Local Government TV

Friday, May 05, 2017

Return of the Moon Crickets of Bangor (Updated)

One week ago today, I told you about the moon crickets of Bangor. I never heard this expression, but a coach at the school district did, and is alleged to have used it while addressing some black athletes. They sued, and received a settlement.

This story made me wonder about two basketball players kicked off the team at the end of the season. Was it because they are of color or their inability to follow team rules, I wondered.

I know who these boys are, have watched them play, and  know they are tremendously gifted.  One of the played with my grandson.  But I never spoke with either of them before writing my story.

Last night, I was contacted, for the first time, by their mother.  She explained what had happened, from her point of view.  She told me that, at school, her sons have been accused of stirring up this story, which is untrue. What really provoked me to dig a little, and I did not have to dig long, was the result of other problems at the school district.

Today, as one of these young men made his way down the hall, he was confronted by a student adorned in what appears to be a white hood and mask.

No one has to tell me what means.

 As he was dragged down the hall, students claim he began to shout, "F-ck n-gg-rs!"

No one has to tell me what that means, either.

Bangor has a problem.

(Originally published 1:47 pm)


  1. Problems such as this are best addressed by physical contact between the oppressed and the oppressor, preferably leaving the oppressor on the ground after the oppressed inflicts their will on the oppressor in a manner that the oppressor will will remember.

    Actions are stronger than words to solve these types of problems.

  2. Closet racists abound here and kids are now emboldened by a president who embraces nationalism w/o any qualms. Sick crap.

    1. Oh please blame the president for children behaving bad oh wait it's videos games oh wait it's TV why not blame the parents or the children stop crying and blaming the president shit was going on before he became president and there is nothing wrong with nationalism America first

  3. anon 2:54 advocates Reginald Denny type violence. That is really sad!

  4. Let us not forget the young man in Hellertown who was being harassed while he ate. A disparaging video was posted and the harassed gave the wannabe videographer a religious beating. Problem solved.

    You cannot stop racist behavior with rules or laws or sternly worded letters sent home to the parents. A good old fashioned ass beating goes a long way to serve as behavior modification.

  5. If kids are talented athletes high schools and colleges love them, regardless of color. Sometime though if they are more a pain in the ass than the team can handle they are let go. There may be a lot more to this story.

    1. As a matter of fact they are both very talented athletes.

    2. Actually the athletes were contstantly late, distruptive and quite frankly are downright disresepctful students. I know firsthand. And the student in question was not referring to the KKK he was acting as a member of al qaeda and actually screamed "ala akbar" down the hallway. It has nothing to do with the black students specifically or their race at all actually.

    3. My son is mentally challenged. He did what the coaches asked of him. Fact is the coaches did not like my child because he had a voice and voiced his opinion. My son stuck with the program and did what he was supposed to do. If you people that want to keep bashing my kids come talk to me. I will be happy to fill you in. I witness bad behavior at the morivan game from the Bangor playing bulling a child on the court. I know it the game of ball. But what those kids did to this boy on the court was unacceptable. But my kids are the bad guys. Please fell free to contact me.

  6. No student should have to deal with this type of behavior within the walls of ANY school. Everyone should feel safe at school. How about the adults (Staff) that witnessed and had knowledge of this students actions? This is not funny or a joke. The Staff needs to also be held accountable and fired immediately. I would say the School Board should immediately take action but the again look at what a dismal distasteful bunch they are with five derelicts of duty- Craig Berger, Steve Bussenger, Chris Marozzi, Toni Lynch and Michael Goffredo- they have serious judgment flaws. Only Craig Berger is up for re-election in two weeks and has made some very disturbing and questionable votes most recently keeping Pam Colten on to represent the School District as a NCC Trustee is repulsive.
    District Attorney John Morganelli needs to come north and clean out this vermin and culture that has taken over my Alma mater. We are witnessing our school run by this culture and morally corrupt groups implode as a once proud and respectful school system. I have always been a Proud Slater and Alumna and now I would just like to cry.

  7. Bernie, while we have never met, I have followed your blog for a few years. I would like to say thank you for bringing attention to this racial issue that does exist. I think all too many times, it is dismissed and swept under the rug. I also, the mom of a biracial child and have raised him perhaps with a bit too much of a positive outlook, "rose colored glasses" all the while trying to raise my children without prejudice, and to raise them with the understanding that you are an individual and not a color and that you don't ever use your race or color as a crutch. In doing this I may have not prepared them well enough for what would unfortunately come to be as one of the worst nights of his life experiencing racial profiling. (wont' get into that here....) The fact is, we as parents are responsible for how we raise our children, what we teach them, morals, kindness respect for others, ect... Shame on Bangor School district and their administration, the coaches, ECT... Our children should be able to go to school and focus on education without fear of anything happening to them. Again, Thank you Bernie Ohare.

  8. Why does all this chaos explode whenever Ron Angle is part of a school board. The guy is a disaster magnet.

  9. 3:36 , they are student athletes, and many are high strung stallions. A good coach knows how to bring out the best in them. Incidentally, you seem to suggest that racism is justified against students of color who are high strung. I guess they need to learn their place, eh?

  10. Bernie, is this another fine example of one of the many irriatants that allways seem to chapp the areas of a jockstrap that rubbs the wrong way?
    Heres your sign!

  11. 3:44, i appreciate the nice words and am myself the grandfather of a young man who is both Asian and black. As I read your concerns, I wonder whether I have done the right thing myself. The only advice on this subject I have ever given to my grandson is that if he ever gets stopped by a police officer, he should keep both hands on the wheel and only move them when told and to be very respectful. Also, although what happened in Bangor and Hellertown tells me there is a problem, I know racism is a thing of the past for many of our young people. I see it.

  12. I was reading your blog earlier, prior to the latest incident and was sickened by the staff of your school
    This is a nightmare that nobody should have to endure, let alone a child. Somebody has to stop this. I urge the parents to file charges, get the media involved. Stop this horror

  13. Kids don't hate all on their own. They learn it and rub up against it year by year. Bangor is a backwater sewer of racial unrest. Ignoring the issue will not make this go away. BASD board is complicit in this outrage. As the communities representatives..it is their responsibility to eradicate bias and racism and take action to expell those who can't control their own personal hate.

  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKOZPs7zCl8


    Everywhere has a problem. And it's gotten worse. It's beyond disheartening. Grew up white and Catholic in 60s Easton. Nuns wouldn't permit a racist utterance. We were all there to learn and bigotry was a terrible sin. Played youth sports with black kids from downtown and south side. Several were friends and classmates. Still stay in touch today.
    Played basketball at the JCC. Was invited to see their Torah at Temple. My buddies were extraordinarily proud of it. I wore a yarmulke out of proper respect (but wondered, as a kid, if it might land me in hell). The rabbi and my parish priest assured it wouldn't and it was cool to learn about others' lives. Sports can teach good things, I guess. We seemed to be making progress. And now this. Makes me want to cry.

  15. Bron Holland, the A.D. and defector superintendent, has fostered this atmosphere. It's the white good ole boys club, and if you're a member, your kids have carte blanche. Now, he's contacting alumni to vote for his candidates to keep this status quo. Cartwright and Brewer have targets on their backs, for voting to remove Pam Colton.

  16. Bernie: Don't know if you saw/read this recent story in Rolling Stone Magazine about racism and bullying in Saucon Valley School District and it's surrounding suburban schools:


    Also, reportedly the kid from Saucon Valley who took the video of the African-American student eating chicken wings and posting it online with racial epithets has apparently been expelled for continued behavior. Obviously, the Administration cannot confirm or deny, but this is what my children are telling me.

    Also, the kid's father got into vicious arguments with posters on Facebook.com/sauconsauce over their denouncement of his child's behavior. A couple of days later, he was arrested for a DUI. Not that the DUI is so significant, but about an hour earlier before his DUI, three people in Hellertown who were involved in the facebook posts had their cars severely damaged- tires slashed, water put in gas tanks, cars were keyed, etc... Lower Saucon Police are investigating.

  17. Mrs. Colten just should move on. I think she has done enough. As for voting, both Mr. Carwtright and Mr. Brewer have my and my families vote. As a teacher I know both of them are dedicated to our students education. I will not vote for Mr. Albert as he has never even been to a school board meeting. Why would someone run that does not even have a clue what is going on ? That is not someone who is concerned about children's education. It is just a buddy thing because he and Steve are friends. Not with my children's education!! Mr. Toth is a teacher and like Cartwright and Brewer I know is all about the best education for our Bangor kids. As for Bron Holland calling people? Really? I thought better of him if that is true. I would be disappointed if he or others would go to that level. If he or others are making calls then everything on here is confirmed and they are running scared.

  18. I do not think you get it. It is important to give young stud stallion athletes a lot of leeway. They must not be confined by rules that regular kids should follow. The young stallions are high strung and need to flex their muscles. Why don't some of you people get that?

  19. I went through the Bangor Area School District as a student just a few years ago and I'm here to say this is totally off base. When in school I never seen any signs of racism, quite the opposite actually. I was actually disgusted by all the liberal teachers who would tell me my views were wrong and try to push their opinions down my throat. These type of stories really anger me as they try to make Bangor out as some idiot backwoods hillbillies and that is not true. Actually go talk to real students in the school district not only these victims of these so called racist situations.

    1. Most on here either were students or have had children whom were students at BASD. This in fact is a REAL problem at BASD. Perhaps because it did not occur while you were either witness or victim leaves you unaware however it is very true and very sad. I personally witnessed the disgusting behavior by the simple minded pompous breed of offspring fostered by equally ignorant parents. Perhaps if the same people applied equal amounts of energy to something that could improve society Bangor might have a better reputation someday

  20. I think the photographs speaks volumes... and you played what sport?

    1. I played basketball myself but why would I have to play a sport to know what is going on in my school? Did you go to Bangor yourself? Were you there when this photo was taken? No, didn't think so.

  21. The purpose of this story is to prevent racism. I have no reason to doubt that most Bangor Area School District students are open-minded and tolerant. I have seen them at athletic events and meetings and they are great kids. But the facts are that the school district was sued a few years ago over the moon cricket and other remarks made by some coaches and other people in authority. The fact is that two students, and two of the basketball team's best players, were taken off the team at the end of the season. They happen to be of color. The fact is that the pic you see is something that happened at the school on Friday, and the kid also made racial epithets. Two of the boys who were victimized were pulled out of school. I have since been contacted by parents of other biracial children who have been subjected to racial slurs. I am told district officials did nothing. There is definitely more to the story. I also reviewed the F/B page of a student, perhaps the same one who pulled the KKK stunt, who seems enamored by the Confederate flag and who is also depicted in some kind of paramilitary garb. This is something you should see, and so should district officials. And I will make sure that happens. This has nothing to do with "liberal" teachers or ideology. Liberals can be just as or more bigoted as conservatives. This is about racism. Drop the ideology.

  22. I have first hand accounts that differ markedly from yours.

  23. In a world filled with so much hate, don't you think it's time to move forward from the color of skin, the religion you believe in, your sexual preference and all the other ridiculous things that we allow to segregate us. Stop, what are we teaching are children? To hate in the same way. It is hard enough to grow up in a society that expects you to be perfect. It is time for the finger pointing to end and work together to fix what needs to be fixed. Talking smack about others may allow you to feel better about yourself, but only for a few brief moments.Take the energy you use to generate hate and put it to good use. Solve the problems that you are talking about and move forward.

  24. Bron Holland is a joke and everyone he surrounds himself are his puppets. It is sickening to see so many who are so far up his ass. He controls everything about the sports program so don't go saying he has people above him as bosses. He gets his way on almost everything and if not, will make it hard for those who don't drink the cool aid. The two athletes in which this article is referring to, have not been steady Bangor athletes in quite awhile. The older of the two has been a student at Pius, Bethlehem Catholic and at least one other school. He has played sports for those schools and just this year returned to Bangor. Many people don't know but when this kid signed up for basketball, Bron did not want him on the team. He did not want to add him because he had his returning players including his youngest son who would take the place of a graduated Mike Martino, making that the starting lineup. Just where did this new kid fit in? He would only disrupt a very disciplined team right? Not so fast. Bron was informed he had to take this kid on the team. Why would you not want a talent like his Bron? Could it be your son's playing time would diminish? Would you have to now sub on more of a regular basis with even more players with him on your team? So what do we do? Oh, I got it. Send him down to JV. Perfect! That solves that! A kid with that much talent and you send him to JV for what, 6-7 games? When he was brought up, you played him maybe 5 mins a game. 5 Minutes. The talent this kids brings and you have him on the bench? You are a joke Holland. And it's all because you didn't want the chemistry of your team to change. But now it's a new year. After kicking them off the team to make the playoffs easier for you, you are now kissing this kids ass, along with his brothers because you graduate most of your starting team. WOW!! Really wish these kids would smarten up and know that you are a horses ass and go to a rival team to come back and kick your ass for the next few years. But, you probably promised their mother something big and now they're staying. Great job Bron. Get another parent to be a puppet!

  25. I am the mother of these boys and bron has never promised me anything or will I ever be his puppet. Thursday night I asked my son how school was and stated it was terrible cause some kids on basketball team are blaming my boys for starting this blog. Which is not true. Friday a boy decided to walk down the halls with a kkk hood on his head. Bangor has issues and always had issues and the the school does nothing. I was told by mr Boyd in a conversation that had nothing to do with color that my kids go to a predominately white school. In my eyes he is stating my kids don't have a chance in this school because they are of color. My kids are afraid to go to school on Monday.

  26. Bangor a mess and so is Pen Argyl. Same white/non-white issues. Same jock culture of entitlement. Same red neck love affairs with guns and pick up trucks and booze. Urban raised kids have no shot here in the Slate Belt. Ignorance and bigotry dominate the trailer park scene. Don't bother stopping in these towns..keep going.

  27. To be clear, I have a lot of respect for most of the students at both schools, as well as the educators. Pointing to problems like what just happened at Bangor gives officials an opportunity to take remedial action to prevent a recurrence. If there is a problem,it is mostly in the adults. The kids today are perhaps the most tolerant of our difference that I have ever encountered.

  28. I go to this school and that's one of my friends. He didn't have any right to do it yes, but he is a little slow. A few kids told him to do it and he did. He does what kids tell him to do all the time. Kids abused him this time. I'm not giving him an excuse but give him a little leeway. Also he did not drag someone down the hall. He threw his backpack down the hall acting like it was a bomb because people told him too.

  29. Amber, I have independently heard what you tell me, but the kids who encouraged and egged him on are not a little slow. I don't think I said he dragged anyone down the hallway ,but was under the impression he was dragged away. They all need to be held responsible and learn from what clearly was poor judgment. Also, please don't name any of the students should you choose to comment again. I saw a very disturbing Facebook page today of a student from your school dressed in all kinds of military regalia and weapons, with confederate flags all over. There definitely is a problem. Should you choose to comment again, please be anonymous. I take people to task all the time for saying outrageous things and not signing their names. I commend you for displaying courage I rarely see in adults. Your comment proves what I think of most students at Bangor and in the Lehigh Valley. You are far more tolerant than I was at your age. But given your youth, I would prefer that you stay anonymous. For you, it's a good idea.

    1. Sorry I did read it wrong. I meant that he didn't get drug down the hall saying that. Yes you are right the kids that told him to do it weren't at all a little slow. The kid who did though however was. Kids do this to him all the time. He listens to the kids because he wants to fit in because he knows he already doesn't. This was a common factor of peer preasure. My boyfriend was actually in the class when this all happened. He had told me and he is very honest that kids were putting the towels on his head and said it was cool. My boyfriend actually tried to stop it but he got yelled at by all the kids that made him do it. They then persisted to tell him how much it would be cool it be to go down the hall yelling something's and doing some motions. He then threw his backpack down the hall like it was a bomb. Now, I know for a fact that one kid that told him to do it did get in trouble. In fact he is suspended for a little bit and there is a pending expellsion.

  30. Sorry I did read it wrong. I meant that he didn't get drug down the hall saying that. Yes you are right the kids that told him to do it weren't at all a little slow. The kid who did though however was. Kids do this to him all the time. He listens to the kids because he wants to fit in because he knows he already doesn't. This was a common factor of peer preasure. My boyfriend was actually in the class when this all happened. He had told me and he is very honest that kids were putting the towels on his head and said it was cool. My boyfriend actually tried to stop it but he got yelled at by all the kids that made him do it. They then persisted to tell him how much it would be cool it be to go down the hall yelling something's and doing some motions. He then threw his backpack down the hall like it was a bomb. Now, I know for a fact that one kid that told him to do it did get in trouble. In fact he is suspended for a little bit and there is a pending expellsion.

  31. Bangor does have a problem. A few problems actually. I went to through the schools of Bangor. The teachers definitely have favorites. Those favorites are the ones that don't get in trouble for anything they do. Mostly those who are in sports. Bangor has a real big problem with bullying and being racist. Their zero tolerance is for the birds.

  32. 12:38, good for your boyfriend and thanks for your comment. This sounds like a bit of a bullying problem, too.

  33. Half of the country has a problem.

  34. After this incident happened a boy who is also biracial went to another peer in the school and was told he goes to an all white school and expect racism. These kids are call nigers and tell the higher ups and nothing is done. So it seems like the condone it to me. My daughter says whatever to a teacher and I get an email and a phone call.

  35. In fact when our kids when going to practice and open gym they are supposed to be in a safe environment. The news I heard the other day makes me question that issue.

  36. Comment at 4:20AM about not treating athletes like "ordinary" students and suggesting that "Bernie is right" (I presume meaning he has the same philosophy) captures at least one part of the problem at Bangor or anywhere else. Bullying and racism are not acceptable under any circumstances, but the notion that athletes are different and should not be treated like "ordinary" students. Are you kidding me!

  37. Cheri, then why are you still a part of this if things are so bad? Have you contacted a lawyer? And why are you allowing your boys to still be part of an athletic program with coaches who only seem to be about winning? Coaches are supposed to be role models but we can see they aren't. Coaches and administrators sleeping around with others on staff, partying (With underage kids) at coach's houses, knowing there is booze and possibly more and only allowing certain people in their "click" because they don't want their "good ole boys club" messed with in any wrong way. I understand you not wanting to run from this but your boys are very talented kids. No way they should endure this crap in school. So many think, while fighting this legally, you should also take your boys elsewhere to start new. Taking your boys away from Lord Bron will diminish his team to below average. No way in hell he has the success he's had and that will eat him alive. Wouldn't doubt he retires if your boys aren't there, and throws his JV coach to the wolves knowing he won't be successful without them!

  38. Give him leeway? That's ridiculous i know him this isn't his first "racist" incident the others not in school. He sits at the park saying racist jokes sometimes. He knows right from wrong he deserves to be suspended. That's being nice because that's a hate crime. The boys with him to egging him on to say f the hard r and everything deserve it to. And for people saying it wasn't racist it was him acting like a terrorist. 1. That's even worse. 2. They took the time to put the point in the cap and everything like the kkk. The jihadist they say they tried to portray don't wear that so therefore they would be targeting muslims saying they are terrorist. And muslims don't wear the turbines or whatever with the pointy cap! That's the kkk thing and you can't take the fact away he was saying f n******

  39. That's true. Without your boys, there will be no more championships and the Narcistic Coach will be humbled. Take them to play for Pat Boyle.

  40. 7:48, I deleted the comment at 4:20.It comes from a troll who posted that and similar comments nearly 100 times so fart. I do not allow anything this troll posts to stay on my blog once I know he posted it.

  41. Is anyone going to address that fact that a Special Needs student is being singled out by these students to do their dirty work? That act, in itself, is discrimination and should be addressed.

  42. It's unfortunate for tony that this is the third school that hasn't been a good fit.

    At Bethlehem catholic he played for and he and his mother hated Coach Barbosa who is an African American and a great coach. Why did he have to leave there?

    Then illegally attending liberty playing for another great respected coach. That didn't work out.

    Now he and his mother again have issues with a 3rd school with a great reputation and respected coach.

    3 schools. 3 great coaches. Anyone see a pattern?

    Hopefully your next stop will be successful for both your sons sake.

  43. This is the BASD's boards worst nightmare...right now. They hate any negative press coverage and the pay offs prove it. Rather than address issues..they buy parents off and secure their silence with cash. This has been going on for a few years now. The Gina Riso fiasco should have been the cause of at least a few high up admin. firings. Time to clean out this rats nest and restore education to new faces who might actually give a damn about kids education and ethics and morals too.

  44. Someone came on here anonymously and attacked one of the black athletes involved. Fortunately, it went into my spam folder, where it belongs.

  45. "Is anyone going to address that fact that a Special Needs student is being singled out by these students to do their dirty work? That act, in itself, is discrimination and should be addressed."

    Absolutely, I agree.

  46. Thanks Bernie for exposing the cronyism and corruption in the district-The E/T, and Mcall don't exist anymore. The "cliche" wants to keep the status quo by supporting candidates who will rubber stamp their agenda. Albert, Bussengers friend, has never been to a school board meeting, and Toth is related to the football coach. We need to throw the bums out!

    1. Way to keep it classy Karen. Your input is highly regarded!

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. You don't get to talk to her unless you out a name next to your ugly comments.

  49. I question if there is true racism here. If a mentally challenged kid is played to do something silly, is the racism? The idea that boys were let go from a team, is that racism? there are many variables here and racism is not the absolute answer.
    It would appear you are pushing a certain agenda and are ignoring numerous possibilities. Claiming "racism" without proof is itself an ugly comment.

  50. Just think Bernie no matter what a child does, there is a mother,father and grandperants that is the case in most instances. Than we all know what dysfunction the corprate triade of CPS incubates with in childrens minds these days, if they are alive when the system relinqwishes them.

    Sad Sad state of affairs in America today because of all the Dr course going on in the world, these young children havn't got a chance in he'll the way things are going.

  51. 6:19, when a kid dons kkk garb a. Screams an epithet aimed at a race, it's safe to conclude there is racism.

  52. The systemic racism and racial aggression that has entered, and is currently saturating throughout the psyche of my 3 children (who happen to be bi-racial), is disheartening when I look at the future hopes, dreams, self-identity, and analysis that they had prior to all of this. All that they've came to know and associated theirselves with came from Bangor, and was Bangor. In a matter of a few months, this is now their new reality. A reality that they are being ushered into via HATE and a blog, for all the public to deposit an opinion; or, to perpetuate the remembrance of the thoughts of their experiences to favor or disfavor a candidate for the Bangor School Board election in two weeks.

    It's a good thing that the systemic racism, racial discrimination, and aggression that my kids are suffering from at the behest of the Bangor Area School District has been exposed to the community in a discussion to eradicate hate. However, my concern is the long-term effect that these experiences will have on my kids' perspectives and realities long after this topic fades on the blog, and the election won. My children will forever be wrestling with their self identity after being degraded, rejected, and indirectly associated with "The Moon Crickets of Bangor", in a school, in a community that they were raised in their entire lives.

    A blogger had mentioned something about "the oppressed inflicting their will on the oppressor". It's okay to be angry, and we appreciate your passion. But, it is never okay to direct the course of your life on impulse, rather than properly thought fueled actions for the most appropriate results for the community as a whole. The last thing anyone wants to hear is a judge telling you, prior to sentencing, that they must protect society from you because of your reckless acts. I'm proud of my kids for the integrity they are displaying in attempting to navigate through this ordeal in the most positive way they can think of. What's even more remarkable, is that the same system which created and fosters this discrimination, racial aggression, and racism toward my kids, is the same system, that they are hoping, against hope, will fix itself and once again accept them. Violence will not remedy the situation of a child displaying the reflection of the views and opinions of the infrastructure at BHS that they are a product of. The problem is in the product, but, is not the product. The product has the propensity to be good or bad, dependent upon what is put into it. Therefore, the problem is in this child, but the true problem is the system that put this hate into this child. Hate not, but understand.

  53. To the parents that teach their children to hate. Society has evolved tremendously since the "antebellum south" era, and continues to move further away from racial lawlessness. Today, there remains a racial divide. The width of this divide, such as the tolerance for systemic racism, discrimination, and aggression is lessening all across every spectrum of society, from the lowest of the impoverished to the highest peaks of the affluent. Despite there being "a president who embraces nationalism", Congress has enacted laws that prohibit any crime being committed against another's person or property based on their race. This is, what is currently known and interpreted as a "Hate Crime", which the federal courts are commanded to sentence any person guilty of a hate crime to a mandatory term of imprisonment to no less than 120 months/10 years. FYI, and a vivid reminder, the jails and prisons across this country are filled with Blacks (that failed to out think their pressing situations-which I am not proud of). The relevant point is, for every 100 White guys in prison, there's 1000 Black guys in the same prison- a 10 to 1 ratio. Is this where you want your child to spend a decade out of his or her precious life? There's nothing wrong with being proud of who you are, but don't allow your pride to permeate your thoughts and overshadow what reality is.

    To the parents of children who happen to be bi-racial (or light skinned as my kids call it). It is pertinent for you to allow your kids to know the realities of their dual ethnicities so they can begin early in their lives to build their identities under the most certain possibilities they find based on the known facts that they can trace to their make-up, instead of hoping something like this will never happen to them. It is better to mentally and emotionally equip them for something like this to happen, then to not prepare them for this possibility, because the mental and emotional devastation that my children are suffering from and now having to rebuild from here at 15, 16, and 17, is a wound in their souls (in our souls) that will never heal.

    And, to everyone involved, and whom cared to share their opinions. Hate not, but understand; and with that understanding, wrestle to do good, and be right; and when you're right, suffer if you must, but persevere, stay on the side of what's right. Hate not, but understand....Do you understand me?

  54. This is just the tip of an iceberg at BASD. If you dig a bit deeper into the transfer records..you will find more cases of discrimination against those who do not fit the mold of those in charge. Racism this time but gender bias and anti-gay issues also appear. You are at the surface of a dark secret society of hate hiding in plain sight here in the Slate Belt.

  55. A. Jones your letter is very good. However, I do not agree that the School Board election is tied to this other then its happening in time. I know all the candidates and all are good people. Do I think some running have a self serving agenda Yes but they are not bad men. Anyone that thinks any of these men are happy with this mess at our schools is just incorrect. I will base my vote on- if they are incumbent what they have accomplished and if they are not incumbent running how many meetings they have attended? Are they about education or not and that will be my guide. Not this issue. The three incumbents have my vote as I know all three of them and know they do have what is best for students and I have spoken to two and neither spoke any bad words about the other two incumbents and that tells me something because one is very passionate and with his loud voice is not afraid to speak his mind. As for the two running that are not incumbents- I will vote for Mr. Toth, who is a college educated teacher himself and all the three incumbents saw him step up to attend a committee meetings and a school board meeting. One has never even come to a meeting (Albert) I was told so why would I want someone who has an agenda that does not involve education? enough said. Thank you.

  56. Are you honestly saying that race played a part in these kids being thrown off of the basketball team? Does anyone know the reasons why they have been in multiple schools with the same result? Stop using the race card and look within.

    1. This will probably get deleted because it doesnt follow the agenda of this blog..race not the issue when it comes to the basketball team. Showing up 20-30 mins late to practice the night before the league championship, attending AAU try outs instead of team practice during the districts playoffs...those attitudes including the mothers are the real issues.

  57. Really wish we'd see an update on the situation in Bangor. From what people are hearing about the administration and especially the basketball team, Bangor is doing everything in their power to make it look legit to the NAACP on how they treat their black kids. One of the Jones brothers on the team really shouldn't be because of his grades. Manipulating the grading system of a player is immoral and wrong, just because you need a player on the court! Two other black kids were brought in and immediately look like they will be starters. One may be good enough, the other played middle school basektball, not good enough to even move up to the freshman team and is now Varsity caliber? Nobody thinks so!! The coaches from rumors, are going above and beyond to make it look like everything is all well and good in Bangor!! The political crap continues. The AD hires close friends and family to surround himself with. Manipulating the system to get your way and to try show everyone on the outside how great of a program you have will eventually come to an end! Just wish someone had enough proof to bring to light this administration and how corrupt it really is on the inside. I should correct my statement. I really do think there is proof, I just wish someone had enough guts to come out with it!!


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