Local Government TV

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Dent to Vote No on Trump's Healthcare Bill

U.S. Representative Charlie Dent will vote No on the American Health Care Act today and explains why:

“The American health care system is in need of reform. The Affordable Care Act, which I voted against seven years ago, has failed to live up to the promises of the previous Administration. Too many Americans have seen their health care costs rise, insurers are fleeing the marketplace, and businesses are struggling under the increased costs and regulations. In Pennsylvania the average 2017 premium increase for all individual market plans was 32%, and 68% of counties have only one or two insurers offering plans on the exchange. Clearly something must be done.

"Over the past few weeks, I have diligently reviewed the American Health Care Act and recently proposed Amendments. I have spoken with constituents, leaders in the health care patient and provider community, Republican and Democrat Governors, Senators, the President and many others. After careful deliberation, I cannot support the bill and will oppose it. I believe this bill, in its current form, will lead to the loss of coverage and make insurance unaffordable for too many Americans, particularly for low-to-moderate income and older individuals. We have an important opportunity to enact reforms that will result in real health care transformation--bringing down costs and improving health outcomes. This legislation misses the mark.

"I hope that the House can step back from this vote and arbitrary deadline to focus on getting health care reform done right to ensure that American families have access to affordable health care.”


  1. Dent is a rare voice of sanity in the GOP when things get all fu**ed up. The AHCA is WORSE than the ACA. The GOP railed against it for years, and they come up with a rancid POS to replace it with just for the sake of doing it. Politics at its best, folks. We get screwed while we pay the jackasses in Washington with our tax dollars.

  2. I agree with Charlie Dent. The AHCA is an exercise in social Darwinism thanks to Speaker Ryan. The ACA needs to be improved, but Ryan's bill does nothing of the sort.

    Thank you, Charlie Dent.

  3. This is why Dent is a Rhino. We need real Republicans backing our Republican President and other Republicans. This is rally sad. How can we trust him to do the right thing. Is he trying to get the Obama award.

  4. Believe me the tea party will be looking at this closely when it comes to endorsements. The 9/12 project is not amused.

  5. I know that Rep. Dent was one of those targeted by Club for Growth to demand that he vote no. Club for Growth frequently targets what it deems as RINOs, and their messages kicked out last night were urging that he vote no on "RyanCare" not "TrumpCare," so 1:40s comments about sticking with "other Republicans" is naively laughable.

    That said, while the same result, Dent's decision to vote no is not for the same reasons. Both from his own statement, and having heard him speak on this in person several weeks ago, his reasons were different than C4G. Personally, I think his is the more reasoned, sane, and rational approach, more in line with the likes of Gov Kasich, who I voted for in the primary. For trying to stake out an approach that is more reasoned and realistic, I suppose 1:40 can have cause to rail against and vote accordingly. I only wish we had more Charlie Dents in Congress.

  6. Why should Dent back a president who is stepping closer and closer to prison and impeachment?!? While the ACA is not perfect, this bill is an even bigger joke. The reality is no Republican in leadership actually cares about health care or health coverage of anyone. They just want tax cuts for their wealthy friends. This is why they have NO actual plan on what to do after YEARS of complaining about the ACA.

  7. Says a Congressional lifer, during whose tenure the national debt doubled.

  8. Congress should be focused on reform and improve instead of repeal and replace. Trumpcare or Patriot Care Act increases premiums while reducing coverage. It will create a crisis in PA and impact Seniors. Comparing immigration, the GOP position is to secure the borders before reform. Therefore, any fix in healthcare should bring costs down first before extreme reform. They are cutting coverage before they reduce costs. Dent is correct not to trust administration promises. Baretta was easily influenced by Washinton intersts. Seven years effort to scrap ACA and they never had a plan for replacement. They politicized healthcare and continue to do so. Thank you Rep Dent for standing firm

  9. Obamacare needs to be pulled out by it's tenacious roots and fully dumped in the trash where it belongs.

    You don't "fix" something that is unworkable and wasn't wanted in the first place, you get rid of the damn thing. I fully support Dent in his decision.

  10. Thank goodness we still have some adults in Congress. I find it refreshing that while he recognizes the flaws in the ACA he is not blindly following the Republican herd and voting for something worse.

    Sets him apart from Barletta who announced he will now vote FOR AHCA after getting promised that a bill of his will come up for a vote in April. Nice to see a representative stand for his "principles."

  11. President Trump promised to repeal Obamacare, not fix it. That was Hillary's line.

    Trump campaigned on starting over with a free market, the ability to purchase plans across state lines to encourage competition and lower premiums, not government health care – again, Hillary's choice.

    And Trump never talked about keeping Obamacare, tweaking it, or making it more palatable.

    I know President Trump is a deal-maker who takes pride in bringing people together, but that's not what's happening here. He isn't negotiating with CEOs who built empires on their word, or executives who negotiate binding agreements and sign ironclad contracts. Trump is dealing with scheming, power-hungry politicians who do whatever's necessary to keep and expand their power, promises be damned.

    Now is President Trump's best chance to win for the people. He has the political capital, the leverage, and a Republican trifecta to negotiate his agenda. But if the politicians are right, if we can't repeal Obamacare with a Republican president, House, and Senate, then fine: let it implode.

    Remember "Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that's more productive".

    –Donald Trump

    Walk away from the fake repeal, Mr. President. Enough is enough.

  12. Typical establishment account of his perceptions on the new AHCA. Granted, this bill is being brought too early in response to the failed and crumbling ACA. What bugs me is that Dent, who self-admitted he didn't support "Obama care" from the beginning, [seven years ago], has not penned or supported any replacement bill over that time period. Typical establishment congress person who sits back, does nothing, picks up a huge paycheck and racks up pension time. He is a waste on tax dollars and should be shown the door.

  13. You have no idea what you are talking about. I followed Dent's opposition to Obamacare quite closely, and all of his predictions have proved to be accurate. he authored or signed at least seven amendments to Obamacare, all of which were discussed here at the time. After enactment, he authored or signed on to several bills to tweak Obamacare, including the elimination of the medical device tax.

    Dent is an island of reason in a sea of partisan insanity. he is one of the few who has understood all along that the problem with health care is the out-of-control costs. That has been made worse by Obamacare. One of his solutions is paperwork reduction. The current endless forms that must be filled out by medical professionals really prevents them from doing their jobs and increases cost.

    Another change needed is to bring the patient in on these payment decisions. The patient is all but ignored by hospitals, who know that he has no say in what they get paid. The result is poorer care and higher cost. That needs to change.

    Obamacare has failed to achieve affordable health care. So does Trump's replacement. But he is just interested in ramming something through so he can portray himself as the dealmaker.

  14. You don't compound one mistake by creating another.

    Slow down, take your time, fix the bill and then slap one another on the back.

  15. Dave, as I understand it, failure will not be The Donald's fault. Just everyone else's. You must drink his kool-aid by the barrel. The reality is that he is making the same mistake Pelosi and Obama did. He is ramming a bill down people's throats without being ready. Kinda' like how he tweets first and checks facts later.

  16. No hero here. This thing was DOA anyway.

  17. 1:40....kindly define "REAL Republican".
    Is it someone who supports a racist, pussy grabbing bigot, corrupt businessman who stiffs contracts, settles dozens of lawsuits to avoid guilty pleas , founder of a sham university, mediocre "C" student at Wharton, FoxNews lover, serial liar etc etc ?
    Many of is eagerly await the demise of this short fingered vulgarian.

  18. At the end of every wasted healthcare dollar is someone's paycheck.

    The problem is very simple, who's paycheck do we cut so that we can get access for everyone. It's a budget decision under a national plan where everyone is in the same group.

    We could fund this plan by following the constitution and print and coin money through the treasury department eliminating the Federal Reserve (a worldwide private consortium of banks).

    Or we could print or coin money through the treasury called healthcare money which would be a universal currency and serve to eliminate the parasitic organisms of capitalism as it relates to healthcare.

    Just having ideas like this could ruin your health.

  19. Healthcare provided thru the workplace to 40 hour/week full time employees is the essence of American healthcare where companies test the marketplace to get the best deal for their employees. Obamacare unfortunately required companies to provide for 30 hour part time employees which killed jobs. It also didn't apply to companies under 50 employees which was another mistake.

    The new bill apparently doesn't require any company paid insurance which is a step backwards in providing affordable insurance. The lack of cross state competition is also blatantly omitted apparently. So this new bill does need more work & Trump would be smart to recognize that & send it back to committee of both house & Senate representatives.

  20. 10:31 Wouldn't you just love to have Trump's money and be able to grab any pussy you wanted to ?

  21. Remember all you people who want free stuff. Someone else is paying for it.

  22. The only thing "Affordable" with government-run health insurance is the name of the program.

    Especially if you have a $5,000 deductible before you get one cent of insurance, given the fact you'll have to find some schmuck doctor that will accept it.

  23. Kudos to Charlie Dent for putting the welfare of his constituents above party line ideology. I wish all of Washington had the same priorities.

  24. Patriot2, cross state competition was very important to Charlie Dent and is one of the chief reasons why he opposed Obamacare. Trump needs to retreat on this one.

  25. All this chatter is amusing. The world is different form when most of us had 40 hour a week jobs and company healthcare. Now many people work multiple part-time jobs, a trend that started long before Obama was even elected. American companies saw globalization as a wonderful way to cut costs as we drove to the bottom. The Health Care Industrial Complex calls the tune, not congress or the President. They buffaloed Obama and they will do the same to these clowns. Unless OUR representatives put a halt on the run away profit driven corporate healthcare system that has money over care as its principle function, nothing changes.

    Our system of healthcare is obsolete. All the right wing talking points will not change the fact that unless you force down healthcare costs they are not going to go down.

  26. All this talk about cross state competition sounds great in theory., What happens when companies from Arizona and other states want their paperwork used by hospitals and doctors? You really think that will bring down costs? What if the doctor or hospital of your choice refuses to use them? Will you force them? The Republicans have a problem, their core principles are against any government involvement in health care. They still hate social security and Medicare and Medicaid. What makes you think they give a shot about healthcare. They believe in the 1800's model of America, a mythical model but it is their touchstone.

  27. Best way to drive the cost down is consumer choice by having consumer pay for any higher cost service than the lowest cost one offered by the insurance company. Make the consumer shop the market thru use of cost tools from the insurer. The consumer will drive down prices when they are incentivized.

  28. Ryan cancelled the vote for Obamacare II. Good. Flush this pile of shit down the toilet where it belongs.

  29. If you need a heart operation you need a heart operation. What incentive is their for anyone to compete for your business? Do you really think that model works when your time is immediate and your choice is life or death. Wake up?

  30. Obviously I am not talking about emergency situations for competitive assessment.

  31. Even if I had a job that paid enough for me to purchase a health plan. How do a make the premiums once I become sick?

    If my employer pays my premium how can I remain employed after I become to sick to work?

    The whole system works only if you don't get sick.

  32. If you become sick & can't work you would roll into a Medicaid plan at the same time you start collecting unemployment under my plan & make minimal contributions for the period of time until you can resume full time employment. People that work part time only would be able to by Medicaid paying 10% of their compensation as premiums.

  33. Illegal immigrants get no healthcare but will be treated if sick & then deported upon recovery.

  34. "If you become sick & can't work you would roll into a Medicaid plan "

    Why wait until you're sick? Why not just enroll everyone into a Medicaid plan at birth?

    "& make minimal contributions" through taxes from partime and "full time employment."

    How can my employer compete globally when his competitors in other countries need not concern themselves with employee healthcare? In those countries citizens get healthcare because they are sick and are citizens.

  35. Good point about employers in this country bearing higher cost then other countries & hence the border adjustment tax promoted by Ryan/Trump. Medicaid is not the answer for all but only those unable to work or the underemployed. Medicaid payments to doctors is unsustainable & ultimately it will become a more limited network but still providing better care then most countries provide. My Canadian friends teavelbacross the border to NY for their medical care as it takes forever to get appointments in Canada.

  36. Everyo9ne has a "friend" form Canada or Britain that comes to America for care or hates their system.
    As someone who has lived in a National Health care system, the reality is the overwhelming majority of citizens love their care. If you call a specialist today you will wait for an appointment or see a nurse practitioner or physician assistant. That is simi8lar to what happens with NHS. It is called non-critical care. In National health countries there is a priority system for illness. If you are very sick you are seen. Medical people make that decision not insurance company accountants. That is the rub in America.

    There is this false narrative that before Obamacare everything was just peachy. The problem was Insurance companies decided what you could get done and what they wouldn't pay for. Pre-existing conditions you didn't even realize you had would knock you off plans you had paid into for years. Lifetime limits existed that some folks were not even aware of having in their plans. Of course you could get a cheap policy that was good as long as you did not ever really needed it.

    The modern science and cost of healthcare in America has rendered employer based insurance and health insurance as a business model obsolete. Now it is just a matter of time until the younger more rational and open minded citizens finally end it. It is coming to an end and it is just a matter of time. Who the Hell needs a French chef in a hospital to make your meals?

  37. Of course rich and well off people from those countries come here for healthcare.

    Because only in America can you buy your way to the head of the line, in there country they have to get in line. Fairness sucks for those who can afford a better place in the line.

  38. patriot2
    What kind of system is it when you pay premiums to insurance companies only to be rolled into Medicaid when you get to sick to make the premiums?

  39. I worked for a regional hospital for 19 years.
    I never saw a patient from the U.K. once.

  40. One of the cuckoo bird representatives said that a way to shop for healthcare is that if your son breaks his arm, you can drive him to the nearest hospital or check because maybe a hospital just a few miles further would offer cheaper rates.

    This was said by a real congressman from this country. We are doomed.

  41. I had a boss who said, "If you come to me with a problem, you need to come with a solution." So, Congressman Dent, what is your solution?????

  42. America's healthcare policy is the best. If you could not afford health insurance, die!

  43. Every American should not have to worry if their mother or father, brother or sister, wife, son or daughter is 50 dollars sick or 100 dollars sick or ten thousand dollars sick. They should be able to get treated for their illness without losing their homes and the little they worked to save all their lives. Health care should be affordable. Don't blame the minorities for the short comings of the Affordable Care Act. Blame your legislators who refuse to work together for a better America. Yes, I mean both Democrats and Republicans.

  44. Dent is an idiot to vote against this since if approved it still goes to senate where Republicans can improve any deficiencies. Trump is a smart cookie to force a vote & let Dent stand out there as a democrat saying he likes Obamacare better than something that doesn't force high cost insurance on to everyone whether they want it or not.

    Dent is going to fall right into the trap!!!

  45. Yesterday, at 1:41,you said "Trump would be smart" to send it back to committee. Now you are claiming "Dent is an idiot." Are there two of you in there? If so, I'll call an exorcist.

  46. I changed my mind after I realized there were too many factions to please. Better to send to the Senate to keep it moving forward!

  47. Well now you have to call Trump an idiot, too, bc he and Ryan pulled it, which was the smart thing to do. You were right the first time. Hey, at least you were right once! All kidding aside, Trump should pick some no-brainers to get things going. His infrastructure plan has business and labor both salivating. That would build up some good will. Then he could try some of the more controversial stuff. Doesn't he have anyone with a brain advising him?

    1. What makes you think Democrats will go with that Republicans once the Republicans tossed the Democrats a bone. That has not been their history.

  48. There seemed to be some logic about this had to come before the tax bill could be put forward as I know this wasn't his first choice. Now he can blame the dems & the Dent's of the workd when Obamacare blows up in 4th Quarter. Good strategy on his part to try hard to get this thru so he can now work on the economy with the tax bill & the wall!!

  49. Republicans had 7 years to put something together. No matter how they attempt to slice & dice it... Obamacare is Trumpcare now. Republicans control both the house and senate. Trump sits behind the desk in the oval office. No matter how things turn out it's all on them.

  50. Blame the Demo's? Sure that is as logical as everything we have heard so far. This was the Republicans chant for seven years. Seven years of repeal and replace. That is the fundamental problem when your core Party principle is really, we don't give a shit about people's health and we don't think the federal government should even be involved.

    I do want to thank the republicans for moving us all that much closer to logical and rational one payer healthcare, so one none has to go bankrupt or lose their good health worrying about healthcare.

    So please work on that wall, peoples well being depends on it.

  51. Charlie Dent is the one that seems to think he can work with democrats so let's see if he can deliver. He clearly doesn't get along well with conservative Republicans so he is the one not me optimistic about the Dems working with him on healthcare & tax issurs. Lot's a luck Charlie!!!

  52. I can't wait to see Dent lose.


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