Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Dent Expresses Concern Over Alexandria Shootng

Congressional Republicans practicing for a baseball game against Democrats were disrupted by a shooter who injured several people, including Majority Whip Steve Scalise. Congressman Charlie Dent has released this statement: "The news from Alexandria this morning is devastating. My thoughts and prayers are with my colleague Rep. Steve Scalise, the Congressional staffers, and police officers who were injured this morning. I am grateful for the courage of the Capitol Police and their quick actions this morning. Neither my staff nor I was at the practice, but we are continuing to monitor the situation.”


  1. Now this is an example of a "hate" crime.

  2. Like this quick post makes up for the shit you been slinging for the last few weeks. Fuck You O'hare, you piece -o-shit democrap. We see this fat fuck from Illinois comes from Obama land, keep it up, and the dems won't be able to even run for office without bodyguards soon.

  3. It is sad how quickly unfortunate news can get twisted for political "shots."

    Partisanship is age old. Just read the attacks in the days of Jefferson, Hamilton, and Adams day. However, what is different today is the medium of partisanship. In more modern eras, the newspapers and TV could serve as a filter. Yes, talk radio/tv began the change in tone, but as 1:05 perfectly illustrates, the internet has been the real game-changer. From the normal political disagreements to the fringe; no matter how extreme, no matter how wacky, any yahoo with an opinion can take it to the internet, whether anonymously or not. A lot has changed the past 20 years, but especially the last decade, that has poisoned the political culture in our country.

    Its kind of ironic, I was alternating between Fox and MSNBC just to see how they would report the same event today. On Fox, former Speaker Gingrich made a comment how "the left" resorts to vulgarity because they have no ideas. In three sentences, 1:05 proves that intellectual vacancy is not bound by any particular political persuasion.

    I normally do not post anonymously, when I do anymore, but will to protect myself from 1:05's venom.

  4. For today and likely tomorrow and maybe on Friday, the horrible viciousness of this crime may actually generate some factual reporting on the major media outlets.

    However, by the weekend I strongly suspect the tone will have changed and we will hear the media start talking about how this guy is mentally ill.... because he "lost healthcare due to President Trump" or how "he was mentally ill should never have had a gun"

    This guy knew exactly what he was doing and decided to make himself a "hero" to the Hate Trump people. He was filled with nonsense by the media and decided to reverse the results of an election all by himself.

  5. First we have this screwed up "comic" holding Trumps bloody head. Then wee have these actors in new York city putting on a play where Trump is assassinated.

    Now we have this nut who wants to mow down the Republican Congressional baseball team.

    If you want to know the reason for all this Mr. O'Hare, look at your associates who refuse to accept the results of our Presidential Election and spew their hate of the United States and particularly of President Trump.

  6. Had Hillary won the election we wouldn't even be discussing all this Russian nonsense and fewer people would be going off the deep end.

  7. Condolences to the injured and to their loved ones.

    I've noticed that partisans in both parties like to make blanket statements about the other side "spewing their hate" because "that's all they have." Is it true or is there a new tendency to demonize people who simply see the world differently? Are there a lot more deeply unhappy people out there who are projecting?

  8. This guy was just a demented nut job who took his radical craziness of being a disgruntle Bernie supporter and acting out with deadly results. Can happen on either side. Thank God there was a capital police detail on site, or there would have been mass murders.

  9. This is about violence, gun violence to be exact. The hyper-partisanship in the country is extreme. It is sad that people are so consumed with hate and anger.

    It really is time for everyone to step back and really think about all of this and what we say toe each other and about each other. Words are one thing but once it turns to violence that is totally different.

    Violence against others cannot be tolerated. I oppose Trump since I feel he is unqualified and a con artist. That said this man who shot people must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. You will find 99% of democrats feel the same way.

  10. Liberals always blame the weapon, not the person using it. The assassin should have been in a mental hospital. Not roaming the streets.

  11. 2:44 If Hillary had won the election, the media would be fawning with praise about the most intelligent person in the world as our President.

    Look what we hear today about the President from the media.

  12. "Partisanship is age old. Just read the attacks in the days of Jefferson, Hamilton, and Adams day. However, what is different today is the medium of partisanship. In more modern eras, the newspapers and TV could serve as a filter. Yes, talk radio/tv began the change in tone, but as 1:05 perfectly illustrates, the internet has been the real game-changer. From the normal political disagreements to the fringe; no matter how extreme, no matter how wacky, any yahoo with an opinion can take it to the internet, whether anonymously or not. A lot has changed the past 20 years, but especially the last decade, that has poisoned the political culture in our country."

    very cogently stated. I would also add the decline of organized religion. more and more americans, like myself, do not strongly identify with an specific religion, thus their personal identity gets more wrapped up in their political beliefs. less room for compromise.

  13. "First we have this screwed up "comic" holding Trumps bloody head. Then wee have these actors in new York city putting on a play where Trump is assassinated."

    i presume you were just as outraged WHEN THE EXACT SAME THINGS occurred under the Obama tenure?

    1. Cut it out. Obama got a rodeo clown fired.

  14. Thank you 3:13 for proving the point I made at 2:54. "Liberals always..." is a sweeping generalization about an ideologically diverse group of people, many of whom have already condemned the actions of the person using the weapon.

  15. the resistance is being led by Keith Olbermann

  16. No matter how you spin it, this shooting is a black mark on our Propaganda Media, Hollywood, and yes, the Democrats.

  17. Libtards need to be sent to North Korea where they can see communism for what it is.

  18. Where to begin for the cause of this.....

    Kathy Griffin ‘Beheads’ Trump in Graphic Photo

    Madonna – “I’ve thought a lot about blowing up the White House.”

    Snoop Dogg “Shoots” Trump in the Head in Music Video

    Robert De Niro: “I’d Like to Punch Him (President Trump) in the Face”

    Joss Whedon: “I Want a Rhino to F*ck Paul Ryan to Death”

    Shakespeare in the Park Stabs ‘Trump’ to Death in Performance of ‘Julius Caesar’

    David Simon: “Pick Up a G*ddamn Brick” if Trump Fires Robert Mueller

    Mickey Rourke Threatens to Beat Trump with Baseball Bat: “He Can Suck My F*cking D*ck

    Actress Lea DeLaria Threatens to ‘Take Out’ Republicans and Independents with Baseball Bat after Trump Win

    Rapper YG Threatens Trump with “F*ck Donald Trump” Song

    Marilyn Manson Kills ‘Trump’ in Music Video

    Rapper Everlast Warns Trump: “I Will Punch You in Your F*cking Face”

    Larry Wilmore Jokes About Suffocating Trump with ‘Pillow They Used to Kill Scalia’

    Stephen Colbert’s Late Show Puts Stephen Miller’s Head on a Spike

    Sarah Silverman Suggests Military Could Help Overthrow Trump

  19. Anon 3:143, the person wrote that the shooter should have been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They were probably unaware he died at the scene after being shot by law enforcement. So he did pay the price for his crime. He did use a gun, whether you like it or not. So, yes gun violence is a problem, whether you like it or not. One nut with a gun is dangerous. As for putting him in a mental institution, next time you see your local, state and federal officials you should ask them if they support more funding for mental facilities as opposed to shutting them down to save money.

    Also more in-depth background checks for firearms. However, I am going to bet other than an attack on an entire political party you are not interested in the real issues at play.

    Also the internet allowed whack jobs form around the world to find each other, including in our country. This makes them feel like they are somehow normal in their wackiness. Hater radio and TV also play their part.

  20. Don't forget the Alt-right "lynched" Obama for with years. Important to remember all that.

  21. I wonder who tipped this guy off where the Republican baseball team was practicing? Sounds like a conspiracy as the assassin came with lots of ammunition.

    Now THIS sounds like it's worthy of a Special Prosecutor.

  22. 5:22 were there people on television shouting lets string Obama up on a tree and burn a cross on the White House Lawn ?

  23. anon 5:27, did you ever see the tea party rallies? Or especially in the south the "mock" lynching's? You need to turn off the FOX and watch some real news.

  24. 5:39 so the answer is "no". As I thought just made up bullshit.

  25. Sadly, the comments here illustrate how low our national political discourse has sunk.

  26. Anon 6:30, illustrates 5:20's point, sadly very well. The lynching rallies were widely reported as well as the vile tea party signs. I guess as was said, people only believe their own echo chamber.

  27. "The Lynching Rallies".... oh please. Put up or shut up

  28. Don't worry Sheeple, Bernie O'Hare will be bashing Trump & Republicans business as usual again tomorrow!

  29. Yup Bernie will be back spewing his hatred for the President of the United States shortly I'm sure.

  30. I hate no one but do consider Trump a dishonest fear monger who has incited quite a bit of violence himself.

  31. The question is why would a deranged rabid hater of President Trump bring a lot of ammunition and at least one gun to the nation's capital? This guy did post that "Trump destroyed our democracy". This guy is heavily linked to anti-Trump social media and left a long trail of hatred against our President and Republicans.

    Perhaps he hoped to gun down the President, but instead chose a softer target? Republican congressmen practicing for a baseball game at 8:00 am?

    Have to wonder who told him where the practice field was ?

  32. How can the alt-right pretend that no one did horrible things with effigies of President Obama. They are really living in an ALT-universe. FOX ZOMBIES.

  33. Relevance to a whacko Democrat shooting up a Republican baseball practice?

  34. How many Democrat baseball practices were shot up during Obama years?

  35. One of the most indignant persons posting here, anonymously of course, is Rolf Oeler. If he signs his name, he knows I will delete him. Four years ago, on Election Day, he threatened to kill President Obama. I reported him. I know the Secret Service was concerned enough that they questioned his neighbors. Unfortunately, wackadoodles come in all shapes, sizes and ideological persuasions.

  36. Bernie, I agree, most of the crazy type posts sound like they come from the same person. They are pretty much repeats. You should be careful with that person.

  37. Barely a peep from the left as their hate filled political rampage continues.


  38. Gun violence. The red herring that covers for ideology rooted in anger and hatred. We have an entire lot of unhinged people that fail to accept that their wants and desires will not be met any time soon. The violent are sheltered by the apologists who blame guns.

    At the end of the carnage good men with guns stopped a very angry man with a gun. I'm truly saddened that NONE of the people who represent us carry guns to defend themselves, that is beneath them.

    I fear that violent leftists will continue hitting soft targets as they continue losing the power they desperately crave. Shame on anyone who calls for gun control as the solution. Disarming good people will continue to incubate victim rich environments.

  39. "I fear that violent leftists"

    Pal you are out to sea and you have both oars out of the water. Time for a mental health checkup. I think of Tim McVeigh and wonder what you were saying then after his hate filled anti-government attack. That Army veteran killed many innocent children. Irrational and violent hate comes in all shapes, sizes and ideologies. In fact, this latest example should make everyone think abut their blind allegiance to some political party or movement.

    I agree with Bernie. You are the same person that has been posting all this ALT-right hate all day.

  40. A simple byproduct of the Alt-left, liberal Hollywood idiots, rappers without a cause and main stream media [MSA] for this blood thirsty attack. You can spin all the other reasons: Gun control, psychopathic imbalance, unbalanced hatred and so forth on this sickening action, but the bottom line is the toxic environment developed by these incendiary groups against the United States and our government. Who are the extremists now?

  41. Your accusations were fraudulent and the Secret Service figured it out immediately. Go beat up on Molovinsky or something. Or, perhaps, do yet another Donald Trump hit piece.

  42. Too bad you do not have a license to practice law anymore, O'Hare. Too bad you don't have any credibility in the eyes of the Secret Service. Malign and smear people all you want.

  43. Interesting piece in today's Express about Alex Jones/InfoWars and their ilk and tactic of inversion.

  44. Nothing will change until we get middle of the road representatives who will negotiate in good faith in a give and take government. Neither side has all the right answers for our country.

  45. @9:02 - Completely agree. Its time for the adults in the room to step in and up and start leading this country. Banish the idiots to the fringes where they belong.

    The far right and far left have WAY too much influence over the Republican and Democratic parties and it should be obvious to everyone, that the unhappiness in this country is a direct byproduct of the respective pinheads who control the parties in power act like kids in a candy store by implementing policies and practices that only appeal directly to their bases.

    President's who are elected by narrow majorities, either popular or electoral need to "read the room". They aren't elected to lead the people who voted for them, they're elected to lead everyone.


  46. Gun Control people will be out in force shortly. Look what happened in Israel ,they had attacks on people minding their own business,so they ramped up security all over the place that got real expensive. So - then they allow their civil populace to train and carry firearms and they did so -the shooting attacks on soft targets stopped. Good citizens with good training and a good firearms concealed are the positive unknown to the would be bad guy. The less than honorable types are bad shots historically,this incident was an shining example .

  47. I'm currently reading a biography of Henry Clay, who was a U.S. Congressman (Speaker of the House), Senator, and Secretary of State in the first half of the 19th Century. The parallels with the political world 200 years later are absolutely amazing. For anyone who thinks one sided press (on all sides), character assassination, and small minded populism is a new thing, you need to read up on this period. The parallels between Andrew Jackson and Donald Trump, specifically in the way they were viewed and treated by career politicians and in the way they reacted to this treatment, is striking.

    While the issues of the day have obviously changed, the main difference now is the total lack of civility in society, as well as instantaneous communication. While the back room politics was every bit as viscous as it is now, the politicians maintained an outward show of decorum towards one another, and, for the most part, individual citizens respected politicians. Obviously, neither of these is true today.

    The internet has had some major affects on the world as a whole. In a day and age when one person can publish their opinion to millions or even billions instantaneously, everyone is too busy expressing their opinion that no one listens to that of others, and anything that can't be reduced to a tiny blurb is ridiculed. In the early 1800's, thousands of people would throng to hear political speeches that lasted for hours. Now, if it's over 255 characters and doesn't cater to the lowest common denominator in society, no one listens. With discussion at this level, violence isn't far behind!

  48. Man , you are right on the info - Clay was interesting for sure - and your right the lid is most likely to come off shortly . P.j.Cochram


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.