Local Government TV

Friday, June 16, 2017

Did This Blog Inspire Gun Violence in Alexandria?

I'm expecting a knock on my door any minute. You see, this blog is apparently responsible for the recent gun violence against Majority Whip Steve Scalise and three others in Alexandria yesterday. Although some wackadoodle named James T. Hodgkinson is the person who pulled the trigger, it's because of pricks like me. That's what Jamie Kelton, who sometimes graces us with her presence, is saying on another blog. "[T]he level of vitriol posted [at Lehigh Valley Ramblings] against the President by those who do not identify themselves is exactly the kind that pushed this nut over the edge to engage in political assassination." Ironically, Jamie Kelton is actually a pseudonym for someone else.

The truth is that violence knows no ideology or religion. And thanks to Trump, civility has all but disappeared, even when people like Kelton use fake names to identify herself.


  1. I've been in contact with the SPLC about designating LVR as a hate blog and they have been very receptive to the idea, even the libtards over at that communist ORG are sickened by you daily anti POTUS rhetoric.


  2. This is NOT A HATE BLOG, in fact it is the only real reporting done in the LV at this time, and you will miss this "News Outlet" when it is gone, because Bernie is no longer a spring chicken, and soon will hang up the typewriter and then... nothing, no news, no local news, no county news, nothing

  3. I wonder if the Secret Service would classify this as a hate blog, what with all the nasty things that are said about the President of the United States?

    Perhaps Bernie needs to be investigated real soon.

  4. Did you know that "Jamie Kelton" is an anagram of "Joke Ailment"? True story!

  5. "Perhaps Bernie needs to be investigated real soon."

    Yes, authoritarians would use the unfortunate incident as an excuse to round up critics. This is still America, not Trumpworld.

  6. .... Cute..

    Mr O'Hare. "Kristallnacht, Trump Style", oh really ? Associating the President of the United States with the holocaust is a new low, even for you and your visceral hatred of our President.

    When I wrote on Mr Molovinski's blog, I did make the effort not to mention your name or this blog, which I do read, but do not comment on. Well I did a few weeks ago, but it is not very often as although I enjoy reading about Northampton County issues, I'm from Allentown and really don't involve myself much in issues that revolve around Bethlehem or Easton. However, I do appreciate your thoughts. I am more interested in your views of Allentown and that is where I value your thoughts the most. But I digress...

    I left your name out of it and also this blog's name out of it because I wrote on Mr Molovinsk's blog out of courtesy to you both. Other readers could identify you, but I'm sure there are ones that don't.

    I have read your animosity about our President for months. You have your views, that's fine, as I found Mrs Clinton to be even more objectionable of a candidate than you did about Mr Trump.

    However Sir, the people have spoken and the election decided. Showing your spite and venom, sour grapes and quite honestly, rudeness to our President, along with many other children in the "opposition" has simply reached a level of viriol that I did not believe you were capable of achieving. Associating our President with the Nazis.

    The reality is that for the past seven months, the Democrats have been inciting violence since Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton. Now that one of their ilk has taken up the challenge and decided that shooting up a baseball diamond full of Republicans was accepted political discourse, they're all running from the fire they started.

    I doubt if you'll ever apologize for that. It's likely something you are incapable of anyway. Or any of these childish idiots in the "Opposition" There are always political disagreements, but it seems now the Democrats have thrown it all out the window with no holds barred.

    And also, the sheer hatred of our President by the Democrats seems to have elevated to the level of political assassination to change the government, since they can't change it through the electoral process. Who is next Mr O'Hare, a politically-inspired nutcase full of this "hate Trump" garbage will try to assassinate President Trump. We've seen one nut already shoot up a baseball diamond of Republicans that was inspired by it. Vice-President Pence? Congressman Ryan ? Where will it end Mr O'Hare ?

    Now that Congressman Scalise is fighting for his life in the hospital because of this uncalled for acrimony, lets see if Democratic political leadership actually addresses their out-of-control supporters.

    Are they going to speak out when Progressive thugs beat up Trump supporters, or take real action to prevent the Kathy Griffins of America from threatening to kill the President, or even boycott that little play in NYC where the President and the First Lady are portrayed as being assassinated?

    I'm not holding my breath about that either.

    And finally, with regards to my protecting my privacy. I like my car and don't want it keyed, or have my home stalked or firebombed, or my daughter to be attacked because of politics and the insanity of your supporters.

    Don't bother to reply and if you delete this fine.

  7. Bernie, a "wackadoodle named James T. Hodgkinson" did indeed pull the trigger and is responsible for his actions. I do not agree that "thanks to Trump, civility has all but disappeared..." Lack of civility existed long before Mr. Trump. Some on every side should shoulder some blame. Perhaps we all can and should. Even you, even me. We are more aware today than we were in the past. It has been my experience that most of the vitriol, hatred and lack of civility has been perpetrated by those who tend to lean more to the left. Those who decry a lack of civility or freedom of speech, are the very ones who demonstrate a lack of civil discourse and threaten or step on the free speech of others. I do agree, wholeheartedly, that "...civility has all but disappeared...", however, I do not agree that Mr. Trump has been the catalyst.

  8. Jamie, You need to learn how to read and to start thinking logically. I never once associated Trump with the Holocaust. I did make an analogy to Kristallnacht, and stand by it. Trump's ICE agents rousted people on a Sunday, while Hitler's stormtroopers did so at night. Trump's stormtroopers killed innocent people, and the actions of Trump's ICE men will send between 40-70 Chaldean Christians to their deaths in Iraq. Trump may not have rounded up as many as Hitler did, but that's merely a difference in degree. The situation is analagous.

    Also, I am tired of reading that Trump won the election. That is no justification for acting like an authoritarian. That is no answer to my argument. He certainly had no mandate. He lost the popular vote.

    When I criticize Trump, there is neither spite nor venom. I am simply pointing out that Trump has numerous flaws, and is himself a very hateful, spiteful and venomous person. You condem venom I am not spewing while defending someone who is making this country alaughing stock world wide.

    I understand your desire to protect your personal privacy with a false name. If you do that, then don't slam others who choose to remain anonymous. When you do so, you are being a hypocrite.

  9. Jeff, we do disagree. Trump in my view has very much been a catalyst for a general decline in civility and even basic honesty. I also believe that venom comes from both Trump's defenders and his critics. I'd be hard pressed to say who does so more.

  10. Jamie - you are speaking in generalities and painting with a broad brush. Yes, there are plenty of far left Democrats and high profile "celebrities" that have blown and blustered about the President and in general made life difficult for him. Not that he's helped himself in more than a few cases as well.

    There are just as equal a number of Republicans and "Alt-Righters" who display sheer hatred for Democrats and whoever their figure head at the moment may be...

    Honestly, too many citizens have "picked a side" and a lot of them are only truly happy to see the other side lose and/or their supporters upset about it. They need to be marginalized and removed from the kitchen.

    I am disgusted with the current political discourse in this country, and yes I know we have a long history of it going back to the Founding Fathers.

    I mentioned it yesterday in one of the other threads here. Our President and frankly all of our politicians need to grow up and be leaders of ALL the people, not just the ones who elected them.


  11. Bernie, I must say that you do at times show spite and venom towards Trump. I do sense it. I get it, it is your blog and are certainly entitled to your opinion. It is your opinion and your perspective. It is an opinion and a perspective or a bias, which we all have. (Whether we think we do or not) Mr. Trump does have many flaws. We all do. I am not a defender of Mr. Trump. I do respect our President and the Presidency, as I do America. America too has its' flaws, but I love and respect her in spite of and at times because of them. I appreciate what you do. But when you say things like "...venom I am not spewing while defending someone who is making this country a laughing stock world wide." Please realize that those are your opinions. Not everyone believes the facts point to those statements as the truth.

  12. Jeff I agree that I have a way of putting things that can really piss people off. But I have no particular venom or spite for Trump. I agree it may appear that way to his supporters. And actually, it is demonstrable fact that Trump has made us a laughing stock. His trip to Britain, our closest ally, had to be postponed. He threatened to invade Mexico, insulted Australia, has slammed Merkel, etc. I am actually embarrassed by him. We can't agree on everything, Jeff, but I admire and respect you bc you are one of the few people out there who understands that democracy is no spectator sport. You take an interest. Am I biased? Absolutely.

  13. "Trump's stormtroopers killed innocent people"

    Ok now I am calling you on that one. Have a reference to share ?

  14. "Also, I am tired of reading that Trump won the election. That is no justification for acting like an authoritarian. That is no answer to my argument. He certainly had no mandate. He lost the popular vote."

    As a person who claims to be an attorney, you know perfectly well that the President of the United States is not elected by the nationwide popular vote. Your argument is quite specious.

  15. "..sheer hatred of our President by the Democrats"

    In short.. NO... Democrats aren't the problem.. Trump is !!!
    The situation can best be described as a President who "hates" nearly everything the United States does. Trump bashed all his opponents in the election with his childish name calling. Since that time he's trashed the FBI, EPA, Dept. of Education, State department, DOJ, anyone in the media who didn't kiss up, all the democrats in congress, pentagon leaders war efforts against ISIS, Germany, Cuba, mayor of London, NATO, the UN, Muslims, immigrants, trade partners, and anything Obama... in fact I'd go so far as to say just about any and everyone other then his strange obsession with his daughter is a target of his self absorbed ignorance. There isn't a day that goes past Trump isn't lashing out. In my lifetime I've never dreamt we'd have such a divisive president. He's like a one man wrecking ball unlike ever in our history who ever dare speak so negatively towards the very government he's suppose to support.

    Every president in my lifetime tried to keep the lid on things.. not pour gasoline on the fire like Trump. In my opinion this isn't about the struggle between liberal or conservatives ideologies. It's about an ignoramus that should never have been elected. While I disagree with just about every issue Vice President Pence represents he'd be 1,000x's better leading this country and would have my full support over this jerk. The sooner Pence takes over the better (for the sake of this nation).

  16. I am well aware that and actually agree that the electoral college determines the winner. But the fact remains that a majority of those who voted preferred someone else. I am getting nauseous at the repeated "we won" claims because trump has no mandate. Yet he and people like you continue to be divisive.

  17. 2:05 Trump's storm troopers are shipping these Chaldean Christians back to Iraq. That is in effect killing them.

  18. Never my lifetime have I ever seen or heard of a President being scrutinized over every word he speaks, humiliated by the public to the point of wanting to hurt someone, slander, ridicule, insulted, lied to, threatened to murder him, threatened to rape our beautiful First Lady, and have his children mocked, insulted, and humiliated.

    I am truly ashamed of the Democrats in this country. I am ashamed of the ruthless, hateful, cruel, violent people with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), people with no morals who feel they have the right to say and do the vile, sick, disgusting things they're doing.

    After they were elected and took the oath of office, every other President was left alone to pursue the agenda they were elected on. Voters got over their disappointment if their candidate lost. The media told the truth.

    Presidents prior to Donald Trump weren’t vilified on news shows every day, chastised for every word out of their mouths, DISRESPECTED, RESISTED AND PRESSURED to do the opposite of everything they proposed, and not being given the support they needed.


  19. " I am getting nauseous at the repeated "we won" claims because trump has no mandate."

    The mandate was Donald Trump's win in the Electoral College. It is the only vote that actually elects the President. When voters cast a ballot at the polls, they are selecting the electors. They are not voting for the President.

    As a poll worker Mr O'Hare, I'm surprised you are ignorant of that fact.

  20. "Trump's storm troopers are shipping these Chaldean Christians back to Iraq."

    You are referring to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials as "Trump's Storm troopers" ? Do they wear Jackboots ?

    Choices they make put them at risk. Not the law or enforcement. Crime should not be accepted from immigrants, period.

  21. Also, exactly who did ICE officials murder or kill ?

  22. Your tone has become much more strident in the wake of Trump's election. The left is still having a kid's-finger-in-an-electrical-socket reaction and the tantrum continues at a high pitch. But I don't think words cause sane people to murder.

  23. My heart goes out to the victims and their families and friends. Anything other than sympathy and prayers on this matter is a waste. There is only one person responsible for this tragedy, and his name was James T. Hodgkinson.

  24. "Your tone has become much more strident in the wake of Trump's election"

    If so, that is a direct result of Trump's divisive and dishonest behavior. He is an embarrassment.

  25. "You are referring to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials as "Trump's Storm troopers" ? Do they wear Jackboots ?"

    Yes, and some do. You forget that I was once an Ass't US Att'y. My experience is that ICE has the largest concentration of cowboys. They are always among the federal agents most prone to engage in abuse.

  26. 8:11 PM, nope. Just like you picking on priests and clergy.

  27. A comment submitted anonymously by Rolf Oeler, aka Pig Pen, has been deleted. He is barred from this blog and has been ever since he threatened to kill President Obama. He's in no position to lecture anyone on violence.

  28. You have a seriously hard time accepting the fact that the Secret Service found absolutely no merit to your ridiculous claims, don't you?


  29. What I know is that you threatened to kill President Obama on election day in 2013. You made that threat here, on this very blog, and I reported you. Just as i would report a threat made against Trump. What I also know, thanks to you, is that the Secret Service took these threats seriously enough that they investigated you and spoke to your neighbors. If it were up to me, you would be behind bars or in a mental institution. You are barred, but are mentally unstable and attempt to hijack this blog.

  30. The guy was an ardent Bernie Sanders supporter and made a hit list of freedom caucus members.Twitter is filled with comments stating that if he had a health issue (e.g. he was mentally ill), what he did was an act of self-defense. You blame Trump for your and your fellow travelers' more strident rhetoric. You are rationalizing the devolution into politically inspired violence. You're as bad as the barred guy; maybe worse because you have no self-awareness that you're part of the problem.

  31. Concerning immigration, Interesting that so many are outraged when the president and his administration is enforcing the laws passed by congress, if you don't like the laws, change them, but they are all cowards, they would rather not have to take such a stand

  32. Well I'm glad to see BOH admits he is "biased" in his 0130 anti-Trump rant. Personally, I'm an independent who thought Obama was the second coming of Jimmy Carter [the worst President since Herbert Hoover]. However, I did not participate in vitriol against his inane policies, his overuse of administrative orders and failed foreign policies which made America look very, very weak. As a veteran, I'm tired of supporting the defense of Europe, Japan and Korea. All of these entities are successful democracies, with healthy GNP's and could defend themselves if needed. I'm tired of leaders like Angela Merkle, who have left the door open for unvetted immigration, and now suffer from their liberal policies. It is about time America stand up and say NO MORE!!!!!

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. OK, enough is enough...for sure! I'm so tired of reading about Trump being the issue. Is he perfect? Absolutely not! He has done a far better job abroad in 6 months than Obamaa did in 8 yrs. Yes, Hodgkinson is to blame. No doubt! He pulled the trigger! However.... let's go back to the previous so called leader of this country who trashed the police and chose NOT to go public with any show of support for them. Let's go back to the show of support for BLM! As a half black President HE could have spoken out telling people to STOP THE INSANITY... STOP THE DESTRUCTION.... PROTEST PEACEFULLY! But, HE never did that. You say Trump is divisive? Sir, the country was divided LONG before Trump ever thought of becoming President. The difference is.... the right didn't have the backing of Soros and other RICH dems paying them to protest and giving them bonuses if violence is incited or businesses destroyed. Let's talk about that. Then you have Turncoat Dent who only adds fuel to the fire! NEVERDENT!

  35. I am proud to be a peaceful Deplorable. Through peaceful election We the Deplorables implemented change.

  36. Deplorable AND anonymous. If I were a Trump supporter, I'd be embarrassed to admit it, too.

  37. 3:30, Your repeated reference to Obama makes clear what kind of voter you are. ow about stopping the racism?

  38. We don't want to be tracked and gunned down by crazed democrats, why we're Anonymous.

  39. Nah, you're embarrassed. I'd be, too. That's ok.

  40. 3.30
    you said"As a half black President HE could have spoken out telling people to STOP THE INSANITY... STOP THE DESTRUCTION.... PROTEST PEACEFULLY! But, HE never did that."


    ""The frustrations that we've seen are not just about a particular incident," he said. "They have deep roots in many communities of color who have a sense that our laws are not always being enforced uniformly or fairly. That may not be true everywhere and it's certainly not true for the vast majority of law enforcement officials, but that's an impression that folks have and it's not just made up -- it's rooted in realities that have existed in this country for a long time"

    "There are productive ways of responding and expressing those frustrations, and there are destructive ways of responding," Obama said. "Burning buildings, torching cars, destroying property, putting people at risk -- that's destructive and there's no excuse for it. Those are criminal acts. And people should be prosecuted if they engage in criminal acts."

    seems you missed President Obama's statement.

  41. Wait isn't Ron "Socks" Angle a rabid trumpion? Do you tell your higher power he should be embarrassed?

  42. Angle has never been a rabid Trump supporter.

  43. Just so you know, the minute he announced he was running I supported him, and through everything he has done I still supported him, and I will continue to support him. I hear that from most people in my circle. I don't see any of the things you talk about. I do have an answer for wh you believe what you do but let's talk privately about that. I have read all his books the day he wrote them and during primaries listened to his books on you tube. I really understand why people like you feel the way you do and I'm sorry about that. But get use to it. He will be in office for eight years.

  44. You are part of his base and good for you. So are some of my friends. I think his base is weakening, and I am totally disgusted and turned off by his boorish behavior and petty personal attacks. I question whether he will last four years, but I think he is going to deliver the House to the Dems next year. You can talk to me any time. I consider Lee Snover and her mother,two of the most rabid Trump supporters I know, good friends. Same with many others.

  45. The biggest lie I am hearing lately is how all these folks are claiming that they meekly accepted Obama as president for weight years and respected the results of his election. I call bullshit. He was attacked from day one. The Trump led the charge of him being a Kenyan born communist. The Republicans gleefully followed along. When Ted Nugent wanted to shoo tor hang President Obama, he got more interviews on Fox and friends and no complaints from Republicans. When their party leadership said the number one job of the Senate Republicans is to make Obama a one term President, he was cheered.

    Stop playing your false game. You hated Obama, you disrespected Obama and you cheered the calls of violence.

    Trump is the end result of eight years of right wing hate morphed into one dangerous and ill=prepared president.

  46. Recently, I asked a good friend of mine what he thinks of trump. My friend is a 32 year old realtor who I work with and who represents me. He said I don't even know what the man looks like. I don't read the newspaper and I don't watch tv. I vote with my pocketbook and this is my best year as a realtor plus my stock portfolio has increased significantly. So if this continues, there is no question whom I will vote for.

    Bernie look what is happening around with the movers and shakers ---- they know, but your heart is being hardened with other feel good BS. Obama gave us some feel good stuff that did nothing but cripple all of us. I could show you ten of thousands of dollars of wasted yes wasted tax dollars that I just say it is politics gone mad and total over regulation. (Chrin center and 22 and 33 interchange erosion controls that serve NO purpose). If you can tell me how these work and if they serve a purpose, I'll be a monkeys uncle. Who pays for that, YOU and me. The taxpayer.

    Trump is helping getting back to basics and doing things to get all America back to work, maybe when enough of you open your eyes and realize this, America will turn around and be the country it should be, the America I want it to be.

  47. How about lunch at Big Daddy's this week.

  48. I know Daddy's Place. I am taking Friday off to visit Bucknell, so I will be sticking around the court house all week. I will have lunch at 1 pm each day at the courthouse cafeteria, and you are welcome to join me there.

  49. "Bernie look what is happening around with the movers and shakers ---- they know, but your heart is being hardened with other feel good BS."

    Don't presume to tell me you know my heart or what makes it tick or whether I even have one. I reject this anecdotal evidence that is not sourced in any way, but can tell you that even if true, I would feel the same way about that disgusting and vulgar boor. He has accomplished nothing, but has managed to alienate us with our strongest allies.

  50. Yawn, the rich took over in the 1980's. The middle class got hammered and has never recovered. Since then the rich have gotten richer and the middle class and poor have gotten the shaft. with Trump it appears the good times for the ruling class of wealth will hit an all time high. Healthcare, livable wages and fulltime jobs have been eroding for over two decades and Trump and his minions are ready to drive in the final nails.

    Congratulations to corporate America, you won the war. People are a commodity and Trump is the CEO


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.