Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Allentown DEM Mayoral Candidate Nathan Woodring on Black Women

From a public post on Nathan Woodring's Facebook page:

There are a lot of beautiful women in the world and it doesn't matter what race they are, but I want to say by observation the most abusive and controlling ones are African American, I have recently dealt with one who tried to lie about a tenant breaking a water heater just so she didn't have to take responsibility for replacing it herself.Another African American woman yesterday told me all white people are racist, another said to me I guess if you make Mayor you are only going to help white people right? Yet another says all cops are racist. Another person says she only votes for black candidates. These are comments that come from Democrats, well the one comment that pissed me off is when one woman told me I need to appoint at least five African Americans to my cabinet, she is asking for help only for African Americans because she stated the other races have plenty of money. This is why I wonder what kind of people we have to put up with. I am here for all races, I represent everyone, you will not get preferential treatment of any kind. I strictly go by qualifications. I do not support quotas, I do not care what damn race you if you have the top score, regardless of race you are going to get the job. I hear people say to me I don't have nothing to offer, when I speak to some of you women on the phone you upset me. You people who speak several languages have a lot to offer, stop selling yourself short, Sophala is ignoring me but that's okay, I plan on appointing several people to my staff and I am particularly interested in making sure the Asian Community as well as others are represented in my administration, I embrace diversity.


  1. Not racist enough for me to vote for him. Left out too many and too much.

  2. Those black women need to back off I mean c'mon, their grandparentsgot a free ride in chains to our great nation for a better way of life.

  3. Woodring changed his registration to Democrat last April (although he may have changed it back since then). Regardless, his name is not among the candidates for mayor (D or R) listed by Voter Registration.

  4. Sorry - my mistake he is on the ballot as a Democrat not as a Republican

  5. He is A Democratic candidate for Mayor. I incorrectly said he was GOP and corrected my post

  6. https://www.lehighcounty.org/Portals/0/PDF/Voter/2017MPTotals.pdf?ver=2017-03-07-160947-273

  7. And we slam NH county Dem. party for not vetting candidates.

  8. What am i missing? I've dealt with the same issues. He'll take the best qualified regardless of color. He believes there are those that sell themselves short. And points out those that pass the buck.
    I don't live in Allentown. Never heard of the guy. Can't vote for him.

  9. Anon 10:34:

    You misunderstand the role and capabilities of the local parties. Anyone who is registered as a D or a R can circulate a petition and they will be placed on the primary ballot if they have enough valid signatures, complete a financial statement and pay a filing fee. Candidates don't need the party's permission to do that. Local parties can discourage someone from running but that is about it. There is nothing they can do to prevent someone from getting on the ballot.

  10. Ed loves the little people.
    Vote Ed.
    Vote Chicago.

  11. 10:51, the guy is a bigot who thinks he's not, just like you.

  12. Damm Bernie,
    And they call me a second class citizen, what with the way I speak and write they think I am an elegal alein or from another planet! This should reely bring out the CraZy's?
    Republican redd
    humanist by design

  13. The result of 8 years under Obama. You don't have to be qualified for the job, you'll get it through affirmative action. You don't have to work the government will take care of you. The US needs to eliminate welfare and make it into a wprkfare program. What Allentown needs is to reduce Section 8 housing and reduce its dependence on welfare programs that the Democrats are so in favor of.

  14. I am with anon 4:35, Time for the orange face paint and a bad comb over to protest the Obamanation! Freedom to the stupids!!!!

  15. What difference does it make? He's not going to win anyway, no matter how many stupid comments he makes.

    Ed is out there today plowing the streets. That's what a real campaigner does.

  16. 4:35 " What Allentown needs is to reduce Section 8 housing and reduce its dependence on welfare programs that the Democrats are so in favor of."

    You must be a Republican. No Democrat would say that in public.

  17. 12:33 We are all bigots in our own way.

  18. Any nitwit can be on the ballot in PA if they gather the required number of legitimate signatures. I know, I have done it several times, and people have actually voted for me! Having said that, What MR Woodring has publicized should not shock anyone. He is who he is, and he did ask 100 people to sign a petition for him. I do not know for sure if he is challenged as a candidate, but it would not surprise me if he is. Let the cards land where they will.

  19. Anon 5:28 I (anon 4:35)am not a Republican but a Democrat that has witnessed the demise of a once proud city and school district.

  20. I like big butts and I cannot lie.

  21. First f all I am not a bigot. This is not what I describe most African Americans. I had run ins with some people who come around me from several people who wouldn't sign my petition before because My friend who was African American went to some doors. They perceived to assume I was African American, They refused to sign the petition. When I went back to the doors, myself they signed them. I was extremely angry at how my friend was treated. I had members of the party tell me I should change parties. I am not racist, The point I was trying to make is that it doesnt matter what race I came across is that there was racist remarks thrown at me from both sides. I came into the race to try to bring people together, not to divide them, but I have had comments like this said right to my face. I have had people tell me they will never vote black, or white. I was dismayed at the comments made to me. I dont care what race anyone is. I just know that since Trump made office a lot more racist remarks came out. One particular person told me that I should not have My friend walk around with me. The other comment that was said to me was that all the police are racist. I dont hold no hatred to any race of people. But to assume that I am only going to help ony one group of people or one race is ridiculous, I resent some of the women making statements to me that I am only going to help white people is racist in itself.

  22. If you look at what you said, you are indisputably a racist.

  23. At least your written English isn't racist, as it reads like a multicultural mash up.

  24. Nathan. Yesterday i was a bigot. My kids are way darker than Bernie. My family doctor told me as that as a child he didn't have ice cream because there wasn't enough land for cows with a billion people living in his country. My daughters doctor is accustomed to 106 degree heat in his country. Another billion there. I could go on.
    Sign me by one of my nicknames, "A man of color".

  25. Bernie doesn't get it, I am looking for qualifications for the job period. The comments I got from some of these women were racist in nature. I vote for the best person possible who does not have a criminal history. I do not care abut the persons race at all. My concern is having the best qualifications for the job regardless of race, I do not need comments like those being said about the police or white people to be hurled at me. To say to me that I only would help white people is ridiculous. I want qualified people for the job regardless of race. My job is to treat everyone with the same respect as everyone else. Regardless of race they have to be qualified for the job. To accuse me of being a bigot is wrong. The comment was that of sarcasm Bernie. I find it wrong to sit there and stereotype white people of color as it is to stereotype people of color. Crime is committed by all races and professions. I was subjected to abuse in school by several people. Bullying was not only a problem today as it was also present in Easton Schools. I dont go painting a race as the only ones who commit crimes. But certain individuals have made racist comments to myself during the gathering of signatures. Too hear these racist remarks thrown at me made me feel the same as if an African American woman would be called a derogatory racial term. I understand the struggle African Americans have endured but its not like there has not been other races of people who are not struggling as well. We are suppose to be valuing lives of all people, not just to pick out only those of one race or another. I was being sarcastic because I am not there to hold office and only assist one group or another. My policies will not be racist or treat one person different from another. I am not there to promote an agenda that benefits just one group of individuals more than another,

  26. Read your first sentence. You are either. A bigot or incredibly stupid.

  27. I personally am tired of the riots, the shootings, the rapes, murder, starvation,be-headings, religious disputes, politicians feeling like they have to regulate how much beverages we serve, the bridge gate scandal. The FBI investigation. the State Senators driving drunk, Politicians doing cocaine. The impeachment of Bill Clinton, The arrest and Conviction of Democrat Congressman. The public has had enough of the scandals, some of these people in office have no shame, no matter what they do they will never admit guilt and they will never leave office till they cant refute the evidence against them. I understand what Bernie says but the remarks were that of sarcasm. I was venting, after having to deal with racist remarks against white people, and against African Americans, and what was said to me about past politicians and the corruption I realize how far apart we are. How do we change what is wrong with society. How do we prevent the shootings in the churches, the vandalism against the tomb stones. I never once vandalized someones property Yes I should improve my writing skills. Yes i need to continue to grow by being immersed into other cultures. I am willing to do that. But, to paint me as a bigot is not right Bernie. Everyone vents. I lived for 54 years, and I have seen enough hatred to last me a lifetime. I never painted swastikas. I never hung a black man. Not all whites belonged to the Klan. Not all cops are racist. I know Pennsylvania has open carry. I am a gun owner. Do I carry a gun in fear of African Americans or people of different color? No. Do I carry my gun to seek out African Americans or other groups of people to shoot them, no I dont Bernie. I am not paranoid of an African American taking my job because of quotas. If he has the better qualifications than I do he deserves the job. What I am saying is that a person is made up of the time they were born till the time they die, regardless of race, they can over come anything. I just thought hearing comments from these women were racist in nature. I know these people. I deal with them everyday. I am the one who has to hear them stereotype white people. Do their drugs. Talk about white people like its all our fault that they can not succeed. This is not all African American woman, just a few. When I have comments like these said about me as a white person it hits a nerve. I dont appreciate being called racist or a cracker.

  28. When Bernie is calling someone a bigot he is looking in the mirror at himself.

  29. I am personally fed up with the shootings of the African American churches and what the African American community thins of white people. I do not want every African American thinking all white people are out there looking to harm their children or making derogatory statements behind their back. They do not deserve that and neither does any other race. No one should have to fear their children going to school and being bullied. I do not condone anyone being called names, I do not condone whites also being called names like cracker or hunky.I pride myself on having a clean police record, able to pass bacground checks, No history of drug use or alcohol use or addictions.

  30. Nathan you are fighting Human Nature. It is why the Irish trip over each other voting for Irish and the Italians trip over each other voting for Italians. People who are more educated and worldly will tend to look past these things but sadly many people of all stripes do not. We see it on the left and the right within in most groups and races. We believe what fits our own beliefs and prejudices.

  31. Your beloved Ed got himself locked up just like a lot of other Democrats. Just like members of Reading counsel and the Reading Mayor and in the past other politicians and you still and you people still voted for these office holders. Pennsylvania has one of the worse reputations for corruption in the United States. Your Kane also got her self locked up.

  32. How many more Democrats have been locked up recently ? How many from Scranton and other school districts are a mess? I can not wait to see the next ones get locked up.

  33. I am going to enjoy seeing so many politicians go to jail. It is so amazing that Ed underestimated his chances of not going to prison. The only problem is enough of the Democrats are not locked up yet.

  34. All we have to do is respect everyone's right to live without fear and without prejudice. Respect every ones right to live regardless of their race. Do not go around shooting people or burning their churches even if you disagree with their beliefes is all I'm saying.

  35. At least I did not get locked up like so many other Democrats. Some of them make up the laws as they go. Some like to pick and choose the laws they like and the laws they do not. Lol some only enforce the laws that suit them. I am going to laugh at the next batch of Democrats and Republicans and socialist that gets locked up.


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