Local Government TV

Thursday, January 19, 2017

NorCo Capital Projects Nuts-and-Bolts Review

Hayden Phillips' Capital Projects Committee met yesterday and reviewed the following capital projects:

Courthouse generators.- Two are here. Public Works Director Stan Rugis said the smaller of the two is for the Data Center, and will be brought online this Saturday. The second generator, which is for fire lights and safety, will be activated in March.

Gracedale generators. - should be active and in place by September or October.

Bridges - Bridges 103 and 187, both located on Steuben Road in Lower Nazareth Township, have been repaired. Bridge 102 is under construction. The bridge on Georgetown Road will be complete in May. Rugis noted that an underground stream has done a lot of damage. Rugis said the mild weather has enabled construction to continue.

Bridge 213, Turtle Bridge, will likely require a condemnation because a landowner with rights refuses to cooperate.

Bridge 125, located on Main Street in Northampton, is complete.

Bridge 160, located in the same area, will start on March 1.

Rugis will supply periodic updates on the bridge bundling project of 33 bridges being handled by GPA. Executive John Brown stated that the contract with Kriger Construction has been signed.

Milides Building.- An engineer has been engaged to give an assessment of the property. He was last seen going in the building.

Parking deck.- Completely finished. The County did the relamping itself, and Rugis pointed out that saved about $100,000. The lighting is LED, which provided a MetEd rebate and will result in energy savings down the road.

Seventh Street Steps - Repair.bids came in at $260,000. The County figured on $50,000. There was only one bidder.

Gracedale parking lot.-should be done this summer.

Jail improvements.- kitchen flooring, a "go path" and other improvements are planned.

1 comment:

  1. Milides Building.- An engineer has been engaged to give an assessment of the property. He was last seen going in the building. Hope he finds his way out


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