Local Government TV

Monday, April 10, 2017

My Weekend

Suki, doing what she does best.
This weekend, my grandson was in Baltimore for an AAU basketball tournament. While he and his mother were gone, I watched his dog, Suki. She loves staying with me and begins crying the second that Dat heads up Rte 191 with her to my estate. You might think she dreads being with a bottom-feeding blogger, if only because it damages her reputation, but she adores me. Why I don't know.

She has every reason to hate me. When she was a puppy, she nearly died after eating a penny that one of my servants left on the floor. Dr. John Yaswinski had to surgically remove it, and it was touch-and-go for several days. Fortunately, she recovered fully and became a holy terror. She is half Jack Rusell and half toy poodle. She is called a jackapoo, and they are the Captains Danger of designer dogs. As a puppy, she used to shag the balls when Dat was hitting. Once, in the middle of a Lehigh-Navy baseball game, she ran out into the field and stole the ball. I don't know which was funnier, the theft or watching everyone chase her.

When I was in good physical condition, watching Suki was no problem. But she killed me on Saturday and Sunday with innumerable walks at which she was always looking for squirrels and rabbits.

Late Sunday, I was no longer able to walk, so we became gang-bangers and did a few drive-bys. We'd get ourselves in squirrel country - an area I know is infested with those little critters - and start driving slowly, looking for an opportunity to strike. When she or I saw one, I'd pull over, lower the window, and she'd shoot off.

Incidentally, she has never nailed a squirrel. But she's been pissed on by skunks three times over the years.

Time to start walking again.


  1. Bernie, glad to see you love your grand-dog. I laughed the whole way through your article, it was great! I'm calling you next time I need a doggie-sitter.

  2. Cool. This weekend my major accomplishment was changing my password.


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