Local Government TV

Monday, June 12, 2017

Brown Forced Taxpayers to Fund PR Person

NorCo County Executive John Brown has an opponent - Lamont McClure. In under a minute, he laid out just some of the problems over the past four years. They include (1) a public relations consultant who was subsidized by taxpayers; (2) an Executive who balanced the budget on the backs of employees by slashing their medical benefits, resulting in morale that is an all-time low; and (3) appointing an Administrator with no experience and no education.

McClure made these remarks at a house party attended by 30 people over the weekend.

This party was hosted by one of Brown's former supporters.

Unfortunately for the county, the three items mentioned by McClure barely scratch the surface.

He jokingly said he would ban hoverboards at the courthouse, and the $800 popcorn machine would be moved from HR Director Amy Trapp's personal fiefdom to the courthouse cafeteria.


  1. Lamont looks like he's been living on the sun. A politically correct Redskin. And is that the sound of a horse urinating in the background?

  2. Brown the Clown and his Blundering Herd of "high performance" nitwits have got to go. Hope that Lamont can get out there and ring doorbells the way Brown did four years ago. Brown was unemployed then and had lots of time for a grassroots campaign. Has Lamont taken a leave of absence to campaign? He better if he hopes to win.

  3. Can anyone believe any of what McClure says? As a Democrat isn't lying a natural thing? Brown has saved the county millions and is improving county government efficiency.

  4. It is hard to imagine that any rational thinking person would re-elect Brown and his cronies on county council. They are as useless as he is at this point.

  5. Brown and CO must go!

  6. Include the new person underneath Cathy Allen! What qualifications does she have?

  7. if he gets elected, we'll have 4 years of mc-clue-less.

  8. 4 years of "mc-clue-less" will be so much better for county tax payers, or did you, in your small brain, justify the 10% tax increase, the mass exodus of qualified county employees, the 1 star rating at gracedale, the low morale around the entire county, or the new jail in Nazareth the 2 sucides at the jail, not having proper amount of guards, the higher rates we pay for workmans comp now

    Should I go on or did you tiny brain just explode 7:36am?

  9. "Brown has saved the county millions and is improving government efficiency". What a joke! If he has saved millions, where is my tax rebate? If government efficiency is measured by the team he put together, [a tax cheat, uneducated second-in-command and a HR Director who purchases a $800 popcorn machine to feed herself], you are as delusional as "Fed Ed".

  10. Bernie, you just don't stop with the gut busters in the morning. When I redd your reply, I had to wipe coffee off the screen before reading the rest!

  11. AGAIN: john brown= Worst Mayor in Bangor history & Worst County Executive in NorCo history. He is consistent.

  12. Not once in the video is there any mention of any accomplishment or attribute that LM brings to the table. It is just a rehash of why he doesn't like JB as executive. All negative, nothing positive about himself. I am not an apologist for JB. Whether what is said is true or not is not the point. This is one of the sides of politics I am not enamored with. Issues are so much more complicated than headlines, minute "news" stories and sound or video-bites.

  13. McClueLess will be controlled by the pupet master, his wife's boss! Northampton county will be no better or worse with either candidate. Well maybe worse...

  14. Jeff, I only brought you a 50 second clip. In other portions of his statement, McClure talked about jobs in the forgotten slate belt as something upon which he intends to focus. But he will be running a negative campaign, which he does quite well, and Brown has given him all the ammo he needs.

  15. "DA's house?"

    He was not here. The party was at the home of a former Brown supporter. Brown needs Dems to win, and he's not going to get them.

  16. Does McClure have a chance against Brown? Do people even know who he is?

  17. What was McLures attendance record on council?

  18. Every year I do an attendance story, which you know. You also know it was lousy. Until his final year. What snapped McClure into attending committee hearings was the realization that Brown was pretty bad. He completely turned around. You know that, too.


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