Local Government TV

Friday, April 28, 2017

A Warning to my Fellow Turkeys

Tomorrow is the first day of turkey hunting season, and Jerry Seyfried will be out there. So stay home. He can only go after bearded birds, so if you shave, you should be ok. As most of you know, we turkeys are vicious serial killers. I will be out all night setting up snares and staked pits for the fools who will be out there tomorrow.

After we catch someone, we tie him down and force him to listen to Justin Beiber tapes all night.


  1. Jerry Serfreid is the most beloved and competent Executive that we know....Good luck hunting...!!!

  2. Jerry Serfreid is the most beloved and competent Executive that we know....Good luck hunting...!!!

  3. Hokie Joe says:
    you can only shoot gobblers tomorrow. Bernie you could be in serious trouble because it looks like you've been gobbling pretty much.
    wink wink

  4. Bernie, we are disappointed. Over the past week your postings have been less than good. Lately you have not been showing the previous level of your abilities.

  5. But you have such large, tender breasts, Bernie.

  6. Bernie, jellowsy and envy published by a couple or just one twinky winky, will they be useing 22's too?

  7. Actually, John Stoffa is the most beloved and competent Executive that we know.

  8. Bernie, that someone got up at 512am on a Saturday to give you grief...well that shows you're hitting nerves. Keep it up.

  9. Actually, John Brown is the most beloved and competent Executive that we know..


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