Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Custodian's Error Exposed DeFranco Students to Unchlorinated Water

Below you will see a number of stories about the Bangor School District. You likely think I was there to see Ron Angle installed as an interim Director. But I only learned of the vacancy over the weekend. The real reason I was there related to something that had happened at DeFranco Elementary School. It happened in late December or early January, but only was discovered in March. It endangered the health and safety of students there, though parents were told about the situation when it was discovered earlier this month.

Sometime in late December or early January, maintenance staff replaced a water pump at DeFranco. A custodian on bad terms with these maintenance staffers decided he didn't like the job they did and decided to fix it. In the process, he disabled the water chlorination system. Over the next few months, students at DeFranco drank untreated water. The problem was finally discovered earlier this month as a result of water testing.

The custodian responsible has retired. Building and Grounds Director Ron Baker told the school board that the water will be tested twice every day, and by different people.

So far as I know, no students were negatively affected by the untreated water.


  1. Will there be any discipline against the offending custodian?

  2. I was wondering why I had diarrhea for weeks. Went to watch a basketball game of my kids there. Drank from the fountain. Wasn't right since. Wonder if I can sue?

  3. Well, i am not so concerned about your anonymous claim, but believe parents were entitled to more information than they received.

  4. Maybe he just was following orders from Greenpeace.

  5. They attack the water of our children first than move to bigger public utilities? This seems to be some sort of a pattern with public servants bound to do diservice!
    The conspeirisy theorists thoery of the hole matter.

  6. @6:06PM

    Unsecured water supplies at public schools? Access to sensitive and clearly vulnerable areas of our infrastructure by unqualified persons? Is that why they were searching that 5 year old kid at the airport today?

    Everybody feeling safe? Shall we all collectively relieve ourselves into the wind?

  7. BASD is a train wreck. We who live here know the history oh so well. No wonder the school rankings are in the toilet. This board needs to be replaced. Stop reelecting the same people year after year. Businessmen have no idea about higher education..they vote with their wallets and not their brains if they have any. Voter apathy the reason why this school district continues to struggle. Our region deserves better than this.

  8. Oh where to begin. The school disclosed to all parents that the water was on a boil and provided clean drinking water for the children.p My child suffered no ill effects from it at all. People need to stop placing blame on what you don't know. If this Blogger would have told the whole story you would not have questions. If your a parent obviously you were not paying attention. Lady with the diarrhea?? Seriously. Keep listening to the ramblings without full facts! Get the facts and THEN make your decisions, opinions, and concerns. We all seem to go off half assed reporting and believe it. The school took care.

    1. Fact they never told you why the boil water advisory or why bring or drink bottled water. Period and they should have.

  9. Excuse me, but these are the facts while you post anonymously. And in my opinion, the school district let you all down. It had an obligation not just to tell you to bring bottled water, but why. It also should be reviewing the student records for any unusual illnesses over the time period between when the pump was replaced and the notice went out.

  10. This pisses me the fuck off ~
    I am mom of 7 sons ... a graduate from Bangor with a son currently in Defranco School. I do not appreciate being lied to. Especially about something that involves my child's health and well being. We, as parents, have the right to know what our children are exposed to immediately. They are OUR children. We are the ones who care for them and love them.
    Shame on those involved and did not feel the need to alert us !!!!

    Signed a very pissed off mom ~
    Kandi Ramsey

    1. Please come to the next school board meeting. 3rd and 4th Monday s of the month

  11. Where did this info come from? Was it openly discussed at the board meeting?

  12. Yes. It was discussed at the March workshop.

  13. BASD's fear of any publicity..especially bad pr..is the rule of law within the administration. This has been going on for years on end. The nepotism and inbred hiring and promotions and assignments are legendary. Who you know is paramount in this secret society known as the BASD! We deserve better!


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