Local Government TV

Sunday, January 01, 2017

Happy New Year!

I am taking the day off and will return in Tuesday.

Part of the reason for this is that even I am stuffed after a great New Year's dinner at Sharon and Ron Angle's home.

Sharon's dad makes the sauerkraut himself. She visited Alpine Meats in Blairstown and picked up German hot dogs and pork. She also made dairy-free mashed potatoes just for me because I unfortunately am allergic.

For dessert, slices of the best cantaloupe I ever had, along with a light Lithuanian pastry whose name I forget but might be called angel wings in English.

On Tuesday, I will tell you the top story of 2016. It's nothing you'll see in the dailies.


  1. Bernie,
    Happy New Year and make sure you eat your fill of pork and crout today!

  2. Hokie Joe says
    Happy New Year my friend and many many more New years.

  3. The top story was the election of Mr. Trump. he will restore America's greatness. Just ask your pal Angle, he knows.

    The election of Mr. Trump may well be the top story of the decade. America returns to land of liberty and freedom. The election has ended the democrat party in America as having any power.

    Happy New Year to you and America!

  4. The best thing that could happen to this Country is the election of Donald Trump. After four years of this asshole the American people will wise up and go to the polls. The Republican Party will have learned a valuable lesson and realize their conservative radicalism is not the way to win. Unfortunately for the American people we had Hillarious Clinton and Dumass Trump to select from, and both parties should be ashamed for their putting up such jerks for president of the United States. Let's hope Trump's greed doesn't ruin our country for our children and grandchildren. He has already proven one thing as has Hillary Clinton, they are not leaders.

  5. The rise of Trump is certainly the top national story, but is not the top local story.

  6. I deleted a comment from a Trumpion attempting to hijack this story. Start your own blog.

  7. Mayor Pawlowski posted on Facebook that some new buildings are already going up. He stated 2017 will be the greatest year ever. So much for all you haters braying on about him going to jail. The Mayor is stronger and more confident than ever.

  8. Happy New Year Bernie. I cannot believe you ringing in the New Year by eating the meat of pig. The pig is a slovenly animal and its meat is poison. I realize you are yet to embrace the purity of vegetarianism but even fish and limited poultry is a better choice. You are ingesting pure toxins when you feast on pig!

  9. I'm a slovenly guy myself. I had hot dogs, too. They were delish. Don't tell Ralph Nader.


  10. Hey, you're talking to the guy who kicked a pot bellied pig and then .......I don't know Bernie.......did you eat the pig?

  11. Bernie,
    We all know you didn't kick that damm pig but grinding that little sow into mush and add a little redd die 99 savin the intestines for jewish highgened hotdogs was the best thing ever done with that little onker!
    Allentowns developmentalist advertismentalistZ have closed the original family hotdog institution at the original location!
    REpublican redd
    humanist by design

  12. http://www.ushistory.org/gov/6c.asp

    You should read and learn what this means


  13. Refer to my response in the post where this comment should have been placed.

  14. I'm not in the habit of eating or kicking other people's pets. Not even pigs.

  15. I couldnt eat it.. that plate of pork slopped over wet loose nasty mashed reminded me of..... Tricia


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