Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Dent on FBI Director Firing

(Lehigh Valley, PA) Representative Charlie Dent (PA-15) released the following statement regarding yesterday’s firing of FBI Director James Comey:

“Director Comey always struck me as a decent and honorable man who was put in an extremely difficult situation. His firing by President Trump is both confounding and troubling, and it is now harder to resist calls for an independent investigation or select committee. The President must provide a much clearer explanation as to the timing and rationale for this action. Additionally, more information is needed about how the Director’s firing will impact the investigations by the FBI and both branches of Congress."


  1. Charlie on Morning Joe/MSNBC today..one of the few adults in congress at the moment. He is maturing and we should be proud to call him our congressman along with Matt Cartwright. The region is well represented at the moment.

  2. Thanks 11:01 for your insightful comment. Just thought I would chime in before the TeaParty horde attacks begin.

  3. Charlie has become a democrat who just can't believe Trump got elected & has criticism for anything he does.

  4. And you seem to have nothing but praise or excuses.

  5. I'm happy Mr Dent is looking for rational explanation, but when it comes to Trump I think you have to expect there's a measure of the irrational that needs to be considered as well. Trump might just not like that Comey is taller then he is. Who knows.

  6. Google has a great feature. It allows you to do a search with a custom date range.

    Interesting what turns up if you search during the time when the "smart people" were upset with Comey.


  7. Two weeks ago nearly everyone wanted him gone. Now, we've returned to our regularly scheduled politics as usual. I liked that Comey pissed off the right and the left. I didn't like his self-aggrandizing and think he seriously besmirched the reputation of the Bureau by coloring outside the lines and being pulled into political fights. He seemed to enjoy it. Now, he'll get a $2 million book advance and settle into eventual obscurity. Good riddance. Enjoy your windfall.

  8. I'm sure this is just a new Russian Conspiracy that Trump fired Comey.

    C;ear;u. is simply no evidence Trump colluded with the Russians but there is overwhelming evidence democrats are colluding with stupidity.

  9. Also, there seems to be sufficient evidence that Hillary colluded with the Russians for uranium sales while Secretary of State, to at least warrant a grand jury.

    Lock her up.

  10. You know, people are getting tired of all of this crying wolf against Trump by Shumer and the Democrats.

    I was a Democrat until Obama never fucking again, if this is what my party has become this childish mess of whiners.

  11. so disloyal and un-American all loyalty to the party

  12. The only thing missing from the new Republican Party is wearing the same color shirts. Teabaggers rule!

  13. Same color shirts?

    You mean like this?


    I hear they had the same color hats too.

    And I guess you're still infatuated with perverted sex acts. Before long, maybe Colbert will be using it in his routine.

  14. I was around for the Nixon years and remember them well.
    Deja Vu. Trump however, can fire the FBI Director at his will, even if it is only because Comey won't say Trump has no connection to Russia. Trump needs and demands total loyalty. This great nation can not survive if those below him support a piece of paper like the Constitution, rather than a great man, who has HUGE plans to make America great again!
    This move by President Trump only supports the call for an independent investigation that will finally clear his good name and restore his brand to the shining gold luster which will enable him to promote his holdings around the world. SAD that fake news tries subverting his good intentions with facts!


  16. Were does the big Don stand on this fasinating issue that dent should crawl under a rock?

  17. President Trump fired The F.B.I. Director, I get that. Where was the outrage when President Clinton fired His F.B.I. Director. Once again the Clinton legacy lives on

  18. There was no outrage bc Clinton fired Wm Sessions, who was embroiled in claims of ethical misconduct against him. The idea was to keep the office above reproach. In this case, there have been no meritorious claims that challenges Comey's personal integrity. And the investigation into Russian influence on the election makes me wonder. The AG's recommendation is based on information known for months. But I hesitate to condemn this termination. Trump has the right under the law, which in my view needs to be changed. I like that FBI Directors are appointed to 10-year terms,with the advice and consent of the senate. This reduces political influence and should be a standard for state and local governments. But I think an FBI Director's removal should also have the advice and consent of the Senate. This should make it harder for a president to play politics.

  19. "Where was the outrage when President Clinton fired His F.B.I. Director"

    as usual the right wing will try anything to justify a position.

    "Clinton fired Sessions after the issuance of a report that alleged ethical problems including "evading taxes and refusing to cooperate with an investigation of a home mortgage loan," The New York Times reported.
    "The report was completed by the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility during the George H.W. Bush administration, just before Clinton's inauguration."

    so comparing Clinton's action to Comrade trump's is absurd.

  20. I miss J Edgar Hoover

  21. Two good quotes I saw today:

    Max Boot: "We will soon find out who in Congress believes in the Republican party and who believes in the Republic."

    Joe Scarborough: "Senate Republicans, you will be judged forever by how you check this abuse of power by a lifelong Democrat who took over your party."

    I voted for Trump, but for all of the reasons I did he has already done a 180 except for the Supreme Court pick. I do not regret my vote based on the issues important to me, but I'm already getting very weary of him, and feel quite betrayed (a shock to no one, I'm sure, who didn't vote for him...not that I could have ever voted for Clinton). If I was already cynical and jaded before, he's only added to it. Doesn't seem to be a home any more for center-right folks.

    As to Charlie Dent, I wish he were still my Congressman. He helps to keep hope alive that there are people who actually want to govern. Cartwright is way too liberal for me. If I vote for him in the mid-terms, it will only be as a protest vote to counter Trump/Ryan-care unless the Senate can come up with something sane.

  22. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real

    Democrats have more than three and a half years of President Trumps first term left, but how much more room do they have for this rhetorical nonsense?

    Seems that with Comey now gone and not able to gum up the works anymore at the FBI, Mills and Abedin ought to be among the first ones that the new FBI director (and for the time being, its acting director) goes after to get to the truth about Hillary's illegal e-mail server.

    They're both buried as deep in this mess as Hillary is, and have plenty to lose: it will be hard, for example, for Huma to see the kid she has with Anthony Weiner if she's in Leavenworth pounding big rocks into little rocks, and Mills has a law license at stake.

    The classic prosecutorial tactic is to lean hard on the smaller fry to get them to roll over on the big fish, as the smaller fry usually are rar less able to protect themselves from prosecution, as they can't afford substantial legal fees as readily as the bigger fish above them can, and also are far less able to handle the consequences of a possible prison term than the bigger fish are (a prison term that a big fish could probably weather would absolutely destroy the lives of the smaller fry).

    In my view both Mills and Abedin now need to be thinking very seriously about either cutting a deal with the feds and giving up Hillary, or fleeing the country pronto.

    The jig, is up....

  23. I’m shocked it took this long. Comey is a political puppet and a drama seeker. He stained the FBI for a long time. President Trump’s firing of Comey was well overdue, and it sends a clear message to every agency head in DC. I hope the president has the savvy and smarts to ride this wave to the next level.Charlie Dent will never get my vote again !Switch parties Charlie you went to the dark side!

  24. Dent has always been the ultimate politician, he is hoping Trump will fail and he and the other republican establishment types will regain their power, I doubt it, they have been exposed as the phonies they are. As for Comey, he appears to have been trying to stay in his position, by continually investigating some one. Hoping that firing him would be too much of a political risk, I love the fact that Trump fired him and he should keep firing the bureaucratic political hacks, the IRS head should be next. There is a long list of potential firees, get it on and clean house.

  25. Drain the Swamp

  26. Bernie, as a registered independent, I'm tired of the democrats hypocrisy of this firing. The asst. attorney general, who was confirmed by a bi-partisan vote of 96-4 in the senate in April, recommended that Comey must go. He stated that the FBI will never be able to re-build under Comey. Rob Rosenstein, the asst. atty. general, is the furthest thing from a political hack- he's a well-respected career bureaucrat who served in both the Clinton & Bush administrations. Comey usurped the atty. general last july when he decided not to prosecute Hillary Clinton. The Democrats, including Hillary, all have "trump derangement" and can't accept the fact that he won. Up until tuesday, they blamed Comey & the Russians for losing the election. After all the investigations so far, even James Clapper, has said, there is no evidence of collusion between Trump & the Russians. Did they try to influence the election? Yes, but they didn't change the vote. As far as the timing, the democrats have stonewalled every Trump appt., and when he received Rosenstein's assessment, he acted. It's time to move on...

  27. Just two days before, crooked Hillary blamed Comey for her loss in the 2016 election. Now the democrats and democrat in disguise Charlie Dent are in a tizzy and outrage state of mind. Comey got in the middle of the fray and couldn't find a way out. Charles Dent can't see this! This is more bi-partisanship pandering by the turncoat Dent and hopefully the electorate will see this on election day.

  28. Trump for prison 2017!

  29. When I went to the polls in November, I don't remember anyone from Russia pointing a gun to my head and telling me how to vote.

    A lot of us are just sick of this shit. Democrats GET OVER IT AND FUCKING MOVE ON.

    Jeeze Democrats invented the moveon.org website so they could get people over Clinton getting blowjobs from Monica Lewinski. We don't fucking care that Trump fired Comey I just want to have a job and get paid.

  30. The Central ScrutinizerMay 11, 2017 at 9:57 AM

    I have to say, I am very impressed with Dent on this consistency on this issue. (Trump) He towed the party line with Bush and obstructed Obama with the best of them but luckily, he's not going along with the GOP blinders-on bullshit. Good for him.

  31. 7:57 - Keep it straight. Rosenstein has denied any recommendation of firing Comey and even threatened to resign over it. There are not many loyalists left. Trump is going down.

  32. "When I went to the polls in November, I don't remember anyone from Russia pointing a gun to my head and telling me how to vote."

    Maybe not but if you truly believe someone is doing something illegal I doubt you are going to vote for them. His handling of the emails was wrong and made her look like she was guilty even if she wasn't. I honestly don't know if she is or not. Since trump didn't throw her in prison like he promised I doubt she is guilty after all. He didn't have the evidence.

    Now that he is under investigation he files the director? Why else would he state: since you said I'm not under investigation, you're fired


    Trump for Prison 2017!!!!!

  33. Have to wonder about these Trump conspiracy believers also believe in the grassy knoll theory as well.

  34. The voters have denied Hillary Clinton the presidency.

    A Trump Justice Department should deny Hillary Clinton her freedom.

  35. Yes, lets see if there is any fire underneath the political smoke about Trump and the Russians and firing Comey. Let's get a "special prosecutor" to investigate it as Shumer has called for.

    We're also seeing what may be an even worse scandal just coming onto the radar screen: The abuse of the Patriot Act to spy on Americans for political gain. That deserves a "special prosecutor" as well.

    Fair is fair.

  36. It seems that all the establishment fears Trump talking with the Russians. Why? Do they fear the Russians have dirt on a lot politicians in the U.S.? Do they fear the Russians will hand over their dirt to Trump?

  37. According to Comey, Hillary was "extremely careless" in her handling of email server. Not to mention destroying evidence while under investigation in 30,000 emails. Then Bill Meets clandestinely with Loretta Lynch & Comey comes out the next week saying not enough evidence??? Remember Bill appointed Loretta to the federal bench so payback appears to be at work but she had Comey do the dirty work instead of Justice Dept. Dems have been using this Russian Ruse with Trump to divert attention from "crooked Hillary". Trump hasn't forgotten!!! Her day is coming.

  38. then why did Comrade trump--- "said on Tuesday that he had no intention of pressing for an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server or the financial operations of her family’s foundation, dropping the “lock her up” pledge that became a rallying cry for his campaign for the White House."

    "But the president-elect made clear that he would not seek to pursue an investigation himself nor make it a priority after he assumes office."

    sounds like Comrade trump lied again.
    not really a big surprise.


  39. Trump won't pursue Hillary but the new FBI head will have a different view of "extremely careless" & Loretta Lynch is no longer the boss that had Comey play role of Justice department to save her friend.


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