Local Government TV

Friday, March 31, 2017

Congressman Charlie Dent To Hold Town Hall Friday in Hanover Tp

Congressman Charlie Dent will hold a town hall on Friday.

WHEN: Friday, March 31st – 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM (Note: Doors open at 930 AM)
WHERE: Hanover Township Community Center, 3660 Jacksonville Rd, Bethlehem, PA 18017

(Originally published 3/30/17 at 7:08 pm)


  1. Will he explain to people why President Trump said he is not on the team?

  2. Feel free to post questions, but I am unable to guarantee you will get an answer bc the people who are there will get first crack.

  3. I'd rather pay your per diem Charlie so you can stay in DC and keep us from WWIII!

  4. why did he vote "yea" to revoke the "internet privacy" protections that were recently enacted in January.

  5. Simple, because Charlie along with most politicians fill the coffers with money from corporations. And who benefits from this? Corporations that have bought and paid for this vote from him and all who voted, yea.

    Time for the people to wake up and demand politicians work for the people not the corporations.

  6. I am not interested in your anonymous opinion about politicians at this point, but am interested in any intelligent questions you may have. Do you have any?

  7. When Obama was president, how many times did you vote against the affordable care act?

  8. I cannot say I agree with everything Dent has done as an elected official. I am glad he is taking a stand against the nut in the White House. He is a damn sight better than that right wing tool, Pat Toomey.

  9. Hokie Joe says
    As an American and as a "fairly conservative" democratic, I ask, why should I as an American Taxpayer have to worry if my mother or father, or my son or my daughter, or my wife or any family member, is fifty dollars sick or ten thousand dollars sick or for that matter one hundred thousand dollars ? I would want my children to get medical care, or any family member or any American legally in the United States as a citizen to receive medical care. We are the greatest Nation on the face of this planet, and if we can't take care of our own, then we are the problem of the world and not the solution. I thank God that I was born in the United States of America and not in some foreign Country with a different skin color or a different religion than we are accustomed too.

  10. I like Charlie. He's strong, independent, thoughtful, and he supports Planned Parenthood and their fight to thin the herd of blacks through abortion. Charlie hits on all cylinders for me. Who'll fight against the breeding culture, if not Charlie? He's a modern American hero.

  11. So there's going to be a zoo as the head RINO is appearing.

  12. Why was a weekday morning chosen, when most people are at work?

  13. Any port in a storm. charlie is a conservative duly elected congressman. I disagree with him more than I agree but he does now seem to be the spokesperson in DC for sanity amidst the chaos of Trump and Ryan. I hope he continues to evolve and search for solutions instead of remaining a partisan who gets nothing done.

  14. 6:19 - Charlie is not a racist. Abortion is a choice. And keeping over-breeding minority populations from sapping scarce resources is a laudable effort. Take your fetus cult ideas elsewhere. Do you want to pay for all these fatherless minority kids? I didn't think so. Keep up the good work Charlie.

  15. Thank God we have Charlie and a handful of moderate or somewhat moderate Congresspeople. I mistakenly thought Lance was very conservative - turns out he was a moderate until he started shifting right, but he does have moderate tendencies. They are the only hope we have to turn things around in Washington. One party can't do it alone. I wanted to see Charlie this morning but couldn't make it. I hope it went well.

  16. I would be curious to know what percentage of people were there who are just ordinary run-of-the-mill citizens with no hard-core political affiliation one way or the other or curious citizens interested in the spectacle vs. people who had an ax to grind and go to these types of things to push their own agenda on the topic of the day?

  17. I've tracked our local legislators votes for years via congress.org. I can honestly say Charlie Dent is no patsy. I truly believe he is a man of conscious although some would have others believe otherwise. I'll admit I haven't always agreed with how he voted, but the majority of his votes I have. I understand what I say doesn't matter much but until others subscribe to the link they may be less knowledgeable in forming their own opinions. By posting this I hope this link will prove somewhat useful.

  18. If Trump is truly the "deal maker" he purports himself to be he has a golden opportunity in front of him. The "Freedom Caucus is just nuts and will never compromise on any policy as they are fanatics. However, Trump should look to Republicans like Dent and have a sit down with moderate Democrats to forge a new Washington coalition. He find a great deal he could accomplish in health care and infrastructure, etc. Great Presidents have seized opportunities to finds consensus where ever they could. Remember, politics make strange bedfellows.

    He may come to realize that the far right is as bad as the far left when it comes to responsible government.

  19. We are fortunate to have Charlie representing the Lehigh Valley. Right wing wack jobs like Lee Snover and her out of touch right wing fascists should check out the polls that show her boy Donald with a 35% approval rating. The guy who said he would never golf, constantly golfs. The guy opposed to executive orders, signs executive orders. The guy who claimed to be a uniter, devides. The guy has more millionaires around him and no one thinks that's a problem. Charlie should be applauded for going to Hanover Township and Hanover Township should be applauded for opening their doors.

  20. So did he say if he made America safe for democracy? Or is Trump still President?

  21. "The guy has more millionaires around him and no one thinks that's a problem."

    Are you writing about former President Obama and every president before him? Or did you just start paying attention to this sort of thing in January of this year? Turn of Rachel Maddow, step away from your TV, and buy a clue with your welfare check.

  22. Charlie is the epitome of a great politician. Not too far left and not too far right. That is what this country needs more of.

  23. 5:28am you should know all about welfare, and pigs, and prison

  24. Who is Bernie O'Hare?

  25. The "millionaires" who you scorn in Trump's cabinet became wealthy through talent, ability and hard work. Those same qualities will serve them well in serving our country. None of them needed the aggravation of public scrutiny, but have sacrificed to serve their country. In Trump's case, he is not even drawing a salary. None of these officials can be "bought" by Washington lobbyists. Their wealth makes them impervious to "pay to play" politics. They will not be adding to their fortunes through outrageous speaker's fees like the Clinton's and very soon the Obama's. So in many ways they are likely to be more ethical that politicians and bureaucrats who rely on favors to get rich. So keep that in mind when you bash the Trump "millionaires."

  26. Hey the anti golfer hit the course again today. Hope he golfs as good as his approval rating on the front 9. He'd be one under par.

  27. 1:01,
    Your naivety is refreshing.

  28. As is yours, 2:21!

  29. "The "millionaires" who you scorn in Trump's cabinet became wealthy through talent, ability and hard work."

    Or being born on third base and thinking you hit a triple.


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