Local Government TV

Thursday, June 01, 2017

Bethlehem Firefighter Secure Grant For Airpacks

While Allentown firefighters struggle to keep vehicles on the road, Bethlehem Mayor Bob Donchez has just announced that his firefighters were just awarded a $284,591 grant. According to Fire Chief Warren Achey, the FEMA grant "will allow the fire department to replace our current air packs that are almost 15 years old with newer state of the art air packs that provide enhanced personal safety and accountability technology.” Mayor Bob Donchez stressed the importance of having the right equipment. “It is important that we continue to update and upgrade equipment for all our first responders so they can protect and keep our residents safe,” he said.


  1. So now it's a pissing contest on who gets grants and who doesn't ?

  2. It is a FEMA grant and rather easy to get. Where is Allentown's Mayor on these grants?

  3. If you moved in with Pawlowski you could get information quicker. You are one obsessed dude.

  4. So where is the Allentown fire chief in all this, shouldn't he be seeking grants. Most of the surrounding townships have way better equipment mostly because they hustled to get funding. I'm pretty sure volunteer fire chiefs don't get paid ...

  5. Kathy Griffin & Donald Trump's severed head is the big story today.

  6. And the Allentown Fire Department continues to take elementary kids to school

    I suppose their equipment is serviceable enough for that.

  7. Thank GOD for the men and women that risk there lives daily and for them to be ill equiped is repulsive and a reprehencible crime against them as well as the public they serve! Any and all administrations that sacrafice public saftey as well as those that serve because of there lack of competency should be off to the funny farm in one of the many camp FEMA's. In Allentown a whole is not a whole it is one makeing funny with the money like the circus carnival shell trick through appropreations being manipulated to other allocations than originally destined for through a calculated miscalculation on spreedsheets.

  8. "And the Allentown Fire Department continues to take elementary kids to school"

    That really bothers the hell out of you, doesn't it? Were you passed over?

  9. Some clarification on these grants: They are highly competitive, and based upon financial standings, and need. The application process opens in September, and closes in October, so it's not a grant that is available at any time. The grant $$ that are being awarded now are from the 2016 application period. There is no doubt that both Bethlehem and Allentown will qualify for these grants. But if you want it now, you cannot buy it now, and wait for the grant to reimburse you for it.

  10. If the AFD can take kids to school, then it seems their equipment may not be on its last legs as you and the Union present it to be.

  11. AFD's problems didn't just happen overnight just to clarify for those who weren't clear. AFD needed equipment years ago not just suddenly now.

  12. If we are all watching the collective collaboration public and private heating sesonal toolz epicentral is infecting surrounding communities with there modern social ills and faked facual cause clause put to print on national statistical spreadsheets? I have been talking with a fine young volenteer that isn't buying into this local enterprize and is on sites regularly watcing and looking as well as snapping pictures.

    Some yes are actcidents by design and some are designed by engineered collective collaborations that infect the area with the circus carnival pyrotecniqz sideshows playing out and will become electrical malfunctions as the heating season comes to a close!

  13. The difference in competent mayors. Donchez or Pawlowski, the soon to be indicted mayor. No questions about this one. A criminal in waiting, who has no respect for public safety or the first responders, and constantly throws the finger at the AFD, or a mayor who seeks out alternative funding for public safety equipment. Case closed! Carson S. Gable III.

  14. I'm curious, why would Mayor Pawlowski want to "throw the finger" at the Fire Department? That makes no sense.

  15. If Mayor Pawlowski were incompetent, then why was he re-elected twice by large majorities? Wouldn't his first term show his incompetency ?

  16. Also, why isn't Fire Chief Laubach speaking out about this? This is his fire department. One would believe that he would be very vocal but I never hear him in any of this?

  17. There are numerous emails from the chief to the Mayor,begging for equipment. He is totally behind the firefighters, but obviously, is unable to be too critical of a vindictive man who is capable of firing him.

  18. Have you seen these emails from the Fire Chief to the Mayor and perhaps make them public?

  19. No, I will not be making things public that I have only seen and do not possess.

  20. Also it seems it would make a strong statement about the Fire Chief if he would resign publicly and make a stink about it to the media. Perhaps the outroar would change the situation ?

    Silence accomplishes nothing and simply means that the Fire Chief is subservient to the Mayor and is not really a leader.

    1. There are much higher working than Allentownz mayor?

  21. I've got a better idea. How about the Mayor resigning?

  22. I love all the keyboard tough guys who troll for the Mayor. I also love all of the "in my whacker volly fire dept" comments. Please, if you all have such great solutions or if you think or concerns aren't valid or are "nonsence", I challenge you to walk into any one of the six AFD stations and have a discussion with the fellas.

  23. 9:15 I'd love that. I'm a Republican, one of the few left in Allentown

  24. The narrative must cover these 4 areas:

    1) Proposed project w/budget detail
    2) Financial need
    3) Benefits that would result
    4) Extent to which the grant would enhance daily ops and/or how the grant positively impacts your ability to protect life & property.

    For SCBAs you need to explain in detail the problem/issues such as:

    1) Current units are old or do not function to current standards.
    2) Cylinders approaching end of useful life
    3) Operating with more than 1 type of SCBA- so the goal is to achieve equipment continuity.
    4) Using demand SCBA vs. positive pressure
    5) Not all seated positions with SCBA
    6) Inter-operability with mutual aid departments

    SCBAs cost $2500-$1800 apiece.

    As you address your SCBA needs do not forget to add a fit tested facepiece for each firefighter.

  25. this blog is basically the only place I've been reading about this crisis. AFD should call NBC 10 Investigators, they get answers!

  26. 12:04 - this is just whining by the Union and Bernie since they both hate the mayor. It's tough for them otherwise since NBC 10 would ask them why if the equipment isn't usable they give rides to kids to school each day.

  27. 9:17 - and the Union Thugs have their say.

  28. What the heck does giving rides to school have to do with not having adequate equipment to fight fires?

  29. If the equipment was in dire shape and on it's last legs, it should be kept at the stations for use only for responses, not for taking kids to school. What if it broke down while giving kids rides ?

  30. Latest news, a fire truck in Allentown has an underinflated tire. Later tonight in a separate post!

  31. Let's see how you feel after your house burns down.


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