Local Government TV

Monday, August 14, 2017

Daily Stormer Loves Trump's Charlottesville Remarks

Donald Trump summed up the weekend violence in Charlottesville by saying, “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides. On many sides. It’s been going on for a long time in our country.” Many of his critics pounced on his failure to condemn specifically the white supremacists as a wink and a nod to some of his most strident supporters. I was prepared to discount that, but as reported in The Washington Post, the white supremacists loved his tepid condemnation.

“No condemnation at all,” the Daily Stormer wrote. “When asked to condemn, [Trump] just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.”

Just as he coyly refused to condemn David Duke on the campaign trail, he now refuses to condemn the white supremacist movement. He leaves it to others to explain.

No explanation necessary.


  1. Trump ran on hate and prejudice and his politcal seeds have borne their natural fruit.

  2. Words fail me. He is cynically hoping for violonce on the left as an excuse for a crackdown a la Nixon. So unbelievably demagogic. Unfit.

  3. His equivocating remarks are the dog whistles the white supremacists listen for...they were not disappointed. Need proof? Listen to David Duke's comments, former Imperial a**hole of the kkk. These people deal in fear as a weapon for hate and they are being legitimized little by little by our "dear leader" and his sycophants on the right.

  4. also trumpie has not managed to condemn the bombing of the Minnesota mosque.

    "Minnesota's governor called the bombing of a mosque outside Minneapolis the previous day "an act of terrorism" during a visit to the site on Sunday."

    seems trumpie is afraid to call a shovel a shovel.

  5. “We can’t simply dismiss it as a symptom of political correctness or reverse racism,” he said. “We also know that centuries of racial discrimination, of slavery and subjugation and Jim Crow, they didn’t simply vanish with the end of lawful segregation.”

    Obama, lecturing the people of Dallas about racial bias at a memorial for 5 officers who were killed because they were white, July 2015

  6. While Obama supports Black Lives Matters after BLM mows down Five Dallas Police Officers because they were white, Trump get crucified by the Democrats and the media and use it as an opportunity to tie him to white racists and Nazis

  7. Reminds me of Obama's weak response to BLM when cops were assasinated as they chanted pigs in a blanket- fry em like bacon. No explanation necessary.

  8. Where are the prominate 'Historians' ? Another miscarriage to allow disassembly of American History by taking down stuff. How are the future generations going to know , to know to ask questions .See and feel what happened during our 'roots' and the corrective actions of democracy and human rights? Is it not better to fix things and discuss the history than not see the past failures human engagement. Our civil war was a lot more than human captivity and exploitation , and we are not now the new Gods of what happened 160 years ago. To take down statues is to disavow it happened in the presents of ones eyes! This will go like JoePa at Penn State ! Remember he just disappeared. Like taking down Christopher Columbus along the Delaware-what good would it serve?

  9. Where was the criticism of Obama after BLM kills all those cops in Dallas ?

  10. Why were police ordered to stand down?


  11. @6:48 Because VA Governor McAuliffe wanted this. He was a bag man for the Clintons for years. The democrats love this. They don't care someone died. They want the opportunity to President Trump. Useful idiots are a dime a dozen but they will be harping on this for the next 6 weeks at least?

  12. Never take what you see for face value. Always look underneath and you will find the real reasons for this kind of tragedy.

    Russia Russia Russia is fading for the Democrats. Now they can use something new to undermine the government of the United States that they detest.

  13. It takes two to tango. I think he [Trump] basically said this. This was a direct assault on the right to associate and freedom of speech. A counter-protest is also a right, however, when the contras get belligerent and non-compliant, trouble will happen! Yes there is a racial divide, so why leave these two factions near each other. Trump had no choice but to chide all sides. Not like Obama's tacit approval of BLM.

  14. Where was the pearl clutching and hand wringing when Trump supporters were being attacked, beaten and maced by these democrat mobs?

    Where were the police when the anti-fa punks were beating and burning and throwing bicycle racks through plate glass windows at Berkley?

  15. Gary Gorman is selective when deciding which racists to condemn. Racists are like that. Look in the mirror, Gary. Your hate is showing, too.

  16. History will remember Trump as the worst President in history. Failed domestic policy, failed foreign policy, and a failure in everything. Those who supported him will be remembered as bigoted and hateful, when in truth, most of his support is made up of just simple fools who felt a kinship to the biggest fool among them.

  17. To Anonymous 7:29:

    I knew that my post was incendiary. I don't apologize for it. I wrote it after learning what Andew Anglin wrote on his white supremacist website, The Daily Stormer, about Donald Trump's response to Charlottesville, Virginia:

    "He didn’t attack us. He just said the nation should come together. Nothing specific against us,” “No condemnation at all,” “When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.”

    It is obvious that Mr. Anglin identifies with Trump and that he and his followers support him. I'm simply asking Trump to disavow these groups in the strong language that he uses in other areas so that there is no misunderstanding by Mr. Anglin and others like him.

    Senator Lindsay Graham (R- South Carolina) said it well yesterday when he said that White Supremacist groups know that he (Graham) is not their friend. He wonders why they believe that Trump is...and he then called on Trump to strongly disavow them.

  18. " I think he [Trump] basically said this."

    He said what he said. The Daily Stormer understood him quite clearly.

  19. There's a difference Peter Cochran between keeping the Dachau camp as a tourist site for people to witness what went wrong in a country's history and putting the leaders of that movement literally up on pedastals of honor. The leaders of the confederacy were traitors to the United States. Have historic tours of southern mansions that include their slave quarters and treatment as part of the lesson. If you really want to preserve the history of the UNITED STATES tell the truth.

  20. In its infancy, corrections are made Anon 8:10 . This country's foundation was at the time relatively ,one old man lifetime of a country. Your off track 85 years later is no time relative to Poland and Germany . Take down monuments ,works of fine art and make like they don't exist is what ISIS does to Christian artifacts too. Your point is well taken but portrays an underlining issue not American History . Thank s.

  21. So you believe President Trump is an American Nazi Bernie?

  22. "I believe he is an authoritarian."- O'Hare

    Be careful, Bernie...The Anti-Hillary crusade is about to start in 5, 4, 3...

  23. And Obama wasn't with his governing by executive orders ?

  24. I for one like that POTUS finally is not taking shit from any other nation. It is an act of relief for all Americans that now anti Americans are acting up on our OWN soil.

  25. 9:32 that upsets the Democrats. They're used to Obama's flaccid foreign policy of letting the world walk over America and our leading from behind.

  26. Excuse me, but Trump has already demonstrated that he speaks loudly and carries no stick at all, although he does have small hands.It was just last week that he threatened N Korea that one more threat would result in "fire and fury" the likes of which had never been seen before. Right after that, N Korea threatened to hit Guam. He is a paper tiger.

  27. 9:24, He is an authoritarian. He "governs" by the same tactic used by other authoritarians. He plays on fear and prejudice. It is the same tactic Hitler used with Jews and now he is using it against the Muslims. The alt right is part of his base.

  28. And Bernie disqualifies himself per Godwin's Law. Thanks for playing. Enjoy these lovely parting gifts ......

    Cheer up. Maybe some cops will be assassinated per BLM's wishes and you'll feel better.

  29. I'm confused.

    In 1977, I was forced to listen to the liberal pukes in ACLU telling me everybody has a right to free assembly and the Neo-Nazis had a right to march through the predominately Jewish town of Skokie, Illinois. The ACLU said that I have to accept that everybody has the right to free speech, no matter how repulsive it might be. They took their liberal argument all the way to the Supreme Court and won, making sure that those spewing hate can continue to do so.

    Now in 2017, the liberal pukes in the ACLU again tell me the Neo-Nazis and their ilk have a right to assemble and spew their hate, this time in Charlottesville, Virginia. Liberal counter-protestors also demand the right to protest, and many of them show up ready for a fight. The liberal local Mayor apparently has the police stand down. Not surprisingly, many are hurt and one person is directly killed in the confrontation.

    The liberal Governor of Virginia tells the Neo-Nazi's to go home, but only AFTER the damage is done.

    And yet it's somehow conservatives, or Republicans, or the President that needs to apologize?

  30. Obama ruled by Executive Order and supported Black Lives Matters. Sounds like an authoritarian to me. Black racism is just as bad as any other racism as well Bernie. The alt-left is part of the Democratic base, just listen to Maxine Waters, another black racist that is an Obama disciple.

  31. "And Bernie disqualifies himself per Godwin's Law. Thanks for playing. Enjoy these lovely parting gifts ."

    Godwin himself has claimed an exception can be made when it comes to Trump and certainly when it comes to the alt right organizers in Charlottesville. So as usual, you are wrong. The simple fact is that what Trump is doing is precisely what Hitler did in his rise to power. But I did not call Trump a Nazi. I called him what he is - an authoritarian.


  32. 10:00, Yes, you are confused. Authoritarians govern by demanding strict obedience at the cost of personal freedom. They prey on fear and prejudice. They fabricate lies. That is Trump. After calling Obama timid and weak, you now claim he is an authoritarian? Which is it? But we are not discussing him or Hillary. We are discussing Trump. He is a man who gives a wink and a nod to the Daily Storm and David Dukes of this world.

    The Nazis who assembled in Charlottesville had every right to do so under our First Amendment. But the violence that ensued is not protected by the First Amendment.

    The violence is not the fault of anyone except those involved. What is Trump's fault is his failure to condemn the violence that came from the white supremacists and neo-Nazis, which leads them to believe it is alright. .

  33. Bernie O'Hare (10:16) said...

    "10:00, Yes, you are confused. Authoritarians govern by demanding strict obedience at the cost of personal freedom. They prey on fear and prejudice. They fabricate lies. That is Trump. After calling Obama timid and weak, you now claim he is an authoritarian? Which is it?..."

    I think you're confusing me with someone else. Re-read my post at 10:00, I never called Obama or Trump an authoritarian.

  34. Bernie, please link to your post demanding that Obama denounce BLM and the murder of five police officers. I'm certain you did so, strongly. I just can't find it. Thanks.

  35. "Please link to your post demanding Obama's denouncement of BLM and the murder of five police officers. I can't find it. Thanks."

    Obama on Dallas Police Shootings

    President Obama condemns ambush of Dallas police officers

    Obama's entire Dallas police memorial speech

  36. Is there not a problem with violence on both sides, including Charlottesville?

    Weren't both the counter-protesters and the Neo-Nazis fighting prior to the car running into the crowd? Weren't some of those protesting the Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville carrying clubs and dressed for battle? Hasn't there been violence across the nation from groups like BLM and AntiFa groups on the left?

    It seems like there's enough blame to go around for everybody here.

    I thought the President's statement was fine, and was looking at the situation (both specifically and nationally) as a whole. He was condemning all violence, and called for the country to come together as one.

  37. "Weren't both the counter-protesters and the Neo-Nazis fighting prior to the car running into the crowd... He was condemning all violence, and called for the country to come together as one."

    So your saying we shouldn't have fought against Nazi Germany?

  38. Trump just condemned both the white supremacists and Neo-Nazis in Charlottesville.

    By name.

    The Left is happy now, right?

  39. I am happy to hear this, but this is the exact same mistake he made when he failed to disavow David Duke.

  40. And it shouldn't be a question whether the left is hapoy. Numerous Republicans found fault with this as well.

  41. Anonymous 10:00am:

    If you believe that the ACLU are Liberal...I've got a Brooklyn Bridge to sell you.

    The ACLU mostly take up The Constitution and Bill of Rights issues; some of their causes I support, others not so much.

    However, you have clearly fallen into the "I'm always right, Liberals are always wrong" mentality. As Mr. Anglin professes in his first amendment right, "God Bless you"...Hypocrite. (I added the last word).

  42. Same fight that has been going on since the 1920's, communist anti-capitalists on one side, black lives matter, Bernie sanders, warren, and fascist National SOCIALISTS on the other. Neither are for freedom or liberty and self determination, but for a big totalitatian state, whether Germany the soviet Union, or Venezuela, all socialism is a failure. If Trump was a devout socialist he would be loved and praised by the media and Ohare.

  43. 12:20 Sounds like Obama did the same kind of statement about BLM that the Democrats are accusing President Trump of.

  44. President Trump clearly condemned all hate groups including the white supremacist groups in Virginia as he should have but that wasn’t good enough for the media, Democrats and many Republicans.

    The race card has again been pulled out, as it always is, to imply that somehow Trump is a racist. Standard Democrat operating procedure.

  45. 12:53 PM "That might be the dumbest statement ever written."

    In your previous comment you aligned yourself with Trump's remarks we should all get along. Trump has now finally condemned them after his arm was twisted. Obviously your previous statement Trump.. "called for the country to come together as one" is one even he no longer believes.

    "Of course we should have fought against Nazi Germany."

    Sorry if it went over your head. Explain how this is any different when it's on our own soil?

    Those who skirmished in Charlottesville against fascists and Jew haters were labeled left wing protestors. 70 some years ago they would have called Patriotic U.S. soldiers protecting the world from such bigotry and hate.

  46. Remember also, the guy who loved Bernie Sanders tried to take out the entire Republican baseball team...and the Democrats and media gave Sanders a total pass. Don't think people haven't noticed the double standard.

  47. Bernie, I like you but history has already proven you wrong on this. You and others like you have so much hate in your heart for Trump, you have trouble seeing the truth.

    I, and the super grand majority of Trump supporters, deplore any kind of supremacist thoughts and actions. We just happen to call it what it is, not something the left can do, but we live them as neighbors anyway, wish they would feel the same.

    Why did no one care when Obama spoke and lauded over the grand master of the Klu Klux Klan Robert Byrd? Why did no one prosecute the Black Panthers for voter intimidation in Philly when they showed up in fatigues and clubs.

    What about Obama taking the photo op in Cuba with Che Guevara, how disgusting is that?

    History will give Obama what he deserves.

    All hate must be equally treated and not allowed.

  48. This incident came at the Perfect time for the Democrats and the media. Their "Russian Conspiracy" meme is falling apart, and they needed something New to attack Trump with.

    Now, instead of a Russian Stooge, he's a "White Supremacist", with a collection of white hoods in his closet. I'm still trying to figure out how a supposed KKK Member has a daughter who converted to Judaism, and is raising his grand kids as Jews.

    I guess silly things like LOGIC take a back seat to the "Narrative" in the minds of the Hate Trump mob.

  49. As kooky and hateful the neo-nazi's speech is, the most dangerous folks at that rally in Virginia were those fringe hate groups on the left who tried to silence them and run them from the stage. These are the same paid protesters who violently stop speech on campuses with which they don't agree. To stop speech, they destroy property, block access, shout down speakers and even chase them from the stage

    Appears to me we are living in a politically correct society that somewhere along the way lost its rights to free speech. Hard for me to understand how we survive as a free society without the freedom to speak our thoughts freely and safely, even if those thoughts are considered kooky, hateful, disgusting by the vast majority?

  50. The left still thinks racism is a solid wedge issue, even after losing 1,000+ legislative seats in six years. The whole "your-candidate-didn't-denounce-to-my-satisfaction-means-you're a-racist" trick seems to deliver the opposite result of what was intended. I don't like Trump. I think he's an ass. But I love the way he's playing so-called journalists and bloggers and Twitterati like a well tuned Stradivarius. These groups write often of "dog whistles." Yet, they're the ones who drool uncontrollably when the opportunity to race-bait presents itself. If they continue working this hard, they'll lose another 1,000 seats and the few governors' mansions they haven't already been tossed from.

  51. Gary W. Gorman said...

    "If you believe that the ACLU are Liberal...I've got a Brooklyn Bridge to sell you.

    The ACLU mostly take up The Constitution and Bill of Rights issues; some of their causes I support, others not so much. "

    Gary -

    News flash for you - the ACLU is a liberal group populated by liberal members. They are agents of the Left.

    Yes, they take up Constitutional issues (the Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution), but they take the liberal side of those issues. Occasionally, but ever so rarely, they do find the time to advocate for a position that a conservative would support.

    If you're trying to portray them as some sort of neutral pro-Constitution organization, then I have several bridges to sell you.

  52. 2:13 PM "As kooky and hateful the neo-nazi's speech is, the most dangerous folks at that rally in Virginia were those fringe hate groups on the left who tried to silence them and run them from the stage"

    I repeat...
    Those who skirmished in Charlottesville against fascists and Jew haters were labeled left wing protestors. 70 some years ago they would have called Patriotic U.S. soldiers protecting the world from such bigotry and hate.

    So let me see if a get this right. What your saying is the most dangerous were the one's that got run down by a speeding vehicle,

    Not the ones who blew into town with tiki torches, metal helmets, tear gas, batons, bullet proof vests, carrying riot shields with side arm weapons?

  53. Apparently it's not enough for President Trump to be against violence and hatred.

    Apparently, he must only be against the violence abhorred by the Democrats and the media, the rest, they imply, is OK.

  54. The democrats still haven't learned that their divide, racist, strategy is not working for them. They just cant bring themselves to campaign on what they really want. Why don't they just be honest with the American people and tell them where they want to progressively lead the country?. The answer is, they know they would be rejected so they have to hide their true agenda by focusing on division and hate.

  55. LVCI said:

    "Sorry if it went over your head. Explain how this is any different when it's on our own soil?

    Those who skirmished in Charlottesville against fascists and Jew haters were labeled left wing protestors. 70 some years ago they would have called Patriotic U.S. soldiers protecting the world from such bigotry and hate."

    I think the difference is obvious - 70 years ago we were at war.

    Are you saying that violence is justified when you believe the cause is right, even if we're not at war? That it's ok to beat the hell out of a group that's exercising their right to free speech by spewing their hate?

    If so, I can understand your thought process, and appreciate your admitting that's what you believe. I'd be curious as to how you draw the line as to which groups deserve to be pummeled, but that's a debate for another day.

    Also, your portrayal of the counter-protestors in Charlottesville as some sort of heroes or freedom fighters seems to be at odds with the liberal mantra of the liberal (yes, liberal) ACLU that tells us we have to be tolerant of all speech, even the most vile form of it.

    I guess I'm just looking for a bit of consistency among the Left.

  56. We all know that you have to be a racist/hater if you support President Trump, and want to put up a wall on the border, and deport illegal alien invaders, and stop the left's turning our country into a third-world hell hole.

    Now we've had the Nazi label added as well to those who support our president.

  57. It's unfortunate that President Trump (or anyone in our government) won't specifically name Antifa and BLM as the hate groups and terrorist organizations they are.

  58. You mean skyrocketing taxes, all kinds of free shit, drive-through abortions and run away debt aren't campaign winners? Dammit! Russia!

  59. LVCI said

    "So let me see if a get this right. What your saying is the most dangerous were the one's that got run down by a speeding vehicle,

    Not the ones who blew into town with tiki torches, metal helmets, tear gas, batons, bullet proof vests, carrying riot shields with side arm weapons?"

    As opposed to those who came carrying clubs, dressed for battle, and willingly fought against the other group?

    Not condoning the actions of either side here. But you had elements in both groups looking for a fight, and looking for publicity. You had a police force that was either incompetent or told to stand down by incompetent politicians. And of course you had a victim (who paid the ultimate price) that was there for the right reasons but with the wrong crowd.

    The only thing that should be surprising about the whole event isn't that something happened there, just that there weren't more killed or seriously injured. And that none of the weapons brought by both sides didn't bring about the worst damage.

  60. A black man does something and he is a "troubled individual." A Muslim does something and he is "self radicalized" and a "lone wolf"

    A white guy does something and the entire race is condemned and told we must change. Democrats have gotten away with the race card for decades. If you rounded up all the KKK members in the U.S., would you have enough to fill a gymnasium? Or is just one crazy white guy enough?

  61. Race baiting post = 60+ comments and counting. It works, Bernie! You are a master race baiter.

  62. I don't want to saturate Bernie's comments so I'll leave with these finals words stating my position. The way most people see this is a either from a left or right position. The way I see it is a bunch of supremacist rolled into town looking for trouble. They sure as hell weren't looking to embrace either the right or left. If people want to continue to defending them or their so called rights to remain hate filled bigots is unconscionable and very unamerican on every level as far as I'm concerned. If you guys wanna continue to find some reason this is acceptable it goes beyond all my comprehensions. I've reached a end whereby I can no longer articulate otherwise my disgust over the indefensible actions of those who diminish what I thought were our American values. This is very disappointing.

  63. "Russia Russia Russia is fading for the Democrats. Now they can use something new to undermine the government of the United States that they detest."

    Oh yes, Nazis and confederate traitors and the KKK are the real defenders of the government of the United States. Can I have some of what you are smoking?

  64. So," the way you see it is a bunch of supremacists rolled into town, looking for trouble" this may be correct, but leave out the ant-capitalists, anti-police mob who did exactly the same thing. what is LVCI solution, should they be rounded up and be executed or just put into a reeducation camp, you find them unacceptable, well, that is a broad brush. There are a lot of people that could be found unacceptable, but in America People should be punished for their actions, not their thoughts or words. Personally I think everyone who was at this rally and engaged in violence should be arrested and punished. Not just those deemed unacceptable by some.

  65. Racism and deluded right-wing thinking are both alive and well in the Lehigh Valley.

    How can folks living in one of the most beautiful parts of the world be so mean and ugly inside? Before any politics or national pride or racism come into play, we are all humans, we are all equal, and nobody has the right to treat fellow human beings as trash. Read your bibles.

    1. There are many deplorable, but at least they are not dillusioned and diluted!

  66. When we speak of the deep rooted history of these confederate monuments, we need some perspective. Most of these statues and monuments were built in the mid-1990's. They appear to have been a response to the civil rights movement going on in this country. AS well as a statement of underlying southern sentiments of confederate pride. Just as the phrase "under God" was inserted during the red scare and not part of the original pledge.

    Museums are wonderful depositories of history. I hope we never forget our history and if you agree you should demand we keep our museums of American History going. These monuments are nothing but a reflection of revisionist history and a counter protest to the change in laws in America regarding civil rights.

    Also we will hopefully remember that the confederacy fired the first shot and started the treasonous war of rebellion and was defeated in war. They are still heroes' to those who oppose the government of the United States of America.

  67. I for one am glad Trump denounced BY NAME that left wing socialist organization, the Nazis, and that democrat founded- and democrat led organization, the KKK

  68. The Democrats always play the same race-baiting game, and now they add Nazi to their name-calling.

    What happened in Charlottesville is terrible, and we need to get to the bottom of how it happened and what happened. But take all the leftist and media tricks designed to impugn President Trump as a Nazi as more fake news.

  69. Those were Nazis and they were chanting Heil Trump. You nweed to broaden your reading, but it might make your little head hurt.

  70. Its time to just quit caring if Conservatives and President Trump supporters are called racists. Really, who cares?

    Anything the democrats and fellow leftist travelers doesn't like is labeled racist by them so why even care any more? Just state the facts and don't be swayed by these zealots hurling insults.

    Its not going to work anymore democrats, we have seen this movie before.....

  71. May God rest the soul of 32-year-old Heather Heyer who tragically lost her life. My sincere condolences to her, her family, and those others who were injured.

    I fully support seeking the death penalty for 20-year-old James Alex Fields Jr. of Ohio who committed this horrific act of violence.

  72. Why are some people so gung ho on defending the KKK and Nazis? They do not represent anything white folk on this country stand for. They are ignorant and hate filled. Why do people have to add a "but or an "and" if they denounce them. Why bring Republicans or Democrats into this? Little minds think little thoughts.

  73. James Alex Fields will be punished to the full extent of the law, and I truly believe he should never see the light of day again. But if we blindly do not realize there has been an atmosphere of hatred fomented in this nation by the Democratic left, we are ignorant.

    Who even remembers the man who attempted to gun down several Republican Members of Congress at a baseball practice, severely wounding Rep. Steve Scalise? The mainstream liberal progressive media pushed that aside rather quickly.

    Let us not forget MSNBC commentator, Joy Reid, who on her Sunday show actually sought to justify Rep. Scalise’s shooting because of his voting record. Now, where was the condemnation there, and why is it that Ms. Reid still has a position and a show on that network?

  74. Probably the same reason that Sean Hannity is still on Fox and Rush Limbaugh is still on the radio, crazy crap sells. As long as there are weak minded and gullible people out there, commentators like that will flourish.

  75. I'm so sorry this is happening in our Country.im sorry ,but I'm proud to be an American,as a veteran and working in law enforcement,if you don't like it here.....move to Syria and let me know ow that works out...

  76. " But if we blindly do not realize there has been an atmosphere of hatred fomented in this nation by the Democratic left, we are ignorant."

    Drop the identity politics. My criticism was directed at Trump and neo-nazis, not at conservatives or liberals. Your mindset is a big part of the problem.

  77. Well Bernie, what happened in Charlottesville must not be allowed to happen again. And that means we need to hold ANY group responsible that promotes violence.

    “What do we want, dead cops; when do we want them, now”…”Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon”…no more. Our streets aren’t the place for hoods and masks, such as Antifa wears, and their violence and destruction of property.

    Why are you so selective? Why not call them all out, and not have this selective enforcement mentality rooted in partisan political hackery. If democrats don’t stop the blatant hypocrisy, which is truly the problem, then we’re sitting on a powder keg — which I believe some wish for.

  78. Sadly Bernie, these KKK and Nazi defenders are beyond reason. They will continually deflect to fallback positions of uppity blacks protesting and the "democrats"

    This is about Trump and his inability to understand what the KKK, Nazis and white supremacists stand for. Some of your readers are more concerned with deflecting to other issues. It is sad that some people are so filled with hate that they would tacitly support and defend the actions of these hate groups.

    The confederacy was the largest terrorist group in American history. Not African Americans who were literally enslaved for over two hundred years and figuratively for one hundred years with Jim Crow laws. In your little heads the election of Obama changed something that is still festering in our country. The Nazi's and KKK still represent those old and disgusting

  79. People adore Trump like he is their emperor. Amazing.

  80. Anon 4:50 - faults news The monument in question for example ,commissioned 1917 just about time we are entering WW I but monument was finished in 1927 just about two years before the Great Depression , Estimated costs to remove stuture extremely expensive! If this has any thing to do with SOROS ,maybe he'll help the nice protesters with costs.

  81. @2:43pm:

    News flash anonymous snowflake:

    The ACLU absolutely, unequivocally supports minority causes. Fundamentally, they take on The Constitution and the Bill of Rights to help support those in the minority in order to help level the playing field.

    That is not Liberalism. That is doing the right thing.

    Suck it up cupcake.

  82. Petey, in the early 1900'a right to the civil rights era racism so a boost in America. The KKK saw a new resurgence. These s0-called historical confederate statues were really an FU to the United States. The confederates are traitors and not a group of praiseworthy people.

  83. A non 3:35 -,says whom .? I'm in South Carolina as I type this to you Evan though you don't sign your name , because you don't want to be held liable by your peer group ! I understand , but our differences here are that I have been , done and been there and perhaps you are still paying your studant lone ! So - I have an affinity for history , I want to know what Ken Burns or Lew Reda would say. The fact that the Attitude that Proliferated may have nothing to do with this monument . The fact that you breath air today had nothing to do with anybody loving anybody .This whole issue is parities that never produced anything and they want want to tear down things when ever possible . You can't tell me all these people showed up to protest this static monument after all these years with out some body that instigated this ,

  84. “I think it wiser,” the retired military leader wrote about a proposed civil war memorial in 1869, “…not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”
    - Robert E. Lee

  85. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  86. Les ,good for you! - Traitor -Treason not quite the. ,!'term' See that argument was made after the attest and subsequent confinement of Jefferson Davis . The 'Civil War' was uncivil . Chief Justice of the U.S.,informed the President of Articals of Confederation - Davis was never held to a trial ! Other attempts to have a break up never blossomed in later years. No White men who served in uniform for the South could vote during re-construction era until after Gen. Lee had passed away . Thus 'Carpet Baggers' from the North was dubbed! Yes, I agree with you strongly - One Flag and I for one do not the flag desicated,hung incorrectly or modified. - good day ,going to have great weather.


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