Local Government TV

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Mezzacappa Salutes West Easton

I am remiss. I have failed to update you about Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Constable cRaZy, since she plastered West Easton with Trump signs. As you can see above, she's understandably miffed that West Easton officials are considering a part-time police department. She was hoping she could arrest everyone herself and even bought a uniform.

Gotta' love the implied threat.

She was running for Borough Council, but inexplicably withdrew. If she can't beat 'em, she'll sue 'em. She wants a gazillion dollars in what appears to be a frivolous suit that she's already appealed to Commonwealth Court, before she's even lost.

She's cutting out the middleman.

She's also filed a federal civil rights suit against the Sheriff and Easton Auto Body for a gazillion dollars and has improperly snapped a default judgment against them all for failing to respond to a complaint that was never properly served.

She's represented by Larry the Otter, who has threatened to take county lawyers to the Disciplinary Board over a judgment that he improperly entered in a clear abuse of process.


  1. No implied threat or anything else. Get over yourself. It is humorous something you know little about. Leave this poor, young woman alone. You say you don't care but you sure act like an angry jilted would be lover.

    Time to move on with your life.

  2. Holy boiling cauldrons, Batman! She looks stoned.

  3. ^^^^^ @"young woman" lolololol

  4. Glad to hear she is well and off her meds. Been boring listening to the news I'd Washington and all. Now good to hear local entertainment

  5. She is one of the reasons Constables are looked down upon by law enforcement, the courts and the general public. This self-made asset to law enforcement is an embarrassment to the law enforcement profession. The District Attorney has the power to bring her mental attributes to the court's attention and the court has the power to take any authority, real or believed, away from her; just like in Monroe County.

  6. With the temperatures over 90° for three straight days we are officially in a heat wave, so I must be having a heat stroke, because she/he has the longest middle finger I've ever seen.

  7. She obviously allowed this picture to be taken....
    Where, oh where and how did you get that pic?

  8. That looks like a face book selfie.

  9. West Easton really needs to reduce its crime rate. PSP were innundated with 40 calls last year for wandering dogs, Trump signs littering the streets, high grass, abandoned cars and the occaisional noisy neighbor.

    I'd love to see my taxes double by 2022 to handle this widespred criminal element in a .5 mile Borough. I also love paying higher car insurance when I get traffic tickets for not bucking up, or using my blinker for a right turn. I would especially love to kick in even more tax when Abe sells the jail property back to Norco, after it builds its taj jail at gracedale.

    West Easton's 2 pavlovian dogs (the cyber terrorist and the expunged stalker) salivate in unison when they think one of their enemies is in big trouble. It dries up pretty quickly when they fail, and fail again, and again and again.

    Dr. Pavlov, I mean Steve Goudsouzian, is apparently willing and able to endure public humiliation by continuing to represent them.

  10. PHOTO CAPTION: prostate exams anyone?

  11. @ 8:25
    Buckle up and use your turn signals. Easy solution for everyone in any town or city. Do you speed and run stop signs to? PoPo are such sticklers about laws.

  12. When will dildock DePaul hold an open town hall, where members of the public can ask why he roamed the Borough for 10 months promising lower taxes, less litigation and more accountability, then took over and did an about face?

    L Y I N apostrophe D A N !

    He holds those court defeats high in the air. He puts them down and then he lies.

  13. I wonder if Magistrate Yetter is ordering more paper for his court in anticipation of the influx of non-criminal citations that will be flooding his office. ?

  14. Good information tells me DePaul is so broke he pays his sewer bills late on a regular basis. He once even connected a hose from his filth hut next door to his main house to avoid paying a water bill.

    His stalked ex girfriend said he is so broke he was looking under the couch for change just to pay his borough tax bill.

    He rents out his RVs to vagrants for $10 per night. Deez steals old borough toilets cause he cannot afford to buy one.

    I guess the tax hikes will be billed to everyone but themselves

  15. You all forget that she was elected! 10 voters actually put her in. Respect her authority! She crushed her opponent in a landslide victory, winning 100% of the vote. Thousands attended her swearing in ceremony. She has a mandate to flip the bird at others and file any frivolous lawsuit she wants against her borough and county. The Ridge Street Stunner will be victorious!

  16. In 2012 Easton PD officer Tom Beiser wrote a police report where Dan DePaul threatened to revoke the EPD contract if was charged with a crime. He dropped names to intimidate the officer by saying he is friends with Panto and Morganelli.

    Another one in the long line of back-fires. DePaul was charged with stalking and harassment.

    He messes with the law and the law won.

    Now he wants to rule over a police force. HAHAHAHAHAHA

  17. W. Easton does not need a GD police department. What they need is a dissolution of the boro..put on the ballot. Enough is enough. File a petition and get this on the ballot asap. It is the only solution to this continuing insanity. Council will never have the guts to pull the plug..on their own. Wake up people! Force the issue!

  18. So they can become part of Wilson or Easton or Palmer? You are cRaZy!

  19. The bought and paid for voting block of the volunteer west easton fire department is what keeps the pavlovian dogs in their elected seats. The fire department has received more donations under DePaul than they have ever received before. as long as they do not have to stand in the street with donation buckets like all other FDs, they are just fine and dandy.

    Yet they too will be duped, when the police department expenses suck every penny of surplus and require tax hikes. There will be nothing left for the FD.

    Instead of paying for their own campaign flyers, they sent a bulk "newsletter" on the taxpayer dime smack in the middle of primary season, patting their own backs and pretending they did not spend over $80,000.00 on lawyers and engineers who did all the work in 2016. Their bulk newsletter is currently posted on www.westeastonborough.com, which is curiously registered to an outfit in Panama.

    They took a quarter million chunk out of surplus in 2016 alone, doubled the staff from 20 hrs to 40 hrs a week, and dipped into surplus again for 2017. Now set to spend another $125 K to make sure rain does not run downhill on 2nd street, and $50K for a new roof that does not have one fallen shingle.

    In the West Easton land of make believe, they assure all people that the grant fairy will keep paying for all these things.

    bankrupted and abolished in 2 yrs or less.

  20. Who writes this stuff, Matt's WestEastonpa.com says they got a grant from Hud to fix second Street flooding, and new shingles shouldn't cost more than $15,000, how old is that building.

  21. How old is the building, probably as old as constable crazy but in better condition.

  22. As a volunteer fireman in West Easton I take umbrage with you crazy pig lady, The safety first volunteer fire company is supported by the safety first social club with its thousands of members, you have to be the ugliest person that ever lived in this community.

  23. The safety first fire dept is now allowed under state law to put poker machines in its social hall, thanks to the republican controlled state legislature.

    they should take advantage of this and stop treating us taxpayers like their own personal vending machine.

  24. Easton should annex that scrubby borough to the west. Enough nickel and dime drama from brain dead residents like Messycrappa.

  25. Wow, that is a long finger. Ouch.

  26. 12:15, so far asIknow,there is no such law.

  27. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/pennsylvania/articles/2017-06-07/pennsylvania-house-gears-up-for-huge-gambling-expansion-vote

  28. That is the house. It is not the Senste or Governor. As I suspected, there is no law and , once again, you have misstated things.

  29. Constable Crackhead.

  30. For god sake's next time you take a selfie put a bag over your head.

  31. The usual suspects join with O'Hare in attacking this poor young woman. They only wish that slender finger was doing their prorate exams. O'Hare tried and failed and has harasses her ever since. It is a shame in fact it is disgusting that she is attacked by such people.
    Leave her alone.

  32. Bernie, I just had time to look at the picture and story on my handheld, I have redd the story but what the hell is that picture? I know I am blind in one so now you would like to take the other eye out with your pictures too.


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