Local Government TV

Friday, March 17, 2017

Meet the Real Tricia Mezzacappa

West Easton Borough Council member and blogger Matt Dees has published a post entitled "Meet the Real Tricia Mezzacappa." It includes an email from her to him in which she concludes, "Have a nice day faggot! is that what your DD-214 says?"

A "DD 214" is a document that the U.S. Department of Defense provides to a service member when he is discharged from active duty. Dees, a Navy veteran, has one. Mezzacappa has been going to meetings and demanding that he produce it and sign a release so she can get a copy of it in her campaign against him for a spot on West Easton Borough Council. Dees did produce his DD-214 at a borough council meeting and he has been discharged honorably. But Mezzacappa still wants it.

And now we know why. She thinks Dees is a "faggot."

I knew she was a bigot, but had no idea that she is a homophobe, too.

Now, it's no fault of the GOP that Mezzacappa happens to belong to that party. That party has several local gay activists. But she led the Republicans in the Pen Argyl Labor Day parade last year. She was given an award for her hard work at a recent breakfast.

Now the face of the county GOP is unleashing homophobic slurs.

Well done.


  1. Not fair Bernie and you know it. what are you turning into the fake news of CNN. You know a lot better then to try and paint the whole republican party of northampton county to homophobic wackos. That's not right. See how long my comment stays up. I did not know she led any parade ad it was not by my vote that's for sure. She is what she is...... anyone can figure that out without trying to drag the republican party in with her.

  2. Does Dees swallow? That cum out wrong, sorry.

  3. Excuse me but I posted the video of her leading the GOP inPen Argyl. That is who you've embraced. I did not say the GOP is homophobic. I in fact said that the county GOP has several gay activists. They apparently don't mind being called faggota.

  4. She and Ron Angle are the face of the local GOP.

  5. The way things are these days getting this out helps her.

    She may have just won.

    She could surely lock it down if she'd say the n-word with a dash of English only talk.

  6. Hokie Joe says;
    When I look up the word "Faggot" in the dictionary, it states that a "faggot" is a "bundle of sticks". What's wrong with someone calling someone else a "bundle of sticks"? I remember when having a "Gay Event" was my 16th birthday party, and almost everyone who attended had one helluva "gay time".

  7. Mezzy would have won this spelling bee.


  8. Homie Joe 5:07PM: Did you look it up in an 1917 dictionary, here's the 2017 version, "extremely disparaging and offensive: a contemptuous term that is used to refer to a male homosexual".

  9. Hokie Joe admits his dictionary is from 1917, but he has a Pennsylvania Dutch version, too. He aslo thinks Donald Trump is tight to build a wall bc the Chinese built one and it has done a great job of keeping the Mexicans out. Hokie Joe is a man of great wisdom.

  10. Release me from the closet!!!

  11. Wasn't there a Navy Boy in the Village People?

  12. There was a horses head in Mr. Ed too.

  13. Do you think Marty Deez was a "top bunk" or "bottom bunk" kind of sailor when sleeping in the Sub?

  14. If MeZZacrAZy is as good at accounting as she is at writing, "its" no wonder she isn't employed. She insults people like she is still in 5th grade. Wiiiiilllllllberrrrrr!

  15. She is a hottie. She knows something about all of this. Enough with the attacks on this poor young woman. Why not let her get the truth out?

  16. She's hot in an equine sort of way. I think it's b been too long since her last visit from the heevahava. That may explain the long face.

  17. She is a hottie? Poor young woman? you?
    I read the truth is out. He showed his discharge to another vet. Gays didn't get honorable discharges.
    The GLBT's should protest your hate at your house.

  18. For those who call this mess a "hottie", its time to get your thermostat checked.

  19. 6:53,
    She doesn't own a house. She don't own shit. That way she can't lose anything again like she did to Ohare.

  20. Bernie,
    6:36am has got a clue but thats why there was so much fuss when the pigmy pig passed, performers of the circus carnival hate to loss there acts star attractions! I hear there has been a ungoing interviewing process with reel pigmy"s for an upcomming act for the northampton county circus carnival as and exibit in the recent case involving northampton county CPS!

  21. The archaic constable system in PA got to change. Giving this wingnut a gun is SCARY.

  22. She can forget about working for the court system. Judges can't have a bigoted homophobe working for them. The only people she can serve papers to are WASP's.

  23. The constable organization she is a member with should be notified. Mezzalooney violated their code of ethics.

  24. Harvey is onto something: *I shall conduct my private life unblemished and mindful to others.

  25. the petty bullshit that goes on in this town ...the bullshit blogger and his sidekick cannot keep this woman's name out of print for a week...how did she acquire such miserable leeches that act like kindergarden bullies 24/7

    having a tough time figuring out which scourge is more obsessed ...maybe the two of you can work out your hatred by having a taped fuckfest together

    snowflake syndrome on full display. glad to see she dealt it right back.

  26. ...who ...might ...anonymous ...12:40 ...be?

  27. Gee, that's a tough one! If she is mentioned here, I can guarantee numerous comments from her in return, all anonymous.. but she let her true colors show in her email to Dees and exposed herself as a homophobe. I eastablished in earlier posts that she is a bigot.

  28. Dees will indubitably be denied the dignity of dais dwelling once the duped dunces of West Easton are debriefed about his debauchery.

  29. 2:09,
    cRaZy Mezzycrappa should get check with her bank first. Her mommy may not want to write another check for a defamation lawsuit against her nutty spawn.

  30. Why be ashamed if people find out you are gay? What is the big deal here?

  31. Sexual orientation is certainly irrelevant. Mezzacappa's disparaging reference to reference to gay peoplw will be brought to the attention of the county GOP as well as the state constables' ass'n. four years ago, the county party disavowed her. But now they have embraced her. I believe every NorCo GOP member running for office in this county should be given an opportunity to disavow her disgusting views and behavior. If they refuse, the candidate should be identified with her. The NAACP and all LV gay communities should be made well aware that this kid of hate is put there, and the NorCo GOP is just fine with it.

  32. The big deal isn't anyone being gay. Dees is clearly not and has no problem with anyone who is, according to him. Mezzacappa being a foul mouth bigoted homophobe is the only issue.

  33. Bingo, and maybe I'm being a bit tough, but I really think the GOP party needs to distance itself from her. She was useful to them during the Presidential race. Now it's time to take out the garbage.

  34. This is very confusing. If Mr.Dees is gay, so what? I doubt he would be the first gay man in the Navy or the first to receive an honorable discharge. I question whether it would even be in his discharge paperwork. He certainly has no reason to be ashamed of anything.

    His sexual orientation is none of anyone's business. This lady using such foul language is an issue.

  35. Being helpful in the presidential race I think not, just because you march in a parade carrying a banner on a stick and covering up the street signs in your community is not being helpful. I say this seriously, yes you could train a monkey to do that.

  36. Not that it would matter I think some of these comments left here are buying into Tricia's BS that Matt is gay. He made it more then clear on his blog which Bernie provided a link to. He is not. He also addressed this issue at a council meeting. Goes to show you how susceptible some people are to this woman's delusions.

  37. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Dees.

  38. There is a larger issue here than this man's sexuality. The idea that somehow it would be wrong if he was gay. Why would he openly announce it in such a hostile and backward environment. Given the success of Trump, hate and prejudice are now in vogue again. I wouldn't blame him for wanting to push this issue aside. It is a sad state of affairs when it comes to homophobia. The leaders of Mrzza's Party that gave her an award have played to this crowd for years. They do in fact own it!

  39. Why do so many of you men continually attack this poor young woman? You guys all come across as Trumps in training.

  40. When you say poor do you mean when they took her car away from her, or what her mommy had a pay off her debt.

  41. Is she still working with Unity PAC 108 for the upcoming election?

  42. The GOP does not have to worry about distancing itself from racists and homophobes, who have become the face of the republican party. Ron Angle draws in the NAACP and the anti- defamation league on a regular basis. One only hopes this windbag is not sent back to County Council this November. Lehigh County has the republican jihadist ex-school board member named Scott Armstrong. Texas has David Duke, South Carolina has Jim Knotts, , and do not forget Jesse Helms who tried to block MLK day becoming a national holiday. ...oh, and the Dept of Justice has Jeff Sessions. I'd add Ms. Mezzacappa to that list as well, but she's not significant enough.

    As far as the feigned outrage that is the subject of this post, Mr. Dees should study up on the physics of slinging shit, shut off his computer for awhile, and make a positive contribution to the town he was elected to serve. Given the choice to ignore her email, and take the high road was a missed opportunity.

    West Easton's reputation of constant conflict is well known throughout most of the county, especially where law enforcement is concerned. Best wishes on starting a police department if you can find anyone who will work in that clown show. Hope you have a healthy tax base to fund the future lawsuits.

    1. Ron Angle is going to help make Northampton County great again!

  43. 7:12 The proof is always and only on paper, from what I'm reading this is one of the best councils in modern times. Proven facts of accomplishments, The people of the community being helped whatever they can, from all indications a sound budget and a healthy reserve. You know the old saying it only takes one rotten apple to spoil the whole community, with made up lies with no proof. Haters make up lies fools believe them

  44. So does this mean if Dees is ever elected Council Prez we might see a return of the pink gavel?

  45. much better council than we had before with two authoritarians running the show. Unlocked door. courtesy at the window, roads being repaired. grants received, waiver for late fee on sewer bill. lower trash bill. a real borough manager, a treasurer and no temp agency clerk. A working website, videos of meetings, minutes of meetings without delay. building repaired. The solicitor is no slouch and has Mezzacappa's antics in check. I read the whole list of what they got done in less than 2 years. getting rid of waste and looking to reduce costs everywhere. It's a hard working council - most of them. Not shabby considering what they had to deal with when they came in.

  46. Tommy Chong! It's been awhile since cRaZy used that one.

  47. Some are her.Others are a person from Allentown who himself has been marginalized.

  48. How about when she called him Tommy noodle head, how could he serve on council with the seventh grade education.

  49. It's borough council, not NASA. But Tom Nodoline made the mistake of getting tight with her.

  50. Tommy Noodlebrain was part of the Gross Cartel and has been exposed as a traitor to the Borough on CCTV disposing of PC's, he will be ousted soon enough.

  51. It's too bad first it was Kelly Gross and now Mezzacapa.

  52. OMG, Tom used to scream and holler at her, bang on the table and have the Easton police Physically take her out of the council meetings. How could this possibly be true?

  53. Heard she tried to sue the Easton Police for touching her elbow when they showed her the door.

  54. I guess you really don't get it. Making mountains out of mole hills is a far left fringe tactic that hurts the whole party. I would't expect you to get it because its people exactly like you and Mr Dees who over-torture a useless issue and just wind up looking stupid, over the word fag. ...like the femocrats in vagina costumes because Trump used the P word. ..like the rioters on college campuses. Its the outer fringe that has the Dems in trouble.

    Now, if you really are that bothered by what you refer to as a homophobe, why not rant and rave about our VP, who advocated for gays to be converted straight through electrocution?

    I guess that does not fit your constant smear narrative of the West Easton woman you hate so much she's become a fixture on this blog. West Easton is a tortured town, and everyone in law enforcement knows this. Stop the nonsense.

  55. You are spewing nonsense, not me. Dees and I are both standing up to a racist and homophobe while anonymous cowards like you are enabling her.

  56. 9:20 you don't get it, you're like a person that comes to one meeting and runs for office, she's making up stories with no proof, she's the rotten apple spoiling the community. She's needs to move next-door to you and stink up your community.

  57. Solictor must be thrilled to see Dan DePaul on tape shouting "you didn't win anything" multiple times.

    3 state attys, 2 trial court judges, 6 appellate judges, zero dissenting opinions. West Easton got creamed by a pro se. Cough up the records.

    He must have very few clients to be putting up with these nutcases.

  58. As an outsider the question is, is this community in financially good shape or not. Are the property taxes reasonable?

  59. You've submitted no proof who you are. You are likely MezzacRaZy.

  60. 9:27...I'm not spewing nonsense. You and Dees are a mirror image of the same narcissistic hatred that Trump enjoys so much beating up on any woman he disagrees with. His list is long. Yours is short. Both of you have some serious issues. Trump has serious issues. Its this kind of nonsense that turns people off so badly we wind up getting racists in office in the first place. You and Dees gained no traction on this one. Both of you are the outer fringe that causes people to leave the party. How did Hillary lose the election? 6 words. Racist, homophobe, islamophobe, sexist, bigot, fascist. Learn from past mistakes and stop embarassing yourselves .

    West Easton is a 3 ring circus , and her using the word fag does not change that.

  61. 9:36, This is the typical Mezzacappa tactic. Attack the lawyer on the other side Steve Goudzousian isone of NorCo's best lawyers, and you are now getting the shit kicked out of you. In your lawsuit trying to hold up the borough for all kinds of money, it is now likely that sanctions will be imposed on you.

  62. 10:09, For God sake can't you understand that the whole Circus is one person, Mezzacapa. You know all the circuses are folding up their tents and going out of business. If this one ring circus would fold up her tent the community would be better off.

  63. Dees-grace is to the left of Al Franken and Pocahontas, WEaston was overwhelmingly for Trump territory thanks largely to courageous LVTP all-star from the fortress on Ridge.

  64. Sometimes there's a Democratic president, sometimes there is a Republican president, then there is a Democratic governor and then there is a Republican governor. Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get.

  65. West Easton should buy her a house in Allentown. The Ridge Street bummer would be on Fed Ed like a fly loves shit. She would be Mayor and clean up that town like a rootin tootin Yosemite Samantha with than beautiful hip jewelry as a symbol of penia pride.

  66. She's been hitting half foot groupings from 25 yaSrds with frequency at Heritage Guild with her S&W Model 29 and in 6 inch stilettos no less

  67. She should have 3" groupings. She's had enough practice firing bullshit rounds.

  68. This pathetic irrational deranged woman is a train wreck. Go watch the West Easton council meetings at which she makes a total ass out of herself. Like the last one, where the president gets pissed at her vetching about legal fees and holds up a bill for $17,000 caused by her fu[ked up Right to Know request appeals. And she thinks she's going to cast aspersions on Dees for his DD214 release status? She's smoking her crusty underwear if she thinks she'll be elected to council. What a disgrace.

  69. It is utterly unseemly for you "men" to continue to harass and berate this young woman. Does it make you feel big? Why don't you leave her alone and just deal with your own issues, Sexual and otherwise.

  70. Don't Worry- Anon 11 39 Heritage range is not 25 yds-The woman can not obtain half foot groups that is 6'' at 25 yrds and she has probably NEVER shot a Model 29.Your info is at least 2/3 s faults and inaccurate. Now I don't know either person ,but a DD-214 demand by someone that never served is hot air and not relative . Most HR personnel do not even know how to read them and the RE-Codes are just that, codes. Recruiters have them but it's highly guarded information. Additionally just because one is ' elected 'to Constable here in PA. does not give them any privilege to carry any firearms they may have as a 'citizen'.BUT NOT AS CONSTABLE. Meaning if they were to otherwise without the PCCD'S certification and background checks they do and they are multiple,uncertified Constable would be in violation of the law and uninsured. --Just because one is elected or appointed and even if they get threw the PCCD'S education act and pass- does not mean they will obtain work anywhere in any OFFICIAL CAPACITY . AN Election win does not mean the elected can do anything, PERIOD.Don't Worry she's on track but missing a rail.

  71. reminds me of two state of the art football stadiums separated by a small dirt patch with a few blades of grass. The kids could use either one, but they would rather roll around in the dirt playing flag football, and little league.

    Sad that egos have let this insanity get so out of control. They got benched by Easton and Wilson. We'll show them, and start our own police force. ....

    Got it. Small town politics...a teaspoon of power and a title wave of insanity. Glad I do not live there. They are addicted to the courts and beg to be sued. Not the greatest set of traits when you have to fund your own police, and are the size of a flea.

  72. In the last year, since the new council took over, the Borough did a 180 reverse. Get rid of the vestiges of Kelly Gross, i.e. Tom Nodoline, re-elect the incumbents who made this happen, and file for court sanctions on the CRAZY one, West Easton will be in good hands! There is more transparency than ever, a sign of good government. Something County council or the administration has no concept about.

  73. Anon @ 11:22 PM. Keep her out of Allentown. We have enough of a circus with Fed Ed and don't need this nutcake to provide another sideshow.

  74. Sometimes in a community there could be one or two people that are always negative, there always looking to find fault, continuously asking for right to know information and wasting everybody's time with no real benefit from all that information. It looks and sounds like West Easton has one, can you imagine if all that energy was focused on doing something good for the community like volunteering to help senior citizens, school age children or an activity committee, (be a better neighbor you'll have better neighbors). Here in Wilson borough the council was over $600,000 in the red, they raised our taxes 13%. That means our property tax Millage went from 15.5 to 17.5' Mills. The borough of West Easton on the other hand started the year 2016 at 11.7 Mills according to the county, it remained 11.7 Mills into 2017. According to a audit report from Harrisburg in 2016 they started 2016 with around $1,400,000. From what I'm reading from Mr. D's website WesteastonPa.com A laundry list of things being done in that year were overwhelming, major road repairs and resurfacing for one, ect. The main street that leads to the Lehigh River is now like an airport runway also Lehigh Drive coming off of 25th St. The point here is according to a right to know treasurers report, with the help of some council-members, started 2017 with almost the same or more carryover money $1,400,000 after all bills were paid. Hopefully looking forward to moving to West Easton (The air here has too much lead).

  75. It is not just her negativity. You can find that everywhere. What sets her apart is her complete and utter dishonesty. She lies. She and her Allentown counterpart are alike that way. She is an adjudicated liar.

  76. And her Allentown counterpart soon will be also!

  77. Gree: I guess 9:14 and 9:49 Shut the pie holes of the people who don't know the facts that are on paper and can be proven. I guess whoever said rumors are started by hateful people and those that spread it and believe it are fools is true. Remember when you (assume) a rumor is true you make a (ASS-out of-U-and-ME).

  78. Back in the summer of 2013 TM had the world in her hands, world class pipe being laid by JG, Earl alive and well, a hit AM radio show, a large rolodex of high paying massage customers and stunning good looks.

    Also that hemmoroid Dees wasn't being as persnickity, everything changed within months and for a passionate italian woman with a high libido the loss proved to put her into a tailspin which is sad but likely is a source of joy for the author of this hate blog.

  79. 1:42 A tailspin, that tailspin must've landed on her house in car.

  80. If only she had put her energy into improving that postage stamp of a borough instead of trying to destroy it. She wants them to merge with Wilson or Easton for higher taxes, not apply for grants because it isn't "free" money, and writes to surrounding communities telling them not to contract police with them. She hates everything unless her Fuhrer Trump gives it his approval. She should apply to homeland security for a job building that wall.

  81. Ken, Does someone have to read it to Marines, and do you re-up with an "X"?

  82. "PERIOD.Don't Worry she's on track but missing a rail."

    You are once again acting like you know everything. You think because she was not in the military like you were decades ago she cannot shot well. You are an angry old man who is hung up on your guns. Get a life.

  83. 2 X's. First and last name required.

  84. People like Lee Snover are why Centrist Republicans aren't lining up behind Republicans. I am sure she supports Tricia because she is anti LGBT and all that it stands for.

    If she opposed Tricia's Agenda, she could stifle it.

  85. I sent Lee a link to my story. I'm sure she won't condone it. Lee is hard core conservative, but no racist or homophobe. Some of the county party's most active members are gay. But she needs to state that this is unacceptable behavior.

  86. Not only should the Republican Party distance it self from Mezzacappa, but also the Pennsylvania State constable association. Not only for her actions now, but also for her actions at the voting booth in the last election, while wearing her baggy constable outfit. On Mr. D's video a resident complained that Mezzacappa told her she wanted the new Council to apologize to her for the previous council's 5 1/2 years of harassment. Constables on election day are supposed to be seen and not heard.

  87. Anon 503 yes i do. I was a Constable about the time you were in grade school and I was 'Governor's 20' in state militia for 8 years also/ type it in GOOGLE and see what that means as far as being a combat shooter for this commonwealth. I have had many great coaches and shot well as result. AND as Constable qualification only dropped 3 point in 8 years that's 3 in a 2,400 agegate .There are no cops in your area that ever did that -take it to the bank . I can prove it and i back up AND restate 'she can't run a 6 inch group at 25 yards. Otherwise i know nothing else.' AND I SIGN MY NAME.

  88. Bernie were you ever able to find an audio copy of Mezzacappa's solo performance on WGPA? If so i'd be willing to pay $50 for a link or file.

  89. We tried to get it but WGPA claimed that the tape was corrupted.


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