Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Hyman: Fed Ed Should Be Fired For Absolute Mismanagement

As you may have read in The Morning Call, Allentown City Council is poised to adopt a resolution tonight calling on the US Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Pa to conclude its political corruption investigation of Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski, one way or the other. Mayoral candidate Nat Hyman agrees that "it is time for honesty and integrity!" But he has suggested that we should all be focused on Fed Ed's mismanagement. Below is a statement he sent to me last night.

I read today that City Council will be sending a letter to the U.S. Attorney to ask them to expedite the prosecution of Mayor Ed Pawlowski.

I think the danger is to continually focus on Ed's crimes, and the prosecution thereof, and miss the bigger issue as it relates to the City of Allentown. Ed Pawlowski has colossally mismanaged this city. In any other business he would have been fired by now. One need only look back at the past couple of weeks....

We learned that yet another change order was submitted for the cedar beach pool. Ed has now spent $3,400,000 of tax payers' dollars and 3 years repairing one pool and it still isn't finished or open! That is 4% of Allentown's entire annual budget...on one pool. To be clear, that is to repair one pool, not even to build it. Perhaps more disturbing is that 4 out of 5 pools owned by the City of Allentown are closed, so we may be in for millions more when the other pools are to be repaired.

I have reviewed the scope of work involved with this project. As a developer, I can say, without equivocation, that I would have completed this job for under $500,000 and reopened it in a matter of months. As any decent businessperson knows, all that was needed was an iron clad contract and good supervision to ensure that the work was completed on time and on budget. And no one would have been paid unless those 2 things were accomplished.

This was absolute and blatant mismanagement. If anyone worked for me and handled a job in the same manner that Ed has, they would be fired. If anyone worked for any company and handled a job the way Ed has, they would be fired.

Another relatively routine problem arose last week when some kids were making noise on a basketball court and angered the neighbors. Surely a Mayor can handle a problem like this with efficiency. Not our Mayor. He reacted impetuously and bungled this simple problem to the extent that it became enormously contentious, requiring a town-hall meeting.

I would suggest that we put aside the fact that 5 people in Ed's administration pled guilty to felonies and will testify against him and that Ed's own attorney said one would be "foolish" to think that he will not be indicted. Forget that the FBI has Ed on tape offering public services for money and that he was sweeping his office and patting people down for listening devices. And disregard the fact that City operations are at a standstill because he doesn't speak with City Council and the police and fire departments have utter disdain for him.

Let's forget all of those things, and focus on one simple issue....Ed should be fired from his position for absolute mismanagement of our city.


  1. Let the political sniping begin Hyman.

    City Council should be careful about these kinds of resolutions. Be careful what you wish for....

  2. Fed Ed or Lady McBeth, The reality is that you have grossly mismanaged the City. You spend money the City could ill afford to buy land the City did not need paying Abe Atiyeh nearly three times its vale. This made a tax hike necessary. And Hyman's observations about the pool at Cedar Beach and the basketball rims at Dieruff are right on the money. Do you think no one but you is able to talk about your abysmal performance? Think again.

  3. Mr. Hyman is not exactly an unbiased observer... just an observation. He does seem to have a few good points.

  4. Of course he's biased. As he should be. as Charlie Dent once told me, there are only two ways to run for office - hard, or unopposed. I expect to receive more of these statements from Hyman and am sure Lamont McClure will be speaking up in NorCo.

  5. I wonder how much Hyman is going to spend challenging Ed's candidacy, the way he fucked over Garcia ?

  6. I'd rather see someone who fucked over Garcia than someone wh fucked over the entire city.

  7. You are so obsessed over Pawlowski and his wife, you need professional help. You have been rehashing the same thing over an dover again for years. Yet he is still the Mayor and not charged with a thing. Three months ago you hammered Hyman, now he is a saint. Also, why would Lamont McClure get involved in Allentown? Seriously, not everyone is as crazed as you.

  8. You did not read it correctly he said McClure Northampton county. Its not Bernie's fault the Feds take forever to prosecute. Ed the a**hole mayor should have been voted out long ago. The ignorant voters and poor choices
    Of candidates have got us to this point. City council should have done this a long time ago. Ed will go soon just have to be patient a bit longer.

  9. So should Northampton County officials be fired! They will be the next City of Allentown Federal investigation!

  10. Hyman seems to be on point. However, the misinformed, uneducated and protected class that sees criminality as a prime requisite for the office, will be a potent force in the coming election. The pseudo republican will also face some backlash from his very minority party in Allentown. However, these hurdles are not insurmountable with the right campaign and money. It seems that he is on the right track with this letter. More facts, such as the manpower games he played with the Fire and Police departments, the fire truck issues, the invisible DROP pension for select police officers, [who also now have high salary jobs in the local community], his mismanagement of the parks, his adoring style of overall management at city hall, his constant political right [diversity] appointees to help his image and political candidacies outside of Allentown. Not to forget his political corruptness; a successful campaign can be waged.

  11. You can't trust a turncoat. Hyman isn't a Republican, he registered as such in order to avoid having to run against Sam Bennett and Ray O'Connell. Then he sued the real Republicans in the race forcing them to spend so much money in court that one had to drop out. You defeat your opponents on issues, not on lawsuits.

    Sorry Hymaen isn't going to get my vote. He cheated and he's an arrogant SOB.

  12. The pools offer relief for Allentown's young people. It will be in the high 90s today and so many will suffer. Forget city hall, the FBI should investigate poolgate!

  13. The only question is will Lisa go to jail when Ed does.

  14. Hyman sure as Hell gets my vote.

  15. 8:01 I suppose Allentown has gotten so poor people people can't afford air conditioners any longer. Or backyard pools that are blown up and filled with garden hoses.

    I miss when we weren't flooded by the welfare state types....

  16. No one can defend our corrupt mayor, all that's left to do is attack Mr. Hyman.

  17. There is no liar like a come to Jesus liar.
    Mr. and Mrs. Pawlowski are a special kind of sick creeps.

  18. Does anybody REALLY think that Hyman could've fixed Cedar Beach for $500,000? It's easy to say that now but no way he can be certain. Even though the pool has been an unmitigated disaster, you cannot blame the mayor for EVERY issue with the pool. There is more than enough blame to go around, including city council. As far as him claiming the mayor should be fired, does he realize that's not the way it works? You cannot 'fire' the mayor. This guy is in way over his head and is making false predictions just like our current president. To be clear, our current mayor is a joke and a disgrace and Mr. Hyman is an amateur.

  19. Yes.
    Attack Mr. Hyman.
    It's the only card Fed Ed can play.


  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Lisa ---"Allentown's First Lady"--- solved the homeless problem here.
    Perhaps that will help her when she is sentenced.

  22. "You can't blame the mayor for every issue with the pool."
    Many pool issues you can blame on his criminal City Manager from Philly.

  23. I want to know who Alan Jennings and A. Butz are supporting before I make my decession.

  24. Who did the Mayor give invisible drop-pensions to ?

  25. Ed knows all the cops and firefighters think he's a lying chubby punk.
    That must smart.

  26. Lisa P. is every bit as dirty as Ed.
    She handles the money.
    Where's the Federal Women's Penitentiary?.

  27. "Sorry Hymaen isn't going to get my vote. He cheated and he's an arrogant SOB."

    So you'd rather see the dirtiest mayor Allentown ever had remain in office. Brilliant.

  28. George Schaller, please, as I've told you before, you must post comments that others can read or not at all.

    1. Bernie, what is so hard to understand about said developer extra ordinair breeding bedbugs, mice, rats and other types of vermine. Than as a hostel take over tactik import said insterments to the city gnats ring master has designs upon?

      Simple developer 101 or in this case 99, cause like fed Ed gnat is just a cardboard cut out circus stick.

      And also Bernie, you are much smarter than my trying to articulate in print. As I am a animated creature that is a humanist by design and not of my surroundings.
      REpublican redd

  29. Nat Hyman claims he can better manage the city finances, yet several years ago he filed bankruptcy for his jewelry business. Also within the past year a judgment for more than 2 million was entered against him by a lender in lehigh county. What a businessman. Big bullshitter with a big mouth.

  30. Attack Nat Hyman. Typical Fed Ed tactics. People are onto you.

  31. judgment for more than 2 million was entered against him by a lender in lehigh county. What a businessman

    why aren't you looking into this Bernie?

  32. Fed Ed, Hyman is involved in numerous enterprises and is going to sue and be sued. This is called business. What's amazing to me is how little he is in court. All you know how to do is snipe people behind their backs. People are on to you.

  33. Lawyers are pigs, the slime of the world, the underbelly of the snake. They create nothing, only stealing from those who produce. They are typically arrogant beyond belief and fly Barons.

  34. Ed's a criminal awaiting conviction.
    Every literate resident knows it.

  35. The attacks on Mr. Hyman will be vicious.
    Get ready.

  36. If he filed bankruptcy it's a legitimate concern. How is he going to manage a city if he can't manage his own business?

  37. 11:50 "Attack Nat Hyman. Typical Fed Ed tactics. People are onto you. "

    So Hyman can't be attacked but he can sure attack Ed ?

  38. "Every literate resident knows it."

    That doesn't mean much among the dependent class which dominates Allentown these days.

  39. 12:10 Hyman sure relied on lawyers to get the Republican nomination, didn't he ?

  40. Fed Ed Is relying on them to stay out of jail ... for now.

  41. There will be no written letters excepted, there must be motions to the courts and most of Allentown's political pot o blue juice is sealed! It has been so many years allready that another year or two only is a means for more indictments.

    Word on the street is fed ed is wearing the wire now, it must be a cooperating witness! His wife may be wearing one to implicate the local Vatican, LCCC and church on the run.

  42. You guys elected as President a businessman who went bankrupt 4 times. How many times has Hyman gone belly-up?

  43. The Department of Justice works at its' own speed. City Council should not waste its' time on trying to force the feds to speed up. Building an air tight case is a long procedure. The infamous "Fed Ed" is causing the need to dot every I and cross every T. However, the devious one, just like the devil, will lose in the end! But the uneducated, uninformed and the immigrant class that proliferates in Allentown will try to assist this evil one in attaining the position of Mayor once again. Everybody thought Bill Heydt, a very successful businessman with a no nonsense acumen and approach, would lose to a highly regarded politician, State Rep. John Pressman. After 12-years of Joe Dadonna, a clean politician in his own right, the citizens felt the need to switch gears. Once again it is incumbent on minority electorate left in the city to shift gears, throw out the corrupt Pawlowski and minions and start anew with an untested, but soluble, candidate like Nat Hyman.

  44. Soluble? Does he dissolve in water?

  45. My contention of soluble was the other point: to be explained or solved.


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