Local Government TV

Friday, April 07, 2017

Locked Out of NorCo Council!

Though Northampton County Council meetings are supposed to be open to the public, you have to be inside a locked building to get there. Last night, five Easton High School students and I were locked out of the building because the Deputy Sheriff who ordinarily would let us in was called away on a Protection From Abuse matter. We eventually got in, after the meeting had started. NorCo Council was conducting a meeting that excluded the public, in violation of the Open Meeting Law. They didn't give a shit.


  1. Haven't people realized that this current group of county officials don't care about people. Just their fanatical supporters.

  2. Bernie,
    Fine young looking group of ladds and laddisses, these are the type of people that should be seeking seats as there youngness makes them hard to be corrupted by the corrupt because just looking at them in there eyes tells me they are representatives of the people!

  3. Another example of the non-transparent useless County Council in action. A house cleaning is appropriate and warranted! But we'll see how the electorate cares.

  4. I'm shocked, shocked, to see that Brown conceals regular county business behind closed and licked doors.

  5. @7:49,
    I, too, wish more younger people got involved with public service. The current crop of leaders, local and national, are an aging group. The major problem is that most Millennials can't be inconvenienced into performing public service. It detracts from their "look at me" attitude. They'd never be able to participate in meetings that don't involve text messaging.

  6. Most Millennials lack the social skills necessary to hold public office.

  7. "Most Millennials lack the social skills necessary to hold public office."

    "The major problem is that most Millennials can't be inconvenienced into performing public service. It detracts from their "look at me" attitude. They'd never be able to participate in meetings that don't involve text messaging."

    Why would anyone pass up the opportunity to interact with this sort of attitude?


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