Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Barack Obama: "This is About Decency"

Former President Barack Obama has spoken  in defense of the dreamers:

Immigration can be a controversial topic. We all want safe, secure borders and a dynamic economy, and people of goodwill can have legitimate disagreements about how to fix our immigration system so that everybody plays by the rules.

But that’s not what the action that the White House took today is about. This is about young people who grew up in America – kids who study in our schools, young adults who are starting careers, patriots who pledge allegiance to our flag. These Dreamers are Americans in their hearts, in their minds, in every single way but one: on paper. They were brought to this country by their parents, sometimes even as infants. They may not know a country besides ours. They may not even know a language besides English. They often have no idea they’re undocumented until they apply for a job, or college, or a driver’s license.

Over the years, politicians of both parties have worked together to write legislation that would have told these young people – our young people – that if your parents brought you here as a child, if you’ve been here a certain number of years, and if you’re willing to go to college or serve in our military, then you’ll get a chance to stay and earn your citizenship. And for years while I was President, I asked Congress to send me such a bill.

That bill never came. And because it made no sense to expel talented, driven, patriotic young people from the only country they know solely because of the actions of their parents, my administration acted to lift the shadow of deportation from these young people, so that they could continue to contribute to our communities and our country. We did so based on the well-established legal principle of prosecutorial discretion, deployed by Democratic and Republican presidents alike, because our immigration enforcement agencies have limited resources, and it makes sense to focus those resources on those who come illegally to this country to do us harm. Deportations of criminals went up. Some 800,000 young people stepped forward, met rigorous requirements, and went through background checks. And America grew stronger as a result.

But today, that shadow has been cast over some of our best and brightest young people once again. To target these young people is wrong – because they have done nothing wrong. It is self-defeating – because they want to start new businesses, staff our labs, serve in our military, and otherwise contribute to the country we love. And it is cruel. What if our kid’s science teacher, or our friendly neighbor turns out to be a Dreamer? Where are we supposed to send her? To a country she doesn’t know or remember, with a language she may not even speak?

Let’s be clear: the action taken today isn’t required legally. It’s a political decision, and a moral question. Whatever concerns or complaints Americans may have about immigration in general, we shouldn’t threaten the future of this group of young people who are here through no fault of their own, who pose no threat, who are not taking away anything from the rest of us. They are that pitcher on our kid’s softball team, that first responder who helps out his community after a disaster, that cadet in ROTC who wants nothing more than to wear the uniform of the country that gave him a chance. Kicking them out won’t lower the unemployment rate, or lighten anyone’s taxes, or raise anybody’s wages.

It is precisely because this action is contrary to our spirit, and to common sense, that business leaders, faith leaders, economists, and Americans of all political stripes called on the administration not to do what it did today. And now that the White House has shifted its responsibility for these young people to Congress, it’s up to Members of Congress to protect these young people and our future. I’m heartened by those who’ve suggested that they should. And I join my voice with the majority of Americans who hope they step up and do it with a sense of moral urgency that matches the urgency these young people feel.

Ultimately, this is about basic decency. This is about whether we are a people who kick hopeful young strivers out of America, or whether we treat them the way we’d want our own kids to be treated. It’s about who we are as a people – and who we want to be.

What makes us American is not a question of what we look like, or where our names come from, or the way we pray. What makes us American is our fidelity to a set of ideals – that all of us are created equal; that all of us deserve the chance to make of our lives what we will; that all of us share an obligation to stand up, speak out, and secure our most cherished values for the next generation. That’s how America has traveled this far. That’s how, if we keep at it, we will ultimately reach that more perfect union.


  1. Donald Trump is a pussy, an asshole and completely unfit to be the president of the United States.

  2. Too bad Hillary lost, 9:19 AM

  3. Thanks for the mess you left, Barry. Immigration policy via executive order was never a good idea. Fore!

  4. Decency is not achieved by doing an end run around proper legislation and providing false hope based on executive order. What Obama did is especially mean. He should have gone about it properly. His was a very authoritarian presidency. As his party was losing one election after another, he became frustrated and used his phone and pen. Very authoritarian. The current guy learned well from the last guy. Elections have consequences.

  5. I think most people appreciate Obama's sensitivity to the dreamers and regard the actions of Trump as heartless and cruel. But that's his track record now, isn't it?

  6. Bernie, If Trump were indeed heartless, he would have ended the program immediately and ordered the dreamers out of the country. He has that authority. He has permitted a fix and more than sufficient time for the fix to occur. If there is no fix, then congress is at least equal in blame for being heartless. Obama dis appointed me as President. I voted for him, but he failed in engagement, compromise and concession with congress. Clinton did much mor with an opposition party. Bush even enjoyed more success. But, Obama failed at governing. He was unable to accomplish anything including a legislative package on the dreamers. Too much executive authority and the fact that the courts would have ultimately done what Trump decided to do. I give Trump credit. He did not run from the problem and he forced congress to act. About time someone in DC got some balls. Trump will never get reelected, but no one will ever accuse him of ducking a problem.

  7. 10.51
    trump has ducked quite a lot of problems.
    trump's method of acting on the dreamers is akin to hiring Godzilla as a city planner.

  8. The power to establish any rules regarding immigration do not reside in the office of President and never have. So, at this point the question is moot: President Obama did not have any authority to issue a DACA order through any “executive action.”

    President Obama himself stated twenty-two times that he has no authority over issues of immigration. This then means he can’t unilaterally change any immigration laws. But President Obama’s entire presidency was an exercise in executive overreach, and several of the changes he made to immigration law were overturned by the Supreme Court.

    It’s important to understand that whether or not one agrees with what President Obama does about immigration is irrelevant: he has no authority under the Constitution to write or rewrite, or amend, the rules of immigration passed by Congress such as the 1996 Illegal Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act, Period, Full Stop.

    What President Obama frequently did during his presidency was go around Congress and write his own laws by changing the application of existing law through new regulations and rules. The voters of the United States have made themselves clear. President Trump has been given a mandate for immigration enforcement. We applaud him for ending the unconstitutional DACA, which Obama issued by executive order. American borders should mean something. Immigration is not a human right that everyone is entitled to. Ending DACA sends a clear message. America is back, as is the mandate to Make America Safe Again.

  9. Trump is heartless. He has demonstrated that countless times, both in his campaign and as president. He has also made clear that he has an animus towards Mexicans. Who doyou think you are kidding? He is the most mean-spirited and thin-skinned person I have ever seenin that office. If he had a heart, as you pretend, he would not be telling the dreamers that it is time to prepare for departure from the country. "The Department of Homeland Security urges DACA recipients to use the time remaining on their work authorizations to prepare for and arrange their departure from the United States -- including proactively seeking travel documentation -- or to apply for other immigration benefits for which they may be eligible." Is that what a president who has a heart does? No, that is what a hater does. What he's done here is toss some red meat to his equally heartless base, just as he winks and nods at racists.

  10. Obama should have done exactly like Trump did. He put the ball exactly in Congress's hands. The obstructionists, the useless [Charlie Dent & Co.] and the establishment have to come front and center and produce a viable Immigration Reform Act. They are the ones to blame, not Trump! In all respects I do not concur with the White House's actions on this issue, but I do agree with the political hot potato Trump has just served up. Let these Senators and Congressmen earn their salary, instead of sitting around, sounding off and doing nothing!

  11. 11:08 Ducked a lot of problems? Like Obamacare, North Korea, Afghanistan, tax reform, Chinese trade, immigration, Syria, North American trade, unemployment, a do nothing congress. Yeah, he is just running away from them all. That is the problem wit this guy. He is unlivable, ,but he may be the only person to ever get credit for trying.

  12. Where are those under the DACA order supposed to go??? ... many of them came here as small children, ending DACA basically puts these people in purgatory. Trump is a complete moron and is just costing every taxpayer additional $$ and endless complications for government agencies. Republicans (and some democrats) go around saying government is dysfunctional AND THEY MAKE IT SO!

  13. 11.11
    "he has no authority under the Constitution to write or rewrite, or amend, the rules of immigration passed by Congress such as the 1996 Illegal Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act, Period, Full Stop."

    " and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."

    of course by your definition trump has no option either.
    matter of fact trump is not enforcing the law right now.

  14. 11.29

    and for a guy that is trying to fix problems with a majority in both Houses he seems to be stepping on his crank.
    saying you have a problem and fixing the problem is two different things

  15. Let me see

    We can't deport illegal aliens because its unfair to punish them for what their parents did #DACA

    However, I'm made to feel guilty for slavery and Jim Crow because of the actions of my ancestors and people unrelated to me.

    OK, right, gotcha.

  16. 11.34
    the question is what does trump do when say Ireland refuses to accept those Irish dreamers that the US wants to deport?
    put them in jail?

  17. Remember, rather than cruelly separating little 6 year old Elian Gonzalez from his father because his mother drowned in the Florida Straits trying to give him a better life here in America, we flew daddy-dearest from Havana to Miami, returned his son, then flew them back to that communist utopia called Cuba.

    No cruelty, no separation, just reuniting families, then repatriating them back to their country of origin.

    Now, aren't you all warm and fuzzy inside, reading about such happy endings?

    We did it once, why not 40,000,000 more times, even at the point of a machine gun, as Bill Clinton and Janet Reno did?

  18. "Obama dis appointed me as President. I voted for him,"

    Not! How many times swill this statement be written by the teabaggers. Now this is fake News!

  19. 12.14
    and what do you do when the 40 million(a rather high exaggeration)
    decide that they want to stay?
    are you prepared to use that machine gun?
    BTW it is almost impossible to move such a large amount of people.
    the logistics are just not there.

  20. What's really "cruel" is how the supporters of DACA care so little about American children. They don't care that schools are overcrowded with many children who speak little or no English. They don't care that American children are being short changed those same classrooms because teachers have to spend so much time with non English speaking students. They don't care about over crowded waiting rooms at physician offices and emergency rooms. They don't care about American children being victimized by many illegals claiming to be younger than they are.

    I will believe these politicians care about American children when they close the border and allow ICE to deport illegal invaders. I will only believe they care about OUR country when they finally do something to protect it from illegal invaders coming from all over the third world. Until then they are only grandstanding in order to win votes. Never mind that many of us will vote against them because they care so little about this country and its LEGAL citizens.

  21. Anon 12:05, nice comparison. where to begin, oh my. continue to live in the bubble. it is warm and nice in there.

  22. Bernie, love the Obama hate every post topic your entries spawn. One day you should do a,"why do you hate Obama" entry. I bet you top 0ne hundred comments. Of course none will mention he was the first black president.

  23. 12.24
    so when a kid has a broken leg at the emergency room--you are worried about their legal status?
    even God would weep at your views.

  24. You know, it's really fascinating what you can learn when looking under the covers of what the public is told. We, the American people are being scammed by the crazy people who cry that rescinding DACA is "cruel."

    It's alleged that this group of "children" are the most vetted group ever. So I looked it up. First of all, they are supposed to have been brought into this country as "children" by illegal alien parents. Do we know where they were born, what are their real names, when they came into the US?

    How do you prove when you arrived in the US illegally? An affidavit? What good is an affidavit? Do they provide birth certificates or other ID?

    If they came in illegally, what proof is there that they have that they came in as a "child"? Where are their illegal alien parents? Are we deporting the illegal alien parents? No?

    How do we know the age of these applicants? Where are they from? How many illegal aliens who cross our borders come with their birth certificates? Who is being trained to identify fraudulent Guatemalan birth certificates, for example?

    None of these people are "children." I learned that of the approximate 800,000 under the program, slightly more than 2000 were rejected by the program. Not one interview was done for any of the 800,000. How is that vetting? The DACA program says they can have up to three misdemeanors, but how do you know their criminal record if you cannot really know who the person is?

    How many of the "misdemeanors" were actually plea bargained felony convictions? Misdemeanor crimes include some pretty egregious acts. If a DACA applicant was involved in crime, would they give their real names?

    The DACA supporters will tell you that these people are the "brightest" and "best." That does not seem to be true either. If you came to this country from Mexico at 15, you might qualify for DACA, but your education would not be up to the level even in the failing US schools. Their graduation rates are lower than US students. They scam our education system of grant money. There is no evidence that these are bright or best. There is however, much evidence to the contrary.

    The DACA program is designed to give other illegal aliens an anchor to stay in the US. Are we deporting the "parents" who are here illegally? Some of these DACA "children" likely have "anchor babies." What is CRUEL is that this program was created to have millions of illegal aliens an excuse to stay in the US. The cruelty is the scam on the American people.

  25. Bernie, I see the Harvey, "mosques won't open doors" bullshit is still making the rounds on Facebook. It has been proven false multiple times but hate needs a home and it finds it with Facebook meme's.

  26. September 6, 2017 at 11:17 AM Anonymous said...
    "Obama should have done exactly like Trump did. He put the ball exactly in Congress's hands."

    That's exactly what Obama tried to do from 2009-2012. He spoke many times pressuring congress to something (anything).

    In Obama's 19 minute address standing before the Whitehouse announcing DACA in 2012 he spoke of this very frustration with congress. In that announcement he clearly stated if members of congress had a problem with what he was doing he'd be "more then willing" to sign a bill the next day. So here we are almost 6 years later. Nothing!

    Congress could have passed legislation overriding Obama's executive order at any time. They obviously chose not to. The difference between the two was Obama clearly spelled out what he wanted congress to enact. Trump hasn't given them a clue. In fact he contradicts himself by the hour. For this reason does anyone seriously believe Trump will have better luck?

    The most horrible thing about DACA is (unlike prior) immigration now has a list of all those who self confessed they arrived illegally. We had no idea who or where they were before DACA. This along with their tax money, checking accounts, owned properties---all which could be seized. For ICE it will be like shooting fish in a barrel.

    All of this sends a strong message. Not only to the rest of the illegals in hiding but to all who bear witness throughout the world-- the United States ever changing agreements can't be trusted under this president. Seriously does anyone in congress, his staff, other leaders or voters trust where he stands from one minute to the next?

  27. September 6, 2017 at 12:43 PM Anonymous said...,
    " How do you prove when you arrived in the US illegally? ... what proof is there that they have that they came in as a "child"? "

    Well according to The U.S. Citizenship & Immigration's Website there's a bunch of documents someone HAD TO PROVIDE, or they wouldn't receive DACA status. I'd think someone would have a hellva time trying to pull he wool over their eyes by spoofing these documents. USC&I aren't fools enough to take anyone's word for it.

  28. 1:19 There is an entire cottage industry providing illegal aliens with documentation

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.


    I certainly hope so. I know I couldn't apply on my own. It's too complicated. I have enough trouble filling out my IRS forms. You're implying these forms can be faked. I don't see how/ Have you looked at the link?

    BTW: There's a $465 filling fee (pass or fail).

  31. 1:47 how do illegals get any form of identification?

  32. Read the damn link! If they can't or don't...NO DACA

  33. 1:54 Illegals show up in their clothing. They don't cross the border carrying their life history. Any documentation is either faked or stolen from someone else, including their name if they are criminals.

  34. President Trump did the right think with DACA by returning immigration to Congress. This is where the Constitution states the issue should be addressed, not by the Executive branch of the government. Obama NEVER had the right to sidestep Congress. If the DACA people really wanted to stay in this country, why did they not apply for citizenship and become naturalized citizens like LEGAL immigrants do? They chose the path they are on, so I have absolutely no sorrow for any of them. Now they have the time to do the right thing if they want to remain here. Otherwise go back to where your parents brought you from.

  35. How silly do you want to get?
    Believe what you wanna believe. I'm not going to debate this forever.

    They can apply to their home country's consulate here in the states or via phone, mail or another relative back home after they arrive seeking documents required for DACA.

    Ever lose your birth certificate or drivers license? Yeah it's kinda like that.

  36. 2;24 Yeah, right. Or go to 3d and linden and talk to Julio who for enough $$$ can get you whatever you need. Don't be stupid.

  37. Congress decided a dozen times not to pass legislation giving illegal immigrants citizenship status, but Obama, with his halo shining, decides an executive order was in order to take care of the Legislative branch's "inability" to fix this problem.

    Do you notice how that Democrats avoid saying that Trump has the same power to undo what Obama unlawfully did? Deport them and let the "Dreamers" do their dreaming in Mexico or wherever they originated from.

  38. I not want my hard earned money supporting a bunch of deadbeats. They are only dreaming to have a free ride in our country. Vets over deadbeats!

  39. Promise this is my last. You guys exhaust me.

    2:26 PM - "Don't be stupid"
    Julio's won't match up with DACA's verification process back in their home country

    2:28 PM - "Obama, with his halo shining, decides an executive order was in order to take care of the Legislative branch's "inability" to fix this problem."
    This was discussed earlier by me. I mentioned congress at anytime over the last near 8 years could have overridden his action. Don't like what Obama did don't hate on him--blame congress.

    2:41 PM - "I not want my hard earned money supporting a bunch of deadbeats"
    DACA members work, pay taxes and fees. They're not entitled to unemployment, food stamps or any federal entitlements.

    Sorry if I took up so much of your comment space. Seems I got roped in again. Starting to get inpatient so I think it best to bow out. Thanks for the opportunity.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Health reform exempts illegal aliens from both the individual mandate to have health insurance and the fine for failure to have coverage. Despite the fact some DACA beneficiaries will get work permits and Social Security numbers, their ability to stay in the United States under quasi-legal status remains tentative. At heart, the DACA class of illegal aliens remains illegal aliens. Thus, they escape the requirement to obtain health coverage or else pay a monetary penalty, which the health law imposes on legitimate U.S. residents.

    There is little to keep quasi-legal DACA residents from obtaining private health insurance coverage. Many will be offered health benefits through employment, and younger people typically enjoy lower insurance premiums because they tend to be healthier than older people. A complicating factor will be if their employer seeks employment-connected health insurance through an exchange, depending on the citizenship and immigration status verification system used in that state. This should identify those not qualified on immigration status for premium subsidy or Medicaid. Whether or not they become insured, DACA recipients will still receive emergency care at hospitals and community health clinics, billed to Medicaid.


    The DACA amnesty seeks to achieve through administrative means a policy goal the Obama administration has failed to achieve legitimately, through the legislative process: legal status for younger illegal aliens who claim to have come to this country before turning 16. The health reform law now being implemented seeks to cover most U.S. residents with some form of health insurance, either in a public program such as Medicaid or a private insurance policy.

    The administration's exercise of "deferred action" on a wholesale basis, though legally suspect and constitutionally unsound, falls short of granting a bona fide "immigration benefit" to DACA amnesty recipients. Thus, it is wise not to regard these people as covered under health reform's benefits (or liabilities). To do so would add insult to injury to both health and immigration policy and further complicate a nettlesome policy intersection.

    Further, these illegal aliens' status remains insecure beyond two years. Many of the relevant provisions of the health law will not become effective until 2014, leaving these aliens a short window to qualify for public health programs before their provisional immigration status expires. Extending health benefits to those lacking an immigration benefit and for a fairly short term would unnecessarily put at much greater risk the true victim here: the American taxpayer. Such an unwise move would consume vast amounts of limited public resources that otherwise could go toward the coverage of legitimate U.S. residents.

  42. 3:11 If congress wanted to pass amnesty it would have. It didn't because it didn't pass it a dozen times before. That doesn't make Obama's EO constitutional. It isn't and the "dreamers" can go back to wherever they're from and apply to enter our nation legally like thousands of other people do around the world.

    And you're deluded if Julio's paperwork wouldn't pass scrunchy under DACA. Less than 1% of applicants were refused. Working doesn't make them legal. American citizens have a right to the jobs DACA illegals do. And they affect the most vulnerable Americans, minimum wage workers primarily.

  43. "And you're deluded if Julio's paperwork"

    That kind'a says it all. President Obama said this is about decency and that little snark reveals the prejudice and outright hate, even for children whose sole offense is being born.

  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  45. 6:07, if you want to comment, avoid the identity politics.Argue the facts.

  46. I fail to understand why this is such a big deal. If everyone is on the same page, a law the equivalent of DACA should sail right through congress.

    If it is so cruel, then I would think this demands Congress to take it up immediately, and get this passed on to his desk so Trump can sign a truly compassionate and legal law, which he said he would. Not a temporary "I'll look the other way" Executive Order that deepened on a Democrat in the White House to keep it.

  47. We accept a lot of legal immigrants each year. A lot. We're a generous country. Trump is an asshole. But I agree with this decision and it's difficult to be called cruel for wanting properly passed laws followed. President Obama should have gone about it the correct way. Unlike several of his predecessors from both parties, he rarely led and tried to forge bipartisan coalitions. Yes, Congress bares blame. But previous presidents have gotten important things done despite belligerent Congresses. He created the false hope that executive orders are permanent. I don't think he was cruel. I think he did a very poor job here, though. Our system works in such a way that presidents change and can undo things. Obama shouldn't have balanced peoples' lives on such shaky ground.

  48. Bernie ,what make'S these DACA 's so talented as you state . You mean they are 'smarter' than the kids from Chicago, more worldly that the kids from Newark ,N. J. Look, the law was sidestepped. The Executive branch over rode the Legislative.A Constitutional issue . SO now there is a correction being made by the voters ,thus TRUMP in this issue. Stop crying it;s one one many corrections that will be attempted . Also, let it be known -that a foreign nationals will receive 'legal citizenship upon graduation from boot camp graduation of the U.S. MARINE CORPS i witnessed this myself at Paris Island S.C.2 years ago--- IF YOU CAN MAKE IT . Well that the way it is .BITCH. IT'S A BITCH TO GET THRU .They ran a JUDGE UP THERE IN FRONT AND ALL THE HANDS CAME UP AND REPEAT AFTER ME.----AND THEY DON'T CARRY UMBRELLAS . THEY GET WET , I was proud of every goddamned one of them . .

  49. Ok firstly, I was born and grew up in Bethlehem. Worked at Bethlehem Steel right after graduating from Liberty and was let go when it closed. I found work here in Maryland outside of DC, but I like your column Bernie because it's about Northampton County which is still home for me. Yesterday I was watching the local news. There was a story about the first day of school in Maryland.

    In the course of the story, mention was made of the new schools built to accommodate the massive influx of mostly immigrant children into the state. Administrators and politicians were celebrating the record number of students enrolled this year and the need to accommodate non- english speaking children.

    The first thing that came to mind was what a bunch of fools, which I'm sure is the same in Bethlehem and all of the townships there.

    Maryland has had a flood of immigrants, legal and illegal inundating the state which is why they are forced to build more schools. More schools means more teachers, more support staff, more maintenance etc..

    This all cost money that has to be paid for by the taxpayers.

    Unless some common sense prevails, it is inevitable the situation will reach a point where the cost exceeds the revenue needed to pay it.

    It is an incontrovertible fact that the majority of people in this country on entitlement programs are immigrants, both legal and illegal. This means many of them fall to an income level that puts them in the 49% bracket of people who do not pay income taxes and in many cases actually get a check from the government. This means everyone else is picking up the tab for these people. This same scenario is likely playing out in PA as well.

    This country is $20 trillion in debt. We can no longer afford to be the welfare state to the world.

    Immigration quotas need to be set and immigration laws need to be enforced. Failure to do this will result in America being overrun by more and more unskilled workers feeding off taxpayer funded entitlements eventually sinking the nation to that of a second or third world country.

  50. Peggy shame on you. Where is your heart? Peter is kinder than that.

    8:43, These kids are already here. They've been here. DACA did not cause the influx. It had already happened.Thanks to DACA, 800,000 people registered and became productive members of society.

    As for the legality, President Obama acted only after waiting in vain for a hopelessly deadlocked and broken Congress to do its job. Did he overstep his authority? Possibly. I don't see any court order invalidating what he did,and his explanation of exercising prosecutorial discretion is completely plausible.

    DA John Norganelli does not extradite every lawbreaker when found in other states. He prioritizes. Would you rather have ICE chasing down hardened criminals or high school kids?

    There is only one explanation for Trump's action - xenophobia.

  51. 8.43
    "that the majority of people in this country on entitlement programs are immigrants"

    not even close to the truth.
    social security is an entitlement program.

    as to schools it sounds like you have no kids in school and resent having to pay for other kids to get an education.

    dreamers working pay taxes yet are restricted on the benefits they can apply for.
    so sounds like those dreamers are paying for those schools thru taxes on their wages.
    the 20 trillion debt is not caused by illegals.
    not by a long shot.

  52. if so-called "dreamers" do not have to respect immigration laws of this country, why should anybody, citizen or not, have to respect ANY laws of this country?

  53. So who/what caused the United States to be $ 20 trillion dollars in debt?

  54. Great work, Bernie! You've highlighted just how much of an Authoritarian Obama really was. Please write more blog articles discussing how Obama effectively bypassed the legislative process and have a fabulous time bashing Trump, as per usual, while you do it, too.

  55. Anon 9:35

    Please tell us how a two year old child is supposed to respect our immigration laws.

  56. President Trump sent the issue to Congress. I am hoping that a congressional majority can write a law that legalizes some, not all, of these people based on some parameters. For example, we can look at education, behavior, and other character issues that warrant legalization.

    My hope is that the Democrats do not engage in the kind of "in your face/everybody's a racist" protests. It will not help the dreamers if people support them with Mexican flags or other irrational behavior. In fact, such behavior will make it easier for many Republicans to walk away from DACA.

    Last, but not least, it was President Obama's lawlessness, not President Trump's decision, that put these youngsters in this situation.

    Get angry with President Obama for he's the one who gave you a check without funds.

  57. So, compassion is a reason to bypass the law, try that next time you are arrested, Trump made the only legal decision he could. If he had not acted, the court would have ruled Obama's DAKA unconstitutional. Period. Daca would have been over in 1 day. and Trump would have been unable to legally give anyone 6 months to find a fix. Trump did them a favor. Congress is upset that they now have to vote on this. They would have preferred someone else take the heat.

  58. Bernie, once again you have posted a topic that has exposed the great amount of hate out there. Sad, very sad!

  59. LVCI,

    " They're not entitled to unemployment, food stamps or any federal entitlements. "

    Just stop. This is a lie, as this link clearly shows.

    And this is only in 2 years, and 1 city.


  60. "He has also made clear that he has an animus towards Mexicans"
    now you're just making shit up
    your derangement over Trump has cost you a reader, if that matters to you

  61. 6.51

    and here in that fox story does it say that the Federal government paid welfare to those folks?
    DACA in California
    "To assist those eligible under the program,[57] the state of California has agreed to support those who receive a DACA grant by allowing access to a state driver's license,[58] provided that such individuals participate in specific state guidelines (such as paying income taxes). The state of California also allows DACA holding individuals to qualify for Medi-Cal.[59]
    also thefox article relies on biased studies and opinions.
    for example a so called study by FEDERATION FOR AMERICAN IMMIGRATION REFORM

    "FAIR leaders have ties to white supremacist groups and eugenicists and have made many racist statements. Its advertisements have been rejected because of racist content. FAIR’s founder, John Tanton, has expressed his wish that America remain a majority-white population: a goal to be achieved, presumably, by limiting the number of nonwhites who enter the country. One of the group’s main goals is upending the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which ended a decades-long, racist quota system that limited immigration mostly to northern Europeans. FAIR President Dan Stein has called the Act a "mistake."


  62. Trump is following the law of the land " The US Constitution". Now that Congress has to decide to what happens to these illegal immigrants will be fun to watch. They now have the legal responsibility to due there dam job as written in US law. Congress has the only authority where law is only allowed to come from to begin with. The Great "O" is no longer the dictator he thought he was. His law was never legal to begin with, therefore our current President is doing the correct thing by striking DACA off the books. Since when do we live in a country run by a party of one. At least we now have a President that follows the oath he swore to and follows the constitution and laws of this country. Since when do non-American's run this country of ours. Many seem to forget, our ancestors got off the boat legally and went through a screening process to enter the USA. Why should these people be the special and privileged few ?

  63. 7.03

    ""I’ve been treated very unfairly by this judge. Now, this judge is of Mexican heritage. I'm building a wall, OK? I'm building a wall. I am going to do very well with the Hispanics, the Mexicans," Trump said in an interview with CNN on June 3, explaining his attacks on the judge presiding over the Trump University lawsuit.

  64. If Trump is such a prick , maybe those protesting the DACA decision he made on Tuesday should have been rounded up right then and there and deported. He is giving the Congress the "Legal" responsibility to come up with a decision that will be a "legal law" not that like that of the idiot that was in WH before thinking is word was all that it takes. At least we now have leadership that appears to be following our Constitution and that has sworn oath to.

  65. 8.37
    " The Great "O" is no longer the dictator he thought he was. His law was never legal to begin with"
    DACA is an executive order not a law.
    President Obama was perfectly within constitutional bounds when he prioritized who would be deported.
    from the US Constitution
    " and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment."

  66. 8.44
    "Trump is such a prick , maybe those protesting the DACA decision he made on Tuesday should have been rounded up right then and there and deported."

    most likely smarter people warned him that acting in that fashion would have a severe political backlash that would have poisoned any further goals donnie wanted to achieve in the future.
    for example any deportee is entitled to due process.
    donnie two scoops would have constant protests attacking him for being the prick he is.
    politicians from both sides of the aisle would be calling him out for being heartless and cruel.

  67. "illegal aliens are creating big problems for us, and we're going to put a lot more border patrol people to support us, and we're not going to have people able to work by coming in illegally, and we're going to cut off their welfare benefits, and we're going to deport people in record numbers."

    William J. Clinton, President, 1995 State of the Union Address

    Note: Clinton was cheered, not called a xenophobe and racist.

  68. 9.46
    did President Clinton ever complain about a judge being of Mexican heritage?
    donnie two scoops did.

  69. "your derangement over Trump has cost you a reader, if that matters to you"

    It does not. I have told the truth about Trump, and attempts at the disinformation will be stopped. As my dad used to tell me, you can't shine shit, no matter how hard you try.

  70. Every Democrat that supports DACA should be asked if they favor “family reunification,” bringing the parents and other siblings into the USA. If they do, they obviously favor blanket amnesty and chain immigration and should admit it.

    If they actually favored keeping families together they should support sending all family members back to where they legally reside. No one should ever be rewarded for willingly violating our laws or the lawlessness would never end.

  71. President Obama unilaterally changed the rules on Cuban refugees on his way out in January 2017. The U.S no longer accepts them if they make it to our shores. Was it compassionate for Obama to send the women and children back to the tyrants when were only trying to make a better life for their families?

    There were outrage and protests when Trump wanted to vet Syrian and other refugees more thoroughly, but hardly a squeak when Obama sent these Cuban refugees back. Why were Democrats, reporters, immigrant advocates and CEO’s who were so loud about Trump so silent on Obama and Cuba?

  72. Yes, there was some outrage over Obama's sudden reversal on Cuban refugees, and in the Washington Post.


    You could argue there should have been more. The difference here is that Trump
    s action affects everyone, while Obama's affected only Cuban refugees who were being given preferential treatment.

  73. 12:23 With respect, selective compassion and outrage about Dreamers is not compassion at all, any more than selective enforcement of laws for one group over another means equal justice for all and selective separation of powers does not make you a believer in the Constitution.

    President Trump decides to follow the rule of law and enforce the immigration laws that Congress passed, and he is called a xenophobe, a racist and says he doesn't care about families. It is very compassionate to follow the rule of law and to adhere to separation of powers. Our country became the greatest, most powerful country in the World because of the rule of law and the three coequal branches of government. We have been very welcoming to legal immigrants, and welcome thousands of them each year from many nations around the world.

  74. 12.39

    "It is very compassionate to follow the rule of law and to adhere to separation of powers."

    when is trump going to start?
    when his Muslim travel ban was shot down by the courts donnie cried like a baby and heaped scorn on the judges and court system.

    donnie two scoops wanted to let the alt-right know he was still their buddy.


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