Local Government TV

Monday, May 08, 2017

NAACP Wants Moon Cricket Lesson From Bangor Schools

Lance Wheeler, President of the Easton branch of the NAACP, likes to learn new things.Today, he plans to visit Bangor Area School District to learn all about moon crickets. He has read the stories and also has been contacted by parents in the slate belt with additional stories.

I have previously told you that two of the high school's most talented basketball players were thrown off the team at the end of the season. They happen to be of color. Did race play a role in this decision? I'd hope not.

Then on Friday, just as my moon cricket story began to die down, a student at the high school donned KKK garb - some say it was ISIS - and shouted "F-ck n-gg-rs!" A mother of biracial children pulled them out of the school, and they may be home-schooled for the rest of the year.

Swift action has been taken. Some of the students who instigated this have been suspended. One has been expelled.

But this story has led to a charge of racism by another parent with bi-racial children. She emailed me. I have been unable to talk to her and don't have permission to use her name. But she claims that reported discrimination against her children to an assistant principal who told her he "had no tolerance for bullying, or racism in his school. The students should always feel safe there and like a big family. ... However, after his investigation and interviews with witness the perpetrator was called in the office along with my children and told not to say things like that anymore and that was it. No disciplinary action, no apology to my kids nothing."

The claim is that the student who donned this regalia was instigated by others, and I can see that happening. But I have since seen his Facebook page. If Bangor school officials are unaware of it, they really need to take a look. It is loaded with photographs of the Confederate flag. That in and of itself could have many explanations. But what really bothers me is the one above.

Like I said on Friday, Bangor has a problem.


  1. Doesn't Easton have enough racial problems: Why is the Easton NAACP president visiting Bangor? Another wrench thrown into this situation!

    1. I agree.you should be left to your own demise.i think lance is wasting his time up there!

  2. Those two students shouldn't have to transfer to maintain the racial integrity of Bangor high school. And that speaks to why the NAACP is paying Bangor a visit.

  3. I welcome the NAACP to Bangor. It is high time this region be exposed for what it is...an enclave of racial hate and discrimination both overt and covert. Visit any social club..if you can get in thru the locked doors..and you will experience the racial bias first hand as those lily white fraternities don't hold back the hate among their peers. This is the land that time forgot. Ignorance abounds and those adherents revel in it.

  4. If you dig into the history of the region..you will find the dirt among the slate. Blacks were confined to a then aptly named hill in the town of Bangor. Racisms roots are as deep as the abandoned quarries that dot the landscape still. A festering legacy of hate and elitism.

  5. For the record "N____r Hill is in East Bangor and its been called that since the beginning of time and yes everyone lived there was black. But what about the ethnic names for sections of the slate belt that were when those that came from the foreign countries too? If you go to www.wfmz.com website and type in Toni Lynch and see that video and his language on diversity and Dr. Fallon coming to Bangor you will understand the Bangor School Board a lot better.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Frankly, had people read all of bernie ohares blog posts they would understand that the boys aren't what he was writing about. He discussed the perceived inefficiency of Bangor school board, and pulled the boys in ambiguously. Perhaps you should do your research before accusing some one of playing the race card....neither of the boys mentioned donned what can only be perceived as a KKK hood and proudly walked around the school, grinning like a fool. The people who are misunderstanding and turning this into a series if blog posts exonerating the bous, perhaps should brush up on their reading comprehension skills. The event that took place in school on friday, is, I'm fairly certain, a reaction to the flavor of the blog posts being misinterpreted by many people, and was motivated by that misperception. Regardless of what this child's intent was, whether KKK or Isis, it's got no place in any school, and is wrong, and is punishable, because of the perceived threat to all students.

    2. College coaches never check social media, I bet you have coaches lined up to be part of this dumpster fire lol.

  7. I think that picture of the students silenced a lot of us... a picture speaks a volume of words ....... the pointy hat and those words yelled confirmed by students is plenty.

  8. Anonymous "secret agents" (as you call them) do not equal facts. Lies, misrepresentation, and innuendo give way to nothing more than inciting hysteria, as we see. A successful smear campaign doesn't depend on facts, because public perception is all that matters. A smear campaign will result in character defamation, if done well. Is it that you don't know you are being manipulated, Bernie,that you don't care, or that maybe there is something in it for you?

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What a bunch of drama that is just over the top. Had you done any research you would know the two "stars" you speak of have both gone to other schools and left them as well. Do you know why? maybe these two innocent victims as you paint them to be are actually disrespectful, arrogant, have no knowledge of discipline, and really aren't team players. Their mother should be ashamed for playing the race card and so should you for making a big issue out of what you will see is nothing. Ask the other schools they attended as for why they are no longer there, the answer may silence you.

    May 8, 2017 at 9:37 AM

    You may want to get your facts straight. Only one of the boys went to another school. And for the record, these kids have both been to my house and are far from disrespectful and arrogant. I have also seen them both play on several occasions and they most certainly are team players. Before you decide to defend the ignorance, bias and outright disdain for anyone outside the good ole boys club surrounding Bron, possibly you should do your homework and not to mention, keep an open mind. Talking about ignorance, it was Bron who during the 2015-2016 Season did not allow his players to partake in the pre-game customary acknowledgement of referees and opposing team coaches. You want to talk about disrespect? There's one of many instances. His highness needs to step down for the better of the school district.

  10. Cheri, I deleted the anonymous attack at you and your sons, who are minors. That person lacks the personal integrity to say who he is, and quite obviously, isn't interested in the truth. Please do not respond to jerks who anonymously attack children. I will delete those comments.

  11. Anonymous coward at 10:26. I deal in facts.

    Fact: Bangor had to settle a civil rights lawsuit over claims by several black students athat a coach called them, among other things, moon crickets.

    Fact: Bangor's basketball coach ejected two kids from the team at the endof the season who happen to be of color.

    Fact: On Friday, a student dressed in KKK gar or ISIS garb take your pick, was dragged down a hallway shouting "F--k ni--ers."

    Fact: A current HS student has a Facebook page replete with confederate flags and includes him posing in military regalia, a la Eric Frein.

    Fact: A current school director gave an interview to WFMZ not long ago in which he refers to students of color as " the coloreds" and worries about homosexuals.

    Bangor has a problem.

    1. Bangor basketball coach got rid of two players at the end of the season. Thats where your sentence should end. Where were you when an african american coach dismissed one of these players from the Bethlehem Catholic team? This is not an attack on minors, this to point out their are two sides to every story.

  12. It is unbelivable to me that people are trying to defend or justify racism , bigotry and ignorance !!!

  13. Circle the wagons is the BASD boards motto when the truth comes knocking at their door. Deny and silence are the words of their overpriced and overcharging solicitor. You get what you pay for..pay them off and buy their silence..right?

  14. Zero tolerance really means..they have no compassion for any child or parent who rocks the boat or makes waves or tells the ugly truth. tone deaf to the reality they have created and continue to prop up. Bangor stuck in the 1950's in a lot of ways. Progressive ideas have not yet made their way into the school district. Entrenched elitism and a desire to remain in some glorious past stand in the way of true equality for all.

  15. Facts? Ha! what a joke. Did the moon crickets comment come from a coach? Are you sure about that? The comment was NOT made by a coach. (Well it doesn't matter now, because you put it out there and people think it's true.) You linked that comment to the athletic department. then linked that to boys being dismissed from the team, your own speculation, no facts. That is despicable. And as a result you brought those boys into this situation, where people have attacked them and their family--not to mention the school administrators. and as Shannon said, the misperceptions by people reading and commenting on the blog actually led to the recent racial incident (in addition to your own initial blog entry of moon crickets). No one at the school donned a KKK outfit prior to the muck you have been slinging. This has gotten out of control.

    And i love that how you get so-called information and leads also depends on the people who post. you sure as hell don't have a problem following up on crap that any body posts as anonymous (which could be based in truth, opinion, or lies), but anyone who posts as anonymous with a contrary opinion is called a coward. what a freaken joke. take away the ability to post anonymously--things will get legit real quick.

    *i am not saying that the moon crickets commentary is acceptable--my point is that it is the foundation for you making your accusations, and it's not factually correct.

  16. Actually, discovery in that case makes very clear that the comment was made by a football coach. Also, the information supplied did not come from anonymous sources, but court records and parents of students victimized by racial discrimination. Incidentally, you are anonymous and are posting what you write with an agenda of your own. Bangor has a problem, and you are part of it.

  17. "but anyone who posts as anonymous with a contrary opinion is called a coward. what a freaken joke. take away the ability to post anonymously--things will get legit real quick. " And you failed to post your real name... interesting

  18. Richard, Lance is an eternal optimist and will try his best. I give him credit for taking an interest.

  19. I had just gave that picture a second look and the paint ball garb freely is a scary sight! This is a cause to run and hide if one were to see it coming?

  20. Being a family member I find it very disturbing that these two young boys were brought into this sad and terrifying situation without having a thing to do with moon crickets or law suits. Their family and the boys are innocent of this and I can only hope and pray that something good comes out of this for them as well as the school district. I find it difficult to read the anonymous blogs. Names and facts help the issue to be clarfied so solutions can be found to solve these problems. They are serious issues to all in the district and especially the children entrusted to our schools for years . They are entitled a good education and a safe learning environment. Each one of us may and should have our own opinions,but not at the expense of another human being. Is there any hope without truth and peace? Let's see!!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. 1:30, you have no right to respond to people who ID themselves unless you do so too. You won't bc you are a coward, just like bigots who hide behind sheets.

  21. Bullying and racism go hand in hand in Bangor! The teachers can't handle it, nor do they even want to! They do nothing to correct these situations and if they do try to handle it, everything falls on deaf ears of the higher ups. Enough is not being done and maybe, mentioning the thought of hiring a lawyer will get those in charge to stand up and try to correct the problems in the district. Is this what the board needs? A lawyer to come in and disrupt things in order to get things accomplished? A female student years ago had to transfer out of the district and attend the school across the river because of being bullied. The school did nothing to help her. Her bullies won because they were allowed to remain in school to bully this young girl every damn day while the girl had to transfer for a better life. No punishment for the aggressors at all. That's no way for any kid to go through school. And if those in charge did their jobs, none of this would happen. The anti-bully campaigns of the school district are a joke. Do they get funding? I'm sure of it. If it's shown they have bullying issues in school, will the funding decrease or be taken away? Time for the schools, those in which we trust to protect our kids, to do their jobs. If they don't, it's time to replace them with those who will. Start at the top and work down from there!

  22. 4/10 12:49..You tell the truth. I knew the family and the daughter and the Admin. totally failed this family and did nothing under current school guidelines when asked to intervene. They did nothing wrong and were driven out to save who knows who from having to answer for their abhorrent behavior toward the girl student..who attempted suicide and thank goodness was not successful but now lives a normal life in NJ rather than in Bangor. We lost a great family and a fine athlete to bullying and intimidation. They sued the district and BASD got what they deserved for their refusal to act.

  23. And still those who did nothing to protect that young girl and her family are still employed and go day to day thinking nothing of how they handled, or didn't handle the situation if you will. Scumbags!!


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