way or another, but this question is for all of the seemingly rabid Simmons supporters chiming in frequently.

    How is a young guy, who went straight from mom's basement to public service, and who's never had a private sector job in his adult life, going to drain the swamp?

    He slammed dent for being a career politician, isn't that EXACTLY what Rep. Simmons is trying to become?

    Seems like a whole lot of pot, meet kettle, to me. But I'm opened minded if someone wants to tell me how I'm wrong.

  73. Charlie was on the rise from a leadership and longevity perspective. He was at the point where he could start doing things for Allentown/Lehigh Valley from a Federal Level. Now, we will be left with the possibility of a Millenial Congressman. That will put the Lehigh Valley at the back of the bus. Like him or hate him, Dent was good for the Valley when it came to Washington issues.

  74. The LV has been on the back of the bus since the 15th was Gerrymandered all the way to Hershey to keep Dent in office. He hasn't been the LV's Congressman in a while.

  75. 2:05, Charlie can still expose Simmons' record. He does not have to run to do that. Simmons will discover that soon.

  76. Charlie Dent has served OUR district well. He looked out for the needs of all citizens and what was best overall for the community as a whole. He has been a great friend to Veterans. I can't see Simmons getting on a plane to visit troops in a war Zone, Our Congressman did that. We lost a true public servant in Congressman Dent. All you blithering Idiots can spout all the hate you want, I will always consider Charlie Dent as one of the best servants of the common people I have ever known.

  77. Charlie should switch parties and run as a Democrat or Independent. He'd easily win.

  78. Not in that district. No way. It was Republicanized just for Charlie. Democrats need not apply - except to be a sacrificial lamb. Don't feel bad. No R is ever getting Cartwright's district, either.

  79. The more the Democrats scream about Simmons, the more and more I like him

  80. "What are the chances that this seat will go to someone in one of the other 4 counties in this district, not Lehigh? Dauphin or Lebanon perhaps?"

    That is a really good question. Don't forget Berks County as well. If Simmons and Mackenzie split the Lehigh County vote, it could happen but it's unlikely. the current voter registration breakdown is approximately Berks 7%, Dauphin 10%, Lebanon 11%, Lehigh 49% Northampton 23%.

  81. Any chance Bob Donchez runs if Morganelli doesn't?

  82. Bob is certainly well known in Bethlehem. These are who I consider top tier Democrats who live in the 15th: John Morganelli. John Callahan. Don Cunningham. Alan Jennings. Ed Hozza. Ray O'Connell. Bob Donchez. Judge Jim Anthony. Judge Jack Panella.

    The judges would have to resign before announcing. Jennings would be required to quit his job. Cunningham would probably have to step down.

  83. No way Cunningham gambles again. He has the perfect cush job and is making big money.

  84. Your top tier Dem's are not all top tier Dem's, only in your mind. The way this seat has been gerrymandered, you will probably see a candidate from Berks county or further out. No one in the LV is a favorite anything for this seat.

  85. Don't think for one minute Cartright is secure, he is going to get a strong opposition.

  86. Cally has a sweet gig and won't be running.

  87. Charlie "the Tuna" Dent saw his republican approval rating slip to 23%. The handwriting was on the wall and time for him to sail off into the sunset. The useless republican obstructionist to change will not be missed in my book or any of his handpicked successors. If "Fed Ed" by some miracle gets vindicated, maybe he should run against the republican primary winner. After all, he loved Allentown so much he ran for governor and the senate; and still the illiterate and uninformed voters in Allentown believe he walks on water. Congress needs a guy like "Fed Ed", who can walk on water.

  88. 9:17 Reading these comments, the only ones who like Dent are the Democrats, because he seems "reasonable" as a Republican. When have Democrats ever been "reasonable" other when they are getting what they want?

  89. 11:18 Name one party that's "reasonable" when they don't get what they want. As soon as Obama entered office the GOP leader publicly stated that he was going to obstruct everything he proposed. And God forbid there's politicians who are centrist and actually want to get stuff done. Keep in mind that 95% of the public agree on 95% of issues. Instead, we are just exposed to the public bickering on wedge issues which just serve to divide & distract, while the real sh#t happens behind closed doors benefiting wealthy donors, often at the expense of Joe & Jane public. This is reality, not a conspiracy and not a government problem - it's our politicians.

  90. When it comes to politics there's three groups of people. (1) Those who largely identify with Republican views (but not all). (2) Those who largely identify with the Democratic party's views (but not all). (3) The third kind which are intolerant of anyone else's view that doesn't completely agree with their own.

    Groups (1) & (2) consist of reasonable fair minded individuals. Group (3) is made up of unreasonable people you wouldn't want to associate with in or out of politics.

  91. Charlie Dent,showed up to see us EASTON FIREFIGHTERS while we were in Washington years ago . He sat down with us at our table ,and with our union folks from Easton .He took the time after hours to see us. He has always been level headed ,served us well as constituents,and been honest. SO HE WILL RETIRE . Good for him ,he has been away along time from his family. He has been a good representative of the people. Nobody should be bashing him at this point because he has been honest, and NOT self serving.

  92. Thank you Bernie, I'm preparing OP-ED about zoning at Lafayette College now .NoT being the brightest light bulb in Easton , BUT I've got all day. I'll send you my draft VIA Marine Aviation/TITLE GUY.you can tell me what you think.

  93. There is no way John Morganelli can win a Democratic primary in the 15th. He's anti-immigration, pro-Trump, pro-Sessions... Not only will his message not resonate with D voters, even the party won't support him.


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