Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Bethlehem Tp Considers Fire Tax, Tax Break For Volunteers

Bethlehem Tp Volunteer Fire Co. Engine 1712
Bethlehem Township's volunteer firefighters may soon receive a tax credit for their service under a new law recently signed by Gov. Tom Wolf.

Under this law, municipalities now have the option of establishing and setting the amount for a tax credit for earned income or property taxes for first responders. But to participate in the program, the individual must be an active volunteer, reside in the Township and meet certain certification requirements. Also, the tax credit is limited to 20 percent of tax liability.

This exemption was proposed by Tom Nolan in August, but Mike Hudak and Howard Kutzler said they'd like to review the matter.

At the Township's September 18 meeting, Manager Melissa Shafer said the tax would impact 33 volunteers at Bethlehem Township Volunteer Fire Company, and a similar number at Nancy Run. She estimated that the Township would lose revenue of about $17,500 if he exemption came from earned income tax. She and Finance Director Andrew Freda had previously said that it would be easier to administer this exemption if it only came from earned income tax.

Howard Kutzler called the exemption a "wonderful tool to support our volunteers."

Commissioners directed that a specific proposal be created at the fire relations committee meeting in October, with the plan of enacting an ordinance in time to take effect next year.

While on the topic of firefighters, Tom Nolan proposed that the Township enact a fire tax similar to a tax already in place in eight other Northampton County municipalities.

President Mike Hudak, who said he proposed a fire tax himself several years ago, has grown leery of the notion. He warned about setting aside money to buy equipment that is unneeded. he said fore trucks are sold to other municipalities who have no problem obtaining the necessary certifications. He added that Bethlehem City drives "shiny fire trucks" from the '60s, "and they love 'em."

Finance Director Andrew Freda told Hudak that he spoke with the state about this idea and it was recommended as a "common practice" and as a good way to plan ahead. Hudak said that he'd want the fire tax to include the Township's entire annual obligation to volunteer firefighters. Freda said that was a good idea and would enable him to streamline that contribute to 80-90% of what volunteer firefighters get now.

Chief Ron Ford told Hudak and other Commissioners that firefighters don't dictate what equipment the Township must purchase, and explained some of the difficulties faced in obtaining insurance.

Nolan cautioned that a fire tax would not mean, by itself, a tax hike. He said a 0.50 mill fore tax could mean a reduction in the general millage rate.


  1. Bernie,
    Ron Ford is the fire chief, not the assistant.

  2. What happened to the $52 EMS tax? Did Bethlehem township already impose a municipal services tax?

  3. Half double house fire in Freemansburg the other day brought: Freemansburg, Steel City, both Bethlehem Twp Dept's & Palmer Twp fire companies. Were they all necessary? I think not! Do they all need the big toys to show off in?

    1. Maybe if you'd take the time to volunteer, you would understand how that works.original dispatch was that there was a confirmed working fire on the second floor. The asst fire chief called for an additional alarm. The original alarm would've gotten freemansburg and steel city. The additional alarm brings in one piece of equipment from those other municipalities to assist. In case you didn't notice, freemansburg and steel city only had 1 truck each on scene and a handful of personnel. Had it been a fast moving fire and they needed the additional resources, they were already in scene ready to go. And just fyi, bethlehem township and Nancy run put that fire out, not freemansburg. So your argument is null and void and you are a jackass

    2. I'm not sure if this person is naive or just fucking stupid. 5 trucks was to many for a house fire? Give me your address and I will call someone so we can arrange for just one truck to come to your house when it's burning. I wouldn't want you to think the fire companies are showing off.

  4. @8:01 AM,
    Rather than bash the dedicated volunteers, why don't you lend a hand?

  5. @7:19 AM,
    The local services tax is not restricted to emergency services. The municipality can use the funds for whatever local services they want.

  6. Hudak's statement that the City of Bethlehem uses fire trucks from the 1960's shows his ignorance. He hates the fire companies. If it was up to him, the only fire apparatus would be horse drawn. He obviously has no knowledge of the useful life of fire apparatus, nor does he care.

    Commercial insurance rates are determined by what is known as an ISO rating. The rating takes into consideration the type and age of apparatus, along with the type and number of commercial structures, water supply, training levels, and more.

    If Mr.Hudak wants to live in the past, he's free to do so. Don't endanger the lives of 25000 residents by failing to buy a new calendar.

    Too bad he's running unopposed.

  7. Bethlehem Twp & it's fire companies are out of control in their spending, look at their monthly bills, borderline obscene.

  8. I really like the idea of a specifically earmarked tax going to support fundamental municipal services -- not a simple tax increase that disappears into the general fund.

    Maybe if we had a similar fire tax in Allentown, the AFD wouldn't be so neglected...

  9. So many opinions and so few volunteers. If their were not volunteers to provide this service you would all be crying with the tax increase that would be needed to supply a paid department for Bethlehem Township. For the person who wrote spending is out of control you seem to be a financial wiz so why don't you offer your services to one on the two fire companies.

  10. "Ron Ford is the fire chief, not the assistant."

    My apologies. I will correct.

  11. The city does not operate any equipment from the 60's Mr. Hudak. If you going to make a statement, please make sure it is a correct one.

  12. "Half double house fire in Freemansburg the other day brought: Freemansburg, Steel City, both Bethlehem Twp Dept's & Palmer Twp fire companies. Were they all necessary?"

    But if it were your home, you'd want every fire department within a 50-mile radius there.

  13. @9:09,
    You may be trolling, or you may be naive. The services provided to the residents of Bethlehem Township are worth no less than 10X the amount the Township gives to the fire companies. If it was a paid department, taxes would have to double to afford the wages, benefits, and pensions of career firefighters.
    If all you can do is complain, try volunteering.

  14. It is a shame that there are so many people who think they know how to run a fire company, but very few who actually volunteer. This isn't the 1960s anymore. You can't just show up and be a firefighter. There are hundreds of hours of training along with national certifications. Both of which cost MONEY. But don't worry! No matter your opinion on the fire companies, the professional volunteers of both fire companies will still respond to assist you in you or your loved ones time of need.

  15. The city does not operate any apparatus from the 1960s. Why? Because they have a union. Which protects them from politicians like hudak...

  16. Funny if you all thought the fire companies anywhere are rich is a joke. Did you ever wonder why we stand in the freezing temperatures or rain to ask for donations? What about the fire trucks and equipment? Do you think it doesn't have a shelf life? Come on people get a life. Know before you post stupid ignorant comments. I value all I serve in this community as a volunteer as equal, we don't discriminate, past judgment we protect. Please show us respect.

  17. I'm no expert on firefighting. But the thought of these volunteers leaving warm beds on a winter night to save my family's lives and property is simply overwhelming. I donate often and attend fundraisers. If I ever win the lottery, I'll finally check the "new truck" box. Large populations depend on these folks and everything possible should be done to encourage more membership. The complaint about the number of trucks is absurd. I'd want every truck and air support at my house. Bring it all, folks. And keep up the great work. Most of us are eternally grateful for your service.

  18. For all you ungrateful people out their making comments on things you know nothing about. Let me educate you start at either address listed below and see how it really works. What the great volunteers do for your community

    Bethlehem Township Volunteer Fire Co
    1919 8th Street
    Bethlehem, Pa 18020

    Nancy Run Volunteer Fire Co
    3564 Easton Ave
    Bethlehem, PA 1820

    Just walk up and ring the bell and say hay what is this all about

  19. I guess it's easy being critical when you don't know the facts and you get to remain anonymous. Insterad of being critical, do something constructive and contribute to the solution. AS a volunteer FF turned career and now retired, Mr Anonymous has no idea in what it takes to be or to maintain yourself as a FF.

  20. Paul and other firefighter, please know that I have immense respect for you and what you do. I could never do it with a gun to my head, to say nothing of doing so as a volunteer. You folks are the true patriots, not the anonymous know-it-alls who attack you. Please don't be swayed by these negative people. I also know that every Comm'r supports you. A fire tax is overdue in BT, and your tax exemption would probably be higher but is limited by state law.

  21. Good job to all. Concerned with the angry hair-trigger tempers. In this country people have a right to question how things are done with their money. Just as you have the right to call them stupid idiots or volunteer for things. Anger should not be the first response to concern. That is what is not professional.

    1. You are right. It can be perceived as that. I think that the real concern here is that nobody realized how little the companies receive in the grand scheme of things, but the fire service is the blame for finances. The commissioners have been horrible with the bonds and grants they have received. I can imagine that it is also frustrating that one of your commissioners has no problem with having mediocre services, stating that there is no need for updated equipment.

  22. They have every right in the world to be assholes. But not every right should be exercised.

  23. Is the Nancy Run aerial running alright now? I know it was damaged in an accident while being delivered new from the factory out in S. Dakota.

    1. I suggest you stop by..fill out an application and find out personally

    2. Yes it has been up and running for several months. It is in as your first due ladder truck and is staffed highly trained volunteers ready to make any bad day better

  24. $17k is nothing if all those brave men and women said the heck with you every time the alarm goes off. Try puling your tired ass out of bed in the middle of the night when you have already worked an 8 or 12 hour shift at your paying job and get back home just in time to leave again for anoither paying shift....I challange you to do it ....maybe a few days and nights at seeing your township residents and the very lowest times of their lives when they have to call 911 and the trucks roll in.....do you think they can go home and forget carrying someone not breathing out of their home, or watch a family fall to their knees crying because everything they have worked four us burning and people they don't even know are there trying to help them .....I'm in my 44th year of firefighting and I don't p!an to stop....you try that and then I will accept your ignorance

  25. @7:14,
    You are absolutely correct. If you read the Myner Center report, (the one the Twp paid $8k for, only to hear what they didn't want to hear)you would learn that the amount of funding BT provides to its fire companies is the 9th lowest in the Lehigh Valley. Now, they want more cuts from them for the upcoming 2018 budget.

  26. I believe the oldest front line fire truck in Bethlehem City is 2008.

  27. The oldest front line fire truck in Bethlehem Township is 1989, and isn't scheduled for replacement for another 3 years.

  28. Oldest front line piece of apparatus in the City of Bethlehem is a 1997.


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