Local Government TV

Thursday, March 09, 2017

Who's Running This Year in Lehigh County?

On both Monday and Tuesday, I was fortunate to spend a few hours in the voters' registration office, where candidates were bringing in their papers. It was a great opportunity to see democracy in action and meet so many nice people from both parties who really care about their communities. It also gave me an inkling of what's on people's minds. Whether it is Wilson Borough or Saucon Valley School District, my sense is that what people care about most is maximizing the tax dollar as far as possible, and looking for alternative sources of funding whenever possible.

I'm glad I spent the time I did paying attention. Unfortunately, neither of the daily papers listed all the races up for grabs, something that at one time was standard fare. For now, this is the only place where you can find details on every NorCo race.  

Because I was so focused on the NorCo races, I had no opportunity to see what is happening in Lehigh County. But Voting Registrar Tim Benyo has uploaded a list of all candidates. So thankfully, there is no need to burn the midnight oil in making this information available to you. You already have access to it.

Lehigh County races.- In the Lehigh County Executive race, Whitehall Comm'r Phillips Armstrong is the sole Democratic candidate. He stepped forward when Tom Muller decided against a second term. He will face the winner of a Republican primary between Comm'r Brad Osborne and Controller Glenn Eckhart. Yesterday, Eckhart wasted no time in challenging Osborne to a series of three debates. If I were Osborne, I'd ask Eckhart to write a few sentences and ask voters whether he sounds like Executive material.

In Northampton County, the legislative body is called Council, and the five seats up this year are at-large seats The situation is reversed in Lehigh County, where the legislative body is called the Board of Commissioners. This year, the seats up for grabs are district seats. There are five of them.

District 1.- This is the northern tier of Lehigh County and its most conservative area. Tom Creighton is stepping down so he can run for magisterial district judge. Republican Marc Grammes, a former Commissioner, and Democrat Bob Elbich are the sole candidates.

District 2. - This is Percy Dougherty country.. First elected in 1994, he's been the people's choice six times. Shoaib Chaudhary is the Democrats' sacrificial lamb. He's an IT guy whose LinkedIn page claims credentials from the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School. He claims the "Wharton difference." But if you read a little more closely, you'll see he only took business planning courses there. His real degree is from Oklahoma City University. What he brings the "Oklahoma City" difference. His LinkedIn page is dishonest, which makes me question whether this glorified salesman belongs in government.

District 3. - Just as Creighton has his eyes set on a judgeship, David Jones would like to be called Your Honor, too, but as Allentown's next mayor. To his credit, he has chosen against running for two offices simultaneously. Republican Bob Smith will face the winner of a primary contest among Dennis Pearson, Amy Zanelli and Basilio Bonilla, who alienated his fellow Directors when he was a member of Bethlehem's School Board. That's when he was there.

District 4. - Geoff Brace, a Democrat, is running unopposed. The only nasty thing I can say about him is that he works for State Rep. Mike "Darth Voter" Schlossberg.

District 5.- Mike Schware has decided to call it quits. It's just no fun anymore now that Scott Ott has fled for Texas. So there's an open seat and Democrats are running ... nobody. Brilliant. Matt Munsey must be helping them. Republicans have two candidates running in the primary, John Donches and Nathan Brown.

Allentown Mayor.- Get this.There are 10 candidates - 7 Democrats and 3 Republicans - in the running for this job. Incumbent Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski would have to be considered the front runner in such a crowded field, despite the existence of a political corruption investigation that has already snared six people and is clearly aimed at him. There is a portion of the City that identifies him with Allentown, just as Nazareth's disgraced ex-Mayor, Carl Strye, is identified by some with Nazareth. These people confuse the person with the municipality.

The other Democratic candidates in this race include Ray O'Connell, Sam Bennet, Charlie Thiehl, David Jones, Joshua Siegel  and Nathan Woodring. The three Republicans who filed are Nat Hyman, Luiz Garcia and Christopher Pez.

I like Ray O'Connell, who turned Allentown City Council around and stood up to Fed Ed. I certainly could live with any other candidate, but think O'Connell is in the best position to hit the ground running and restore morale.

Allentown Council. - Five spots are open for eleven candidates, including incumbents Cynthia Mota, Daryl Hendricks and Julio Guridy. Others include Democrats Ed Zucal, Daniel Buglio, John Rosario, Jessica Lee Ortiz, Ken Heffentrager, Eugene McDuffiie and Courtney Robinson. In addition, Republican Lou Hershman is running. (Hershman and Robinson are running for the two-year seat only, while Rosario is running for both. I will take some time to learn more about these candidates. I can exclude Heffentrager, not for his criminal past, but because he is a demagogue who attempts to monopolize every meeting and is always angry.

In most other Lehigh County races,with notable exceptions like Whitehall Township or an open magisterial position, the biggest problem seems to be finding candidates. That's just like Northampton County. Newspapers bemoan this situation, but have largely stopped informing the public what goes on in these communities.    

I have to salute the elections office in both counties for being so helpful to candidates Registrar Tim Benyo is accessible and his office will go the extra mile to help anyone. In NorCo, Dee Rumsey and her staff (Amy Hess, Richard Kessler and Jenna Gerbino) are unsung heroes, hard-working public servants who often go unnoticed but whose roles are vital in a form of government ruled by the people. .


  1. Bernie what do you think happens if Pawlowski is indicted. Do you think he can still win?

  2. Glad to see the interest in the Allentown Mayor race. I am still in the anyone but Scam Bennett crowd. I like your pick. My only wish is that on primary night, channel 69 is at Bennett headquarters so we can witness another alcohol fueled concession rant.

  3. 12:19. I think he's damaged goods now. But I imagine he will still get a lot of votes.

    1. Why are you concerning yourself with the affairs of LEHIGH county or Allentown you live in neither and are not the expert you think on these candidates.
      It seems from what I've read you are very judgemental and I'm thinking anyone that reads your muckraking rants can see that .
      I've also noticed your fact checking is off WAAAAAY OFF.. one example is the picture you posted of an apartment heffentreger was supposed to have lived in. Did you zoom in on that photo and look at the clothing laying in that pile they are women's clothing. It leads me to believe not only are you wrong about that being his apartment, much of your knowledge on these candidates are based on partial truths lies and inuendo. Do us a favor stick to Northampton county where you belong.

  4. I will never understand why the Lehigh Cty Republicans can't put up a strong candidate for Mayor of Allentown. Jess is clearly too young to handle the job, but we all know she is there just as a lacky to the establishment elite! Looks like Allentown goes DEM....again!

  5. If I were a betting person I'd bet on Ed. Charlie Thiehl, David Jones, Joshua Siegel and Nathan Woodring are relative unknowns. When so many people are on the ballot, people tend to look for name recognition.

    Then there is Ray O'Connell and Sam Bennet. Bennet you either like or despise, there is no middle ground with her. She's run twice and was rejected twice, including once to Ed. Ray is a nice guy, appeals to the west enders, but then the west End is where you find the few Republicans left in Allentown.

    East Siders, the Ward, the inhabitants east of Twelfth.. that's Pawlowski territory, and also remember, this is a primary, not a general election. There just isn't that many voters that will turn out. Those who do will be the elderly and mostly those who supported Ed in the past. Ed's working hard on this campaign, he knows he's in a big hole and like him or not, he has effective campaign ads and he's pounding the pavement and pressing the flesh hard.

    Personally I can't stand Bennet, so given the choice, I'd expect Ed to win the primary because of his name recognition, his ads and also, like him or not, he appeals to his supporters much more than Bennet does.

    Now if Ray O'Connell would change parties and run as a Republican, he'd stand a good chance to beat Ed in the general election. But he didn't and that will mean he's simply a runner-up in the primary.

  6. @2:36. The problem is that most Lehigh County Republicans live in the townships of Lehigh County, not in Allentown.

  7. "I will never understand why the Lehigh Cty Republicans can't put up a strong candidate for Mayor of Allentown. Jess is clearly too young to handle the job, but we all know she is there just as a lacky to the establishment elite! Looks like Allentown goes DEM....again!"

    Instead of taking anonymous potshots at respectable people, why not move to Allentown, run for office as a Republican and see how hard it is to get elected with nearly 70% of City voters registered as Democrat or other. Ms. Banotai is young AND very bright and capable. Its a miracle that anyone would even try to run as a Republican in Allentown at this point. That we have 3 pretty good candidates is unbelievable.

  8. Bennett is the only one with name recognition and the qualifications who is not connected to this tainted administration. Love or hate her you are hiring your next CEO. If you don't want more of Ed she has to be the next choice.

  9. If O'Connell can bring in the East and South Sides, along with the given West End, he can beat Fed Ed. Ms. Bennent has her women and a ton of outside money, however, her track record is somewhat disconcerting. The other D's are a pipe dream. There is no galvanizing candidate on the R side, but a win by Fed Ed might steer some D's away from the party candidate. As far as council, Guridy and Mota were long time supporters of Fed Ed and should be ousted. Former police Sergeant Ed Zucal brings a fresh change to the landscape.

  10. O'Connell - too little, too late.

  11. @7:52 I'd take Ed over that drunk anyday. She reminds me of Hillary and Kathy Kane.

  12. Here's the Express-Times list of candidates. It went up around 7 a.m. March 9. Thanks! http://www.lehighvalleylive.com/elections/index.ssf/2017/03/election_2017_whos_running_in.html#incart_river_home

  13. @8:10am - you'd take Ed because you're working with him. Scared?

  14. Rudy, I am glad you did it but it should have been up the day before. It is EXTREMELY important in a democracy that the people know who is running for office, and in a democracy, the people should expect that information from a newspaper, not me.

  15. Mr.Thiel and Ed were part of the PAC years ago.
    Ed gave Thiel about $15,000 to run for School Board.
    Birds of a feather flock together.
    Everybody is running away from Ed now, but they were buddy buddy in the past.
    Think about that on Election Day.
    O'Commell made have faults , but he is by far the most honest in the race.

  16. I agree with the previous comment O'Connell was sleeping.

  17. @6:12 Stop using that as an excuse. There are plenty of good Republicans who live within the city limits. The Republicans are just not doing their part to find them!

  18. It's strategy. Rs are not stupid. They know that running candidates in the city will drive up D turnout and might endanger their chances in county and other races.It is all about suppressing turnout. Legitimately.

  19. 12:01 Yes there are plenty of good Republicans that live in the city. However, not enough of them vote to win elections.

  20. Heydt was the last Republican mayor of Allentown. Under the GOP, Gross Towers blew up, Corporate Plaza sank and Wyoming Steer exploded. Two gas explosions and a sinkhole ended his political career.

    Ed the Dem from Chicago's only disaster was the 14th & Allen Gas explosion that took out half a block. But then, that was close to Gross Towers so that might have been a lurking leftover from Heydt.

    The Dems disowned Afflerbach. Chief Khun they don't talk about either. Didn't they also catch Khun in a compromising position near Trexler Middle School ? But then, if it wasn't for Roy, we never would have had Ed.

    Heydt tried but couldn't defeat Ed, so I suppose it's going to be Ed again since we can't get rid of him.

  21. If ED gets indicted, how will this change the landscape of the Mayor's race???
    He is constantly courting the little people who years ago he looked down his snoot at them.
    All the big money people are gone and he does not have Fleck to give money to the voters.
    He now must run a campaign all by himself.

  22. Bernie,
    Is there such a thing as a college electorical vote?

  23. Someone anonymously posted a comment calling Sam Bennett a drunk. I have met her several times over the years and can assure you she is no drunk. I am a drunk and come from a family of drunks. Though I stopped drinking in 1985, I have a 6th sense about this sort of thing and can tell if someone has been drinking better than any breathalyzer. Bennett is at worst a social drinker.

    She is one of several good people who are trying to make their community a better place at a time when they are needed desperately. It is my hope that whoever is elected builds a team of rivals to help make him (or her) better.

    I would note that the person who cast this aspersion failed to say who he or she is. Though I feel that candidates for public office have to run through this gauntlet of personal attacks, I also think people who attack others without saying who they themselves are have no personal integrity. For that reason alone, their comments arte worth next to nothing.

  24. Anon 12:45, it was not Kuhn at the school, but a member of Awfulbach's cabinet. On another note, I am told that local R leader Wayne Woodman might have a favorite in the Allentown Mayor's race, but I haven't heard which one. I could see him backing Pez, who against Pawlowski would have a good shot. It all comes down to whether Pawlowski gets indicted, and if it happens before or after the Primary. I am kind of liking the Young Mr Siegel more and more, I met him and the guy is whip smart and mature beyond his years, acts more like 32 than 23. Reminds me of Luke Ravenstahl coming out of nowhere to win Pittsburgh Mayor's race a decade ago. I think in Allentown, 1500 votes will win you the primary. I guess we will find out who is the most willing to get out on the street and fight for them

  25. Scam Bennett is the CEO of her house that is quite an achievement only surpassed by every other homeowner. Sorry but her past follows her just as it does all others. She and you may chose to edit it but it is there and as a result Scam will once again fail at the polls.

  26. I didn't edit you.I allowed you to post your hate. I just warned my readers that a person who engages in anonymous personal attacks at another person has no credibility. You are also a coward. Carry on!

  27. Full Disclosure: I don't live in the City of Allentown so don't accuse me of being a Pawlowski supporter. I am just calling this as I see it.

    Remember, Ed's problems are with the bureaucrats in city hall, He may be a bastard to work for and knows how to run a Tammany Hall type city government, but he's not with the voters who have supported him in the past. Ed learned the Mayor Dayley method of running a city. What matters are votes, and he has a loyal cadre if them who really don't give a damn about the Mike Flecks or the Mary Ellen Kovals or the other bureaucrats of Allentown that they only read about in the Morning Call.

    Ed patches the potholes, plows the streets and knows how to campaign. Ed's out handing out lawn signs, campaigning in his supporters houses and businesses. If there is a Bar Mitzvah, Ed will burn rubber getting to it and be cordial to all who are there. He's out there shaking hands, having a glass of wine, or punch; eating some birthday cake and doing the meet and greets kissing the babies. If you're a voter in Allentown and know that the mayor is reaching out to you, that's how you get votes.

    Look at Facebook. I saw on one of the groups that someone was complaining about a parking problem. Ed was online responding to it. Him or his staff are all over Facebook posting about this or that and publicizing his campaign appearances.

    Even a crippled Ed should be able to get the 2,000 votes to win.

  28. Considering how your blog's content is politics, one would think you would know that 5 seats are up for grabs, 1 2-year term and 4 4-year terms. Also you should maybe look up the word you used in your description of me, and then maybe take another look at what I talk about and the effect we (ATA) have had on the issues in Allentown. I don't expect much from your write-ups anyway as you have proven in this article that fair and balanced news story is not possible

  29. Ken Heffentrager, Thank you for pointing out my error, which I corrected. It was easy to exclude you right away. You do have a minor drug conviction, and from what I see, still owe $602 in fines and costs. You have not made a payment since 2012. You also have appointed yourself some sort of housing expert and now pretty much waste everyone's time with endless speeches at meetings. I would not mind that, but do mind the self-important tone and thinly veiled hostility at just about everyone. So of them all, it was easy to exclude you right away. Allentown has enough criminals in government.


  30. Bernie I hope you really check out the candidates especially for city council I know one candidate had a fund raiser and never had a committee I'm know expert but I think that's at least a local ethics violation if not a state violation you would think someone will have clue about things before running for an important office like council there's no room for error in this critical election ray O'Connell is the best choice for mayor keep up the good work Bernie cause we can't count on mcall to report facts

  31. Is 'Vice President of the Allentown Tenants Association' a REAL paying job? Do you get a real paycheck for that? Or is it just some fancy title for somebody who doesn't work and walks around taking pictures all day and posts on Fakebook?

    1. When registering an organization in the Commonwealth you are to list officer's. As for whether I work or not really is irrelevant especially to someone who has to comment under "anonymous"

  32. i would like to submit an additional perspective on Ken Heffentrager.

    i do not pass judgement on a prior arrest for a controlled substance. what was illegal yesterday, may well be allowed as a revenue stream for the state tomorrow.

    as a landlord, which is a very small subgroup, i'm not a fan of ken's association work. never the less, i appreciate his dedication to that cause. as someone who has championed various causes in front of municipal councils, i know the effort and frustration involved. since he is a weekly attendee at council meetings, i find him qualified for the office which he seeks.

  33. If a person has a pulse, he or she is qualified. Your comment means nothing. Also, this is a time when Allentown should be shedding criminals, not adding them to their ranks. The fact that he comes to Council meetings and insists on speaking on every issue is actually one of the reasons I find him so distasteful. He is a negative and very angry person. In addition, he is irresponsible. He has failed to make required payments for his criminal conviction, and I see several landlord judgments against him. I could never see him as a representative of the people of Allentown.

    1. Criminal nice, I haven't stolen any money nor have I been deceitful as others have, you talk of my two drug offenses as if this was a secret, and in fact I have been very open about those matters. As for the fines yes there still is an amount due all court costs and administration costs have been paid there is the fine itself left. Some health issues as well as a few personal issues has been a factor in the delayed payments. Negative and angry, well that is your opinion, yet it seems to be okay for your constant negative attitude towards the City of Allentown. I'm sure you talked to no one about that. Several judgements, I didn't see you in the court room, so you have failed to give the entire story, like the verbal agreement made in court between I and an associate of Lehigh Landholdings of "he pays he stays" I infact did pay and have the paperwork to prove such, instead of honoring the agreement, Clark had me evicted anyway. When I questioned Judge Dugan he told me that was an agreement between them and myself and not sanctioned by the court. So please do the dilegent work needed before bringing up issues that are not entirely true. Earlier you also commented about my being a self appointed housing expert, would that be the same as your being a self appointed expert of Allentown politics?

  34. It appears that the answer is No, he does not have a job.

    1. Regarding my employment status, are you paying my rent, no I didn't think so and no one else is either. So you pass assumptions on something that you really can't answer because you don't have the facts needed.

  35. "Regarding my employment status, are you paying my rent, no I didn't think so and no one else is either."

    For all I know,I am paying your rent bc you could very well be collecting disability. For all I know,you could be a dealer. Candidates who are transparent say what they do for a living. If you are unwilling to be transparent about that,then you've just given voters another reason to say NO to you. Thanks.

    1. First off nobody specifically asked, just made assumptions as to my income, and I do not collect social security, nor am I under public housing. Saying that possibly I'm a dealer is truly low and ridiculous. As for my income you again fail to do your homework, it's not that hard to figure out.

  36. "Criminal nice, I haven't stolen any money nor have I been deceitful as others have, you talk of my two drug offenses as if this was a secret, and in fact I have been very open about those matters."

    Then it should not bother you that I told my readers.

    "it seems to be okay for your constant negative attitude towards the City of Allentown."

    I love Allentown, but hate bad government. You mistake my criticism of you with criticism of Allentown. You are like Fed Ed that way. Two peas in a pod. Do you go to church a lot, too?

    " Some health issues as well as a few personal issues has been a factor in the delayed payments. "

    For five years? I see. You must be quite ill. Is that why your eyes are always glassy and bloodshot?

    "Several judgements, I didn't see you in the court room, so you have failed to give the entire story,"

    I have the docket sheets. Everything else is bullshit.

    "would that be the same as your being a self appointed expert of Allentown politics"

    Lord knows I'm no expert on anything. I am just a bottom-feeding blogger who thinks criminals like you, who are still irresponsible and refuse to state how you get your income, have no place in government. But that's me.

    1. The issue wasn't about a problem with people knowing but to single me out in your first comment about the Council seats was as if I was hiding something. When was the last time you posted anything positive on Allentown. You act as if you know the whole story but you just go with whatever one sided information you get. That's funny you have one docket but not the judgement that I had been awarded. I'm sure the judges were wrong. Your one sided angle is what the real bullshit is, but that's fine.

  37. It's funny because a few weeks ago his car broke down near Wegmans in Allentown. Instead of just calling a friend (if he has any) for a ride he posted on his Facebook page could somebody come help him or pick him up. He claims he was there for like three hours and nobody came to help him. Don't most normal people just call a friend or call a tow truck instead of complaining that nobody stopped to help him, not even a stranger.

    Then last week he posted that he was near 24th and MLK in Allentown and needed a ride home because he was tired and it was too far to walk. Again he didn't call anybody but he just posted on his Facebook page and once again nobody came.

    This is the kind of person we want on city Council? He's pretty active on his Facebook page but obviously not real active trying to find a job.

  38. Interesting another anonymous comment....

  39. The question is real simple, Ken. From where do you derive your income? You are required by the State Ethics Act to list that on your Statement of Financial Interests, so why are you hiding from the truth here? And you are hiding. You refuse to answer something that state law compels you to disclose. Are you on disability? Are you a drug dealer? If you work honestly, where? I am not accusing you of anything. I am demanding you to list your income sources, which is required by state law.

    Your refusal to display this basic transparency is yet another reason why you deserve no votes.

    1. To answer your question, I have read and reread the Statement of Financial Interests, and nowhere on there does it ask for your savings information. So that being said, when I graduated, within a few weeks after I worked in the heavy equipment industry, specifically mining for 17 years. One of my big hobbies has been buying from auctions, flea markets and yard sales and reselling. Over the years I amassed a lot of stuff , old books being what I collected the most. After leaving a job a little over 6 years ago I have sold off alot of items and for the past few years have lived off my savings, living very simply, as I don't need a lot to make me whole. No I am not on disability! No I am not a drug dealer! I don't see how I live day to day is such a big concern of yours but fine there is your answer. I chose early on to work like hell in order to slow down later in life.

  40. Is it required that you reside in a location to write about it? If so, then nothing would be written about Allentown bc so few reporters or bloggers live there. The photo may or may not be accurate. Clark could be joking. All I know is that Joe Clark posted it, and i find no reason to doubt its validity simply bc women's clothing are included. I would imagine Heffentrager had a squeeze at least once in his lifetime. What is accurate in (1) he has two drug convictions; (2) he has failed to pay his fine on one of them for 5 years, (3) He has been evicted several times; (4) He refuses to state where he gets his money; and (6) as recently as late last year, he pleaded guilty to driving without a valid inspection.

    Given the number of quality people running for City Council,he is the easiest candidate to exclude.I prefer cops to criminals. Hendricks and Zucal seem like obvious choices. But in fairness to all the people who have run,I want to do a little more research.

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Good morning and once again, another anonymous comment. First off I don't hide my sexuality and I do take offense to the remarks about "looking like little boys", if you have any issue with me then bring it to me. Second you can leave my dam friends out of any conversation, your remarks in general are uncalled for period. Third I am HIV- so before you label others get your dam facts straight. I worked in the mining industry for 17 years and have lower back issues not that it should matter. I'm highly public bring your concerns and issues to me next time.

  42. to bernie o'hare; we differ on our assessment of ken heffentrager, but i think that fair minded people could consider our different points of view.

    on the other hand, Atown observer comment of 6:53am contains nothing but insinuation which may not even be true. at any rate, such accusations have no relevance to being a city councilman. i also note that the moniker was just created, suggesting a troll with an agenda. i hope that you decide to delete that comment.

  43. The comment at 6:53, which really is irrelevant, is deleted.I changed comment settings before I hit the sack last night precisely to prevent that kind of anonymous attack. Oh well. It represents a different kind of attack than that the one I make, which is not personal. My attacks on Heffentrager are as follows:
    1) He has drug convictions.
    2) He has failed to make his required payments on his fines and costs, which tells me he has no remorse.
    3) He is irresponsible, as evidenced by evictions and driving without inspection as recently as last year.
    4) He has refused to state where he gets his income, even though the State Ethics Act compels him to file a Statement of Financial Interests. This is a complete lack of transparency.
    5) Though MM thinks Heffentrager's meeting attendance is a good thing, my view is the opposite. He goes to meetings and insists on speaking several times every time I've seen him. He always is angry and resentful when he speaks when he should be trying to be persuasive.
    6) His comments here show him to be rather thin-skinned.

    1. Well good morning,
      1) Yes I have two drug convictions, that is in the past in which I went through rehab. Sorry not everyone has a perfectly pleasant past, do they.
      2) You are correct the fine is not totally paid, that has nothing to do with remorse. It has to do with mistakes made by me not taking it seriously enough and restitution will be made, not to your satisfaction but oh well. Court costs and administration fees have been covered. But yes the rest needs to be dealt with.
      3) I'm not explaining the eviction issue again you choose not to look at all the facts. Yes the vehicle I was operating failed inspection and was not handled quickly enough.
      4) I explained that above.
      5) I speak on many issues for the simple fact that not enough people get involved. Your opinion that I'm angry just shows you don't know who I am. As far as being persuasive, action gets taken on many of the issues. It's funny one can be criticized for participating as a citizen or as attempting to be an elected official.
      6) I get miligned for not answering or answering the questions, choose one or the other.
      I choose to be involved because for a long time I didn't care. I cleared my head and decided it was time to help make life a little more better for everyone

  44. Then you must be illiterate in addition to your other shortcomings. It is a matter of state law that you provide the name and address of any direct or indirect source of income totaling in the aggregate $1,300 or more. This is in Block 10 of the form. You claim you don't see why this is such a big concern, but the state requires it, and for good reason. My experience tells me if I want to see what motivates someone, follow the money. Once again, I do not accuse you of being a drug dealer or on disability. You claim to live off of savings and selling things at auctions. The only reason I will question your honesty, and I do, is your refusal to answer the question in the first place.

    You are a bad candidate. I have detailed why. There is little difference between you and Fed Ed. I'd rather see a cop than a criminal behind the dais.

    1. Show me where it states anything about a personal savings. I have looked over all the required paperwork and have asked questions and yet nothing is said about savings, and come down off your high horse I have been respectful and you continue to be insulting.

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. Then obviously you can not read very well, I said I have been living off of savings. I stated that several years ago I sold items and last year I didn't hit $1000, again living off of savings. I had good jobs years ago and made good money.

  47. "I have sold off alot of items and for the past few years have lived off my savings, living very simply... I had good jobs years ago and made good money. "

    Has this income been reported on your tax returns to the city, state and IRS? If you can show it has I'd disagree with Bernie. Nothing personal but since you decided to engage here you've now committed yourself. I'm not disputing your argument, but you are now going to have to prove what your stating is true not only to Bernie but to those whom you seek voting for you.

    "I don't see how I live day to day is such a big concern...."
    Well it is when you run for public office. You sound like a poor man's version of Donald Trump.

    1. I have not met the threshold that is required to file income tax return. Last year I did not reach the threshold that the Statement of Financial Interests requires which I believe is $1300.

  48. "Then obviously you can not read very well, I said I have been living off of savings."

    You are only saying that now. You initially refused to state where you get your income. I never asked you what your savings are.

    in Northampton County, where you have your first drug conviction, you were initially placed on ARD, but removed, apparently for drug use. You have not paid the fine and court costs in my county either.

    You claim you havenot worked, but were working for Joe Clark, I believe, at least at one point.

    I am beginning to smell a big bullshit burger,but am not going to waste any more time on you, except to note this conversation in a separate blog post. People will know enough about you to stay away from you at the polls.

    1. Look at earlier comments I did already stated that.

    2. If you read what was said earlier I worked to pay off the rent when I fell behind after a layoff. That was combined with Lehigh County so again you take some information and write about it without the full story. I'm fine with going on with my day.

  49. Heffentrager @4:03, regardless whether you meet the threshold, you are required to fill out and file a Statement of Financial Interests. Also, as Lou Hershman could tell you, you must file a tax return once income exceeds $400. That bullshit smell is getting stronger.

  50. I did file the Statement of Financial Interests, also go read the tax code. Have a nice day.

  51. "I have not met the threshold that is required to file income tax return."
    And this makes you a great public official to lead us how? Not exactly what I'm looking for, End of story.

    1. That's fine, this is what makes America great, freedom of choice, you get to pick from multiple candidate's. You have a great weekend.

  52. bernie, as a long time follower of your blog i don't recall you ever going after a city council candidate with such rancor.

    I applaud grass root activists who decide to throw their hat in the ring. i don't think that this sort of attack encourages stepping forward by such potential candidates. in all due respect to heffentrager, he is probably a second tier candidate anyway, which makes your animosity towards him even more confounding.

    LVCI, although bernie and i strongly disagree about heffentrager, we both have observed him at city council. i've also had additional interaction with him. bernie and i have also both participated in local government for decades. although we differ greatly, our opinions have some credibility. with your credentials, writing End of storyis arrogant.

  53. michael molovinsky- " although we differ greatly, our opinions have some credibility. with your credentials"
    I'm not the one running for a city office. END OF STORY

  54. MM,

    1) On your blog, you don't like it when one of your readers uses your blog to personally attack another reader. Neither do I. That alone merits deletion and is itself a display of the very arrogance you claim to despise. Attack me. Defend another. Bur save your attacks at other readers for your Donald Trump echo chamber. I'll let this go bc you are a fellow blogger. Once.

    2) " i don't recall you ever going after a city council candidate with such rancor."-Either senility is setting in or you are lying. In an article about all Lehigh County candidates, I wrote this: "I can exclude Heffentrager, not for his criminal past, but because he is a demagogue who attempts to monopolize every meeting and is always angry." That's one sentence, in case you've forgotten how to count while going senile. Looking back on it, it's far too gentle. It's hardly even worthy of me. I have written with far more rancor in past stories about all three of the City Council candidates seeking re-election, as well as Glazier. I even was mean to Michael Donovan! Ask Charles Dertinger, John Callahan, Sam Bennett, Seth Vaughn Glenn Geissinger, Karen Dolan and numerous others about my rancor. I could list 100 names here. Either you are becoming forgetful as you age or are a liar.

    3) After my relatively benign statement, Heffentrager came That forced me to do a little more research, and I can guarantee you that I will be doing a separate post about Heffentrager now. People need to know about this loser, who is the worst candidate running excepting Fed Ed himself.

    4) "I applaud grass root activists who decide to throw their hat in the ring." So do I. But they get the same scrutiny I give to everyone who is running. There is no special club for the guys in the audience who might decide to run. Once one of them announces, he or she is fair game. Ask Dennis Pearson. Also,as someone who has watched Heffentrager,i consider him a demagogue,not a grass roots activist.

    5) "he is probably a second tier candidate anyway," Agreed,which is probably why i dismissed him with just one sentence in my story. He came into my house and tried to take me on. Now he looks far worse.

    You can return now to your Trump echo chamber, where there are women and Muslims to attack.

  55. bernie, i thought it was anonymous personal attacks that you don't like, that's your usual line; but, unlike most of the comments here, mine are not submitted anonymously. truth to told, you don't take criticism well. it must be tough never being wrong. you throw the liar word around too much. either you're calling someone a liar, or accusing them of calling you a liar.

  56. I do not like when readers attack other readers here, named or not, just as you don't like it. That should not be too difficult to understand. And as I explained, my initial comment about this second or third tier candidate was relatively benign. Your statement that you have never seen such rancor is either a lie or you are beginning to show signs of dementia. This is not Trump world. You can't just make shit up and not expect to be called on it. Hey,a woman was criticizing Trump on facebook again. Go write a blog about it.

  57. This was all very interesting to read! Goodluck to the candidates running. Be safe everyone. --LDG www.luizgarciaformayor.com

  58. Forget about not having a job or past prior drug and motor code violations, Heffenfarter is an angry person that can't talk coherently. Anybody who has seen him at a city Council meeting knows this. While I applaud his willingness to serve in his anti-littering campaign, he picked a fight here and I can't wait for Bernie's post to come out about him in the future.

  59. Bernie,
    ItZ a matter of the forest in the depravity by design on all inner city dwellers! If you don't fit in you won't fit in and this is a hazard to ones health as well as there loved ones!

    Luiz has my vote as one must have an understanding of design and there implimentationZ thereof. Whitey is clueless for the most part except for thoZe working together to collude to dillude in the circus arena agendaZ design. I do have understandings with some current council members, but like many there handZ are tied tight with the ropeZ from above!
    Someone has been pulling my records for years and the pages within could probably take up there OWN room!
    REpublican redd
    humanist by design

    1. George, thank you for your support my friend.

  60. Ken is a citizen running for office. His offenses were minor and he paid for his indiscretions. This hate blog is just attacking him because he dared call out the author.

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  64. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. After reading your comments about Shoaib Chaudary I checked out his FB page, and I'm not sure what you feel is misleading. It's pretty clear where his degree is from, and clearly states his Wharton time was just course work.

    I agree he has an uphill battle with fixture in Dougherty, without a doubt, but he's built two companies from the ground up, and in a year with a lot of "new blood" Im not sure being long term incumbent is the lock advantage it once was. I think it might be closer than folks expect.

  66. I am commenting on the candidate Shoaib Chaudhary running for District 2 Commisioner . I went to vote in the Nov election and when I arrived, there was a black car parked nearby with music coming out of it and it's car door open. There was a man speaking to another man in the parking lot - so I thought it was another voter speaking to someone he knew. I went in to vote and returned about 15 minutes later. The same black car was there and I realized who it was because I saw the back of the car with a Shoaib Chaudhary poster in the back window. So I actually thought it was the candidate. But I also noticed it had a NJ license plate on this souped up looking black car. The windows were down on that cold day, the car door still open and upbeat music coming out of the car too. I knew already who I was going to vote for, but if I was unsure, the appearance of this would have changed my mind AWAY from Chaudhary. All of this did not leave a good perception / impression of the candidate. I also heard from others that they too were turned off by the situation too. Perhaps that added to the candidates chance of winning ?


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.