Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Trump Tweets Train Running Into CNN Reporter

Just three days after Heather Heyer was run down and killed by a neo Nazi, Authoritarian Donald Trump tweeted an image of a "Trump train" running down a CNN reporter. For those of you who wonder why I think he's bad for this country this is why. This totally insensitive gesture demonstrates scary views about the rights to a free press and gives yet another wink-and-nod to the KKK and other white supremacist hate groups.  


  1. Bernie. Did you have a problem with Kathy Griffin's decapitated Trump photo?

  2. Islamists run over crowds of people every other week and it's basically ignored as an acceptable part of their culture but now suddenly the sky is falling.

  3. Now, instead of Jews being the enemy, it is the "Islamists." No wonder you live Authoritarian Donald Trump.

  4. 1:40, of course I did, and if she were President, I believe she would have been impeached.

  5. "Did you have a problem with Kathy Griffin's decapitated Trump photo?"

    Two wrongs don't make a right and she's not the president. Yours is another attempt to deflect from Trump's odd behavior. I never thought much of Kathy, but I see no reason why we're in some sort of competition to see which celebrity (either Trump or Griffin) can get lower then the other.

  6. "Islamists run over crowds of people every other week and it's basically ignored"

    Where have you been hiding?


  8. He relayed an off-color editorial created by someone else, and for this he should be impeached? OOOOOKAY

    We should probably shut down thehill.com and others who did exactly the same thing.

  9. He was elected as the Great White Hope reaction to Pres. Obama, so his fanatical supporters will defend any crazy thing he does. The man is emotionally unfit to be President. That is far scarier than disagreeing with his policies.

  10. This is hilarious. Becoming so offended by a cartoon.

  11. Fake outrage. There side openly calls for the assassination of Trump - Kathy Griffen, Shakespeare in the park - Trump jokes with a meme and the soil their pants.

  12. The last people to be this offended by a cartoon broke into a building in Paris, France and murdered a bunch of journalists.

  13. @1:58

    Muslims are not the enemy, Bernie, so I agree wholeheartedly with what I think you were trying to say.

    Islamists, however, are indeed the enemy. Islamism, as it is generally understood by leading scholars such as the brilliant Bernard Lewis, is not in any way the Islam of billions of global adherents. Islamism is a sharia-based totalitarian philosophy (the guiding force behind ISIS and other similar groups) that explicitly embraces violence against "infidels", the subjugation of women, geopolitical expansionism by military and paramilitary means, and the violent oppression of groups such as homosexuals.

    Not to split hairs with you, but in discussions such as these, terms are important.

  14. "He relayed an off-color editorial created by someone else, and for this he should be impeached? OOOOOKAY"

    I never said he should be impeached over this by itself. I said that if Kathy Griffin were President, she would have been impeached for her stunt.

    What Trump did is wrong on so many levels, and the best evidence of that is that he deleted his tweet.

    Thin-skinned, this authoritarian tweets a picture of a train running into a reporter. This demonstrates quite clearly how he feels about an independent press that dares to question him. He publishes this just 3 days after a neo Nazi slammed his car into a crowd of people, killing one of them. This demonstrates tacit support for violence against his critics. If Jeff Sessions wants to investigate civil rights violations, this certainly should be part of it.

  15. Jeff Anthony, You are incorrect. Words are important. An Islamist can be someone as benign as a person who thinks that he should guide his life by Islamic principles. Frankly, I wish we had more people like that. The pejorative use of that word, by itself, demonstrates religious intolerance. An Islamist and an Islamic terrorist are two very different things.

  16. @3:21

    Well, I'd refer you to Bernard Lewis who makes a very careful distinction. You and I don't disagree in any material way, and, in fact, I prefer the term Islamo-fascism to islamist as I think it is more accessibly descriptive.

    In the end, you and I agree, however, that muslims in general are not the problem. The problem is islamo-fascists and the fellow travelers within islam that actively or passively support them.

  17. Trump is quite frankly an immature man child. To me he is the culmination of a celebrity obsessed society infatuated with Kardashian fame and al a carte "news" outlets that are more about reinforcing ones prejudices than reporting any factual news.

  18. The cartoon is a riot. But it's not nearly as funny as the adolescent girl reaction from the likes of Bernie. Sticks and stones will break one's bones. But cartoons will cause permanent scarring, apparently. Ed Rendell said we were becoming a nation of wimps. Boy was he right. Time for your diaper change and bottle Bernie. It smells like you've soiled again. Bawhahaha.

  19. Stupid wimps don't like American Nazis and the KKK. Real Americans love those guys. Trump had a press conference and once again blame everyone for Charlottesville. Nazis plan marches in many more cities. They are happy with their President.

  20. Enjoy your week of gloating Bernie. Next week the democrats will go back to Russia, Russia, Russia.

  21. Don't like the cartoon of Trump running over the democratic jackass ?

  22. The press hates Trump, because he has refused to kiss the ass of the press. He has violated their self image as the protectors of all things correct and fair. He has exposed them as the partisan conveyors of propaganda that they are. They may beat Trump, but they will never regain their credibility.

  23. You know Bernie, if the Democrats expect to win any elections with this, they better think twice. You're alienating more voters than you could possibly gain.

    Erasing history is like Nazi book burning.

  24. Not the Party of Lincoln anymore. Such a sad day in US history.

  25. Someone has vandalized the Lincoln Memorial, the National Park Service says.
    The words “F— law” were found written in red spray paint early Tuesday on a pillar at the monument that overlooks the Capitol building and National Mall, NPS said Tuesday afternoon. The graffiti was found about 4:30 a.m.


    Way to go democrats. Going to tear down the Jefferson Memorial next ?

  26. I am a dem who voted for Trump and would do so again. Is he a jerk, yes he is. However, there were many things I liked about what he claimed he would do. Immigration reform and stopping illegal immigration, the trade deals and stop fighting other folks wars.

    Can we stop picking apart everything he says and does? I think what he said was that there were angry and unruly folks on both sides of the demonstration. The jerk who ran folks over, was a nut job and we all know it.

    The most underserved group of people in the USA are poor white men. I think we need a non hate group for them like we do for all other groups like Gay Pride, Black Lives Matter, etc.

  27. The alt rights is anti-Lincoln. There's your sign. Trump has etched his legacy as the WORST President in US History. He should resign.

  28. It's a cartoon. I wish the last guy just tweeted cartoons. Instead, he promised I'd keep my plan and my doctor and save $2,500 per year. I lost my plan and had to switch to doctors on my new plan and I now pay $1,800 more per year. Posts like this and the media narrative of the day are great at avoiding the real issues that people struggle with. I wish both extremes would stop and fix the problems affecting people of all races.

  29. One of your better wet dreams 6:54 ?

  30. We are all not sure that Soros didn't pay this poor women to commit hairycary and jump in front of the car. As for being a white supremist, wasn't the driver a shade of tan too at a white supremist gathering?
    You don't watch Millie weaver's live news shows.

  31. Impeachment, no; but it adds another piece to look at if there is ever a 25th amendment challenge.


  32. If you bet today would be a banner day for crazy from a crazy presidency, guess what... YOU WIN!

  33. @628pm

    If there were a magic pill that would turn you into a person of color, would you take it?

  34. 8:50, Yeah, he went off the rails, so to speak.

  35. Clickety Clack, Clickety Clack, the trump train is once again off the tracks,

    Comparing both sides as a moral equivalency is just another trumpsonian alternative fact and malfeasancey.

    We are tired of his lies and support of hate. Will Country loving Americans stand up to bigotry before it is too late?

    The trump train offered rides to an America that is great, yet a tweet here and a tweet there spreads insults and hate.

    Trump train has left the station, if you are onboard, it is a false invitation.

    So think of your dreams and future generations, and join the center right and center left to a new destination.

    America was ALWAYS Great and tolerance makes us strong. It is not the media's fault, it is trump who is wrong.

    Good Day

  36. President Trump, at Trump Towers on Tuesday, called it the way it was. Of course the Alt-left, the liberal press and I would assume the Antifa and BLM movements would not agree with his statements, but both sides showed culpability in these instances. The real problem for this debacle started with the city of Charlottesville who allowed these fringe groups to protest in the same area. After approving the Kessler [a white nationalist] permit, they unilaterally moved it from Robert E. Lee park to another smaller park nearby. A Federal District Judge, who duly noted that Kessler filed first, that the city didn't move the leftist group, and that e-mails and social media posts by the city officials against the white supremacists was a enough to show bias and prejudice by the city. As a matter of law, he reversed the City's actions. The City of Charlottesville is the main culprit in this horrific tragedy with terrible and deficient legal advice, policing and overall planning.

  37. Trump is a disgusting liar!

  38. My prediction is that Gen. Lee park will be renamed Heather Heyer Park. The Nazi's will refer to it as HH Park or 88 Park and declare it a win. Might even work better for them than the Gen. Lee statue.

    Interesting how the air bag didn't deploy in the challenger...

  39. I guess she shouldn't have been there in the first place!!

  40. Mark W., Bernie's assessment of you is accurate.

    If you look at the still picture of the Challenger plunging into the crowd, on the right is a Toyota Tundra pick-up truck parked at the curb next to Race Jew elry Store, 321 East Water St. The black Tundra truck has a bumper sticker indicated it's owner belongs to a fraternity associated with funny car incidences whom was also there. If you look at the crowd carefully you will see other people that look out of place, but hey, this is America! People can go anywhere they like, even if it's not where They Live. There was even someone with an aerial drone camera all set up ready to go.


    Interesting, James Alex Fields Jr. the driver, was releases from the armed service after only 4 months, there has been no reporting clarifying this unusually shorten hitch.

  41. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/act-four/wp/2017/08/13/the-photo-from-charlottesville-that-will-define-this-moment-in-american-history/?utm_term=.cb92768baa71

    The picture is being scrubbed.


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