Local Government TV

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Werner Rules Out NorCo Exec Seat

Steve Barron and Bob Werner, on the day
both were locked out of a John Brown news conference
This summer, at a picnic of exuberant Easton Democrats, NorCo Council member Bob Werner announced rather prematurely that he was running for Executive. He's had second thoughts. He confirmed last night that he has decided against running.

Werner is a mixed bag. He's very dedicated and rarely misses a meeting. He is also bipartisan, and has worked with proud tea party member Hayden Phillips on several issues. But he lacks spontaneity, even to the point of writing out his Council speeches. When he attempts to play interrogator, he usually ends up looking both foolish and angry.

He'd of course win Easton because But that is it. He'd end up forcing the eventual Democratic nominee, Lamont McClure, to waste money that should be saved for the general election against John Brown.  Brown


  1. Hayden Phillips should run in the primary against Brown.

  2. I like Mr. Werner a lot, but I agree with you Bernie - I don't believe he would be a good candidate for Executive.

    Mr. Brown needs to be replaced with ANYONE. He's a tragedy. It's a shame he wasn't promoted to a higher level of incompetence - but I suppose that is a selfish attitude.

  3. Werner, McClure does it really matter? They will both get knocked down by the Republicans. McClure, your latest crush, is known as the absent councilman who could barely win his District. He may very well get beat even harder than Werner. If Callahan could not beat Brown what will McClure do? Where is his base?
    The guy is another reason the Dem ticket will bang their heads against the wall in 2017 and once again lose county wide.

    Who is running for county council?

  4. Werner would've been another tragedy in NC. In my opinion, fresh blood all around is the only option. But, we'll see the same toads running for office again and the apathetic voters electing them in. Another four years of the Brown/Allen/Trapp team and useless county council seems to be all we got. It's a pity, because all of these idiots are vulnerable!

  5. 4:50 am stop lying McClure didn't miss any county council meetings and when anything of importance was being discussed he was thoroughly prepared for the discussion and the vote. You don't need to go to committee meetings to understand what is going on.

    Some of them have jobs and need to work, do you just want 60 something's running? and if your retired and have nothing to do, then you can make everything and look like a star on this blog. But no matter how many meetings you attend, if you don't understand county government, you still make poor votes and decisions

  6. 7:21 people like you should run for office or shut the gapping hole from hell you call your mouth!

  7. Time for a third party candidate in this county. Neither of these individuals is deserving of the executive post. Neither has the temperament or class to carry it off. Neither deserve your vote as neither represent the common man and woman of Northampton county. Just say NO! Write in some one else's name...anyone but either of these two pretenders. County politics has devolved into a totally unacceptable debacle. Having to chose between these two is an insane proposition. We need an independent voice of reason. Where is our champion?

  8. 8:52 bold statements from a COWARD who is anonymous

  9. 4:50, Then you have nothing to worry about. i am sure everyone is delighted with Brown and will be in love with Trump and Putie.

  10. "McClure didn't miss any county council meetings"

    I will be supporting McClure but he did miss Council meetings, not just committee meetings. The Rs have made their biggest meeting misser their VP on Council.

  11. I agree with 12:22. Brownie needs some competition in the primary and Phillips may be a good alternative. He nearly won the Controller race against an entrenched incumbent. He is not "sexy" but is an honest, good government option to Brown and his unethical minions. Hope that Hayden considers it.

  12. Allentown Bug ChaserJanuary 12, 2017 at 3:18 PM

    Big Bear Hay-then rules the roost at El Puerte Verde on Freemansburg Ave, twinks, otters and bears all bow down when the hunk-a-hunk-a burning love with the crown comes to town!

  13. Wow, talk about conflicts of interest. McClure's wife works for the DA, right? So McClure as Executive would be doing the budget. How will he handle the DA's budget. This is just one of his many problems that Republicans will exploit.

    This is what happens when you have an incestuous government. No way!

  14. You'll have to try harder. First, the DA's office is an independently elected office, and he sets his budget, not the Exec. Second, there is no conflict, legal or moral. McClure's wife is a PT ADA. As a council member, he could ethically vote on matters affecting her so long as the entire class of which she is a part, i.e. PT assistant DAs, are equally affected. As Exec,McClure would have less say over the DA's budget than he did as a member of council.John Morganelli pushes back when an Exec tries to tell him what he can or can't pay, and has sued and has won in the past. These are INDEPENDENT offices.

  15. If what you say is true that makes McClure's conflict even worse. So a County executive, any county executive does not have any control over independently elected budgets. That means the courts, the DA, the Controller and County Council do what they want and get whatever money they want without any input fro the executive. So When the new courthouse was built no one could tell the judges no since it was their decision.

    That will make McClure's ties to the DA and courts even worse. Everyone knows you are tight with the DA and he wants McClure but this is ridiculous.

  16. Keep trying. You have not said a word about anything that would hurt McClure.

  17. Hey Bernie, any word on who may be running for county council?

  18. I expect all five Rs to seek re-election. Seth Vaughn told me he was running. Among the Ds, I heard Lori Vargo Heffner might run again. Pete Melan, an Eastoin City Council member, might give it a go.

  19. I still say Ron Angle for County Executive. Let's make Northampton County great again!

  20. LaMutt McClueless has zero chance of beating Brown in the general election. He is even duller and more pompous than Brownie. Either the R's allow competition in the primary or the D's CE up with a better candidate, or we will have four more years of Brownstain and his corrupt and incompetent minions.

  21. Jim Gregory has told me he will be running, SEIU is on board him and Schlener have reconciled and Mezzacappa will be bringing in R's for a big tent ticket. God is on his side, his network via the Cafe Vida is extensive and not to be underestimated.

  22. Bernie, you are a flip flopper. Which McClure do we like? The one you damned and degraded for his work to put a check on John Stoffa's ego and Gracedale scam or the McClure you love who did that kind of public service with John Brown?

    Remember you hated McClure and Barron before you loved them. You attacked them unmercifully when Sroffa was executive but you now love them when they do exactly the same things with Brown.
    Things that make you go hmmm???

  23. You either think that people are incapable of changing, or,more likely, are being dishonest as usual. People who read this blog, and you are one of them, know very well why I changed concerning both Barron and McClure. I changed because they did. Barron stopped weighing in on policy matters and actually has become an excellent controller. McClure was the most forceful voice on council against an executive who wanted to hire consultants whole ignoring the workforce. He stood up to an exec who believed in government by consultant, who hired an ADMINISTRATOR with six tax liens and a home in foreclosure. He fought an Exec who padded his expense account while screwing the common worker out of health benefits. He opposed the illegal termination of a county lawyer who Brown fired without due process of law. He pushed for farmland preservation against an Exec who wants to dismantle the program. He opposed the appointment of a DCED Director who ended up screwing up the hotel tax grants while producing no jobs. He opposed the tax increase that was passed by the Rs. He started attending committee hearings. He was a powerful force and his absence has been felt keenly. He is head and shoulder above Brown,who has done nothing to reassure the public or defend CYF after an ex adoption supervisor has been charged in the murder of her adopted daughter. In fact, I believe Stoffa may very well support McClure, too.

  24. So you agree that both McClure and Barron were a positive force when they opposed the Stoffa administration excesses. I guess you owe them an apology based on your past attacks.

  25. That is not at all what I said. What I said is that they both changed. I can't help you if you don't know how to read or are just deliberately dishonest and unable to argue using something called the truth. It's a common flaw with anonymous cowards like you.

  26. Baloney! I have followed both men and they have been consistent in their public service. The only thing that changed was an Executive you loved and an Executive you hate.
    That is the only change and you know it or you have some problems with reality.

  27. On neither are there any of our readers give a rats ass about him I'm out of his coward to even say who is

  28. If Gregory runs, Gregory wins.

  29. McClure has a terrible record as pointed out on this blog in the past, he will lose to Brown. I don't know if there is a Democrat that can beat him only sure thing is it won't be McClure. Much like this blog pointed out all the flaws in Callahan when he ran against Dent, the same is true with McClure.

    He will lose and take down the council candidates with him much like Callahan.

  30. Then you have nothing to worry about.

  31. Gonna be an up hill battle for Lamont. He has burned a ton of bridges and is clearly not a team player. I wish him well but the county is now...RED! How is he gonna appeal to the now R majority in the region? I don't see it happening unless he comes up with a doozy of a campaign initiative. The unions are not gonna be enough to make it happen unfortunately. How in the world does he make people care about county government? Beats me.

  32. Just talked to Gregory and he won't be running for exec but will be focusing on a relaunch of Unity PAC 108 to make Norco great again.

  33. anon 12:26 knows of what they speak. I have heard the same thing from someone close to JG. Not only will Unity PAC be re-launched there will be more. Lets not forget that Unity PAC endorsed John Brown over heavily favored John Callahan and Brown won. Apparently there are talks now going on between JG and the new ownership of the radio station. Expect a possible re-launch of the extremely popular radio talk show, 'The Mouth That Roared".

    Looking forward to his interviews with political candidates this year.

  34. McClueless is having a press conference on Thursday to announce his candidacy. I wonder if he will bother to attend attend?

  35. Do you think McClure will remind all the fiscal conservative voters that the Republican team in county government passed a 10% tax increase their first year., Phillips wanted 20%. Imagine what they will want in a new term, how about 20%?


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