Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

AP Report on Trump Budget is Chillling

It's a bit premature to attack a budget that has yet to be unveiled. But if an Associated Press report on the spending plan is just partially accurate, The Donald is heading for a disaster that's even worse than his failed bill to repeal and replace Obamacare. It proposes $18 billion in cuts to pay for a wall that he said Mexico would fund. Amazingly, it even includes $500 million in cuts for infrastructure grants, something he had promised to increase. Here they are unofficially, at a glance.
  • $1.1 billion from the Agriculture Department, including $363 million from food aid to poor nations.
  • $1.2 billion from the departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, including $350 million from National Science Foundation grants and $210 million to help states keep immigrants in the country illegally in prison.
  • $1.8 billion from energy and water accounts, including $516 million from energy efficiency and renewable energy.
  • $714 million from the Interior Department, including $51 million from rural western school districts.
  • $7.3 billion from the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education departments, including $1.3 billion from Pell Grants, $1.2 billion in grants to reduce class sizes, and $1.2 billion from NIH.
  • $2.9 billion from foreign aid, including $562 million from economic development assistance, $200 million in military aid to "high income" countries, and $547 million from multilateral development banks.
  • $2.7 billion from transportation, housing and development, including $1.5 billion from flexible community development funds, $499 million from transportation projects, and $447 million from transit projects. 
Americorps will be eliminated. Mental health programs reduced. Poor peopleneed no help topay heating bills. They can run laps. Pell grants have gone to hell  Who needs college? Politico has a copy of what are being called the FY2017 options here. In the meantime, we are headed to another government shutdown.


  1. If I'm not mistaken, budget bills have to originate in the House. The House is not bound to Trump's budget; they can take what they want and leave the rest.

    That being said, the House R's have yet to put forth any alternate ideas.

  2. Thank you for reporting this Bernie. The only way WE THE PEOPLE can fight back is if we know what is planned. Trump's budget as you described it should present significant difficulties - he will need Democrats to buy-in when the house considers it. A shut down may be a good possibility.

  3. Trump is a disaster. He conned the easily mislead. He is a sham and not even a good con man. He is a disgrace and will hopefully resign before he does too much damage.

  4. If only Clinton/Wasserman-Schultz and the DNC hadn't screwed BERNIE.
    What a damn shame.

  5. What he wants and what he gets will be two different things. No sane R will buy into this nonsense and expect to be reelected back home. Trump a real ignorant political novice.

  6. With the exception of foreign aid cuts (I'd rather buy us out of trouble than send kids to die), it's an awesome proposal. It's the only thing he's gotten right so far.

  7. The sky is falling. The sky is falling...

  8. If it's premature to attack it why did you bother? If you had half a bipartisan head on your shoulders you would know that most of this is DOA anyway. Your hate is showing.

  9. These items of which you speak are properly the business pf the states, the federal government has no real authority to spend (borrowed) dollars on them. If they are so damn important, why hasn't the state done this before the feds?
    I'll tell you - they are done to buy and secure votes for incumbents, and have been very successful at achieving that goal.

  10. Mr. O'Hare. Some simple facts even a leftist can understand:

    For FY 2016-17 The total federal tax receipts will be about $3.37 Trillion Dollars

    For FY 2016-17 The total federal expenditures will be about $3.76 Trillion Dollars

    Which means we spend about $390 Billion Dollars more than we take in as tax revenue. That deficit is made up by borrowing the money from other sources of revenue.

    Now, the Federal Government does not sell or manufacture anything. It derives 100% of it's income though a variety of taxes, which are taken from our economy.

    Now you and I do not have a checking account that has an unlimited overdraft protection that you never have to pay back. When you and I are spending more money than you have, you cut back your spending and make do with what you have. You do more with less.

    Asking the federal bureaucracy to do the same is not the end of the world. Sorry.

  11. No cuts. We should just keep spending the grandkids' money and leave them a bill they can't pay. They'll probably be assholes who deserve it, anyway. Our parents left us a hefty bill. Let's simply pass it on like they did. 20 trillion, 20 schmillion. And why doesn't everyone cancel their life insurance policies? Who cares what happens when we're dead?

  12. Next, we'll be reading sometimes shutting down the government is necessary. The hypocrisy of Democrats is never-ending.

  13. His budget does nothing to decrease spending. He cut spending on programs he deems unimportant and diverted the money to build his wall. And it's nonsensical! He cut spending on the coast guard and tsa (agencies that can actually reduce threats of terrorism and illegal immigration) to build a freaking wall that will do little to address these problems. He is literally the worst.

  14. Surely the NRA will fight the mental health cuts, since the NRA is committed to reducing gun violence via strengthened mental health care.

  15. America first and lesser federal bureaucratic control. That's what he is proposing and that is what he is doing. Our former Muslim POTUS, kept building the deficit, enlarging government, widening entitlements and over regulated regulations with executive orders, has left zero options on the table. Security, spending and deregulation is a needed quotient in this day and age. Bernie, your liberal agenda and others like you, is why we have no industrial base, unbalanced trade and the largest budget deficit in the history of the USA!

  16. Oh he HOWLS from those on the federal tit. No more free mamma's milk, time to wean them from the nipples.

  17. Remember Bernie, the American people voted for Change. No more grounding fighter jets so welfare brood mares can get more money for their fatherless children.

  18. When half the people in America don't pay ANY federal tax. Many living off government handouts, something's gotta give! Reducing the size and scope of the federal government is exactly what is needed.

  19. Consider the EPA about 28 persent will be cut . Regulation after regulation -paperwork and inspectors with travel and then layers of folks to check them and on we go. ohh, The Federal budget across the slate has been on the rise -the spending per household had grown 15 percent over past decade. The Feds are in effect, like middle class kids with daddies visa and they run up his card to about his yearly income and he can=t get out of it. Obamacare tax hikes total over 750 million in less than decade -SO the correction is coming. One of my co-conspirators suggests America will burn this year. The handouts have to stop and people will have the opportunity to earn a living--But will they. Debt causes domestic issues and when Out going exceed youR income -upkeep becomes your downfall. -love is out , food is bad - families become a mess ,opportunities lost- lacking structure, all because of excessive debt. This day is the day the U.S. stopped involvement in Vietnam 1973 29 March-God bless those lost.......... struggles will persist.

  20. The phrase we hear at work as people get laid of is that "we must be competitive. You'll have to do more with less".

    About time those in the government sector do the same.

  21. The federal Leviathan requires 90 cents to administer every dollar in spending. SEIU gets its cut before those in need see a penny. That's what the crying and hyperbole are all about. It's also important to remember that whenever cuts to rates of annual increases are proposed, breathless Bernie types decry the slashing of programs. In their world, a 1% increase (vs. a 3% increase) is slashing. Choosing to cut the budget is not done because it's easy. It's done because it's hard; because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win.

  22. Are they real cuts or just cuts after their projected increases. In other words, its it 15 billion less spending in a department over last year, or 15 billion less of their projected increase. The way the media reports, even a zero increase is a painful cut!

  23. The war he starts soon will solve/obfuscate everything; President Bannon wants all out war v. Islam and it's just a matter of time. Buckle up.

  24. This isn't the Electoral College President's budget. It's the Koch Brothers/Bannon budget. We now live in a plutocracy.

  25. Bannon. Jarret. Same thing. Grow up.

  26. Koch Brothers + Bannon = Soros + Jarrett. Grown up.

  27. Many of these items should not be funded at all by the Federal Government and should be divested to the states and local governments.

    The problem with the Trump budget is he uses all the appropriate cuts not to decrease overall spending but in a shell game to fund a (totally un-needed) military surge and the stupid pointless wall. He's not decreasing Federal spending.

  28. The federal budget is easy to understand. There are four major spending categories. Everything else is pocket change. They are Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, and Defense. Trump proposes keeping the first three at current levels and increasing Defense. How exactly does this address a gaping budget deficit and growing national debt?

  29. It is all a matter of perspective.For example,the "cuts" represent less than 1% of government spending on poverty. Last year the federal government spent $1.1 Trillion on 80 poverty programs. The US government spends 16 times more on welfare than it did in the 1960's. That's about 4 times what's needed to pull every poor family out of poverty. Cutting waste in the federal budget is vitally important. It will help make these, and other, programs more effective. It is all about perspective. Too bad that politics seem to be more important than issues. Childish rants and remarks take the place of civil discourse. The "cuts" are about government waste and over regulation. There is much government waste and much over regulation. One must look through all the talking points and hyperbole and look at the reasoning behind the discretionary spending blueprint. It is only a "blueprint". A conversation starter if you will. I have never been a Trump fan. I do believe in a transparent, accountable, limited, constitutional and benevolent federal government. There is indeed much room for improvement. More and more of yours and my hard-earned money is not the answer. It is OUR government. We the People...

  30. I'm confused by those who say building the wall will do little to address the problem of illegal immigration (Anon 7:22) or that the wall is stupid and pointless (Beitler 10:35).

    What's the problem?

    Is it the cost or that it might harm those entering the country illegally?

    If the former, $18 billion is a small amount to pay for a failed Presidential initiative. How much have we (collectively) paid for the failure of ObamaCare?

    If the concern is the latter, why worry about something that supposedly won't work?

  31. Chilling? Yes..to illegals freeloaders and everyone else living off the trough....this looks like great direction ......the great society has been a colossal failure...time to try something new

  32. So many right wing non-thinkers. he echo chamber is strong with this topic.

  33. why would anyone want to give the defense department more money?

    for example

    " A radio that is heavier and provides less range while creating a higher logistics demand does not make our units more operationally capable. Additionally, any radio that places our soldiers at risk of being burned is unacceptable.”

    and my favorite


    " the program was "$163 billion over budget [and] seven years behind schedule."
    that is over eight times the cuts proposed by mr trump

    so perhaps the republicans can rant about abuses within the defense department at the same level that they seem to have for "Meals on wheels".

    maybe you need more regulations on defense contractors

  34. These budget cuts is a big part of draining the swamp. NSF grants & others out of D.C. to high paid college professors are a complete joke. To really accomplish this effort entire departments of bureaucrats need to be eliminated all together. Get rid of Energy & EPA & absorb them into Commerce. Those are just a couple of examples--Department of Education needs absorbed as well. Keep it going Donald as that is why you won the election.

  35. "These budget cuts is a big part of draining the swamp"

    if that is the case why does mr trump and the republicans only seem to find new ways to screw poor people?

    where is the cuts that reduce the corporate gravy train?
    i have not seen any great cuts to say


    "LaMalfa is an owner and manager of the Dsl Lamalfa Family Partnership, which owns and operates a farm. Since 1995, Dsl Lamalfa Family Partnership has received payments totaling $5,132,156 in federal commodity subsidies"

  36. Too many people not working and paying into the tax base. Add that to baby boomers collecting SS, bloated defense budget, and wasteful Federal Programs this is what you have. You have no one to thank but the politicians on both sides that have throughly screwed the current and future generations of Americans. Shame on both corrupt parties that are really one big gang.

    The American people need to vote out these corrupt crony politicians and vote in people how care about America and its future!

    Wake up as we finally have a President w some foresight and balls to do the right and necessary things to help stop the bleeding. Time is now

  37. Problem I see is that people with no skin in the game -NON-TAX PAYERS and relatively non producers or accomplishments that benefit society , ARE ALLOWED TO VOTE AT ALL . OK i can accept a dishwasher in a restaurant voting but not a welfare recipient with 5 kids from 3 daddies .

  38. well Comrade trump can save some money by working instead of golfing.
    I remember when republicans thought a President should not be golfing when work needed to be done.
    good times then
    perhaps trump can show how much he paid in Federal income taxes--by releasing his tax returns as he vowed to do.
    unless he had the foresight to just lie about what he will do

  39. Anon 6;39 the Defense Dept. is not bloated- coming out of this OBAMA administration. Things have been mis appropriated to non-productive issues. The U.S. Army is in bad shape -Our NAvy is were it was in the 40's Consider this -SHIT hits the fan like a Pearl Harbor this year and thIS country HAS TO SCRAMBLE again-THEN -little pukes like you would be in the fetal position in their basements SNIVELING and wondering why somebody does not do something [to help you ] .Well Screw You. Too Bad you didn't prepare . Watch French NEWS ch 54 on RCN and find out what goes on in our world first.

  40. "relatively non producers or accomplishments that benefit society"

    so someone who is retired and living off social security "who will get much more dollars back then ever put in" do they get to vote?


    in this case they cite "So that's 491,000 Americans who made more than $100,000 a year who paid no income tax. (Clearly dependent victims who refuse to take responsibility for their lives!)

    do they get to vote?

  41. "Our NAvy is were it was in the 40's"

    yep we do not really need battleships like the New Jersey anymore.
    and yet for all the money that trump wants to put into the military,it seems that troops using food stamps at the PX is considered normal.
    amazing how multiple billions of dollars can be showered on defense contractors but giving the troops a raise?

  42. 7.16


    "The announcement follows cost overruns and a delay of more than a year for the $12.9 billion warship.'
    "Construction was supposed to finish by September 2015, with costs at $10.5 billion"

    sounds like 2.4 Billion dollars were not spent wisely.
    that 2.4 billion would fund how many meals for seniors?

  43. 0659...without tax returns, it has been suggested somenone may not pay taxes, have no skin in the game but yet was able to run for President.

    As for the Navy remarks, there are ships already under contract to replace retired fleet to planned levels. Until they are deployed, let's temper the credit to this so-called President.

  44. Trump for Prison 2017. Lock him up! Lock him up!

  45. The primary function of the federal government is the protection of its borders and citizens. Not social programs. Our military is in shambles and our southern border is porous. Expenditures in national security come first.

  46. @11:51 - were you asleep in HS Civics class? Instead of wasting time posting comments on message boards go read a couple American history books on Post Revolutionary America, biographies on Washington as President, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson...

    Our military is in shambles? Do you really believe that? Or is that some sort of knee jerk thought that popped out of your head and had to type?

    WTF is wrong with this country?!?!? Clueless morons and idiots on the left and right...


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